71 research outputs found

    La pratique du football à Besançon: des clubs de quartier aux clubs d'excellence sportive

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    Cet article est le fruit d'une collaboration entre la Ligue de Franche-Comté de Football et l'Université de Franche-Comté (pÎle CERSO). Tant qu'il ne concernait pas une large frange de la population, le football ne réclamait pas de politiques d'aménagement spécifiques. Avec la généralisation de sa pratique, le besoin d'impulser et de soutenir les initiatives en sa faveur s'est fait sentir. La Loi d'orientation pour l'aménagement et le développement durable du territoire du 25 juin 1999 (LOADDT 1999) confirme ces évolutions et reconnaßt le statut de service public au sport en général, et au football en particulier. En effet, elle contient un schéma de service collectif consacré au sport avec deux objectifs prioritaires : élargir l'offre d'accueil et répondre au mieux à la demande sociale

    La pratique du football en Franche-Comté: un football des champs et un football des villes

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    Avec un peu plus de 45 000 licenciés, le football est en Franche- Comté le sport qui compte le plus de pratiquants. Peu onéreux dans sa pratique, il est accessible à tous et s'adresse en théorie à toutes les catégories socioéconomiques : le football est un sport de masse par excellence qui peut jouer le rÎle de ciment social. Au cours de ces derniÚres années, le football a été confronté à la concurrence d'autres sports, le tennis notamment, qui bénéficient d'une organisation plus souple. AprÚs une période de dynamisme, le football a ralenti sa progression durant les années soixante et soixante-dix. Les années quatre vingt verront se succéder en alternance les années de recul et les années de croissance du nombre de ses licenciés

    La territorialisation des politiques scolaires : l'exemple des collĂšges du bassin de Gap

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    ACLInternational audienceLe bassin de Gap connaĂźt un accroissement dĂ©mographique en milieu pĂ©riurbain, ce qui nĂ©cessite l'analyse de la carte scolaire afin de crĂ©er de nouveaux collĂšges. Ce bassin de population, marquĂ© par des contraintes fortes, est un vĂ©ritable espace vĂ©cu dans le sens oĂč il est structurĂ© par des aires de recrutement rĂ©sultant des pratiques spatiales des Ă©lĂšves et de leurs familles. Une Ă©tude approfondie des structures et des dynamiques spatiales de ce bassin permet de tirer quelques leçons quant au fonctionnement d'un territoire scolaire

    Correlation between cell cycle and calcium phosphate transient transfection of CHO cells

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    Calcium phosphate transfection is a widely used method to produce recombinant proteins in mammalian cells. However, the mechanisms involved in plasmid DNA transfer to the nucleus of the transfected cells remain poorly understood and result in great variation of transfection efficiency. The role of the cell cycle in transfection by the calcium phosphate method was studied using Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells as a model system. Adherent cell cultures were synchronized at the G1/S boundary using mimosine. At various time points after the removal of the drug the cells were transfected with reporter plasmids that expressed either the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) or a red fluorescent protein (DsRedExpress). Fluorescent protein expression was monitored by fluorometry and live imaging. Cell cycle was monitored by flow cytometry. It was shown that the cell cycle had major implications on at least two levels. The correlation between the percentage of cells in S phase at the time of transfection complex addition and the resulting reporter gene expression demonstrated that efficient transfer of exogenous DNA in mammalian cells was dependent on the cell cycle. A faster transfection protocol, developed within this work, showed that the optimal timing for the transfection complex addition was different depending on the transfection set-ups used. Further investigations demonstrated that mitosis played a key role, probably due to the nuclear membrane disruption, to provide access to the nuclear environment for the plasmid DNA molecules. The glycerol shock performed at the end of the transfection was also shown to play an important role for efficient transfer of reporter gene in nuclei. This strong osmotic shock resulted in a cellular volume decrease of approximately 55%. As no intracellular plasmids were lost during the process, this resulted in a significant increase in intracellular plasmid concentration. Glycerol shock has to be performed while cells proceed through mitosis. The nuclear membrane disruption and the increasing intracellular plasmid concentration probably facilitate the access to the nuclear environment. The synergy of glycerol shock and cells proceeding through mitosis was a requirement for efficient reporter gene transfer in the nuclei. If one of those two was omitted, or if they did not happened at the same time, very low reporter gene expression levels were achieved. As it was found that plasmid DNA was driving reporter gene expression even after a delay of 45 minutes post cellular uptake, it was possible to efficiently target additional sub-populations of cells as they proceeded through mitosis with additional glycerol shocks. Those repetitive glycerol shocks resulted in an increase of positive cells among the transfected populations. In conclusion, the results obtained in this work permitted to define a model explaining the importance of the cell cycle in the calcium phosphate transfection, highlighting mitosis and glycerol shock as key events in plasmid DNA molecules transfer to the nucleus

    (Post-)queer citizenship in contemporary republican France

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    1996 saw the publication of FrĂ©dĂ©ric Martel’s Le Rose et le noir, a comprehensive study of three decades of gay life in metropolitan France. The predominantly anti-communitarian stance adopted by Martel in the epilogue to the first edition of his work had evolved, by the time of the book’s publication en poche in 2000, into a more nuanced view of the interactions and intersections between queer and republican identities in contemporary France. This development was influenced, in large part, by concrete changes which took place over the second half of the 1990s, centring around the introduction of the PACS in 1999, and leading to an ever-broadening debate. This paper will begin by setting forth the ways in which Martel’s position changed and analysing the attitudinal, social, and legislative backdrop which paved the way for such a change to occur. It will then bring Martel’s work into a dialogue with the writings of Eric Fassin and Maxime Foerster, both of whom have, like Martel, offered crucial analyses of the place of queer citizens within the contemporary French republic. Particular attention will first be paid to the ways in which Fassin, in his writings, has underlined the salience of the ‘droit du sol/droit du sang’ debate, traditionally associated with questions of ethnic belonging, in light of public and political discussions revolving around questions of queer kinship raised by the introduction of the PACS. This will lead into an examination of Foerster’s assertion that gay citizens of the Republic, in the era of the PACS, find themselves in a role previously held by women, in other words, as elements that require integration within a republican model. Foerster argues that this requirement to integrate is indicative of the fact that the traditional republican claim that the citizen is a blank canvas is at best misguided, and, at worst, has been deliberately subverted. This paper will examine the manner in which Martel and Fassin’s observations can be used to further strengthen the points raised by Foerster, concluding with the latter that a true engagement with the issues raised by debates around queer citizenship over the past decade can, in fact, allow the contemporary republican citizen to ‘devenir ceux [qu’il] est’. In other words, the article will conclude that the potential impact of the PACS legislation and the broader discussions it has provoked could be a renegotiation of the relationship between queer citizens and the republic

    Pediatric Measles Vaccine Expressing a Dengue Antigen Induces Durable Serotype-specific Neutralizing Antibodies to Dengue Virus

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    Dengue disease is an increasing global health problem that threatens one-third of the world's population. Despite decades of efforts, no licensed vaccine against dengue is available. With the aim to develop an affordable vaccine that could be used in young populations living in tropical areas, we evaluated a new strategy based on the expression of a minimal dengue antigen by a vector derived from pediatric live-attenuated Schwarz measles vaccine (MV). As a proof-of-concept, we inserted into the MV vector a sequence encoding a minimal combined dengue antigen composed of the envelope domain III (EDIII) fused to the ectodomain of the membrane protein (ectoM) from DV serotype-1. Immunization of mice susceptible to MV resulted in a long-term production of DV1 serotype-specific neutralizing antibodies. The presence of ectoM was critical to the immunogenicity of inserted EDIII. The adjuvant capacity of ectoM correlated with its ability to promote the maturation of dendritic cells and the secretion of proinflammatory and antiviral cytokines and chemokines involved in adaptive immunity. The protective efficacy of this vaccine should be studied in non-human primates. A combined measles–dengue vaccine might provide a one-shot approach to immunize children against both diseases where they co-exist
