6 research outputs found

    Genetic assessment of population restorations of the critically endangered Silene hifacensis in the Iberian Peninsula

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    In order to preserve endangered plant populations and recover their evolutionary potential and ecological behavior, some restoration measures generally involve the reinforcement of the population size in existing natural populations or the reintroduction of new populations. Genetic monitoring of both natural and restored populations can provide an assessment of restoration protocol success in establishing populations that maintain levels of genetic diversity similar to those in natural populations. The highly threatened Spanish species Silene hifacensis (Caryophyllaceae) has only three natural reduced mainland populations in the Iberian Peninsula, following decline and extinction that occurred during the late 20th century. Preterit restoration strategies were essentially based on the implantation of new populations and reinforcement of certain existing populations using transplants mostly cultivated in greenhouses. In the present contribution, levels and patterns of genetic variability within natural and restored populations of Silene hifacensis were assessed using the molecular technique AFLP. Our results pointed out significant genetic diversity differences across the three existing natural populations though their population fragmentation and progressive loss of individuals have not had an impact on the global genetic diversity of this species. For restored populations, their levels of genetic diversity were similar and even higher than in natural populations. As a result, the past restoration protocols were successful in capturing similar and even higher levels of genetic diversity than those observed within natural pools. However, inbreeding processes have been detected for two restored populations. Finally, the main source of plant material for the long-time restored transplants appears to be the natural population of Cova de les Cendres. This study demonstrates, once again, how genetic markers are useful tools to be taken in consideration for endangered plant species conservation plans.Work was supported by the project CONSELLERIATERRITORIO4-06i (Conselleria de Territori i Habitage, Generalitat Valenciana)

    Identidad taxon贸mica de Sarcocornia fruticosa y S. hispanica en la Pen铆nsula Ib茅rica

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    The recent description of Sarcocornia hispanica, from SE Iberian Peninsula evidences the notable morphological complexity of this genus. This species is quite close to S. fruticosa, as they both show an erect habit and lack of rooting stems. Besides, S. fruticosa has been traditionally recorded for the same geographical area of S. hispanica. However, the original description of S. hispanica did not include any mention about these two taxa would live together and which ones are the differential morphological characters. Our study aims to clarify their main morphological differences and to address two questions. Firstly, if two close species would be coexisting or secondly, if both species would not live together and then only one erect shrubby species should be recognised for the southeastern peninsular. Therefore, a detailed morphological study of these two species was carried out using vegetative and reproductive characters together with SEM features. Based on the original description, the main morphological features of S. hispanica were compared, plus other features which would support their identification. Our data pointed out the existence of a marked overlapping for most of the studied characters independently of the geographical procedence of the samples. As a result, no significant morphological differences have been found between both taxa, and S. hispanica is proposed as a mere synonym of S. fruticosa.La reciente descripci贸n de Sarcocornia hispanica, para el sureste de la pen铆nsula ib茅rica, evidencia la notable complejidad morfol贸gica de este g茅nero. Esta especie es muy pr贸xima a S. fruticosa, ya que ambas tienen el h谩bito erecto y carecen de ramas enraizantes. Adem谩s, S. fruticosa ha sido tradicionalmente citada para la misma 谩rea geogr谩fica de S. hispanica. Sin embargo, en la descripci贸n original de S. hispanica no se indica si ambos taxones conviven y tampoco se aportan los caracteres morfol贸gicos que los diferencian. El presente trabajo se centra en clarificar sus principales diferencias morfol贸gicas, y dar respuesta a dos posibles hip贸tesis. En primer lugar, si estas dos especies coexisten, o en segundo lugar, ambas especies no convivir铆an y solo una especie arbustivas de h谩bito erecto, se reconocer铆an para el sureste peninsular. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio morfol贸gico detallado de ambas especies basado en diferentes caracteres vegetativos y reproductivos, junto con caracter铆sticas obtenidas con MEB. Se han comparado los principales caracteres morfol贸gicos indicados en la descripci贸n original de S. hispanica, as铆 como otros caracteres que apoyen la identificaci贸n de ambos taxones. Los datos obtenidos indican que la mayor parte de las caracter铆sticas analizadas est谩n solapadas entre ambas especies con independencia de su procedencia geogr谩fica. Por tanto, no se han encontrado diferencias morfol贸gicas entre ambos taxones, y se propone a S. hispanica como un sin贸nimo de S. fruticosa.The work was partly supported by the projects ACIE10-01 and ACIE11-05 (University of Alicante)

    New insights into seminal and stomatal morphology and their contribution to the taxonomy of the Old World succulent perennial Salicornioideae

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    Seminal and stomatal morphology of three succulent halophyte genera (Sarcocornia, Halocnemum and Arthrocnemum) around the Mediterranean basin and surroundings areas were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) investigations showed well-different seminal coat ornamentations among the studied taxa. Both Arthrocnemum macrostachyum and Halocnemum strobilaceum do not show trichomes. Conversely, the species Sarcocornia perennis and S. fruticosa can be easily identified by the presence of long curved hairs against papillae or short conic hairs, respectively. Because most of the herbarium vouchers of Sarcocornia lack seeds, and thus the permanency of seeds on plants is quite short, an alternative vegetative character as stomata was also studied using SEM and light microscope. The detailed stomatal morphological features were analysed for the first time to infer taxonomic relationships among these perennial halophytes. Stomata are constantly paracytic for the four studied species, but two morphotypes were identified related to the level arrangement of guard cells, named as sunken and prominent stomata, respectively. Sunken stomata are found in A. macrostachyum, H. strobilaceum and S. fruticosa, whereas prominent stomata are only characteristic for S. perennis. Besides, we have found somehow relationships among the ecology of these plants based on the frequency of floodings and the observed morphology and density of stomata. Nonetheless, each observed morphotype is a stable character, without any influence of climate or environmental conditions. As a result, seminal coat ornamentation and stomata morphology are the two most reliable characteristics for discriminating Mediterranean halophytes taxa, especially related to Sarcocornia taxa.The work was partly supported by the projects CGL2005/06505 (Ministerio de Educaci贸n y Ciencia of Spain), ACIE10-01 and ACIE11-05 (University of Alicante) and AP/042501/11 (AECI, Ministerio de Asunto Exteriores of Spain)

    El g茅nero Puccinellia Parl. (Poaeae) en la Comunidad Valenciana

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    Se realiza una revisi贸n taxon贸mica de las especies del g茅nero Puccinellia presentes en la flora de la Comunidad Valenciana. Como resultado se acepta la existencia de tres especies, y se aclara la identidad o se descarta la presencia de otras que ven铆an cit谩ndose desde antiguo en dicho territorio. Puccinellia fasciculata es la especie m谩s ampliamente distribuida, mientras que P. hispanica y P. caespitosa s贸lo se presentan en una localidad, respectivamente en Jaraguas, Venta del Moro (Valencia) y en Villena (Alicante). Para cada una se ofrece su caracterizaci贸n morfol贸gica, ecolog铆a y distribuci贸n. Adem谩s, se aporta una clave dicot贸mica para facilitar su identificaci贸n.A morphological study is presented for taxa of Puccinellia growing in the Valencian Community (eastern Spain). Three species are accepted, and the presence of other taxa usually cited in that territory is clarified or discarded. Puccinellia fasciculata is the most widespread species, whilst P. hispanica and P. caespitosa are only known from a single site, respectively in Jaraguas, Venta del Moro (Valencia) and in Villena (Alicante). Data on morphology, ecology and distribution are reported for each species, and an identification key is also presented

    Cat谩logo de las especies adventicias y ruderales del Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig, Universidad de Alicante

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    Presentamos un estudio de la flora adventicia presente en los jardines y viales del Campus Universitario de San Vicente del Raspeig de la Universidad de Alicante, realizado entre los a帽os 2005 y 2007. Se han catalogado 407 taxones pertenecientes a 241 g茅neros y 52 familias. Un 64% de estos t谩xones son de origen aut贸ctono frente a un 36% al贸ctono. El tipo biol贸gico m谩s abundante son los ter贸fitos, con un 65% de los t谩xones encontrados.We present a catalogue of the weeds growing in the gardens of the University of Alicante. The fielwork was conducted between 2005 and 2007. A total amount of 407 taxa, belonging to 241 genera and 52 families, were listed. A 64% of these taxa are native species and 36% allien species. Terophytes are the most abundant biotype, going up to 65% of the collected taxa