757 research outputs found

    Characterizations in a random record model with a non-identically distributed initial record

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    We consider a sequence of random length M of independent absolutely continuous observations Xi, 1 = i = M, where M is geometric, X1 has cdf G, and Xi, i = 2, have cdf F. Let N be the number of upper records and Rn, n = 1, be the nth record value. We show that N is free of F if and only if G(x) = G0(F (x)) for some cdf G0 and that if E (|X2|) is finite so is E |Rn|) for n = 2 whenever N = n or N = n. We prove that the distribution of N along with appropriately chosen subsequences of E(Rn) characterize F and G, and along with subsequences of E Rn - Rn-1) characterize F and G up to a common location shift. We discuss some applications to the identification of the wage offer distribution in job search models.Wages ; Labor mobility

    Identification of search models with initial condition problems

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    This paper extends previous work on the identification of search models in which observed worker productivity is imperfectly observed. In particular, it establishes that these models remain identified even when employment histories are left-censored (i.e. we do not get to follow workers from their initial job out of unemployment), as well as when workers set different reservation wages from one another. We further show that allowing for heterogeneity in reservation can affect the empirical estimates we obtain, specifically estimates of the rate at which workers receive job offers.Labor mobility ; Wages

    Effect of Parasitic Elements on the Performance of Buck-Boost Converter for PV Systems

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    In the proposed study, MOSFET device used in buck-boost converter for PV systems is studied. The parameter of MOSFET Rds(on) is varied and its effect on output voltage is studied. The parasitic elements in inductor and capacitor such as resistance on buck-boost converter performance are studied.  From the proposed study it has been found that the effect of parasitic resistance in capacitor is less as compared to parasitic resistance effect of inductor. Also the proposed study gives better insight into parasitic effect of Printed Circuit Board and losses incurred due to the same. In PV systems buck-boost converter is used to convert solar energy to electrical energy which is then stored in battery to drive the loads. These parasitic elements will have considerable effect on the performance of buck-boost converter such as efficiency and output voltage as validated by experimental results.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i6.685

    Spacings around and order statistic

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    We determine the joint limiting distribution of adjacent spacings around a central, intermediate, or an extreme order statistic Xk:n of a random sample of size n from a continuous distribution F. For central and intermediate cases, normalized spacings in the left and right neighborhoods are asymptotically i.i.d. exponential random variables. The associated independent Poisson arrival processes are independent of Xk:n. For an extreme Xk:n, the asymptotic independence property of spacings fails for F in the domain of attraction of FrĂ©chet and Weibull (α≠1) distributions. This work also provides additional insight into the limiting distribution for the number of observations around Xk:n for all three cases

    Cl, K and Ni induced reactions to synthesis SHN 273Rg

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    267-270We have studied chlorine (Cl), potassium (K) and Nickel (Ni) induced reactions in the synthesis of 273Rg. We have studied the compound nucleus formation probability, survival probability and evaporation residue cross sections to synthesize superheavy element (SHN) 273Rg. The selected projectile-target combinations to synthesis 273Rg are 35,37Cl + 238,236Pu, 39-41K + 234-232U and 63,64Ni + 210,209Bi. From the study of PCN, Psur and σevr we have identified that 35Cl+238Pu is the most suitable projectile-target combination to synthesize 273Rg. We have also compared the present work with the experimental values available in literature

    Gamma, X-ray and neutron shielding properties of boron polymers

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    271-276We have studied the X-ray and gamma radiation shielding parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient, linear attenuation coefficient, Half Value Layer (HVL), Tenth Value Layer (TVL), effective atomic number and electron density in some boron polymers of different boron based polymers [ Polymer A-PolyBorazylene (B3N3H4), Polymer B- 4-Vinylphenyl Boronic acid (C8H9O2B), Polymer C- Borazine (B3N3H6), Polymer D- 3-Acrylamidophenylboronic acid (C9H10BNO3) Polymer E-Phenylethenylboronic acid (C14H19BO2), Polymer F- 4-Aminophenylboronic acid (C12H18BNO2) and Polymer G- 3- Aminophenylboronic acid (C6H8BNO2)]. We have also studied the neutron shielding properties such as coherent neutron scattering length, incoherent neutron scattering lengths, coherent neutron scattering cross section, incoherent neutron scattering cross sections, total neutron scattering cross section and neutron absorption cross sections in the boron polymers. We have compared the shielding properties among the studied different boron polymers. From the detail study, it is clear that the boron polymer Phenylethenylboronic acid is good absorber for X-ray, gamma radiation and neutron. Hence, we suggest that the boron polymer Phenylethenylboronic acid is good shielding material for X-ray, gamma and neutrons

    Cluster radioactivity in superheavy nuclei 299-306122

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    Cluster radioactivity is an intermediate between alpha decay and spontaneous fission. It is also an exotic decay obtained in superheavy nuclei. When a cluster decay is detected in superheavy nuclei, the daughter nuclei is having near or equal to doubly magic nuclei. We have investigated cluster decay of isotopes of He, Li, Be, Ne, N, Mg, Si, P, S, Cl, Ar and Ca in the superhaevy nuclei region 299-306122. We have also compared the logarithmic half-lives of cluster decay with that of other models such as Univ [1], NRDX [2], UDL [3] and Horoi [4]. From this study it is concluded that  cluster decay of 4He, 22Ne, 26Mg, 28Si 30Si, 34S, 40Ca and 46Ca are having shorter logarithmic half-lives compared to exotic cluster decay modes

    Study on Micro - Nano Sized Al2O3 Particles on Mechanical, Wear and Fracture Behavior of Al7075 Metal Matrix Composites

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    Having Low density and being Light weight with better mechanical properties, aluminum is the most significant material and is universally used in highly critical applications like navy, aerospace and particularly automotive activities. This research work is aimed to investigate the effect of micro and nano boron Al2O3 (Alumina Oxide) to aluminium (Al) on the mechanical and wear properties of the Al composites. The micro - nano composites with 1, 2, 3 and 4 % of Al2O3 particulates in Al are fabricated using stircasting processes. It was found that an increase of Al2O3 both as micro and nano particulates content resulted in an improved hardness, enhanced tensile strength and high wear resistance. However, nano Al2O3 reinforced MMCs have better hardness, improved tensile strength and higher wear resistance as compared with micro sized Al2O3 reinforced MMCs. Grain refinement of composite and nano composite materials as compared with pure Al were observed from the microscopic images. Analysis of wornout surface and tensile fracture surface were studied by SEM analysis to examine the nature of wear and tensile fracture mode of composite samples

    Rural Load Management Using Information Technology

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    The mismatch between the generation and demand for electrical power is increasing at an alarming rate. This is mainly due shortage of conventional resources, use of appropriate technology for alternate energy sources and lack of awareness about energy conservation. Power supply to domestic, commercial and industrial consumers is a difficult task to the utilities controlled by the government. In rural India, irrigation pump sets are the major loads. The technical aptitude, attitude and co operation of the consumers helps a lot in energy management. The strategic power supply is affected if the consumers are not complying with the norms. A strategy is framed to provide power to domestic appliances around the clock and agricultural consumers on time division basis. But the local technicians play a corruptive role to violate this which is leading to overloading/failure of the distribution transformers frequently. Here, an attempt is made to devise a method to overcome the problem of agricultural consumers who are getting power on time division basis. A control unit is installed at each distribution station to automatically monitor and control the power supply to domestic and agricultural consumers as per the pre defined schedule. This paper explains the use of electronics and information technology in rural areas for better management of the power supply and consumption. The unauthorized connection leading to failure of distribution transformers is also taken care
