549 research outputs found

    Localization problem of the quasiperiodic system with the spin orbit interaction

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    We study one dimensional quasiperiodic system obtained from the tight-binding model on the square lattice in a uniform magnetic field with the spin orbit interaction. The phase diagram with respect to the Harper coupling and the Rashba coupling are proposed from a number of numerical studies including a multifractal analysis. There are four phases, I, II, III, and IV in this order from weak to strong Harper coupling. In the weak coupling phase I all the wave functions are extended, in the intermediate coupling phases II and III mobility edges exist, and accordingly both localized and extended wave functions exist, and in the strong Harper coupling phase IV all the wave functions are localized. Phase I and Phase IV are related by the duality, and phases II and III are related by the duality, as well. A localized wave function is related to an extended wave function by the duality, and vice versa. The boundary between phases II and III is the self-dual line on which all the wave functions are critical. In the present model the duality does not lead to pure spectra in contrast to the case of Harper equation.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Density Matrix Renormalization Group Study of the S=1/2 Anisotropic Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains with Quasiperiodic Exchange Modulation

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    The low energy behavior of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic XY-like XXZ chains with precious mean quasiperiodic exchange modulation is studied by the density matrix renormalization group method. It is found that the energy gap of the chain with length N scales as exp(cNω)\exp (-cN^{\omega}) with nonuniversal exponent ω\omega if the Ising component of the exhange coupling is antiferromagnetic. This behavior is expected to be the characteristic feature of the quantum spin chains with relevant aperiodicity. This is in contrast to the XY chain for which the precious mean exchange modulation is marginal and the gap scales as NzN^{-z}. On the contrary, it is also verified that the energy gap scales as N1N^{-1} if the Ising component of the exhange coupling is ferromagnetic. Our results are not only consistent with the recent bosonization analysis of Vidal, Mouhanna and Giamarchi but also clarify the nature of the strong coupling regime which is inaccesssible by the bosonization approach.Comment: 8 pages, 15 figures, 1 table; Proceedings of the workshop 'Frontiers in Magnetism', Kyoto, Oct. 199

    Quantum Group, Bethe Ansatz and Bloch Electrons in a Magnetic Field

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    The wave functions for two dimensional Bloch electrons in a uniform magnetic field at the mid-band points are studied with the help of the algebraic structure of the quantum group Uq(sl2)U_q(sl_2). A linear combination of its generators gives the Hamiltonian. We obtain analytical and numerical solutions for the wave functions by solving the Bethe Ansatz equations, proposed by Wiegmann and Zabrodin on the basis of above observation. The semi-classical case with the flux per plaquette ϕ=1/Q\phi=1/Q is analyzed in detail, by exploring a structure of the Bethe Ansatz equations. We also reveal the multifractal structure of the Bethe Ansatz solutions and corresponding wave functions when ϕ\phi is irrational, such as the golden or silver mean.Comment: 30 pages, 11 GIF figures(use xv, or WWW browser

    Quasiperiodic Modulated-Spring Model

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    We study the classical vibration problem of a chain with spring constants which are modulated in a quasiperiodic manner, {\it i. e.}, a model in which the elastic energy is jkj(uj1uj)2\sum_j k_j( u_{j-1}-{u_j})^2, where kj=1+Δcos[2πσ(j1/2)+θ]k_j=1+\Delta cos[2\pi\sigma(j-1/2)+\theta] and σ\sigma is an irrational number. For Δ<1\Delta < 1, it is shown analytically that the spectrum is absolutely continuous, {\it i.e.}, all the eigen modes are extended. For Δ=1\Delta=1, numerical scaling analysis shows that the spectrum is purely singular continuous, {\it i.e.}, all the modes are critical.Comment: REV TeX fil

    Adiabatic connection between the RVB State and the ground state of the half filled periodic Anderson model

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    A one-parameter family of models that interpolates between the periodic Anderson model with infinite repulsion at half-filling and a model whose ground state is exactly the Resonating-Valence-Bond state is studied. It is shown numerically that the excitation gap does not collapse. Therefore the ground states of the two models are adiabatically connected.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures Revte

    Real Space Renormalization Group Study of the S=1/2 XXZ Chains with Fibonacci Exchange Modulation

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    Ground state properties of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic XXZ chain with Fibonacci exchange modulation are studied using the real space renormalization group method for strong modulation. The quantum dynamical critical behavior with a new universality class is predicted in the isotropic case. Combining our results with the weak coupling renormalization group results by Vidal et al., the ground state phase diagram is obtained.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Conductivity of 2D lattice electrons in an incommensurate magnetic field

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    We consider conductivities of two-dimensional lattice electrons in a magnetic field. We focus on systems where the flux per plaquette ϕ\phi is irrational (incommensurate flux). To realize the system with the incommensurate flux, we consider a series of systems with commensurate fluxes which converge to the irrational value. We have calculated a real part of the longitudinal conductivity σxx(ω)\sigma_{xx}(\omega). Using a scaling analysis, we have found σxx(ω)\Re\sigma_{xx}(\omega) behaves as 1/ωγ1/\omega ^{\gamma} \,(γ=0.55)(\gamma =0.55) when ϕ=τ,(τ=512)\phi =\tau,(\tau =\frac{\sqrt{5}-1}{2}) and the Fermi energy is near zero. This behavior is closely related to the known scaling behavior of the spectrum.Comment: 16 pages, postscript files are available on reques