5,749 research outputs found

    Time to Learn: When Classroom Engagement is at Its Peak

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate how the time of day affects the ability of students to focus and remain attentive in the math classroom and the level of engagement during the class period. The math classes that were included in this study included Honors Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Algebra 1. These classes had students from grades 9 through 12. The study took place over the course of three months. Students were asked to fill out a survey about how the time of day affects their own attention level and their own sense of engagement and observations of the teacher were recorded daily. The research showed that students and teachers feel as if the time of day greatly affects students\u27 ability to concentrate and the \u27Time to Learn\u27 seems to be in the mid-morning.\u2

    I look out my window… / what an alcoholic / My Computer

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    A Study in the Summer Phenology of Dionychious Spiders from Northern Minnesota Forests

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    Dionychious ground layer spiders from Larix and Populus stands were collected by pitfall traps. The typical pattern of dominant, influent and accessory species was well marked. Populus stands had greater diversity of species than Larix stands. Those species characterized by large male:female sex ratios had sharp peaks in the first month of collecting, and others had smaller early season peaks or early season and late season peaks. Traps with an apron leading to the trap caught twice as many specimens compared to traps without an apron

    Diffusion and infrared properties of molecules in ice mantles

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    Within dense molecular clouds the formation of frozen icy mantles on interstellar dust grains is thought to be the result of various growth conditions. The molecules, which make up the ice mantles are probably completely mixed. To study the physical properties of such ice mixtures the experiments were performed on the evaporation processes and on the spectroscopic properties of CO, CO2, and CH4 in water rich ices. The decrease in concentration of volatile molecules in ice samples deposited at 10 K and subsequently heated is found to occur essentially in two steps. The first one, corresponding to an evaporation of part of the volatile molecules, starts at about 25 K for CO, 32 K for CH4, and 70 K for CO2. During the crystallization of H2O ice at temperatures greater than 120 K a second evaporation occurs leading to the complete disappearance of the volatile molecules in the solid phase. The main astrophysical implications of the diffusion and spectroscopic behaviors are presented. The possible effects of a heating source on the fraction of volatile molecules, such as CO trapped in grain mantles, are discussed

    Weldability of steels for the manufacture of bicycle frames

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na ocelové materiály používané pro výrobu rámů jízdních kol. Slitiny jsou zde rozebrány nejen z hlediska svých mechanických vlastností, ale také svařitelnosti. Ocelové materiály jsou rozděleny do tří skupin podle předních výrobců rámových sad. U vybraných slitin s obchodním názvem je přiřazen ekvivalentní normovaný materiál volený podle chemického složení. Svařitelnost jednotlivých ocelí je rozdělena do kapitol podle mechanických vlastností a struktury. V práci je dále uvedeno, proč je upřednostněno svařování rámů metodou TIG a jaké jsou její hlavní výhody.This thesis is focused on steel materials used in bicycle frame manufacturing. The alloys are analysed based on their mechanical properties as well as their weldability. Steel materials are divided into three groups corresponding to the foremost frame manufacturers. Alloys with trade names are paired with equivalent normalized materials selected according to their chemical composition. The weldability of individual steels is addressed in several chapters sorted by materials’ mechanical properties and structure. The work further explains why TIG welding of frames is preferred and what the method’s main advantages are.

    Acceleration of Image Processing in GP-GPU Using OpenCl

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    Tato práce studuje možnosti získání co nejkvalitnějšího obrázku z videa, které obsahuje konstantní záběr jediné věci, a navrhnutí a vytvoření programu, který by toto video takto zpracovával. V prácí se nachází popis několika metod pro zlepšení kvality obrázků a jsou zde uvedeny algoritmy, na kterých jsou některé z těchto metody závislé. Práce se také zamě­řuje na využití standardu OpenCL. V práci je navrhnut a popsán program, který zpracovává video a vytváří z něj jediný kvalitnější snímek. Na konci práce jsou nastíněna další možná pokračování této práce.This work studies the possibility of obtaining the highest quality image from a video that contains a constant shot on one thing and proposes and creates a program that processes a video in this way. This work provides a description of several methods for improving the quality of images and algorithms on which some of these methods depend. The work also focuses on the usage of OpenCL standard. In this work there is a proposed and described program that processes the video and creates from it one better quality picture. At the end of this work there are outlined some possible continuations of this work.

    The Generic Foreign-Language Dictionary

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    Tato bakalářské práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací univerzálního cizojazyčného slovníku - to znamená aplikace, která umožní překlad mezi dvěma libovolnými jazyky, které se nacházejí v přiložené databázi. Seznamuje čtenáře s danou problematikou a ukazuje její řešení v programové části této práce.This Bachelor thesis describes design and implementation of universal foreign language vocabulary. That means application which provils translation between two oferent languages, saved in attached database. It introduces reader with problematic and shows its processing in program part of this thesis.

    An Overview: Midwest Region Discusses Transformational Partnerships in First Convening

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    The Maid Narratives: Black Domestics and the White Families in the Jim Crow South

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    Review of: "The Maid Narratives: Black Domestics and the White Families in the Jim Crow South," by Katherine van Wormer, David W. Jackson III, and Charletta Suddut