8 research outputs found

    Competing neighbors: light perception and root function

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    Plant responses to competition have often been described as passive consequences of reduced resource availability. However, plants have mechanisms to forage for favorable conditions and anticipate competition scenarios. Despite the progresses made in understanding the role of light signaling in modulating plant–plant interactions, little is known about how plants use and integrate information gathered by their photoreceptors aboveground to regulate performance belowground. Given that the phytochrome family of photoreceptors plays a key role in the acquisition of information about the proximity of neighbors and canopy cover, it is tempting to speculate that changes in the red:far-red (R:FR) ratio perceived by aboveground plant parts have important implications shaping plant behavior belowground. Exploring data from published experiments, we assess the neglected role of light signaling in the control of root function. The available evidence indicates that plant exposure to low R:FR ratios affects root growth and morphology, root exudate profiles, and interactions with beneficial soil microorganisms. Although dependent on species identity, signals perceived aboveground are likely to affect root-to-root interactions. Root systems could also be guided to deploy new growth predominantly in open areas by light signals perceived by the shoots. Studying interactions between above- and belowground plant–plant signaling is expected to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of plant competition

    Data on litter quality of host grass plants with and without fungal endophytes

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    Certain Pooideae species form persistent symbiosis with fungal endophytes of EpichloĂ« genus. Although endophytes are known to impact the ecology and evolution of host species, their effects on parameters related with quality of plant biomass has been elusive. This article provides information about parameters related with the quality of plant litter biomass of two important grass species (Schedonorus phoenix and Schedonorus pratensis) affected by the symbiosis with fungal endophytes (EpichloĂ« coenophiala and EpichloĂ« uncinata, respectively). Four population origins of S. phoenix and one of S. pratensis were included. Mineral, biochemical and structural parameters were obtained from three samples per factors combination [species (and population origin)×endophyte]. This data can be potentially used in other studies which, by means of ‘data reanalyzing’ or meta-analysis, attempt to find generalizations about endophyte effects on host plant litter biomass. The present data is associated with the research article “Role of foliar fungal endophytes on litter decomposition among species and population origins” (Gundel et al., In preparation) [1]

    Seed fungal endophytes promote the establishment of invasive Poa annua in Maritime Antarctica

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    Background Invasive plants may displace native species. This is the case of Poa annua, the only non-native plant species successfully established in Maritime Antarctica. Nonetheless, it is uncertain which factors drive the competitive success of P. annua in the harsh environmental conditions of the region. The ability of this plant species to establish novel mutualistic interactions with resident soil fungi may be crucial for its invasiveness. Such ability may be linked to the vertical transmission of the fungal endophytes via seeds. Aims We undertook a study to assess the role of seed fungal endophytes as promoters of the establishment and invasion of Poa annua in Maritime Antarctica. Methods We explored the composition and diversity of fungal communities associated with different P. annua tissues (seeds, leaves and roots) and the soil. We also measured parameters including germination rate, above-ground biomass, reproductive structures, and the survival of invasive P. annua as well as of the native Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica grown from seeds with and without endophytes. Furthermore, we conducted inter- and intraspecific competition experiments among native and invasive plants, where chemically-mediated plant-to-plant interference (allelopathy) and plant growth rate were measured to calculate a relative competition index. Results We found that fungal endophyte taxa associated with P. annua tissues were very different from those in the soil. Fungal endophytes in P. annua differed among seed, root and shoot tissues, which suggests low transmission among different organs. The removal of endophytes from P. annua seeds was associated with reduced seed germination, plant growth and survivorship, while the competitive ability of P. annua (assessed by accumulated biomass) relative to native species, as well as levels of allelochemicals in soils, were higher in the presence of seed fungal endophytes. Conclusion Our results suggest that fungal endophytes, maternally inherited through seeds, improve host fitness and may contribute to the invasive success of P. annua in Antarctica

    Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover

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    Urbanization transforms environments in ways that alter biological evolution. We examined whether urban environmental change drives parallel evolution by sampling 110,019 white clover plants from 6169 populations in 160 cities globally. Plants were assayed for a Mendelian antiherbivore defense that also affects tolerance to abiotic stressors. Urban-rural gradients were associated with the evolution of clines in defense in 47% of cities throughout the world. Variation in the strength of clines was explained by environmental changes in drought stress and vegetation cover that varied among cities. Sequencing 2074 genomes from 26 cities revealed that the evolution of urban-rural clines was best explained by adaptive evolution, but the degree of parallel adaptation varied among cities. Our results demonstrate that urbanization leads to adaptation at a global scale