21 research outputs found

    Mixed Chamber Ensembles

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents Mixed Chamber Ensembles, 10:00 a.m. performance.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1395/thumbnail.jp

    The impact of whole human blood on the kinetic inertness of platinum(IV) prodrugs - an HPLC-ICP-MS study

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    The potential advantage of platinum(IV) complexes as alternative to classical platinum(II)-based drugs relies on their kinetic stability in the body before reaching the tumor site and on their activation by reduction inside cancer cells. In this study, an analytical workflow was developed to investigate the reductive biotransformation and kinetic inertness of platinum(IV) prodrugs comprising different ligand coordination spheres (respectively, lipophilicity and redox behavior) in whole human blood. The distribution of the platinum(IV) complexes in blood pellet and plasma was determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after microwave digestion. An analytical approach based on reversed-phase (RP)-ICP-MS was used to monitor the parent compound and the formation of metabolites using two different extraction procedures. The ligand coordination sphere of the platinum(IV) complexes had significant impact on their accumulation in red blood cells and on their degree of kinetic inertness in whole human blood. The most lipophilic platinum(IV) compound featuring equatorial chlorido ligands showed a pronounced penetration into blood cells and a rapid reductive biotransformation. In contrast, the more hydrophilic platinum(IV) complexes with a carboplatin- and oxaliplatin-core exerted kinetic inertness on a pharmacologically relevant time scale with notable amounts of the compound accumulated in the plasma fraction

    Does picture background matter? People's evaluation of pigs in different farm settings.

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    Pictures of farm animals and their husbandry systems are frequently presented in the media and are mostly connected to discussions surrounding farm animal welfare. How such pictures are perceived by the broader public is not fully understood thus far. It is presumable that the animals' expressions and body languages as well as their depicted environment or husbandry systems affect public perception. Therefore, the aim of this study is to test how the evaluation of a picture showing a farmed pig is influenced by portrayed attributes, as well as participants' perceptions of pigs' abilities in general, and if connection to agriculture has an influence. In an online survey, 1,019 German residents were shown four modified pictures of a pig in a pen. The pictures varied with regards to facial expression and body language of the pig ('happy' versus 'unhappy' pig) and the barn setting (straw versus slatted floor pen). Respondents were asked to evaluate both the pen and the welfare of the pig. Two Linear Mixed Models were calculated to analyze effects on pig and pen evaluation. For the pictures, the pen had the largest influence on both pig and pen evaluation, followed by the pig's appearance and participants' beliefs in pigs' mental and emotional abilities, as well as their connection to agriculture. The welfare of both the 'happy' and the 'unhappy' pig was assessed to be higher in the straw setting compared to the slatted floor setting in our study, and even the 'unhappy pig' on straw was perceived more positively than the 'happy pig' on slatted floor. The straw pen was evaluated as being better than the slatted floor pen on the pictures we presented but the pens also differed in level of dirt on the walls (more dirt in the slatted floor pen), which might have influenced the results. Nevertheless, the results suggest that enduring aspects of pictures such as the husbandry system influence perceptions more than a momentary body expression of the pig, at least in the settings tested herein

    Tierethische Intuitionen in Deutschland: Entwicklung eines Messinstrumentes zur Erfassung bereichsspezifischer Werte im Kontext der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung

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    In der jüngeren Vergangenheit wird der Umgang mit Tieren, insbesondere den sogenannten landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren, von der Gesellschaft zunehmend kritisch hinterfragt. Solche tierethischen Wertvorstellungen zum moralisch richtigen Umgang mit Tieren beeinflussen das menschliche Verhalten. Daher ist es insbesondere für die Agrarbranche von großer Bedeutung, ein tieferes Verständnis für die tierethischen Werte der Gesellschaft zu erlangen, um den veränderten Ansprüchen nachhaltig begegnen zu können. Da tierethische Werte den Themenkomplex der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung sehr allgemein erfassen und grundlegende Werte widerspiegeln, sind sie im menschlichen Wertesystem auf der Ebene der bereichsspezifischen Werte einzuordnen. Bereichsspezifische Werte zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie über die Zeit relativ stabil und zu einem gewissen Grad generalisierbar sind. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist daher die Entwicklung von reliablen und validen Skalen, mit denen ethische Werte im Kontext der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung erfasst werden können. Die Grundlage hierfür bilden Kernaussagen zentraler tierethischer Positionen aus der Philosophie. Eine konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse zeigt, dass sich tierethische Werte in der Gesellschaft identifizieren lassen und die entwickelten Skalen über eine gute Reliabilität und Validität verfügen. Des Weiteren geben die deskriptiven Ergebnisse einen ersten Überblick, welche tierethischen Werte in der deutschen Bevölkerung vorliegen. So wird der ursprüngliche Anthropozentrismus, wonach der Mensch mit Tieren umgehen darf, wie er möchte, fast gänzlich abgelehnt. Eine ausgesprochen hohe Zustimmung erfährt hingegen der neue kontrakttheoretische Ansatz („New Deal“), wonach der Mensch Tiere grundsätzlich nutzen darf, ihnen aber im Gegenzug ein gutes Leben ermöglichen muss. In the recent past, society has increasingly questioned the way animals are treated, especially so-called farm animals. Such ethical values, dealing with the morally correct treatment of animals, affect human behaviour. Therefore, it is of great importance for the agricultural sector in particular to gain a deeper understanding of animal-ethical values in society in order to meet the changing demands. Since such animal-ethical values cover the thematic complex of the human-animal relationship in a very general way and mirror fundamental values, they can be classified in the human value system at the level of domain-specific values. Domain-specific values are characterized by the fact that they are relatively stable over time and are to a certain extent generalizable. The aim of the present study is to develop reliable and valid scales to capture domain-specific values in the context of the human-animal relationship. This is based on core statements of central animal-ethical positions from philosophy. A confirmatory factor analysis reveals that animal-ethical values can be identified in society and that the developed scales are of good reliability and validity. Furthermore, the descriptive results provide a first overview of which animal-ethical values are represent-ed in the German population. Thus, the original anthropocentrism, allowing humans to treat animals as they want, is almost completely rejected. The new contractarian approach (“New Deal”), however, receives an extremely high level of approval. This animal-ethical position in principle allows humans to use animals, but, in exchange, they have to enable them to live a good life

    Einsatzverhalten strukturierter CVD-Diamantbeschichteter Honleisten

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wurde ein neuartiges Werkzeugkonzept mit strukturierten Schneiden für die Honbearbeitung vorgestellt. Hierzu wurden Honleistengrundkörper aus Siliziumnitrid durch Schleifen strukturiert und so definierte Pyramidenstrukturen gefertigt. Nach einer CVD-Beschichtung mit Diamant wurden die Honleisten in Referenz zu konventionellen Honleisten erprobt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit den strukturierten CVD-Diamantbeschichteten Honleisten sehr gleichmäßige Oberflächentexturen im Grauguss und thermischer Spritzschicht entstehen, bei denen sehr gute und vor allem vergleichbare Rauheiten und Zerspanraten wie bei der Bearbeitung mit konventioneller Körnung erreicht werden. Die Aussicht mit den strukturierten CVD-Diamantbeschichteten Honleisten mit geringerem Anpressdruck vergleichbare, charakteristische Zerspanungswerte zu ermöglichen bietet ein hohes Potenzial hinsichtlich der Reduzierung der Bearbeitungsdauer und Honstufenanzahl, insbesondere in Verbindung mit dem geringen Verschleiß der Honleisten

    How do People look at Pictures of Pigs? Analyzing Fixation Duration Depending on Pig Expression and Barn Type using Eye-Tracking

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    Using eye-tracking, this study investigates fixation duration of students viewing pictures of pigs, which systematically vary in the facial expression of the pig and in the barn setting. The aim of this study is to analyze which picture elements are viewed and for how long, as well as how fixation times vary with a change of the expression of the pig and the barn type. The results show clear effects of picture composition: pig expression and pen type affect fixation durations of different areas of interest with the influence of the pig being considerably larger. Face regions are viewed longer in the “happy” pig, while floor/bedding and the eyes are viewed longer in pictures showing the “unhappy” pig which might be a hint for information search. The power of facial expressions, also for the depiction of farm animals, is a new finding of this paper, which might be of importance when selecting agricultural pictures for different purposes

    How do People look at Pictures of Pigs? : Analyzing Fixation Duration Depending on Pig Expression and Barn Type using Eye-Tracking

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    Using eye-tracking, this study investigates fixation duration of students viewing pictures of pigs, which systematically vary in the facial expression of the pig and in the barn setting. The aim of this study is to analyze which picture elements are viewed and for how long, as well as how fixation times vary with a change of the expression of the pig and the barn type. The results show clear effects of picture composition: pig expression and pen type affect fixation durations of different areas of interest with the influence of the pig being considerably larger. Face regions are viewed longer in the “happy” pig, while floor/bedding and the eyes are viewed longer in pictures showing the “unhappy” pig which might be a hint for infor-mation search. The power of facial expressions, also for the depiction of farm animals, is a new finding of this paper, which might be of importance when select-ing agricultural pictures for different purposes