2,425 research outputs found

    Demographic Change and Public Education Spending: A Conflict between Young and Old?

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    Demographic change in industrial countries will influence educational spending in potentially two ways. On the one hand, the decline in the number of school-age children should alleviate the financial pressure. On the other hand, the theoretical/empirical literature has established that the concomitantly increasing proportion of elderly in the population can influence the propensity of politicians to spend on education. Using a panel of the Swiss Cantons for the period from 1990 to 2002, we find that the education system has exhibited little elasticity in adjusting to changes in the school-age population, and that the share of the elderly population has a significantly negative influence on the willingness to spend on public education.public finance, education finance, demographics, panel estimates, Switzerland

    Gundlach oscillations and Coulomb blockade of Co nano-islands on MgO/Mo(100) investigated by scanning tunneling spectroscopy at 300 K

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    Ultrathin MgO films on Mo(100) with a thickness up to 12 ML are studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy at room temperature. The spatial variation of the work function within the MgO film is mapped by field emission resonance states (Gundlach oscillations) using dz/dU spectroscopy. We found circular spots with significantly reduced work function (DeltaPhi=0.6 eV), which are assigned to charged defects within the MgO film. On top of the MgO films, small Co cluster are deposited with an average contact area of 4 nm^2. These islands exhibit Coulomb oscillations in dI/dU spectra at room temperature. Good agreement with orthodox theory is achieved showing variations of the background charge Q_0 for islands at different positions, which are in accordance with the work function differences determined by the Gundlach oscillations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Demographic change and public education spending : a conflict between young and old?

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    Demographic change in industrial countries will influence educational spending in potentially two ways. On the one hand, the decline in the number of school-age children should alleviate the financial pressure. On the other hand, the theoretical/empirical literature has established that the concomitantly increasing proportion of elderly in the population can influence the propensity of politicians to spend on education. Using a panel of the Swiss Cantons for the period from 1990 to 2002, we find that the education system has exhibited little elasticity in adjusting to changes in the school-age population, and that the share of the elderly population has a significantly negative influence on the willingness to spend on public education

    A procedure model for evaluating IT-security investments

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    The security of information systems is a vital factor for companies nowadays. In order to achieve an adequate level of security, a variety of distinct measures is available, ranging from technical meas-ures to organizational measures. In near past suitable methods for decision support especially for the assessment of the profitability of IT-security investments have been developed. But integrated procedure models for a complete it-security controlling can neither be found in literature nor in practice. With this article, we propose a method framework that enables the analysis of the results of alternative security investments from a process-oriented perspective. As a basis, we have conducted an in-deep analysis of the state-of-the-art in the fields of IT-Business-Alignment and IT-security management in order to identify suitable concepts for the framework. A special focus lies on the requirements of IT-security controlling of critical business processes.Безпека інформаційних систем у теперішній час є життєво важливим фактором для компаній. Багато різних вимірів, від технічних до організаційних, є доступними для досягнення прийнятного рівня безпеки. У недалекому минулому було розроблено методи підтримки прийняття рішень при оцінюванні прибутковості інвестицій у IT-безпеку. Проте інтегральні процедурні моделі для повного управління IT-безпекою до цього часу не знайдені – ані у літературі, ані на практиці. У цієї статті ми пропонуємо середовище, яке дає можливість аналізувати результати альтернативних інвестицій у безпеку з точки зору, орієнтованої на процеси. Ми здійснили поглиблений аналіз сучасного стану справ у галузях синхронізації IT та бізнесу та управління IT-безпекою з метою ідентифікувати прийнятні концепції для цього середовища. Спеціальну увагу приділено вимогам до IT-безпеки критичних бізнес-процесів

    Nanoladder cantilevers made from diamond and silicon

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    We present a "nanoladder" geometry that minimizes the mechanical dissipation of ultrasensitive cantilevers. A nanoladder cantilever consists of a lithographically patterned scaffold of rails and rungs with feature size \sim 100 nm. Compared to a rectangular beam of the same dimensions, the mass and spring constant of a nanoladder are each reduced by roughly two orders of magnitude. We demonstrate a low force noise of 158(+62)(42)158 (+62)(-42)\,zN and 190(+42)(33)190 (+42)(-33)\,zN in a one-Hz bandwidth for devices made from silicon and diamond, respectively, measured at temperatures between 100--150 mK. As opposed to bottom-up mechanical resonators like nanowires or nanotubes, nanoladder cantilevers can be batch-fabricated using standard lithography, which is a critical factor for applications in scanning force microscopy

    A European spine registry

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    Abstract.: New joint replacement registries are being widely implemented across national and international organizations. The need for a continuous long-term post-market surveillance of implants has been recognized, and has become increasingly important to ensure the quality of prosthetic components. Registry data with large case numbers represent an acceptable alternative to controlled randomized clinical trials, which are often difficult to conduct in orthopedic surgery. The variety of implants and procedures in spinal surgery not only induces the same need for long-term monitoring of post-surgical product performance as in the joint replacement subspecialties, but also renders essential the establishment of a comprehensive spine registry for all major pathologies and interventions. In cooperation with the M.E. Müller Institute for Evaluative Research in Orthopedic Surgery (MEM-CED) at the University of Berne, Switzerland, the Spine Society of Europe (SSE) has launched Spine Tango: the first modular and multilevel European online registry for spinal surgery. Within Spine Tango, the major challenge in registry design and structure is the definition of and agreement upon a core set of questions as a common European dataset. Additional questions for national or individual interest can also be dynamically added to the core dataset. An automated implant tracking system has also been setup, which allows highly precise product documentation without additional work for clinical staff member

    Dominant oceanic bacteria secure phosphate using a large extracellular buffer

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    The ubiquitous SAR11 and Prochlorococcus bacteria manage to maintain a sufficient supply of phosphate in phosphate-poor surface waters of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre. Furthermore, it seems that their phosphate uptake may counter-intuitively be lower in more productive tropical waters, as if their cellular demand for phosphate decreases there. By flow sorting 33P-phosphate-pulsed 32P-phosphate-chased cells, we demonstrate that both Prochlorococcus and SAR11 cells exploit an extracellular buffer of labile phosphate up to 5–40 times larger than the amount of phosphate required to replicate their chromosomes. Mathematical modelling is shown to support this conclusion. The fuller the buffer the slower the cellular uptake of phosphate, to the point that in phosphate-replete tropical waters, cells can saturate their buffer and their phosphate uptake becomes marginal. Hence, buffer stocking is a generic, growth-securing adaptation for SAR11 and Prochlorococcus bacteria, which lack internal reserves to reduce their dependency on bioavailable ambient phosphate

    SSE Spine Tango - content, workflow, set-up: www.eurospine.org - Spine Tango

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    The Spine Tango registry is now accessible via the SSE webpage under www.eurospine.org - Spine Tango. Links to the Swiss/International, German and Austrian modules are provided as well as information about the philosophy, methodology and content. Following the links, the users are taken to the respective national modules for registration or log-in and data entry. The Swiss/International module, also accessible under www.spinetango.com, is used by all Swiss and international users, who do not have a separate national module. The physician administered forms for surgery, staged surgery and follow-up can be downloaded as PDFs.The officially recommended Spine Tango patient forms are also available. All forms were implemented in an online version and as scannable optical mark reader forms which can be ordered from the corresponding autho