528 research outputs found

    Correlations in mesoscopic magnetic systems

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    The purpose of this proposal is to study the ferro/para phase transition in a mesoscopic Ising-like lattice and in particular demonstrate the existence of a negative magnetic susceptibility in the fixed magnetization ensemble. To this aim we will use the correlation = /N2 where N is the total number of spins for a single cluster, M the total magnetization of the cluster, and the equality holds if we choose r0<Dr<R where r0 is the linear size of a spin site and R is the linear size of a cluster

    Fluctuations of fragment observables

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    This contribution presents a review of our present theoretical as well as experimental knowledge of different fluctuation observables relevant to nuclear multifragmentation. The possible connection between the presence of a fluctuation peak and the occurrence of a phase transition or a critical phenomenon is critically analyzed. Many different phenomena can lead both to the creation and to the suppression of a fluctuation peak. In particular, the role of constraints due to conservation laws and to data sorting is shown to be essential. From the experimental point of view, a comparison of the available fragmentation data reveals that there is a good agreement between different data sets of basic fluctuation observables, if the fragmenting source is of comparable size. This compatibility suggests that the fragmentation process is largely independent of the reaction mechanism (central versus peripheral collisions, symmetric versus asymmetric systems, light ions versus heavy ion induced reactions). Configurational energy fluctuations, that may give important information on the heat capacity of the fragmenting system at the freeze out stage, are not fully compatible among different data sets and require further analysis to properly account for Coulomb effects and secondary decays. Some basic theoretical questions, concerning the interplay between the dynamics of the collision and the fragmentation process, and the cluster definition in dense and hot media, are still open and are addressed at the end of the paper. A comparison with realistic models and/or a quantitative analysis of the fluctuation properties will be needed to clarify in the next future the nature of the transition observed from compound nucleus evaporation to multi-fragment production.Comment: Contribution to WCI (World Consensus Initiative) Book " "Dynamics and Thermodynamics with Nuclear Degrees of Freedom", to appear on Euorpean Physics Journal A as part of the Topical Volume. 9 pages, 12 figure

    Statistical description of complex nuclear phases in supernovae and proto-neutron stars

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    We develop a phenomenological statistical model for dilute star matter at finite temperature, in which free nucleons are treated within a mean-field approximation and nuclei are considered to form a loosely interacting cluster gas. Its domain of applicability, that is baryonic densities ranging from about ρ>108\rho>10^8 g ⋅\cdot cm−3^{-3} to normal nuclear density, temperatures between 1 and 20 MeV and proton fractions between 0.5 and 0, make it suitable for the description of baryonic matter produced in supernovae explosions and proto-neutron stars. The first finding is that, contrary to the common belief, the crust-core transition is not first order, and for all subsaturation densities matter can be viewed as a continuous fluid mixture between free nucleons and massive nuclei. As a consequence, the equations of state and the associated observables do not present any discontinuity over the whole thermodynamic range. We further investigate the nuclear matter composition over a wide range of densities and temperatures. At high density and temperature our model accounts for a much larger mass fraction bound in medium nuclei with respect to traditional approaches as Lattimer-Swesty, with sizeable consequences on the thermodynamic quantities. The equations of state agree well with the presently used EOS only at low temperatures and in the homogeneous matter phase, while important differences are present in the crust-core transition region. The correlation among the composition of baryonic matter and neutrino opacity is finally discussed, and we show that the two problems can be effectively decoupled.Comment: 40 pages, 25 figure

    Analytical mass formula and nuclear surface properties in the ETF approximation

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    The problem of the determination of the nuclear surface and surface symmetry energy is addressed in the framework of the Extended Thomas Fermi (ETF) approximation using Skyrme functionals. We propose an analytical model for the density profiles with variationally determined diffuseness parameters. For the case of symmetric nuclei, the resulting ETF functional can be exactly integrated, leading to an analytical formula expressing the surface energy as a function of the couplings of the energy functional. The importance of non-local terms is stressed, which cannot be simply deduced from the local part of the functional. In the case of asymmetric nuclei, we propose an approximate expression for the diffuseness and the surface energy. These quantities are analytically related to the parameters of the energy functional. In particular, the influence of the different equation of state parameters can be explicitly quantified. Detailed analyses of the different energy components (local/non-local, isoscalar/isovector, surface/curvature and higher order) are also performed. Our analytical solution of the ETF integral improves over previous models and leads to a precision better than 200 keV per nucleon in the determination of the nuclear binding energy for dripline nuclei.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PR

    First order phase transitions: equivalence between bimodalities and the Yang-Lee theorem

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    First order phase transitions in finite systems can be defined through the bimodality of the distribution of the order parameter. This definition is equivalent to the one based on the inverted curvature of the thermodynamic potential. Moreover we show that it is in a one to one correspondence with the Yang Lee theorem in the thermodynamic limit. Bimodality is a necessary and sufficient condition for zeroes of the partition sum in the control intensive variable complex plane to be distributed on a line perpendicular to the real axis with a uniform density, scaling like the number of particles.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Clusterized nuclear matter in the (proto-)neutron star crust and the symmetry energy

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    Though generally agreed that the symmetry energy plays a dramatic role in determining the structure of neutron stars and the evolution of core-collapsing supernovae, little is known in what concerns its value away from normal nuclear matter density and, even more important, the correct definition of this quantity in the case of unhomogeneous matter. Indeed, nuclear matter traditionally addressed by mean-field models is uniform while clusters are known to exist in the dilute baryonic matter which constitutes the main component of compact objects outer shells. In the present work we investigate the meaning of symmetry energy in the case of clusterized systems and the sensitivity of the proto-neutron star composition and equation of state to the effective interaction. To this aim an improved Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium (NSE) model is developed, where the same effective interaction is consistently used to determine the clusters and unbound particles energy functionals in the self-consistent mean-field approximation. In the same framework, in-medium modifications to the cluster energies due to the presence of the nuclear gas are evaluated. We show that the excluded volume effect does not exhaust the in-medium effects and an extra isospin and density dependent energy shift has to be considered to consistently determine the composition of subsaturation stellar matter. The symmetry energy of diluted matter is seen to depend on the isovector properties of the effective interaction, but its behavior with density and its quantitative value are strongly modified by clusterization.Comment: A contribution to the upcoming EPJA Special Volume on Nuclear Symmetry Energ

    Multifragmentation and the symmetry term of the nuclear equation of state

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    We investigate the possibility to extract the symmetry energy from multifragmentation data. The applicability of the grandcanonical formula earlier proposed by Ono {\it et al.} [Phys. Rev. C {\bf 68}, 051601(R)] in the case of finite excited nuclei is tested within a microcanonical framework. Relatively good results are obtained except for large residual nuclei, especially when large sources are highly excited. Effects of secondary particle emission and the extent in which relevant information may be inferred from experimental observables are finally discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Unified treatment of sub-saturation stellar matter at zero and finite temperature

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    The standard variational derivation of stellar matter structure in the Wigner-Seitz approximation is generalized to the finite temperature situation where a wide distribution of different nuclear species can coexist in the same density and proton fraction condition, possibly out of ÎČ\beta-equilibrium. The same theoretical formalism is shown to describe on one side the single-nucleus approximation (SNA), currently used in most core collapse supernova simulations, and on the other side the nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) approach, routinely employed in r- and p-process explosive nucleosynthesis problems. In particular we show that in-medium effects have to be accounted for in NSE to have a theoretical consistency between the zero and finite temperature modeling. The bulk part of these in-medium effects is analytically calculated and shown to be different from a van der Waals excluded volume term. This unified formalism allows controlling quantitatively the deviations from the SNA in the different thermodynamic conditions, as well as having a NSE model which is reliable at any arbitrarily low value of the temperature, with potential applications for neutron star cooling and accretion problems. We present different illustrative results with several mass models and effective interactions, showing the importance of accounting for the nuclear species distribution even at temperatures lower than 1 MeV.Comment: 26 pages, 17 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Looking for bimodal distributions in multi-fragmentation reactions

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    The presence of a phase transition in a finite system can be deduced, together with its order, from the shape of the distribution of the order parameter. This issue has been extensively studied in multifragmentation experiments, with results that do not appear fully consistent. In this paper we discuss the effect of the statistical ensemble or sorting conditions on the shape of fragment distributions, and propose a new method, which can be easily implemented experimentally, to discriminate between different fragmentation scenarii. This method, based on a reweighting of the measured distribution to account for the experimental constraints linked to the energy deposit, is tested on different simple models, and appears to provide a powerful discrimination.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Tracking energy fluctuations from fragment partitions in the Lattice Gas model

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    Partial energy fluctuations are known tools to reconstruct microcanonical heat capacities. For experimental applications, approximations have been developed to infer fluctuations at freeze out from the observed fragment partitions. The accuracy of this procedure as well as the underlying independent fragment approximation is under debate already at the level of equilibrated systems. Using a well controlled computer experiment, the Lattice Gas model, we critically discuss the thermodynamic conditions under which fragment partitions can be used to reconstruct the thermodynamics of an equilibrated system.Comment: version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.
