3,538 research outputs found

    Foliar fungicides for use in the management of rice diseases

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    Rice diseases and disorders in Louisiana

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    A Morphological and Multicolor Survey for Faint QSOs in the Groth-Westphal Strip

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    Quasars representative of the populous faint end of the luminosity function are frustratingly dim with m~24 at intermediate redshift; moreover groundbased surveys for such faint QSOs suffer substantial morphological contamination by compact galaxies having similar colors. In order to establish a more reliable ultrafaint QSO sample, we used the APO 3.5-m telescope to take deep groundbased U-band CCD images in fields previously imaged in V,I with WFPC2/HST. Our approach hence combines multicolor photometry with the 0.1" spatial resolution of HST, to establish a morphological and multicolor survey for QSOs extending about 2 magnitudes fainter than most extant groundbased surveys. We present results for the "Groth-Westphal Strip", in which we identify 10 high likelihood UV-excess candidates having stellar or stellar-nucleus+galaxy morphology in WFPC2. For m(606)<24.0 (roughly B<24.5) the surface density of such QSO candidates is 420 (+180,-130) per square degree, or a surface density of 290 (+160,-110) per square degree with an additional V-I cut that may further exclude compact emission line galaxies. Even pending confirming spectroscopy, the observed surface density of QSO candidates is already low enough to yield interesting comparisons: our measures agree extremely well with the predictions of several recent luminosity function models.Comment: 29 pages including 6 tables and 7 figures. As accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (minor revisions

    Warm dark matter at small scales: peculiar velocities and phase space density

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    We study the scale and redshift dependence of the power spectra for density perturbations and peculiar velocities, and the evolution of a coarse grained phase space density for (WDM) particles that decoupled during the radiation dominated stage. The (WDM) corrections are obtained in a perturbative expansion valid in the range of redshifts at which N-body simulations set up initial conditions, and for a wide range of scales. The redshift dependence is determined by the kurtosis β2\beta_2 of the distribution function at decoupling. At large redshift there is an enhancement of peculiar velocities for β2>1\beta_2 > 1 that contributes to free streaming and leads to further suppression of the matter power spectrum and an enhancement of the peculiar velocity autocorrelation function at scales smaller than the free streaming scale. Statistical fluctuations of peculiar velocities are also suppressed on these scales by the same effect. In the linearized approximation, the coarse grained phase space density features redshift dependent (WDM) corrections from gravitational perturbations determined by the power spectrum of density perturbations and β2\beta_2. For β2>25/21\beta_2 > 25/21 it \emph{grows logarithmically} with the scale factor as a consequence of the suppression of statistical fluctuations. Two specific models for WDM are studied in detail. The (WDM) corrections relax the bounds on the mass.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figs, more explanations. Published versio

    Age Differences in Central (Semantic) and Peripheral Processing: The importance of Considering Both Response Times and Errors

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    In this project we examined the effect of adult age on visual word recognition by using combined reaction time (RT) and accuracy methods based on the Hick–Hyman law. This was necessary because separate Brinley analyses of RT and errors resulted in contradicting results. We report the results of a lexical decision task experiment (with 96 younger adults and 97 older adults). We transformed the error data into entropy and then predicted RT by using entropy values separately for exposure duration (thought to influence peripheral processes) and word frequency (thought to influence central processes). For exposure duration, the entropy–RT functions indicate that older adults show higher intercepts and slopes than do younger adults, suggesting an encoding decrement for older adults. However, for word frequency, older adults show higher intercepts but not steeper slopes than younger adults. Older adults thus show a peripheral processing decrement but not a central processing decrement for lexical decision

    Age Differences in Central (Semantic) and Peripheral Processing: The importance of Considering Both Response Times and Errors

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    In this project we examined the effect of adult age on visual word recognition by using combined reaction time (RT) and accuracy methods based on the Hick–Hyman law. This was necessary because separate Brinley analyses of RT and errors resulted in contradicting results. We report the results of a lexical decision task experiment (with 96 younger adults and 97 older adults). We transformed the error data into entropy and then predicted RT by using entropy values separately for exposure duration (thought to influence peripheral processes) and word frequency (thought to influence central processes). For exposure duration, the entropy–RT functions indicate that older adults show higher intercepts and slopes than do younger adults, suggesting an encoding decrement for older adults. However, for word frequency, older adults show higher intercepts but not steeper slopes than younger adults. Older adults thus show a peripheral processing decrement but not a central processing decrement for lexical decision

    Small Scale Perturbations in a General MDM Cosmology

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    For a universe with massive neutrinos, cold dark matter, and baryons, we solve the linear perturbation equations analytically in the small-scale limit and find agreement with numerical codes at the 1-2% level. The inclusion of baryons, a cosmological constant, or spatial curvature reduces the small-scale power and tightens limits on the neutrino density from observations of high redshift objects. Using the asymptotic solution, we investigate neutrino infall into potential wells and show that it can be described on all scales by a growth function that depends on time, wavenumber, and cosmological parameters. The growth function may be used to scale the present-day transfer functions back in redshift. This allows us to construct the time-dependent transfer function for each species from a single master function that is independent of time, cosmological constant, and curvature.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 13 pages, aastex, 4 figures included; also available at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~wh

    Snarky Signatures: Minimal Signatures of Knowledge from Simulation-Extractable SNARKs

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    We construct a pairing based simulation-extractable SNARK (SE-SNARK) that consists of only 3 group elements and has highly efficient verification. By formally linking SE-SNARKs to signatures of knowledge, we then obtain a succinct signature of knowledge consisting of only 3 group elements. SE-SNARKs enable a prover to give a proof that they know a witness to an instance in a manner which is: (1) succinct - proofs are short and verifier computation is small; (2) zero-knowledge - proofs do not reveal the witness; (3) simulation-extractable - it is only possible to prove instances to which you know a witness, even when you have already seen a number of simulated proofs. We also prove that any pairing based signature of knowledge or SE-NIZK argument must have at least 3 group elements and 2 verification equations. Since our constructions match these lower bounds, we have the smallest size signature of knowledge and the smallest size SE-SNARK possible
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