15 research outputs found

    Palliative care nursing competencies and undergraduate nursing students’ views of palliative care education

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    Abstract The main aim of this study was to describe the palliative care (PC) nursing competencies required from nurses on different PC levels and to examine nursing students’ views of PC education. The study consisted of three phases: (I) an integrative systematic review (sub-study I), (II) a descriptive qualitative study (sub-study II) and (III) a cross-sectional survey (sub-studies III-IV). Sub-study I included 21 studies (n=7470 participants) from five databases. Based on a review, using thematic analysis, PC competencies merged from the data, namely collaboration, communication, cultural, clinical, psychosocial, spiritual, ethico-legal and leadership competence. A research gap of PC competencies required in different levels of PC provision was identified. In qualitative sub-study II, multidisciplinary groups of professionals (n=222) defined the PC nursing competencies required in different levels of PC. The competencies required in the basic level consisted of many competencies such as symptom management, supporting and encounters competencies. The competencies required in the specialist level included competencies such as maintaining expertise, advanced symptom management as also research and development competencies. In quantitative sub-study III, final year nursing students (n=1331) responded to a questionnaire and assessed the coverage of PC content in their education and their self-assessed competence of the subject. The students assessed that education on mental symptoms, existential issues and multicultural aspects were covered incompletely. Over half of the students wanted more education on pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain management. Almost all students considered PC as a useful subject, but only about half of them assessed their competence within PC as sufficient. In qualitative sub-study IV, final year nursing students (n=766) responded to the open-ended question in the survey and described their views of palliative care education. Based on a contents analysis three unifying categories were identified, 1) development needs and views of PC education, 2) the preferred types of PC education, and 3) factors that promote or hinder PC learning. In conclusion, nurses need a wide range of competencies to provide PC. Nursing students consider PC as a useful subject, but still addressed the need to further develop the education on the subject.TiivistelmĂ€ Tutkimuksen pÀÀtarkoituksena oli kuvata sairaanhoitajan osaamista palliatiivisen hoidon eri tasoilla ja selvittÀÀ sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden nĂ€kemyksiĂ€ palliatiivisen koulutuksen opetuksesta. Tutkimus koostui kolmesta vaiheesta: (I) integroitu jĂ€rjestelmĂ€llinen katsaus (osatutkimus I), (II) kuvaileva laadullinen tutkimus (osatutkimus II) ja (III) poikkileikkaustutkimus (osatutkimukset III-IV). Osatutkimuksessa I oli 21 tutkimusta (n=7470) viidestĂ€ tietokannasta. Katsauksessa palliatiivisen hoidon osaamisalueiksi muodostuivat temaattisen analyysin mukaan; yhteistyö-, kommunikointi- ja kulttuuriosaaminen, kliininen, psykososiaalinen, spirituaalinen ja eettinen osaaminen sekĂ€ laki- ja johtamisosaaminen. Palliatiivisen hoidon eri tasoilla tarvittavasta osaamisesta löytyi niukasti tutkimustietoa. Laadullisessa osatutkimuksessa II ammattilaiset (n=222) mÀÀrittelivĂ€t palliatiivisen hoidon eri tasoilla tarvittavaa hoitotyön osaamista. Perustasolla osaaminen koostui osaamisalueista, kuten oireiden hoidon, tukemisen ja kohtaamisen osaaminen. Erityistason osaaminen koostui osaamisalueista, kuten asiantuntijuuden yllĂ€pito, vaativan oirehoidon, tutkimuksen ja kehittĂ€misen osaamisesta. MÀÀrĂ€llisessĂ€ osatutkimuksessa III viimeisen vuoden sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat (n=1331) vastasivat kyselylomakkeeseen, jossa he arvioivat palliatiivisen hoidon sisĂ€ltöjĂ€ koulutuksessa ja omaa osaamistaan aiheesta. Opiskelijat arvioivat, ettĂ€ psyykkisiĂ€ oireita, eksistentiaalisia kysymyksiĂ€ ja monikulttuurisia nĂ€kökulmia ei kĂ€sitelty riittĂ€vĂ€sti opetuksessa. Yli puolet opiskelijoista toivoi lisÀÀ koulutusta lÀÀkkeellisestĂ€ ja lÀÀkkeettömĂ€stĂ€ kivunhoidosta. LĂ€hes kaikki pitivĂ€t aihetta hyödyllisenĂ€, mutta vain noin puolet heistĂ€ arvioi palliatiivisen hoidon osaamisen riittĂ€vĂ€ksi. Laadullisessa osatutkimuksessa IV viimeisen vuoden sairaanhoitajaopiskelijat (n=766) vastasivat kyselylomakkeen avoimeen kysymykseen ja kuvasivat nĂ€kemyksiÀÀn palliatiivisen hoidon koulutuksesta. SisĂ€llönanalyysin mukaan muodostui kolme yhdistĂ€vÀÀ luokkaa 1) palliatiivisen hoidon koulutuksen kehittĂ€mistarpeet ja nĂ€kemykset palliatiivisesta hoidosta, 2) toiveet palliatiivisen hoidon koulutuksen toteuttamistavoista ja 3) palliatiivisen hoidon oppimista edistĂ€vĂ€t tai estĂ€vĂ€t tekijĂ€t. JohtopÀÀtöksenĂ€ voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ sairaanhoitajat tarvitsevat moninaista osaamista palliatiivisen hoidon toteuttamiseen. Opiskelijat pitĂ€vĂ€t aihetta hyödyllisenĂ€, mutta koulutuksen kehittĂ€misen tarve on ilmeinen

    Potilaiden ja lÀheisten kokemukset sairaanhoitajan palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon osaamisesta

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    TiivistelmĂ€ Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla potilaiden ja lĂ€heisten kokemuksia sairaanhoitajan palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon osaamisesta. Tutkimusaineisto kerĂ€tiin potilailta (n=10) ja lĂ€heisiltĂ€ (n=31) sĂ€hköisenĂ€ Webropol-kyselynĂ€. Aineisto muodostui avoimesta kysymyksestĂ€, jossa vastaajia pyydettiin kuvailemaan sairaanhoitajan osaamista palliatiivisessa hoidossa ja saattohoidossa. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisĂ€llön analyysilla. Sairaanhoitajat tarvitsevat palliatiivisessa hoidossa ja saattohoidossa moninaisia potilaan ja lĂ€heisen kohtaamisosaamiseen ja vuorovaikutusosaamiseen liittyviĂ€ taitoja. Potilaan ja lĂ€heisten mukaan sairaanhoitajalla tulee olla vahvaa osaamista potilaan oirehoidon lisĂ€ksi palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon perusteiden osaamisesta. Sairaanhoitajat tarvitsevat myös ohjausosaamista sekĂ€ ihmislĂ€htöisen palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon osaamista. Sairaanhoitajalla tulee olla myös juridista ja eettistĂ€ osaamista palliatiivisesta hoidosta ja saattohoidosta potilaan ja lĂ€heisten arvioimana. Sairaanhoitajat tarvitsevat laaja-alaista osaamista laadukkaan palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon toteuttamiseksi. HeidĂ€n osaamista palliatiivisessa hoidossa ja saattohoidossa voidaan tukea kehittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ ammattikorkeakoulujen opetussuunnitelmia ja lisÀÀmĂ€llĂ€ tĂ€ydennyskoulutusta sairaanhoitajille sekĂ€ yhdenmukaistamalla palliatiivisen hoitotyön koulutusta kansallisella tasolla.Abstract Patients and relatives experience of nurse competence in palliative care The purpose of study was to describe patients and the nearby experiences of nurse competences in palliative care and end of life care. Data collected from patients (n=10) and nearby (n=31) by electronic questionnaire. Data consisted open question with palliative care and end of life care. Data were analyzed with inductive content analysis. Nurses need in palliative care and end of life care an extensive interaction of patient and nearby and encounters competence. In addition, nurses need deep competence of patients’ somatic symptoms management and competence of palliative care and end of life care in basic care. Also, competence of counselling and person-centered palliative care and end of life care, juridical and ethical competences were important. Nurse need an extensive competence of palliative care and end of life implementation. The nurse competence in palliative care and end of life can be supported by developing contents of palliative care in the curricula of Applied Science, increasing continuing education for nurses and unifying palliative care education in national level

    Nursing students’ views of the content of palliative care in undergraduate education and their self-assessed palliative care competence:a nationwide cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background: The importance of integrating palliative care (PC) education into undergraduate nursing studies has been recognized. Still, there is considerable variation in the PC education of nurses. Objective: To study the nursing students’ views of the PC contents during the nursing education; students’ self-assessed levels of PC competence; and whether prior education or work experience influence these views. Methods: A cross-sectional study. Data were collected using a questionnaire which was tested for its content and construct validity and internal consistency. The sample consisted of final-year undergraduate nursing students (n = 1331) from Finland. Results: The response rate was 94%. Of the students, 94.4% considered PC education to be quite or very useful, but only 51.9% reported the achieved PC teaching as quite or very good. Teaching on mental symptoms, existential issues and multicultural aspects were considered incomplete. Over half of the students wanted more education on pharmacological- and non-pharmacological pain management. Students with previous education assessed their PC competence as quite or very good more often than other students (70.1% vs. 54%, P < .001), and more often felt that these competencies are relevant to their profession (72.2% vs. 57.6%, P < .001). Conclusions: PC was considered as a useful subject, still only about half of the students reported the received PC education and their competence on PC as sufficient. Previous education or experience may enhance PC competence highlighting the need for divergent teaching. The results identify development needs for the contents of PC education in undergraduate nursing studies

    Potilaiden ja lÀheisten kokemuksia lÀÀkÀrien palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon osaamisesta

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    Abstrakti Palliatiivinen hoito on parantumattomasti sairaan potilaan ja hĂ€nen lĂ€heisensĂ€ aktiivista ja kokonaisvaltaista hoitoa. Palliatiivisen hoidon tarve tulee kasvamaan vĂ€estön ikÀÀntyessĂ€ ja pitkĂ€aikaissairauksien lisÀÀntyessĂ€. Palliatiivisen hoidon saannin turvaamiseksi lÀÀkĂ€rillĂ€ tulee olla osaamista palliatiivisesta hoidosta ja saattohoidosta kaikilla terveydenhuollon tasoilla. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla potilaiden ja lĂ€heisten kokemuksia lÀÀkĂ€rien osaamisesta palliatiivisessa hoidossa ja saattohoidossa. Tutkimusaineisto kerĂ€tiin sĂ€hköisenĂ€ kyselynÀ ja tiedote kyselystĂ€ oli Palliatiivisen hoitotyön ja lÀÀketieteen koulutuksen monialaisen ja työelĂ€mĂ€lĂ€htöisen kehittĂ€misen (EduPal) -hankkeen verkkosivulla. Avoimeen kysymykseen: MitĂ€ mielestĂ€si jokaisen lÀÀkĂ€rin tulee osata palliatiivisesta hoidosta ja saattohoidosta valmistuessaan? vastasi 41 potilasta ja lĂ€heistĂ€. Aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisĂ€llön analyysilla.  Potilaiden ja lĂ€heisten mukaan lÀÀkĂ€rit tarvitsevat palliatiivisessa hoidossa ja saattohoidossa kivunhoidon osaamista. LisĂ€ksi he tarvitsevat vuorovaikutusosaamista ja potilaslĂ€htöisen hoidon osaamista. Potilaat ja lĂ€heiset arvoivat lÀÀkĂ€rin tarvitsevan vahvaa kliinistĂ€ osaamista palliatiivisesta hoidosta ja saattohoidosta. Myös lÀÀkĂ€reiden kohtaamisosaamista sekĂ€ potilaan ja lĂ€heisten tukemisosaamista pidettiin tĂ€rkeĂ€nĂ€. LÀÀkĂ€rillĂ€ tulee olla laaja-alaista osaamista palliatiivisesta hoidosta ja saattohoidosta. Potilaiden ja lĂ€heisten kokemusten huomioiminen lÀÀketieteen perusopetuksessa ja tĂ€ydennyskoulutuksessa vahvistaa ja tukee kliinistĂ€ osaamista sekĂ€ potilaan hoidon laatua. LÀÀketieteen koulutukseen tulee lisĂ€tĂ€ vuorovaikutus- ja kohtaamistaitoja kehittĂ€vÀÀ opetusta sekĂ€ turvata kaikille lÀÀketieteen opiskelijoille osaaminen palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon perusteista.Abstract Patients’ and closed ones’ experiences on competences required from physicians in palliative care and end-of life care Palliative care is active and holistic care for incurably ill patients and their closed ones. The need for palliative care will increase as the population ages and the amount of long-term illnesses increase. The purpose of the study was to describe the experiences of patients and their closed ones physicians’ competence in palliative care and end-of-life care. The research data was collected as an electronic survey and a newsletter on the website of Developing palliative nursing and medical education-EduPal -project. An open question: What do you think every physician should know about palliative care and end-of-life care when graduating? responded to 41 patients and closed ones. The data was analyzed using inductive content analysis. According to patients and their closed ones, the physicians need competence in pain management in palliative care and end-of-life care. In addition, they need interaction skills and competence in patient-centred care. Patients and closed ones appreciated the physicians need for strong clinical competence in palliative care and end-of-life care. The competence in empathetic meeting of the patient and the competence in supporting of patients and closed ones were also considered important. The physician must have extensive competence in palliative care and end-of-life care. Considering patients’ and closed ones’ experiences in basic and continuing medical education strengthens and supports clinical competence and the quality of patient care. Medical education must be supplemented with a curriculum that develops interaction and communication skills, and all medical students must be provided with knowledge of the basics of palliative care and end-of-life care

    Kivunhoidon ohjaus syöpÀÀ sairastavan potilaan ja hÀnen lÀheisensÀ kuvaamana palliatiivisessa hoidossa:integroitu kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Abstract Aim: The purpose of this integrative review was to describe patients and their caregivers’ views of pain counseling to patients who are terminally ill and suffer from cancer pain. Data and methods: The data was collected from studies included in scientific databases at systematic search, focusing on studies published in Finnish or in English between the years 2000 and 2018. A quality assessment of these studies was carried out and after that nine peer reviewed studies were accepted for this review. The data was analyzed by content analysis. Results: Based on results, patients and their caregivers were satisfied with counseling they have received, but they need more information of pain, painkillers, side effects of medicine and non-pharmacological interventions in pain relief. Pain counseling should be organized and congruent, regardless who provides the counseling. Patients and caregivers have experienced that interaction during counseling as good, because it increases the possibilities to meet the individual counseling needs. Due to counseling, the use of pain management methods increased among patients and caregivers and additionally, counseling reduced patients and their caregivers’ fears against to painkillers. Discussion: Pain management counseling improves the patient’s quality of life. In the future, it would be important to solve the question of how to integrate palliative care and pain management counseling as a part of the holistic care of the patient and family caregivers already earlier than now.TiivistelmĂ€ Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Integroidun kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata kivunhoidon ohjausta palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevan, syöpÀÀ sairastavan potilaan ja hĂ€nen lĂ€heisensĂ€ nĂ€kökulmasta. Aineisto ja menetelmĂ€t: Tiedonhaut tehtiin tieteellisiin viitetietokantoihin systemaattisella haulla. Haut kohdistettiin vuosina 2000–2018 julkaistuihin vertaisarvioituihin suomen- tai englanninkielisiin artikkeleihin. Aineistoksi valikoitui yhdeksĂ€n sisÀÀnotto- ja laadunarviointikriteerit tĂ€yttĂ€vÀÀ artikkelia. Aineisto analysoitiin sisĂ€llönanalyysillĂ€. Tulokset: Tutkimusten mukaan potilaat ja lĂ€heiset olivat tyytyvĂ€isiĂ€ saamaansa ohjaukseen, mutta toivoivat saavansa lisÀÀ tietoa kivusta, kipulÀÀkityksestĂ€, lÀÀkityksen sivuvaikutuksista sekĂ€ lÀÀkkeettömistĂ€ kivunlievitysmenetelmistĂ€. Esille tuli myös, ettĂ€ kivunhoidon ohjauksen tulee olla suunniteltua ja yhdenmukaista, riippumatta siitĂ€ kuka ohjausta toteuttaa. Potilaat ja lĂ€heiset ovat kokeneet vuorovaikutuksellisen ohjauksen hyvĂ€ksi, sillĂ€ se mahdollisti yksilöllisten ohjaustarpeiden huomioimisen. Potilaat ja lĂ€heiset ovat kokeneet kivunhoidon ohjauksen monipuolistaneen kivunhoitomenetelmien kĂ€yttöÀ ja vĂ€hentĂ€neen heidĂ€n ennakkoluulojaan kipulÀÀkitystĂ€ kohtaan. PÀÀtelmĂ€t: Kivunhoidon ohjauksen on todettu parantavan potilaan elĂ€mĂ€nlaatua. Jatkossa olisi hyvĂ€ tutkia palliatiivisen hoidon ja laadukkaan kivunhoidon ohjauksen integroimista osaksi potilaan ja lĂ€heisen kokonaisvaltaista hoitotyötĂ€ entistĂ€ varhaisemmassa vaiheessa

    Future palliative competence needs:a qualitative study of physicians’ and registered nurses’ views

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    Abstract Background: Globally, the need for palliative care will increase as a result of the ageing of populations and the rising burden of cancer, non-communicable diseases as well as some communicable diseases. Physicians and registered nurses working in palliative care should have a sufficient level of education and competence in managing the changing needs and requirements of palliative care. There is, however, need for evidence-based palliative care training and education of physicians and registered nurses. The purpose of this study was to describe the views of physicians and registered nurses regarding future competence needs within palliative care. Methods: The study was conducted through use of a cross-sectional qualitative design. A total of 54 physicians and 110 registered nurses completed an open-ended questionnaire about the future competence needs of palliative care. The data were analyzed using inductive content analysis. Results: The results revealed four main competence needs within palliative care for the coming decade: palliative care competence at all levels within healthcare and social welfare services; individualized palliative care competence; person-centered encounters competence; and systematic competence development within palliative care. Conclusions: The results offer cues for education and professional development, which can be used to support physicians and registered nurses when future palliative care competences are included in educational programs. Seamless cooperation between palliative care services and educational institutions is recommended to ensure that undergraduate and postgraduate education is based on a continuous assessment of competence requirements within the field of palliative care. Therefore, online multi-professional simulations, for example, could be used to enhance future competencies within palliative care; undergraduate medical, nursing and allied healthcare students as well as postgraduate palliative care professionals and experts of experience could work together during simulations

    Finnish nursing students’ perceptions of the development needs in palliative care education and factors influencing learning in undergraduate nursing studies:a qualitative study

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    Abstract Background: Nurses have an essential role in providing high-quality palliative care to patients and their families. Hence, they require adequate palliative care education. However, there is only limited insight into how final-year nursing students perceive palliative care education in undergraduate nursing programs. This study aimed to describe nursing students’ perspectives of the development needs of palliative care education. An additional two aims emerged based on the collected data, namely, to describe the preferred education for palliative care and the factors which promote or hinder palliative care learning during undergraduate nursing studies. Methods: The research was guided by a descriptive qualitative approach and applied inductive content analysis. The frequencies (f) of identified codes (reduced expressions) were counted to show the noteworthiness of each category in relation to the entirety. The participants were final-year nursing students (n = 766) who had participated in a national survey. Results: The inductive content analysis identified three unifying categories. The first was ‘Development needs and views of palliative care education’ (f = 524), which consisted of the main categories ‘the need to develop palliative care education’ (f = 414) and ‘meaning of palliative care and its education’ (f = 110). Secondly ‘Preferred types of palliative care education’ (f = 1379), including the main categories ‘teaching contents in palliative care education’ (f = 905), ‘teaching methods for palliative care learning’ (f = 393), and ‘placement of palliative care studies’ (f = 81). Thirdly ‘The facilitators and barriers to palliative care learning’ (f = 401), consisting of the main categories ‘factors facilitating palliative care learning’ (f = 66) and ‘barriers to palliative care learning’ (f = 335). Conclusions: This study provides detailed information about nursing student’s perspectives of palliative care education and its development needs. Hence, the results are relevant to decision-makers who want to develop undergraduate nursing curricula. This study highlights that palliative care education should be developed by ensuring that all students have equal access to palliative care education provided by highly competent teachers. Possibilities for clinical placements or visits to palliative care units during the education should also be improved. The participating students felt unprepared to provide high-quality palliative care even though they responded that palliative care is an important topic in their nursing studies

    LĂ€hihoitajien kokemukset palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon osaamisesta

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    TiivistelmĂ€ Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla lĂ€hihoitajien kokemuksia palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon osaamisesta. Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin lĂ€hihoitajilta (n=52) sĂ€hköisenĂ€ kyselynĂ€ Webropol-ohjelmalla syksyllĂ€ 2018. Tutkimusaineisto muodostui avoimesta kysymyksestĂ€, jossa vastaajaa pyydettiin arvioimaan osaamista palliatiivisen hoidon eri osa-alueiden nĂ€kökulmasta. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolĂ€htöisellĂ€ sisĂ€llönanalyysillĂ€. LĂ€hihoitajat kokivat tarvitsevansa osaamista palliatiivisessa hoidossa ja saattohoidossa hienovaraisesta ja tukevasta vuorovaikutuksesta potilaan ja lĂ€heisten kanssa, moniammatillisesta yhteistyöstĂ€ sekĂ€ viestintĂ€- ja suunnitteluosaamisesta. LisĂ€ksi he arvioivat tarvitsevansa työssÀÀn perustietoa lÀÀketieteestĂ€, fysiologiasta, hoitotieteestĂ€, tunteiden prosessoinnista, kulttuurista, uskonnosta, lÀÀkehoidosta ja farmakologiasta. Myös osaaminen kivun sekĂ€ somaattisten ja psyykkisten oireiden hoidosta, yksilöllisestĂ€ palliatiivisesta perushoidosta, kuoleman arvokkaasta kohtaamisesta, eettisyydestĂ€ ja lainsÀÀdĂ€nnöstĂ€ sekĂ€ työhyvinvointitaidoista koettiin tĂ€rkeiksi. LĂ€hihoitajat tarvitsevat monipuolista osaamista hyvĂ€n palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon toteuttamiseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ lĂ€hihoitajien palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon osaamisen kartoittamisessa ja koulutuksen sekĂ€ opetuksen suunnittelussa ja kehittĂ€misessĂ€.Abstract Practical nurses’ experiences of the need for competence in hospice and palliative care The purpose of the study was to describe practical nurses’ experiences of competences in hospice and palliative care. The data collect were performed with an electronic questionnaire from practical nurses (n=52). The data consisted open questions with palliative care theme. The data were analyzed with inductive content analysis. Practical nurses needed competence in hospice and palliative care including interaction of patient and relatives, multi-professional, communication and care planning. In addition, they estimate that they will need competence in of medicine, physiology, nursing science, emotion processing, culture, religion, medication and pharmacology. Also, competence pain and somatic symptom management, individualized hospice and palliative care basic care, precious death, ethical and legislative and well-being at work were considered important. Practical nurses need versatile competence for the nursing out of hospice and palliative care. The result of this study can be used to develop hospice and palliative care training, teaching and competence assessment

    Vuorovaikutuksen ja kohtaamisen osaaminen sairaanhoitajien ja lÀÀkÀreiden palliatiivisen hoidon ja saattohoidon koulutuksessa

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    TiivistelmĂ€ IhmisillĂ€ on moninaisia keinoja kommunikoida. Ihmiselle luonnollinen ilmaisutapa on puhuminen. Puhe voi kuitenkin hĂ€iriintyĂ€ erinĂ€isistĂ€ syistĂ€ johtuen tai puuttua kokonaan. Sairaanhoitaja- ja lÀÀkĂ€rikoulutuksen tulee edistÀÀ vuorovaikutukseen ja kohtaamiseen liittyvÀÀ osaamista ja koulutuksen tulee antaa valmiudet tunnistaa ja tukea kommunikaatiossa tapahtuvia muutoksia. Terveysalan ammattilaisten tulee osata hyödyntÀÀ tulkkipalveluita ja puheterapeutin osaamista osana moniammatillista yhteistyötĂ€. Potilaalle ja hĂ€nen lĂ€heisilleen on tĂ€rkeÀÀ tulla kuulluksi, ymmĂ€rretyksi ja kohdatuksi elĂ€mĂ€nsĂ€ loppuun saakka. Tavoitteena on löytÀÀ yhteinen kieli tai vuorovaikutuksen tapa, jolla tĂ€mĂ€ kohtaaminen ja ymmĂ€rretyksi tuleminen mahdollistuu.Abstract Competence in interaction and encounter included in the education of nurses and physicians in palliative and end of life care People have a variety of ways to communicate. The most natural way of human expression is to speak, but it can be disturbed for various reasons, or it can be either wholly absent or otherwise deficient. The training of nurses and physicians should include the skills of interaction and encounter. The training should also provide the ability to identify and support possible changes in communication. Professionals must utilize an interpreter’s services and a speech therapist’s expertise as part of multi-professional collaboration. It is essential for the patients and their loved ones to be heard, understood and encountered for the rest of their lives. The goal is to find a common language or means to interact that makes this encounter and understanding possible

    Palliative nursing competencies required for different levels of palliative care provision:a qualitative analysis of health care professionals’ perspectives

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    Abstract Background: Nurses must possess adequate competencies to provide high-quality palliative care. Earlier statements have described certain competencies that are relevant for palliative care, yet only limited empirical research has focused on the perspective of health care professionals to clarify which competencies are required for different levels of palliative care provision. Objective: The aim was to describe the required palliative nursing competencies of registered nurses aligned to different levels of palliative care provision, from the perspectives of multiprofessional groups. Design: A qualitative study design. Setting/Subjects: A purposive sample of professionals, working in different levels of palliative care across various settings in Finland, was used to gain information about the aim of the study (n = 222). Measurements: Content analysis was applied to describe the competencies of registered nurses. Results: Competencies relevant to basic palliative care were categorized under 17 main categories, which included a total of 75 subcategories. “Competence in managing the most common symptoms” was the main category that contained the largest number of reduced expressions (f = 75). An analysis of specialist palliative care data yielded 10 main categories, including 49 subcategories, with “Competence in maintaining expertise and taking care of own well-being at work” containing the most reduced expressions. Conclusion: The study provided new knowledge; more specifically, competencies related to encounters and maintaining hope were described as palliative care nursing competences. The results can be used to ensure that palliative nursing education focuses on the competences that are necessary in practice