67 research outputs found

    Statistical models and the theory of hypothesis testing in medicine

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    Purpose: The purpose of this work is to develop statistical approaches for treatment efficiency analysis on a medical case. These methods include the effect evaluation method performed with various preparations in regards to several factors such as the patient‘s blood state and his/her biochemical values. Design/Methodology/Approach: The results of this survey were divided into three groups: the first included the blood biochemistry values before the test, the second — an hour after the test, the the third — two hours after the test. When visually comparing the results of the analyses of the three groups, it was possible to assume that the load of FLC did not significantly affect the biochemistry of the patients' blood. To test this medical assumption, various statistical criteria of the theory of testing statistical hypotheses have been applied. Findings: Statistical analysis of changes in the level of lipase and triglycerides in the biochemical analysis of the blood of patients with chronic pancreatitis after ingestion of food containing medium-chain fatty acids showed that there is no overall disruption in the functioning of the pancreas. Practical implications: Clinical practice has shown that more than 85% of patients tolerated testing with medium chain fatty acids, not experiencing a painful abdominal symptom and other negative consequences of a violation of external secretion of the pancreas. Originality/Value: In clinical practice, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for the first time took into account the results of a statistical analysis.peer-reviewe

    Modern realities and perspectives of social work with elderly people

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    The main technologies are currently the state of the technology of social protection of older people - pensions, social care and social assistance. However, the priority of social work with older people is the organization of the living environment aging people.Основными технологиями в настоящее время являются государственные технологии социальной защиты пожилых людей – пенсионное обеспечение, социальное обслуживание, социальная помощь. Однако приоритетным направлением социальной работы с пожилыми людьми является организация жизненной среды стареющих людей

    The using of orthogonal basis for the steganographic coding of information in multimedia

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    This article discusses methods for steganographic encoding additional information using three different orthogonal bases. The bases are represented by the functions, which occupies a different bandwidth in the spectrum. There are comparison of the approach to the definition of DCT- coefficients with the approaches used in the methods of the spread spectrum and subband projections. The approaches of the coefficients of the implementation to ensure secrecy by adaptive determination of their value are considere

    Regression model of students subjective well-being learning at technical universities

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    In this article we will talk about students studying at the Institute of Economics and Management in construction (IEMC). The article studies the relationship between educational activity at the institute, social activity of students, student adaptation and the level of emotional intelligence and subjective well-being. The main methods used in our research are: interviewing, survey, testing based on Google forms, correlation and regression analysis. Modeling of parameters influencing the educational process has been carried out, taking into account the emotional maturity and adaptation of students of the IEMC, Kazan. The model was based on 16 factors, such as: understanding one’s own and others' emotions, managing one’s emotions, self-motivation, influencing the emotional state of others (manipulation), empathy, autonomy and a number of others. The result on regression statistics showed multiple R 0.7 and R-square 0.5. Calculations made by the authors show that 50% of the influence on the factor «subjective well-being» is due to parameters, and the remaining 50% require further research. The model calculated by the authors shows that the subjective well-being of bachelor students is based on personal growth, with the skills of self-regulation and the ability to arouse in other people the desired (usually positive) emotions. Subjective well-being is strongly affected by the inability to manage one’s emotions and the lack of self-acceptance

    Development of the draft standard of organization «VALUE STREAM MAPPING»

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    The standard of organization « Value Stream Mapping» at the Kalinin Machine-Building Plant is developed. Using this standard, the enterprise will be able to reduce working losses, to increase production effectiveness and to take the leading positions in the marketРазработан проект стандарта организации «Картирование потока создания ценности» на ПАО «Машиностроительный завод имени М. И. Калинина». Используя данный стандарт, предприятие сможет сократить производственные потери, повысить производственную эффективность и занять лидирующие позиции на рынк

    Econometric modelling of enterprise financial activity

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    В статье рассматриваются особенности применения векторных авторегрессионных технологий и моделей коррекции ошибки в исследовании стратегической финансовой позиции предприятия. Предложен алгоритм выбора метода прогнозирования взаимосвязанных финансовых показателей. Разработаны динамические системы индикаторов внешней и внутренней финансовой среды предприятия. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в стратегическом управлении финансовой деятельностью предприятия. У статті розглядаються особливості використання векторних авторегресійних технологій і моделей корекції помилки в дослідженні стратегічної фінансової позиції підприємства. Запропоновано алгоритм вибору методу прогнозування взаємозалежних фінансових показників. Розроблені динамічні системи індикаторів зовнішнього та внутрішнього фінансового середовища підприємства. Отримані результати можуть бути використані у стратегічному управлінні фінансовою діяльністю підприємства. The article considers specific features of application of vector auto-regression technologies and models of error correcting in the study of strategic financial position of an enterprise. It offers an algorithm of selection of the method of forecasting interconnected financial indicators. It develops dynamic systems of indicators of external and internal financial environment of an enterprise. The obtained results could be used in strategic management of the enterprise financial activity

    Статистические показатели работы врачей-гастроэнтерологов в РФ в 2013–2017 гг.

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    In recent decades, increasing importance in modern diagnostic algorithms is given to techniques that use optical systems, including those with the ability to examine organs in various spectral ranges and in fluorescence modes. The rapid development of modern technologies and their implementation in the field of healthcare requires constant improvement of the organization of medical care to the population. Endoscopic services in Russia began to emerge in the 70s of the 20th century. In the early stages, it was represented by independent diagnostic rooms based on large medical clinics and research centers. Over the past decades, endoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment have moved far forward. For the successful use of endoscopic technologies in clinical practice, qualified medical personnel are needed, including oncologists, gastroenterologists, and other specialists proficient in endoscopic techniques. The human potential of endoscopy was initially formed by part-timers, most often from surgeons and therapists. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the activities of specialist doctors who provide medical care in outpatient conditions. The aim of the study was to analyze the activities of gastroenterologists providing outpatient medical care at the federal level and in the pilot regions of the Russian Federation. The multidirectionality of trends regarding the level of burden on gastroenterologists in the subjects of the Russian Federation is established. In all federal districts, a decrease in the number of visits per gastroenterologist and a decrease in the part-time coefficient was observed.В последние десятилетия все большее значение в современных диагностических алгоритмах отводится методикам, использующим оптические системы, в том числе с возможностью осмотра органов в различных спектральных диапазонах и во флуоресцентных режимах. Стремительное развитие современных технологий и их внедрение в практическое здравоохранение требуют постоянного совершенствования организации медицинской помощи населению. Эндоскопическая служба в России начала зарождаться в 70-е годы XX столетия. На первых этапах становления служба была представлена разрозненными диагностическими кабинетами на базе крупных медицинских клиник и научно-исследовательских центров. За последние десятилетия эндоскопические методы диагностики и лечения шагнули далеко вперед. Для успешного использования эндоскопических технологий в клинической практике необходимы квалифицированные медицинские кадры, в том числе врачи-онкологи, гастроэнтерологи, другие специалисты, владеющие эндоскопическими методиками. Кадровый потенциал эндоскопии изначально формировался из числа совместителей, чаще из врачей-хирургов и терапевтов. В этой связи необходим анализ деятельности врачей–специалистов, оказывающих медицинскую помощь в амбулаторных условиях. Целью исследования явился анализ деятельности врачей-гастроэнтерологов, оказывающих медицинскую помощь амбулаторно, на федеральном уровне и в пилотных регионах Российской Федерации. Установлена разнонаправленность тенденций относительно уровня нагрузки на гастроэнтерологов в субъектах страны, вошедших в исследование. Во всех федеральных округах отмечено уменьшение числа посещений по заболеванию на 1 врачебную должность и снижение коэффициента совместительства

    Deregulated expression of TANK in glioblastomas triggers pro-tumorigenic ERK1/2 and AKT signaling pathways

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    Signal transmission by the noncanonical IkappaB kinases (IKKs), TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1) and IKKɛ, requires interaction with adapter proteins such as TRAF associated NF-κB activator (TANK). Although increased expression or dysregulation of both kinases has been described for a variety of human cancers, this study shows that deregulated expression of the TANK protein is frequently occurring in glioblastomas (GBMs). The functional relevance of TANK was analyzed in a panel of GBM-derived cell lines and revealed that knockdown of TANK arrests cells in the S-phase and prohibits tumor cell migration. Deregulated TANK expression affects several signaling pathways controlling cell proliferation and the inflammatory response. Interference with stoichiometrically assembled signaling complexes by overexpression or silencing of TANK prevented constitutive interferon-regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) phosphorylation. Knockdown of TANK frequently prevents constitutive activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2). TANK-mediated ERK1/2 activation is independent from the canonical MAP kinase or ERK kinase (MEK) 1/2-mediated pathway and utilizes an alternative pathway that uses a TBK1/IKKɛ/Akt signaling axis, thus identifying a novel pathway suitable to block constitutive ERK1/2 activity.Peer reviewe

    Enhancement of COPD biological networks using a web-based collaboration interface

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    The construction and application of biological network models is an approach that offers a holistic way to understand biological processes involved in disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive inflammatory disease of the airways for which therapeutic options currently are limited after diagnosis, even in its earliest stage. COPD network models are important tools to better understand the biological components and processes underlying initial disease development. With the increasing amounts of literature that are now available, crowdsourcing approaches offer new forms of collaboration for researchers to review biological findings, which can be applied to the construction and verification of complex biological networks. We report the construction of 50 biological network models relevant to lung biology and early COPD using an integrative systems biology and collaborative crowd-verification approach. By combining traditional literature curation with a data-driven approach that predicts molecular activities from transcriptomics data, we constructed an initial COPD network model set based on a previously published non-diseased lung-relevant model set. The crowd was given the opportunity to enhance and refine the networks on a website ( https://bionet.sbvimprover.com/) and to add mechanistic detail, as well as critically review existing evidence and evidence added by other users, so as to enhance the accuracy of the biological representation of the processes captured in the networks. Finally, scientists and experts in the field discussed and refined the networks during an in-person jamboree meeting. Here, we describe examples of the changes made to three of these networks: Neutrophil Signaling, Macrophage Signaling, and Th1-Th2 Signaling. We describe an innovative approach to biological network construction that combines literature and data mining and a crowdsourcing approach to generate a comprehensive set of COPD-relevant models that can be used to help understand the mechanisms related to lung pathobiology. Registered users of the website can freely browse and download the networks