508 research outputs found
Embodiment in different size virtual bodies produces changes in women's body image distortion and dissatisfaction
Introduction: Body image disturbance is considered a pervasive issue among women and is a core feature of eating disorders. Previous research provides evidence of the ability of body ownership illusions in virtual reality to produce changes in one's own body representation, especially in body size estimation. However, less information is available about changes in subjective body attitudes. This study assesses whether owning a female virtual avatar with different body sizes produces changes in body image distortion and body image dissatisfaction in women. Method: Forty female college students were exposed to an immersive virtual environment, in which they were sequentially embodied in three avatars using synchronous visuo-tactile stimulation. The first and third avatar had the same body size as the participant, but the second one had a larger body size. In the larger avatar condition, the group was divided into two: 20 participants owned a virtual body 20% larger and the other twenty a virtual body 40% larger. Body image distortion and body image dissatisfaction were assessed before and after embodiment in each of the three avatars using a silhouette test. Results: Mixed between-within analyses of variance showed a statistically significant effect of the variable Time (four assessment points) on body image distortion (F (3, 38) =2.825, p=.042, η2 = 0.069) and body image dissatisfaction (F (3, 38) =6.933, p<.001, η2 = 0.154). The effect of the variable Group (20% increase versus 40% increase in the larger body size avatar) and the interaction between time and group were not statistically significant. Overall, participants reported a reduction in the body image overestimation after owning the same-size avatar for the second time (M=8.88, SD=12.48) than at the other assessment points (at pre-test: M=13.00, SD=17.09; after owning the first same-size virtual body: M=13.75, SD=11.14; and the larger size avatar: M=14.50, SD=15.18). In regards to body image dissatisfaction, the highest levels were recorded at pre-test (M=16.38, SD=18.54) and after owning the larger size avatar (M=15.50, SD=19.57) and lowest levels after owning the same-size avatar for the second time (M=6.88, SD=13.85). More interestingly, the reduction in body dissatisfaction after owning the same-size avatar for the second time compared with pre-test was statistically significant (F (1, 38) =18.098, p<.001, η2 = 0.323). Conclusion: This study extends the evidence available about the ability of full virtual body ownership illusions to modify the mental representation of one's own body. Owning a virtual body with different body sizes produces changes not only in size overestimation but also in body dissatisfaction; and, most importantly, inducing the ownership illusion of a largersize virtual body reduces body dissatisfaction when subjects return to the samesize avatar, probably due to a comparison effect
Diversidad de insectos acuáticos en Chiguirí Arriba, Penonomé, Coclé, Panamá
Aquatic insects are important as indicators due to their ease of identification and study, in addition to being sensitive to environmental changes that are reflected as water quality. In addition, they assist in processing some organic matter from aquatic and terrestrial origin. It represents a link between the basal energy sources and higher trophic levels. The objective of this research was to determine the diversity of aquatic insects associated with leaf litter, in the stream of the Jujuna Biological Station, located in the community of Larguillo, in the district of Chiguirí Arriba, district of Penonomé, province of Coclé, Republic of Panama. This study was conducted between February and July year 2022, when we established six stations. In the station, two leaf litter samples were taken once a month. The Shannon-Indices, Wiener, Margalef, and Simpson were used to determine diversity. Around 2,420 individuals were identified and distributed in seven orders, 24 families, and 29 genera, highlighting the Diptera, followed by the Coleoptera and Trichoptera. The most abundant subfamilies were Tanypodinae, Chironominae, and Orthocladiinae. The most numerous genera are Phylloicus, Anchytarsus, and Traverella. According to the Simpson index, the stream has barely insect relative dominance. On the other hand, the Margalef and Shannon-Wiener index, something different happens because the values ??show that the tributary has a good diversity of insects associated with leaf litter. In conclusion, it was determined that the Jujuna Biological Station stream has a good population of aquatic insects, which was more significant in the dry season.Los insectos acuáticos son importantes como indicadores por su facilidad para identificarlos y estudiarlos, además de que son sensibles ante los cambios ambientales que se reflejan como la calidad del agua. Además, ayudan en el procesamiento de la materia orgánica tanto de origen acuático como terrestre, representando un enlace entre las fuentes basales de energía y niveles tróficos superiores. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la diversidad de insectos acuáticos asociado a la hojarasca, en el arroyo de la Estación Biológica Jujuná, ubicado en la comunidad de Larguillo, del corregimiento de Chiguirí Arriba, distrito de Penonomé, provincia de Coclé, República de Panamá. Se realizó entre febrero y julio del año 2022, donde establecimos seis estaciones, en cada una se recolectó dos muestras de hojarasca, una vez al mes. Para determinar la diversidad se utilizaron los índices Shannon-Wiener, Margalef y Simpson. Se identificaron 2420 individuos distribuidos en siete órdenes, 24 familias y 29 géneros, destacando los Diptera, seguido por los Coleóptera y Trichoptera. Las subfamilias más abundantes fueron: Tanypodinae, Chironominae y Orthocladiinae. Los géneros más numerosos son los Phylloicus, Anchytarsus y Traverella. Según el índice de Simpson el arroyo posee poca dominancia relativa de insectos. Por otro lado, los índices de Margalef y Shannon-Wiener reflejaron que el afluente tiene una buena diversidad de insectos asociado a hojarasca. En conclusión, se determinó que el arroyo de la Estación Biológica Jujuná tiene una buena diversidad de insectos acuáticos, la cual fue mayor en la estación seca
Machiavellianism and desire to be a youtuber and/or influencer in the Z and Alpha generations
As a result of technological innovation and the changing environment, new professions have emerged in recent years. One of these is the influencer, a person who, through their posts on YouTube (the youtubers), Instagram (the instagrammers), and other social networks, influences the thinking and the way of acting of preadolescents and becomes their new reference. This influence has repercussions for their career choices and life project. This research seeks the variables that influence minors to want to exercise professions linked to the use of social networks. To respond to the proposed objectives and hypotheses, and adopting a quantitative approach, a questionnaire was applied to 343 Spanish students in the fifth and sixth grades of primary education. The results show that the Machiavellianism variable is the one that shows the greatest differences between boys and girls who want to be youtubers and/or instagrammers and those who do not. The second most significant variable is narcissism, a characteristic of postmodern society and the digital environment. The rest of the variables studied (self-esteem, school commitment, and dominance) differ to a lesser extent
An Attentional bias modification task, through virtual reality and eye-tracking technologies, to enhance the treatment of anorexia nervosa
Mirror exposure therapies (METs) have been shown to be effective in reducing body image disturbances through the habituation process. Virtual reality (VR) combined with eye-tracking techniques can provide innovative solutions to some of METs' limitations reported with patients with anorexia nervosa (AN), especially the negative influence of body-related attentional bias (AB). This pilot study aimed to assess the preliminary efficacy of a new VR-based AB modification task (ABMT) among healthy women and the procedure's user experience. AB levels towards weight- and non-weight-related body parts, using complete fixation time (CFT) and number of fixations (NF), were assessed throughout the ABMT procedure (300 trials). The user experience was evaluated at the end of the procedure. The results showed that VR-based ABMT was effective in reducing AB significantly after 150 trials for both CFT- and NF-based measures, although 225 trials were necessary to get the same result for women with an NF initially more oriented towards weight-related body parts. Overall, the software received a 'C-rating' on a scale from 'A' (most usable) to 'F' (least usable). These results provide evidence of the opportunity to use a VR-based ABMT procedure to reduce AB and improve existing treatments for AN
Attentional Bias Modification Training Based on Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking in Anorexia Nervosa Patients
Anorexia nervosa (AN) patients exhibit attentional bias (AB) related to the body, which is the tendency to pay greater attention to weight-related body areas compared to non-weight-related ones. This phenomenon has been linked to elevated levels of body dissatisfaction (BD) and may potentially reduce the effectiveness of body exposure therapy. The purpose of this pilot study is to assess the efficacy of a single session of a new body-related AB modification task (ABMT) that combines virtual reality with eye tracking in patients with AN. The goals of the ABMT are to reduce body-related AB by balancing attention between weight and non-weight-related body areas and to reduce BD levels. Twenty-three adolescent patients with AN were embodied in a virtual avatar and immersed in a virtual environment where they completed the ABMT. Body-related AB measures and BD levels were assessed before and after the training. A paired samples t-test showed statistically significant differences between pre-assessment and post-assessment; the complete fixation time on weight-related body parts was reduced and BD levels decreased. The initial evidence of the efficacy of this ABMT has important clinical implications, since AB and BD are considered risk factors for developing and maintaining eating disorder symptomatology among patients with AN
Modification of Body-Related Attentional Bias through Virtual Reality and Eye-Tracking in Healthy Participants: Implications for Anorexia Nervosa Treatments
Cognitive biases have a significant impact on the etiology and treatment of eating disorders (EDs). These biases, including selective attentional bias (AB) to disliked body parts, may reinforce concerns about body shape, fear of gaining weight and body image disturbances and may contribute to dietary restriction and restraint. Decreasing AB could reduce core symptoms in anorexia nervosa (AN). This study represents a preliminary exploration aiming to assess whether AB towards weightrelated (WR) and non-weight-related (NW) body parts could be reduced through an AB modification task in a virtual reality (VR) environment in healthy participants. A total of 54 female participants, aged 22.98 ± 1.89, were recruited. The task consisted of directing the participants’ attention towards all body parts equally in a VR setting. Eye-tracking (ET) measurements (complete fixation time [CFT] and number of fixations [NF]) were made before and after the task. The results showed a significant reduction of the AB in the two groups with an initial AB towards WR body parts or towards NW body parts. Participants showed a tendency to more balanced (non-biased) attention after the intervention. This study provides evidence of the usefulness of AB modification tasks in a non-clinical sample
Líneas de investigación en ADICI : diseño de procesos de producción social del hábitat
La ciudad contemporánea se caracteriza por la interrelación de dos dinámicas negativas que se interrelacionan: la creciente huella ecológica que generan los modelos de desarrollo vigentes (por incrementar el consumo de recursos y la producción de residuos) y la creciente segregación social, funcional y espacial que estos modelos producen. Estas dinámicas son generadas por el modelo de desarrollo dominante y a ella contribuyen los paradigmas de conocimiento positivistas que reducen la realidad a una sumatoria de objetos aislados en áreas de especialidad, sobre los que se desarrollan acciones sectoriales inconexas. El desarrollo se limita a su acepción economicista, que acentúa la mercantilización de la ciudad, y esta dinámica obvia las relaciones entre el objeto (ciudad) y su contexto (naturaleza), entre los sujetos y la ciudad que habitan y transforman, reduciendo al ciudadano a la condición de consumidor de ciudad (planificada y desarrollada por los técnicos, los políticos y el mercado).
Es preciso por tanto construir herramientas de conocimiento y estrategias de acción que permitan comprender y actuar ante problemáticas típicamente complejas, como las urbanas, que escapan a la fragmentación del conocimiento en disciplinas estancas. Y herramientas que inserten el conocimiento técnico en procesos transformadores que recuperen la POLIS, los espacios de participación de los ciudadanos en la toma de decisiones. Es decir que amplíen y modifiquen la relación de fuerzas que se produce en el triángulo de actores de la ciudad (técnicos-políticos-sociedad), para recuperar la sociedad de ciudadanos, hoy reducida a sociedad de mercado.
El marco teórico y metodológico que estamos construyendo se apoya en:
1. La teoría de la complejidad, que aporta una visión transdisciplinar para la comprensión de los fenómenos complejos, aquellos que pierden, en la fragmentación del saber propia del paradigma positivista, la relación entre disciplinas y entre sujetos y objetos de la investigación. La visión compleja de la ciudad nos permitirá comprenderla desde la interacción entre URBS, CIVITAS y POLIS.
2. El paradigma de investigación acción participativa, que permite construir el conocimiento colectivamente y diseñar entre técnicos, políticos y ciudadanos las estrategias de intervención. Ello exige trabajar tres dimensiones básicas de la participación: QUERER, SABER y PODER. Los pasos del proceso se realizan en procesos cíclicos:
i. desde la observación-descripción de los problemas y potencialidades (toma de datos),
ii. la interpretación de datos- comprensión del problema
iii. el diseño de estrategias de intervención.
iv. la comunicación de los resultados / retroalimentación del proceso
Esta doble aproximación a la Arquitectura nos conduce a redefinir sus límites para situar la investigación en el marco de la Producción Social del Hábitat, cuyo eje metodológico recae sobre la participación del usuario en la producción del urbanismo y la arquitectura.
En este escenario debemos revisar el papel que el arquitecto está llamado a desempeñar. Es preciso pasar del arquitecto-autor al arquitecto-actor para transitar del diseño de objetos al diseño de procesos de transformación urbana y social. Pero no un diseño entendido como planificación rígida y calculada, sino como orientación situacional abierta a una revisión constante y en permanente interacción con los actores implicados, lo cual equivale a reconocer la naturaleza intuitiva de todo proceso creativo.
Desarrollamos este marco teórico en proyectos de:
. Planeamiento urbano participativo (Palomares del Río, Sanlúcar la Mayor).
. Procesos de transformación social del hábitat en áreas vulnerables, mediante la creación de grupos de apoyo técnico. (Taller de los Barrios en Sevilla y Larache en Marruecos).
En esta comunicación presentamos los casos, en distintos momentos del proceso, desde la perspectiva de la interacción entre las dimensiones URBS-CIVITAS-POLIS, por un lado, y la interrelación entre la gente, los técnicos y las administraciones públicas por otro
The influence of gender and body dissatisfaction on body‐related attentional bias: An eye‐tracking and virtual reality study
Objective In the attentional bias (AB) phenomenon, eating disorder (ED) patients show a tendency to pay more attention to self‐attributed unattractive body parts than to other body parts. However, little research has focused on gender differences in body‐related attention, controlling for body dissatisfaction (BD). This study aimed to assess gender differences in AB toward specific weight‐ or nonweight‐related body parts using a virtual reality (VR)‐based embodiment technique and an eye‐tracking AB assessment. Method Forty‐five women (23 with high BD and 22 with low BD) and 40 men (20 with high BD and 20 with low BD) were subsequently embodied in three virtual avatars, the first based on the participant's actual measurements, the second being larger than the participant, and the third being the same as the first avatar. The number of fixations and complete fixation time on weight‐related areas of interest (W‐AOIs) and nonweight‐related areas of interest (NW‐AOIs) were recorded for the three assessment time/avatars. Results The results showed a statistically significant interaction between gender and time for total fixation time and number of fixations (p < .05). BD levels did not significantly affect the results. Overall, women paid more attention to the W‐AOIs than men, who in turn paid more attention to the NW‐AOIs. Furthermore, preliminary evidence was found for an AB toward muscular‐related AOIs among men. Conclusions This study provides new information about gender differences and BD in gaze pattern behaviors. Future psychological ED assessments and treatments could take advantage of the possibilities of VR while real‐time AB is objectively measured
Inhibition of nervous necrosis virus replication by Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11 extract
One of the most relevant infectious diseases affecting farmed fish is the viral encephalopathy and retinopathy, caused by the nervous necrosis virus (NNV). The two commercial vaccines available against this virus have been designed to protect European seabass against the infection with a particular NNV species, RGNNV. Therefore, the development of strategies to protect different fish species against different viruses is a key issue for the aquaculture industry. In this regard, there are numerous studies focused on the use of probiotics, although their antiviral activity has been poorly investigated. Shewanella putrefaciens Pdp11, SpPdp11, is a probiotic with proven positive effects on gilthead seabream and Senegalese sole, protecting those species against several bac-
terial pathogens; however, its antiviral activity remains to be investigated. The current study is a step forward in the use of probiotics against viral infections, evaluating the anti-RGNNV activity of sonicated-SpPdp11 extracts both, in vitro and in vivo. According to our results, SpPdp11 extracts compromised RGNNV multiplication in E11 cells, affecting viral assembly and/or exit rather than genome replication. Furthermore, this antiviral activity may be produced by the capacity of the SpPdp11-extract to induce an immune response in treated cells. This antiRGNNV activity has been confirmed in vivo, since 82% of fish fed with the SpPdp11-supplemented diet survived an experimental-RGNNV infection, whereas the survival rate of fish fed with the control diet was 64%. These results suggest that SpPdp11-supplemented feeding can be a promising prophylactic tool against RGNNV and
encourage further research on other fish species and viral pathogens.This study has been supported by the projects P18-RT-1067 (Proyecto de Excelencia, Junta de Andalucia, Regional Government)
and PID2020-113637RB-C22 (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE) (Spanish Government). Daniel Álvarez-Torres has been granted by the project PTA2020-018984-I.
Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA
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