1B/1R translocation in croatian winter wheat varieties


Translokacija između kratkog kraka kromosoma 1R raži i dugog kraka kromosoma 1B pšenice predstavlja praktično najzastupljenije unesene strane gene u genom heksaploidne pšenice. 1RS krak kromosoma predstavlja izvor različitih korisnih gena, koji se povezuju sa povećanom otpornošću na bolesti, povećanom adaptabilnosti, tolerantnosti na stres te povećanom stabilnošću i visinom prinosa. S druge strane translokaciju se povezuje i sa lošom tehnološkom kvalitetom pšenice, kao posljedicom prisutnosti sekalina i smanjenja broja glutenskih lokusa. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi zastupljenost 1B/1R translokacije u hrvatskom sortimentu ozime pšenice korištenjem molekularnih markera. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 40 kultivara pšenice od čega 23 hrvatska kultivara. Za identifikaciju translokacije korištena su četiri para početnica: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR i PAW161. Istraživanjem je utvrđena prisutnost translokacije u 12 od 40 (30%) ispitivanih kultivara, dok je među hrvatskim kultivarima pšenice translokaciju imalo 8 od 23 (34.78%) kultivara (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda i Dea).The translocation between the short arm of chromosome 1R of rye and the long arm of chromosome 1B of wheat represents practically the most common introduced foreign genes into the genome of hexaploid wheat. 1RS chromosome arm represents a source of different useful genes, which are associated with increased disease resistance, improved adaptability, tolerance to stress, and increased stability and level of yield. On the other hand, translocation is associated with poor technological quality of wheat as a result of the presence of secalin and reduced number of gluten loci. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of 1B/1R translocation among Croatian winter wheat varieties using molecular markers. The study included 40 varieties of which 23 Croatian. For determination of translocation, four pairs of primers were used: RIS, SCM9, RYE-NOR and PAW161. The presence of translocation was determined in 12 of 40 (30%) varieties, while among Croatian wheat varieties translocation had 8 of 23 (34.78%) varieties (Zlatna Dolina, Barbara, Nova Žitarka, Marija, Prima, Kuna, Koleda i Dea)

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