32,836 research outputs found

    The Questionable Constitutionality of Curtailing Cuckolding: Alienation-of Affection and Criminal-Conversation Torts

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    What can you do if your husband or wife cheats on you? Go to a marriage counselor? Seek a divorce? Sue the marital interloper for millions of dollars in damages? The third option is still available in some states through actions euphemistically titled “alienation of affection” and “criminal conversation.” This Note tackles their constitutionality in light of the Supreme Court’s growing body of jurisprudence dealing with intimate relations and marital status. Put simply, it attempts to answer the question: Is there a constitutional right to commit adultery? After exploring both the First and Fourteenth Amendments as avenues for establishing this right, this Note explains how states could tailor these torts to pass constitutional scrutiny. It also discusses specific concerns regarding matters of marital choices raised by the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Obergefell v. Hodges. Though there is no definite answer, this Note covers as much ground as possible to see if states have any room to constitutionally curtail cuckolding

    Medical College of Virginia Hospitals 125 Years of health care 1861 - 1986

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    The Medical College of Virginia (MCV) grew in size and reputation in the latter half of the twentieth century, amid a time of technological advancements in the medical field and the rise of teaching hospitals. Starting with the opening of the College Infirmary in 1861, this book follows the history of MCV’s hospitals. Also discussed is MCV’s role during the Civil War, contributions to the college, and William T. Sanger’s influence on the school’s growth. The book includes photos of the buildings and a timeline of the hospitals.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcu_books/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Robert Boyle's 'Memoirs for the natural history of human blood' (1684): print, manuscript and the impact of Baconianism in seventeenth-century medical science

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    Robert Boyle's 'Memoirs for the natural history of human blood', which appeared in its first and only edition in 1684, is a well-known but much misunderstood book. In this paper, we will argue that a consideration of its history before and after its publication is not only significant in itself but also does much to enhance our understanding of Boyle's intellectual method, and especially the implications of his commitment to Baconianism and his attitude to print as a medium

    Local versus Global Search in Channel Graphs

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    Previous studies of search in channel graphs has assumed that the search is global; that is, that the status of any link can be probed by the search algorithm at any time. We consider for the first time local search, for which only links to which an idle path from the source has already been established may be probed. We show that some well known channel graphs may require exponentially more probes, on the average, when search must be local than when it may be global.Comment: i+13 pages, 2 figure

    The role of thermal instabilities in star formation

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    Thermal and magnetic effects on uniform medium stability in study of thermal instability role in star formatio

    Interactions between toothbrush and toothpaste particles during simulated abrasive cleaning

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    Most people clean their teeth using toothpaste, consisting of abrasive particles in a carrier fluid, and a filament based toothbrush to remove plaque and stain. In order to optimise cleaning efficiency it is important to understand how toothbrush filaments, abrasive particles and fluid interact in a tooth cleaning contact. Work has been carried out to visualise, simulate, and model the processes in teeth cleaning. Laboratory cleaning contacts were created between a toothbrush and a transparent surface. Video and short duration flash photography were used to study the processes by which a toothbrush traps abrasive particles, loads them against the counterface, and removes material. Small abrasive particles tend to be trapped at the contact between the filament tip and the counterface, whilst larger particles are trapped by clumps of filaments or at the contact with the side of a bent filament. Measurements of brush friction force were recorded during cleaning for a range of operating conditions. The presence of abrasive particles in the cleaning mixture increased the coefficient of friction, but the absolute particle concentration showed a lesser effect. It is surmised that only a few particles carry any load and cause any abrasion; increasing the particle concentration does not directly increase the number of load bearing particles. Abrasive scratch tests were also carried out, using PMMA as a wearing substrate. The scratches produced during these tests were studied. The microscopy images were used to deduce how the filaments deflect and drag, and how particles are trapped by filaments and scratch the surface. Again, it was observed that few of the brush filaments loaded particles to produce scratches, and that when a filament changes direction of travel the trapped particle is lost. Results of these studies were used to develop both qualitative and quantitative models of the process by which material is removed in teeth cleaning. The quantitative model contains, by necessity, several empirical factors, but nonetheless predictions compare well with in vitro wear results from the literature. The results were also used to draw some broad conclusions on appropriate brushing techniques for optimum tooth cleaning

    Sanctions for E-Discovery Violations: By the Numbers

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    This Article reviews our comprehensive survey of written opinions from cases in federal courts prior to January 1, 2010, involving motions for sanctions relating to the discovery of electronically stored information (ESI) We analyzed each case for various factors, including date, court, type of case, sanctioning authority, sanctioned party, sanctioned misconduct, sanction type, sanctions to counsel, if any, and the protections provided from sanctions by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37(e) The survey identified 401 sanction cases and 230 sanction awards and showed that sanction motions and awards have increased over time, particularly in the last five years Sanctions against counsel are rare but are also increasing Sanction motions have been filed in all types of cases and in courts across the country Failure to produce ESI is the most common basis for sanctions Courts have used a variety of different rules, statutes, and powers to sanction parties for e-disco very violations, including Rule 37 and the inherent power of the court, and courts impose many different sanction types on e-discovery violators, including the severe sanctions of dismissal, default Judgment, adverse jury instructions, and sizeable monetary awards Rule 37(e) has not provided broad protection from such sanction

    New light on the ‘Drummer of Tedworth’: conflicting narratives of witchcraft in Restoration England

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    This paper presents a definitive text of hitherto little-known early documents concerning ‘The Drummer of Tedworth’, a poltergeist case that occurred in 1662-3 and became famous not least due to its promotion by Joseph Glanvill in his demonological work, Saducismus Triumphatus. On the basis of these and other sources, it is shown how responses to the events at Tedworth evolved from anxious piety on the part of their victim, John Mompesson, to confident apologetic by Glanvill, before they were further affected by the emergence of articulate scepticism about the case
