13 research outputs found

    Private Memory in Public Space

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    Commemoration in public space is usually associated with the creation of official objects related to important events or individuals, most often in the form of monuments or plaques. In the paper, the author considers alternative forms of commemoration which, by existing in the social space, invade privacy, taking into account not only artistic activities such as Stolpersteine/Gunter Demnig’s “stumbling stones” but also, for example, candles or flowers at accident sites. So, the author examines non-monumental forms of commemoration and considers the questions related to the reception of these objects, including their penetration into common cultural spaces

    Rhetoric of the image of architecture

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    Based on the example of one of the newsreels of the Polish Film Chronicle of 1965, we have researched the issue of the usability of rhetorical figures for the analysis of the image of architecture recorded in film and its relations with the verbal rhetoric of narration as well as the pictorial rhetoric, which makes up the message of a different nature. By this we have attempted to decode the lifestyle model presented in the film and propagated by its manner of description of architecture with the use of rhetorical figures and also to decode the role and meaning of the architectural forms, which were engaged in the creation of the message of the film image. Combining the rhetorical analysis with an interpretation of the architectural forms has enabled us to identify the persuasive nature of the message of the chronicle material included in the documentary film


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    A – department store commonly referred to as “Okrąglak” (“The Rotunda”) in Poznań and the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, both completed in 1955, represent features of two opposing styles. This leads to further reflections on modernism and socialist realism as demonstrated by the – two buildings. The modern features of the tower of the Palace of Culture and Science have been outshined with the national form and communist contents clearly reflecting Poland’s subordination to the Soviet Union. References to the pattern, the Palace of the Soviets, defined the top-down accepted model of progress. The department store (“Okrąglak”), designed in 1948, was also meant to demonstrate modernity of commerce in a communist country. However, its form designed by Marek Leykam represents a more universal concept of progress free from any designations.A – department store commonly referred to as “Okrąglak” (“The Rotunda”) in Poznań and the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, both completed in 1955, represent features of two opposing styles. This leads to further reflections on modernism and socialist realism as demonstrated by the – two buildings. The modern features of the tower of the Palace of Culture and Science have been outshined with the national form and communist contents clearly reflecting Poland’s subordination to the Soviet Union. References to the pattern, the Palace of the Soviets, defined the top-down accepted model of progress. The department store (“Okrąglak”), designed in 1948, was also meant to demonstrate modernity of commerce in a communist country. However, its form designed by Marek Leykam represents a more universal concept of progress free from any designations

    Posen und Straßburg und ihr Bezug zum Wasser. Ein vergleichender Blick in einer Langzeitperspektive

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    In der wilhelminischen Zeit (1890–1918) wurden in den Grenzstädten Posen und Straßburg ehrgeizige Urbanisierungsprojekte durchgeführt, diese Orte wurden damit zu einem „Laboratorium“ der modernen Städteplanung. Trotzdem gibt es bis heute in der Fachliteratur kein vergleichendes Studium zu diesem Thema, insbesondere bezüglich der Beziehung zwischen diesen Zentren und den Flüssen (Warthe und Rhein). In Anlehnung an die Theorien des englischen Historikers Arnold Toynbee präsentieren die Verfasser des Beitrages folgendes zentrales Forschungsthema: Welche Methoden zur Regelung von Wasserproblemen wurden in Posen und Straßburg angewandt?Poznań and Strasbourg and their relationship with water: A long-term comparative lookIn the Wilhelmine Period (1890–1918), the border cities of Poznań and Strasbourg were included in ambitious urbanization projects, thus becoming a sort of “laboratories” or modern urban planning. Despite this, no comparative study, especially regarding the relationship between these cities and rivers (the Warta and the Rhine), has been undertaken. Referring to a theory by English historian Arnold Toynbee, the authors of this article present the following research issue: what means of water-related regulations were adopted in Poznań and Strasburg? Translated by Anna MaleszkaPoznań i Strasburg w relacjach z wodą. Spojrzenie porównawcze w długiej perspektywie czasowejW czasach wilhelmowskich (1890–1918) miasta graniczne Poznań i Strasburg zostały objęte ambitnymi projektami urbanizacyjnymi, stając się tym samym swego rodzaju „laboratoriami” nowoczesnego planowania miejskiego. Pomimo to w literaturze przedmiotu brakuje studium porównawczego, w szczególności dotyczącego relacji tych ośrodków z rzekami (Warta i Ren). W nawiązaniu do teorii angielskiego historyka Arnolda Toynbee autorzy artykułu przedstawili następujące zagadnienia badawcze: jakie metody regulacji kwestii związanych z wodą przyjęto w Poznaniu i Strasburgu

    Occupational Architecture – Nazi Projects in Poznań

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    Wojna wiąże się najczęściej ze zniszczeniami i wstrzymaniem prac budowlanych, wobec czego ożywiona aktywność nazistowska w Poznaniu stawia pytanie o ideowe funkcje architektury. W czasie drugiej wojny światowej powstawały w ówczesnej stolicy Gau Wartheland nie tylko liczne projekty urbanistyczno-architektoniczne, ale też wznoszono wiele osiedli mieszkaniowych, zakładano tereny zieleni i prowadzono przebudowę dawnego zamku cesarskiego na Deutsches Schloss. Przebudowa zamku jako siedziby Hitlera jednoznacznie wyrażała dominację III Rzeszy nad podbitymi terenami, ale taka była też funkcja budynków mieszkaniowych. Wiele z tych zamierzeń otrzymało status „ważnych dla działań wojennych”, co każe traktować architekturę jako środek zabezpieczający zdobycze wojenne, a osadników jako kolonizatorów i okupantów. Osiedla mieszkaniowe reprezentowały modelowe cechy masowego budownictwa opracowywanego dla czasów powojennych, miały więc dokumentować opanowanie „po wieczne czasy” terenów włączonych do III Rzeszy, a także służyły ich przekształcaniu zgodnie z ideologią nazistowską.War usually causes damage and suspension of construction work, thus intensified Nazi activity in Poznań brings into focus the ideological functions of architecture. During World War II, the then capital city of Gau Wartheland was the site of numerous urban and architectural projects, as well as many new housing estates and green areas. Moreover, the occupant worked on the conversion of the former imperial castle into a Deutsches Schloss, that is Hitler’s headquarters, which were to express the Third Reich’s dominance over the conquered territories. This was also the function of residential buildings. Many of these projects were given the status of “important to military operations”, hence the architecture should be perceived as a means to secure the territorial gains, and the German settlers as colonists and occupants. The housing estates displayed features of mass construction developed with a view to post-war times and were, therefore, intended to document the ‘endless’ control of the areas incorporated into the Reich. The estates also served to transform these areas in line with Nazi ideology

    Kształtowanie przestrzeni krajobrazowej Poznania w projektach H.F. Wiepkinga-Jürgensmanna

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    Greenery compositions have played an increasingly important role in urban design since the end of the 19th century as an important factor with a variety of functions. They were also given ideological meaning in Nazi concepts, as illustrated by Friedrich Wiepking-Jürgensmann's activities in Poznan during the Second World War. They were part of the nazification of the landscape in occupied countries. The historical and logical analysis of this issue is a sketch of a topic poorly studied in Poland, and is the beginning of a reflection on the relationship between the objectified value of presented knowledge and its ideological use.Kompozycje zieleni od końca XIX wieku odgrywały coraz większą rolę w projektowaniu urbanistycznym jako istotny czynnik o różnorodnych funkcjach. W koncepcjach nazistowskich nadawano im także znaczenie ideologiczne, czego przykładem są działania Friedricha Wiepkinga-Jürgensmanna w Poznaniu w czasie II wojny światowej. Były one elementem nazyfikacji krajobrazu w okupowanych krajach. Historyczno-logiczna analiza tego problemu jest szkicem słabo opracowanego w Polsce tematu oraz zaczynkiem efleksji nad związkami między zobiektywizowaną wartością prezentowanej wiedzy a jej ideologicznym wykorzystaniem

    Private Memory in Public Space

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    Commemoration in public space is usually associated with the creation of official objects related to important events or individuals, most often in the form of monuments or plaques. In the paper, the author considers alternative forms of commemoration which, by existing in the social space, invade privacy, taking into account not only artistic activities such as Stolpersteine/Gunter Demnig’s “stumbling stones” but also, for example, candles or flowers at accident sites. So, the author examines non-monumental forms of commemoration and considers the questions related to the reception of these objects, including their penetration into common cultural spaces