24 research outputs found

    1B/1R translocation in croatian winter wheat varieties

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    Translokacija između kratkog kraka kromosoma 1R raži i dugog kraka kromosoma 1B pšenice predstavlja praktično najzastupljenije unesene strane gene u genom heksaploidne pšenice. 1RS krak kromosoma predstavlja izvor različitih korisnih gena, koji se povezuju sa povećanom otpornošću na bolesti, povećanom adaptabilnosti, tolerantnosti na stres te povećanom stabilnošću i visinom prinosa. S druge strane translokaciju se povezuje i sa lošom tehnološkom kvalitetom pšenice, kao posljedicom prisutnosti sekalina i smanjenja broja glutenskih lokusa. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi zastupljenost 1B/1R translokacije u hrvatskom sortimentu ozime pšenice korištenjem molekularnih markera. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 40 kultivara pšenice od čega 23 hrvatska kultivara. Za identifikaciju translokacije korištena su četiri para početnica: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR i PAW161. Istraživanjem je utvrđena prisutnost translokacije u 12 od 40 (30%) ispitivanih kultivara, dok je među hrvatskim kultivarima pšenice translokaciju imalo 8 od 23 (34.78%) kultivara (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda i Dea).The translocation between the short arm of chromosome 1R of rye and the long arm of chromosome 1B of wheat represents practically the most common introduced foreign genes into the genome of hexaploid wheat. 1RS chromosome arm represents a source of different useful genes, which are associated with increased disease resistance, improved adaptability, tolerance to stress, and increased stability and level of yield. On the other hand, translocation is associated with poor technological quality of wheat as a result of the presence of secalin and reduced number of gluten loci. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of 1B/1R translocation among Croatian winter wheat varieties using molecular markers. The study included 40 varieties of which 23 Croatian. For determination of translocation, four pairs of primers were used: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR and PAW161. The presence of translocation was determined in 12 of 40 (30%) varieties, while among Croatian wheat varieties translocation had 8 of 23 (34.78%) varieties (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda i Dea)

    Influence of different light spectrum and hormone concentration on in vitro growth of garlic explants

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    Primjena tehnika kulture tkiva i stanica u proizvodnji češnjaka započela je 70-ih godina prošloga stoljeća. Navedene tehnike pokazale su se boljima u odnosu na klasičnu reprodukciju češnjevima, budući da zahtijevaju samo stanice ili male dijelove tkiva za dobivanje velikog broja biljaka. Kvaliteta svjetlosti predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih okolišnih čimbenika čijom kontrolom je moguće regulirati in vitro rast i razvoj. Odabirom koncentracije i vrste hormona, kao ključne komponentne hranjive podloge, moguće je odrediti smjer razvoja biljnih stanica u kulturi. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitog spektra svjetla i koncentracije hormona na početni porast eksplantata češnjaka in vitro. U istraživanje su bila uključena dva ekotipa češnjaka, Slavonski ozimi (Hrvatska) i Vincek (Slovenija). Kao eksplantati korišteni su dijelovi klice češnjeva češnjaka. Hranjiva podloga pripremljena je prema recepturi Linsmaier i Skoog (1965.). Za istraživanje su korištene dvije različite varijante hranjive podloge (1,0 mg/L BAP i 1,5 mg/L BAP) te dvije varijante osvjetljenja (bijelo svjetlo i plavo svjetlo). Nakon dva tjedna uzgoja u kulturi određeni su masa, duljina i multiplikacijski indeks ispitivanih ekotipova. Utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj (p < 0,01) koncentracije hormona i interakcije svjetlost x hormon na sve ispitivane parametre kod oba ekotipa češnjaka. Najveća duljina i masa češnjaka Vincek, kao i najveći postotak preživljavanja, zabilježeni su kod tretmana plavim svjetlom uz 1,5 mg/L BAP. Najveća duljina i masa Slavonskog ozimog češnjaka, kao i najveći postotak preživljavanja, zabilježeni su kod tretmana bijelim svjetlom uz 1,5 mg/L BAP.The use of tissue and cell culture techniques in garlic production began in the 1970s. These techniques have been shown to be superior to classical reproduction by cloves, as they only require cells or small parts of the tissue to obtain a large number of plants. Light quality is one of the most important environmental factors which can regulate in vitro growth and development. Hormones represent a key medium component and by selecting their concentration and type it is possible to define the direction of plant cell growth in culture. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different light spectrum and hormone concentration on the initial growth of garlic in vitro. The study included two garlic ecotypes, Slavonian winter (Croatia) and Vincek (Slovenia). Clove germs were used as explants. Culture medium was prepared according to Linsmaier and Skoog (1965). Two different variants of hormon concentration (1.0 mg/L BAP and 1.5 mg/L BAP) and light spectrum (white light and blue light) were used as treatments. After two weeks of cultivation, growth parameters (mass, length and multiplication index) were measured. Results showed a statistically significant effect (p < 0.01) of the hormone concentration and the interaction of light x hormone on all examined parameters (mass, length and multiplication index) in both garlic ecotypes. The highest length and mass of garlic Vincek, as well as the highest survival rate, were observed at blue light + 1.5 mg/L BAP treatment. The highest length and mass of Slavonian winter garlic and the highest survival rate, were observed at white light + 1.5 mg/L BAP treatment


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    The translocation between the short arm of chromosome 1R of rye and the long arm of chromosome 1A, 1B or 1D of wheat represents practically the most common introduced foreign genes into the genome of hexaploid wheat. 1RS chromosome arm represents a source of different useful genes, associated with increased disease resistance, improved adaptability, stress tolerance, and increased stability and level of yield. On the other hand, translocation is associated with poor technological quality of wheat as a result of the presence of secalin and reduced number of gluten loci. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of 1RS translocation among some Croatian winter wheat varieties using molecular markers. The study included 40 varieties of which 23 Croatian. Four pairs of primers: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR and PAW161 were used for determination of translocation. The presence of translocation was determined in 12 of 40 (30%) varieties, while among the Croatian wheat varieties translocation had 8 of 23 (34.78%) varieties (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda and Dea).Translokacija između kratkoga kraka kromosoma 1R raži i dugoga kraka kromosoma 1A, 1B ili 1D pšenice predstavlja praktično najzastupljenije unesene strane gene u genom heksaploidne pšenice. 1RS krak kromosoma predstavlja izvor različitih korisnih gena, koji se povezuju s povećanom otpornošću na bolesti, povećanom adaptabilnosti, tolerantnosti na stres te povećanom stabilnošću i visinom prinosa. S druge strane, translokaciju se povezuje i s lošom tehnološkom kvalitetom pšenice, kao posljedicom prisutnosti sekalina i smanjenja broja glutenskih lokusa. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi zastupljenost 1RS translokacije u hrvatskom sortimentu ozime pšenice korištenjem molekularnih markera. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 40 kultivara pšenice, od čega 23 hrvatska kultivara. Za identifikaciju translokacije korištena su četiri para početnica: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR i PAW161. Istraživanjem je utvrđena prisutnost translokacije u 12 od 40 (30%) ispitivanih kultivara, dok je među hrvatskim kultivarima pšenice translokaciju imalo 8 od 23 (34,78%) kultivara (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda i Dea)

    Determination of glutenin and gliadin loci in Croatian winter wheat germplasm

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    Aim of the study was to examine and determine distribution of glutenin (Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1) and gliadin (Gli-B1 and Gli-D1) loci in twenty Croatian winter wheat varieties using SDS PAGE. Highest frequency at Glu-A1 loci was recorded for subunit 2* (50 %). At Glu-B1 loci subunit 7+9 was dominant with frequency of 45 % while the subunit 7+8 was at second place with 40 %. At these loci lowest frequency (5%) had subunit 14+15. Subunit 5+10 prevailed at Glu-D1 with frequency of 70 %. At Gli-B1 loci we determined prevalence of subunits 63+67 combination with a frequency of 50 %, while the lowest prevalence had subunit 61 with a frequency of 5 %. Subunits 60, 66 and null allele (N) were also present. At Gli-D1 locus, the most common subunit was 55 with a frequency of 90 %, combination of subunits 55 + 56 + 59 and the subunit 59 were also present with frequency of 5 %

    Energy value of agricultural spelt residue (Triticum spelta L.) – forgotten cultures

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    Pir, krupnik ili dinkel (Lat. Triticum spelta) jedna je od najstarijih žitarica, a potječe iz Azije. Od brončanog doba do srednjeg vijeka u Europi je bio vrlo važna žitarica. Nakon upotrebe zrna u prehrambene svrhe ostaje biomasa pira kao nusproizvod odnosno otpad. Rastuće cijene fosilnih goriva i sve veće zabrinutosti oko klimatskih promjena stvaraju sve veću potražnju za novim izvorima sirovine za održivu proizvodnju topline. U posljednjih nekoliko godina istraživanja su pokazala pozitivne učinke uporabe poljoprivrednih ostataka za proizvodnju energije. Zrno pira prerađuje se u različite svrhe, dok pljeve, pljevice te stabljika zaostaju kao nusproizvod odnosno ostatak u proizvodnji. Stoga je značajno provesti istraživanje kako bi se utvrdila energetska (goriva) svojstva pljeve i pljevice te stabljike pira. U radu su obuhvaćene dvije sorte pira BcVigor i Ostro. Nakon prikupljenih i homogeniziranih uzoraka za svaku sortu određene su gornje i donje ogrjevne vrijednosti (Hg i Hd). Rezultati dobiveni u ovom istraživanju pokazali su da su pljeve i pljevice te stabljika pira, kao ostatak nakon upotrebe zrna u prehrambene svrhe, vrlo kvalitetna sirovina za proizvodnju energije zbog svoje visoke ogrjevne vrijednosti: gornja ogrijevna vrijednost stabljike sorte BcVigor iznosi 17.367 MJ/kg, a stabljike sorte Ostro 17.224 MJ/kg dok gornja ogrijevna vrijednost pljeve i pljevice sorte Ostro iznosi16.402 MJ/kg, a sorte BcVigor 16.650 MJ/kg.Spelt (Triticum spelta L.), also known as dinkel wheat, or hulled wheat is one of the oldest crops. It originates from Asia. In Europe spelt was very important cereal during the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages. After the processing grains for food, biomass lags as a by-product or waste. Rising fossil fuel prices and increasing concerns about climate change are creating a growing demand for new sources of raw material for biomass combustion for sustainable heat production. In recent years studies have shown the positive effects of the use of agricultural residues for energy production. Grains of Spelt are processed into various purposes, while the chaff, glumes and stems remain as a by-product. Therefore, it is important to carry out research in order to determine energy characteristics of chaff, glumes and stems. This paper examined the two Spelt varieties: BcVigor and Ostro. Collected and homogenized samples were analysed by the energy characteristics: high (HHV) and lower (LHV) heating values of chaff, glumes and stems were determined by standard methods. The results obtained in this research showed that, after the use of Spelt grain for food, chaff, glumes and stems are representing by-product but also it is a high-quality raw material for energy production because of its high calorific values: the upper heating value in BcVigor stem was 17.367 MJ/kg and 17.224 MJ/kg in the Ostro stem, 16.402 MJ/kg in the Ostro chaff and glumes and 16.650 MJ/kg in the BcVigor chaff and glumes

    High-risk bio-waste processing by alkaline hydrolysis and isolation of amino acids

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    Nusproizvod životinjskog podrijetla vrlo je opasan za životinje i ljudsko zdravlje. Mozak životinja i leđna moždina su vrlo rizični te mogu biti zaraženi prionima te je stoga vrlo važno da se zbrinjavanje ovakvog materijala obavlja u strogo kontroliranim uvjetima. Metoda kojom se postiže smanjenje rizika za zdravlje ljudi je metoda alkalne hidrolize. Standardna metoda alkalne hidrolize odvija se pri 150 °C, 3 h do 6 h i tlaku od 4 bara. Rad donosi istraživanje na polju izolacije amino kiselina nakon provedene alkalne hidrolize pri različitim uvjetima temperature (135 °C, 150 °C, 153 °C), vremena (2 h, 3 h, 6 h) i lužinama (NaOHi KOH) uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da su amino kiseline osjetljive na promjenu temperature, lužine i tlaka. Analizirani hidrolizat pokazuje uspješno provedenu alkalnu hidrolizu pri različitim eksperimentalnim uvjetima.Veći sadržaj proteina, koji je generalno u svim uzorcima relativno nizak, postignut je s NaOH pri temperature 135 °C i vremenu 2 h, dok je u reakciji s KOH veća koncentracija proteina postignuta pri 150 °C i 3 h. Suha tvar se povećavala s duljinom hidroliziranja te je najveća vrijednost postignuta pri temperaturi od 150 °C i vremenu od 6 h s obje lužine. Većina aminokiselina je prošla process racemizacije u D-amino kiseline poput: Asparagina, Glutaminske kiseline, Triptofana i IzoLeucina. Lizin je pokazao veću otpornost na alkalni medij u usporedbi s ostalim aminokiselinama. Izolacija određenih amino kiselina poput Asparagina, Glutaminske kiseline, Glicina, Alanina i Leucina moguća je budući iste pokazuju zadovoljavajuću količinu u hidrolizatu.Slaughterhouse waste can be very dangerous and potential risk for animal and human health. Brains and spinal cords are deemed high-risk substances and can be infected with prions; their treatment is therefore only possible in strictly controlled conditions. One of the methods which can achieve the necessary reduction in health risk is alkaline hydrolysis. Standard alkaline hydrolysis is at 150 °C, 3-6 hours, and 4 bars. In this investigation focus was on different alkaline conditions: temperature (135 °C, 150 °C, 153 °C), time (2, 3, 6 hours), and base (NaOH and KOH) due to the fact that amino acids are sensitive to variations on temperature, pressure and base media. Analyzed amino acid composition of hydrolyzed material at different testing conditions show successful hydrolysis. The highest value of protein, which is generally relatively low, was achieved with NaOH at a temperature of 135 °C and time of 2 hours, whereas in the reaction with KOH the highest obtained value was achieved at 150 °C and 3 hours. The dry substance was increasing with time, and the highest value was achieved at the temperature of 150 °C and time 6 hours for both bases (NaOH, and KOH). Most of the amino acids went full racemization during the process; especially in D-amino acids like aspartic acid, glutamic acid, tryptophan and isoleucine. Lysine shows higher resistance to alkaline medium than other amino acids. Isolation of certain amino acids, like: asparagine, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, and leucine, is possible because they show higher concentrations in hydrolysates

    Characterization and interrelationships of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] yield components during dry and humid seasons

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    Global climate changes have caused a significant weather oscillation. The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of weather conditions on the association of soybean seed yield and yield components, to find out the magnitude and effect of each component and their reaction to environmental stress. Seventy-four soybean varieties from nine geographical origins were studied during two seasons (2015 with less rainfall and increased temperatures and 2016 with increased humidity and moderate temperatures) at the Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Osijek, Croatia. Correlation and path analysis were used to examine the association of the studied traits. The variance analysis revealed significant (P<0.01) effect of genotype, year and their interactions on all examined traits. During both seasons the seed yield was in significant and positive correlation with seed number per plant, pods number per plant, seed number per pod and 1,000-seed weight. All the traits mentioned had a stronger correlation with the yield in the dry 2015 compared to the year 2016. The seed number per plant had the highest correlation coefficients and a high and positive direct effect on seed yield in both years. Therefore, the selection of high yielding genotypes based on this trait can be done directly regardless of the variable weather conditions. The hierarchical clustering of varieties resulted in eight clusters in both years, confirming high genetic variability of the examined varieties. In 2016 one cluster that mainly consisted of varieties typical for the breeding programs of this region was singled out

    Optimal method of sowing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for growing wheatgrass

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    Pšenična trava predstavlja biljke pšenice u ranim stadijima uzgoja prije ulaska u fazu vlatanja. Zbog visoke koncentracije minerala, vitamina, enzima, klorofila i bioflavonoida, pšenična trava se koristi kao prirodni dodatak prehrani. Iako se može konzumirati u obliku praha i tableta, često se konzumira u obliku svježega soka, te ju stoga ljudi uzgajaju u kućanstvima. Veliki je problem u takvome uzgoju pojava i razvoj plijesni na supstratu i biljkama. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike između površinske dezinfekcije sjemena te vrste i dezinfekcije podloge (bez podloge, kvarcni pijesak [dezinficiran i nedezinficiran] i Brillov supstrat [dezinficiran i nedezinficiran]) na pojavu plijesni, broj i masu biljaka (g) i količinu dobivenoga soka (ml) u dvije sorte pšenice (Ilirija i Katarina). Metode površinske dezinfekcije sjemena i dezinfekcije supstrata, koje su ispitivane u provedenome istraživanju, moguće je primijeniti u kućanstvu. Najveći broj biljaka i masa biljaka utvrđene su na Brill supstratu, neovisno o sorti. Između mase biljaka i količine dobivenoga soka utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija (r=0,98; p<0,01). Prosječna količina soka za sortu Iliriju bila je 7,85±2,93 ml, a za sortu Katarinu 5,08±2,21 ml. Najveća pojava i razvoj plijesni utvrđeni su pri uzgoju pšenične trave bez podloge. Na ispitivane parametre najveći utjecaj imali su sorta i podloga.Wheatgrass represents wheat plants in the early stage of development, prior to the jointing stage. Due to its high concentration of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, chlorophyll, and bioflavonoids, wheatgrass is commonly used as a natural dietary supplement. Although it can be consumed in the form of powder or tablets, it is often consumed in the form of fresh juice, which is why wheatgrass is grown in households. The main problem in such cultivation is the occurrence of mildew on plants and substrate. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the differences in surface disinfection of seeds and the type and disinfection of substrate (no substrate, disinfected/non-disinfected quartz sand and disinfected/non-disinfected Brill substrate) on the incidence of mildew, the number of plants, plant weight (g) and the amount of juice obtained (ml) in two wheat cultivars (Ilirija and Katarina). The methods of seed-surface disinfection and substrate disinfection tested in this research can be applied in households. The highest number of plants per pot and highest average plant weight were determined on Brill substrate, regardless of wheat cultivar. A positive correlation was found between plant weight and the amount of juice obtained (r=0.98; p<0.01). An average amount of juice for cultivar Ilirija was 7.85±2.93 ml, while cultivar Katarina had an average of 5.08±2.21 ml of juice. The highest incidence of mildew was detected in wheatgrass cultivation without substrate. The obtained results indicate that the examined traits are under the strongest influence of cultivar and the type of substrate

    Anaerobic digestion of specific biodegradable waste and final disposal

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    Ovaj rad istražuje učinkovitost primjene različitih razina digestiranog ostatka, dobivenog nakon anaerobne digestije (AD) mesno-koštanog brašna (MKB), na morfološka i mineralna svojstva kukuruza. Istraživanje je provedeno u trajanju od dvije godine, a sastojalo se od osam tretmana: kontrola (bez gnojiva); samo mineralna gnojidba; tretmani s najmanjom, srednjom i maksimalnom dozom digestiranog MKB-a; gnojidba minimalnom, srednjom i maksimalnom dozom digestiranog ostatka u kombinaciji s mineralnim gnojivom. Kombinacija tretmana s mineralnim gnojivom i različitom dozom ostatka anaerobne digestije, povećala je prinos mase biljke, bile su veće i imale više lišća. Sadržaj mineralnih tvari bio je prosječne vrijednosti, kako u biljnom materijalu tako i u jezgri. Varijacije vrijednosti uvjetovane su ukupnom masom i ionskim interakcijama. MKB nakon tretmana AD moguće je primijeniti kao organsko gnojivo. Ima veće hranjive vrijednosti i, kao takvo, prikladno je za tretiranje poljoprivrednih biljaka, posebno u ratarstvu.The present paper investigates the effectiveness of different levels of applied digested residue obtained after anaerobic digestion (AD) of meat-bone meal (MBM) on the morphologic and mineral characteristics of corn. The experiment was conducted in duration of two years and consisted of eight treatments: control (without any fertilizer); mineral fertilization only; treatments with minimum, medium and maximum dosage of digested MBM; fertilization of minimum, medium and maximum dosages of AD residue combined with mineral fertilizer. By combination of treatments with mineral fertilizer and different rates of AD residue, plants increased mass yield, they were larger and had more leaves. Content of mineral substances was within average values, both in plant material and in kernel, and variations in values were conditioned by total mass and ion interactions. MBM after AD treatment is possible to be applied as organic fertilizer. It has higher nutritive value and, as such, is suitable for treatment of agricultural plants, especially in crop production


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    Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati varijabilnost amiloze i amilopektina kod 24 hrvatske i šest stranih sorata ozime pšenice te otkriti potencijal istih za posebne namjene. Analiza sastava škroba temeljila se na izdvajanju amiloze i amilopektina te određivanju njihove količine i omjera. Analiza količine amiloze i amilopektina utvrdila je statistički visoko opravdane razlike među ispitivanim sortama. Ispitivane sorte većinom su krušne pšenice različite kvalitete te imaju uobičajen sadržaj amiloze i amilopektina. Među njima izdvojile su se pojedine sorte s visokim sadržajem amilopektina i niskim sadržajem amiloze te jedna sorta s visokim sadržajem amiloze, koje imaju potencijal u budućim oplemenjivačkim programima i selekciji za posebne namjene.The aim of this study was to investigate the variability of amylose and amylopectin in 24 Croatian and six foreign winter wheat varieties and to detect the potential of these varieties for special purposes. Starch composition analysis was based on the separation of amylose and amylopectin and the determination of their amounts and ratios. Analysis of the amount of amylose and amylopectin determined statistically highly significant differences between the varieties. The tested varieties are mostly bread wheat of different quality which have the usual content of amylose and amylopectin. Some varieties were identified among them with high amylopectin and low amylose content and one variety with high amylose content. They have the potential in future breeding programs and selection for special purposes