1,296 research outputs found

    An analytical approach for calculating transfer integrals in superexchange coupled dimers

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    An analytical expression for the transfer integral HAB between the localized magnetic orbitals in superexchange-coupled dimers as a function of the type of atoms and geometry of the molecule has been derived by explicitly including orbital interactions. It is shown that HAB plays the key role for the magnetic coupling constant J in understanding magneto-structural correlations. The reliability and capability of this approach is confirmed by comparison with numerical electronic structure calculations in the local spin-density approximation on singly and doubly bridged Cu(II)-dimers with fluorine ligands. All results can be calculated and understood within the analytical formalism representing, therefore, a powerful tool for understanding the magneto-structural correlations and also for constructing magnetic orbitals analytically

    From stone device to technology device

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    The paper investigates the impact of rapidly growing communication technologies on the city physical structure and hypothesizes the conceivable scenarios for its spatial form in the future. The methodology is be the analysis of past and current city forming processes

    Sector decomposition of labour productivity growth in the European Union

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    In the paper the results of the shift-share decomposition analysis of labour productivity growth in the European Union in 19970–2007 were presented. Making use of data from the EU-KLEMS and the GGDC Productivity Database, the role of productivity growth in 5 major economic sectors and of the employment shifts between these sectors for total productivity growth were analysed. Then, using the nonparametric method (LOWESS) dominant development patterns were distinguished. It was demonstrated that nearly 90% of productivity growth in the sample can be accounted to within effects and about 11% – to changes in employment structure. Employment shifts had on average a direction into more productive sectors, but also to less dynamic ones. Industry and services had the biggest contribution to productivity growth, on all development levels. Productivity dynamics is the highest on the lower development level of the economy. With development, it is becoming more and more difficult to enhance productivity – either by within effects or by changes in employment structure.W artykule zostały zaprezentowane wyniki analiz wzrostu wydajności pracy w 14 krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 1970–2007, wykonanych techniką dekompozycji sektorowej shift-share. Przy wykorzystaniu danych z baz EU-KLEMS i GGDC Productivity Database zbadano rolę zmian wydajności pracy w 5 sektorach gospodarki oraz przesunięć w zatrudnieniu pomiędzy tymi sektorami dla dynamiki wydajności na całym obszarze gospodarczym. Następnie przy wykorzystaniu metody nieparametrycznej (ważonej regresji lokalnej) zostały wyszczególnione dominujące wzorce rozwojowe. Okazuje się, że średnio blisko 90% wzrostu wydajności pracy w badanej próbie można przypisać wewnątrzsektorowej dynamice wydajności, a ok. 11% zmianom w strukturze zatrudnienia. Przesunięcia pracowników przebiegały zazwyczaj w kierunku sektorów o wyższej wydajności, lecz o niższej stopie wzrostu tej zmiennej. Największy wkład do wzrostu wydajności, na każdym poziomie rozwoju gospodarczego, mają sektory przemysłu i usług rynkowych. Dynamika wydajności jest najwyższa na niskim poziomie rozwoju, a wraz z jej wzrostem coraz trudniejsze staje się odnoszenie korzyści – zarówno wewnątrzsektorowych, jak i tych wynikających ze zmian w strukturze zatrudnienia.Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań realizowanych w ramach projektu „Konwergencja w krajach i regionach Unii Europejskiej”, sfinansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji nr DEC-2011/01/N/HS4/03077

    Productivity convergence in manufacturing in the European Union : the role of economic structure

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    The article aims to empirically validate three questions. Have productivity differences in European manufacturing been increasing or diminishing and what has been the situation in Central and Eastern Europe countries? Are productivity differences homogenous over time and across manufacturing industries? What is the role of the internal structure of manufacturing for convergence? For this purpose, an analysis of σ- and β-convergence in 11 manufacturing industries has been conducted, making use of shift-share decomposition techniques. A complex view of catching-up is demonstrated with heterogeneity over time and across industries. Convergence occurred in Western Europe until approximately 1990, but since then disparities have been increasing and CEE countries were the only ones catching up. Convergence took place predominantly in medium-tech industries, while both low-tech and high-tech industries experienced divergence. Structural differences account for a minor share of the productivity disparities; however, changes in employment structures and productivity together led to the formation of two clubs of countries: low-tech, low productivity and high-tech, high productivity countries

    Pension reform and retirement behaviour in Poland - interdisciplinary analysis

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    The Applicability of Point-Charge Approximations to the Calculation of Molecular Expectation Values

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    The recently developed self-consistent charge Xa (SCC- Xa) method has been utilised to investigate various types of point- charge approximations to molecular expectation values. In the first\u27 A A part observables of the structure m1 (r) r\u27 Y L (r) and a1 (r) r -\u27-1 Y L (r), respectively, are analysed yielding the conclusion that, in general, only certain matrix elements can be treated by point-charge approximations, namely the two-center crystal-field integrals and the three-center integrals. The results are then a<pplied to the calculation of the total valence energies as a function of bond distances, and it turns out that the SCC-Xo. method is able to reproduce equilibrium geometries with deviations of less than 100/o provided all matrix elements are evaluated in an exa\u27Ct way, while all investigated types of point-charge approximations fail in predicting geometries

    Women as Managers in the World’s Top Corporations: Underestimated Potential

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    Although the concept of gender equality does exist in all developed countries, the number of female managers is still very low. Hitherto, there have been many studies conducted in the field of feminine style of management which perfectly illustrate both their advantages and disadvantages. Nonetheless, having all this knowledge does not improve the situation of women in getting to the management positions. There is still this unwritten rule that women are perfect for administrative jobs and less responsible ones since they are expected to focus more on their families. In that case, the owners of corporations do know that a company can run with an employee being on a maternity leave, however this does not work for managerial positions. The situation when a manager is a man is widely known and has been present since such a position was intro-duced, so sometimes for particular corporations it is very difficult to ‘break the ice’ and apply a scenario (which was not present/tested before) when the woman is a manager. Thus, the aim of this paper is to analyse the world’s largest corporations in terms of the number of female managers. It is important to realise that women are underesti-mated for managerial positions so their share in the total number of managers in the World’s top corporations is very low

    A Comparative Study of the Impact of Leader-member Exchange in Two Samples: U.S.A. And Poland

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    Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory argues that supervisor-subordinate interactions in the workplace are guided by the type of relationship that develops in each individual dyad, and that the quality of the relationship significantly impacts critical outcomes such as performance ratings. Further, it has been argued that supervisors and subordinates often view the relationship through different lenses – leading to significantly different perceptions of the quality of relationship. In this field study, using data from 32 supervisors and 104 subordinates in the US, and 72 supervisors and 116 subordinates in Poland, we examine the relationship between LMX and performance ratings, as well as compare supervisor and subordinate perceptions of the relationship. In both samples, supervisor ratings of LMX quality were higher than those of the subordinates, and subordinates who received higher LMX ratings from their supervisors also received higher performance ratings. Finally, the correlation between supervisor and subordinate ratings of LMX was significantly higher for the Polish sample as compared to the US sample. We discuss the results in terms of both theoretical and practical significance, and offer suggestions for future research

    Convergence of CO2 emissions in the selected world countries

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    Nowadays, the topic of CO2 emissions has been a subject of intensive debate. There is a significant policy push toward reducing emissions that cause air pollution and other environmental concerns. The aim of this paper is to analyze the CO2 emissions as well as economic growth along with renewable energy use and the level of urbanization in the selected World countries in the period of 1995-2018. In general, almost all of the Northern part of the World was characterized by a high level of CO2 emissions, while the majority of African territory was the least polluted. The empirical result shows that the growth rate of air pollution is much higher in countries that initially had a low level of CO2 emissions, so the convergence process occurred. Conditioning convergence with the renewable energy use and the urbanization level indicates that its speed is higher. Club convergence analysis has proved that well-developed regions in terms of GDP per capita are able to improve the ecological situation despite further economic growth