369 research outputs found

    A Gribov equation for the photon Green's function

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    We present a derivation of the Gribov equation for the gluon/photon Green's function D(q). Our derivation is based on the second derivative of the gauge-invariant quantity Tr ln D(q), which we interpret as the gauge-boson `self-loop'. By considering the higher-order corrections to this quantity, we are able to obtain a Gribov equation which sums the logarithmically enhanced corrections. By solving this equation, we obtain the non-perturbative running coupling in both QCD and QED. In the case of QCD, alpha_S has a singularity in the space-like region corresponding to super-criticality, which is argued to be resolved in Gribov's light-quark confinement scenario. For the QED coupling in the UV limit, we obtain a \propto Q^2 behaviour for space-like Q^2=-q^2. This implies the decoupling of the photon and an NJLVL-type effective theory in the UV limit.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Production of electroweak bosons in e+e- annihilation at high energies

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    Production of electroweak bosons in e+e- annihilation into quarks and into leptons at energies much greater than 100 Gev is considered. We account for double-logarithmic contributions to all orders in electroweak couplings. It is assumed that the bosons are emitted in the multi-Regge kinematics. The explicit expressions for the scattering amplitudes of the process are obtained. It is shown that the cross sections of the photon and Z production have the identical energy dependence and asymptotically their ratio depends only on the Weinberg angle whereas the energy dependence of the cross section of the W production is suppressed by factor s^{-0.4} compared to them.Comment: Revtex4, 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Higgs and Top Quark Masses in the Standard Model without Elementary Higgs Boson

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    In this short note I present a simple calculation of the top quark and Higgs masses, based on the idea that in the standard model without elementary Higgs, the fact that the U(1)YU(1)_Y coupling becomes of the order of unity at the Landau scale λ\lambda leads to spontaneous symmetry breaking and generation of masses.Comment: 8 pages ps-file, Preprint University of Bonn, TK-94-11 (LaTeX file using pictex-macros available on request

    Nuclear effects in g1A(x,Q2)g_{1A}(x,Q^2) at small xx in deep inelastic scattering on 7^7Li and 3^3He

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    We suggest to use polarized nuclear targets of 7^7Li and 3^3He to study nuclear effects in the spin dependent structure functions g1A(x,Q2)g_{1A}(x,Q^2). These effects are expected to be enhanced by a factor of two as compared to the unpolarized targets. We predict a significant xx dependence at 104÷103x0.210^{-4} \div 10^{-3} \leq x \leq 0.2 of g1A(x,Q2)/g1N(x,Q2)g_{1A}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}(x,Q^2) due to nuclear shadowing and nuclear enhancement. The effect of nuclear shadowing at x103x \approx 10^{-3} is of an order of 16% for g1A=7n.s.3/2(x,Q2)/g1Nn.s.(x,Q2)g_{1A=7}^{n.s. 3/2}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}^{n.s.}(x,Q^2) and 10% for g1A=3n.s(x,Q2)/g1Nn.s.(x,Q2)g_{1A=3}^{n.s}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}^{n.s.}(x,Q^2). By imposing the requirement that the Bjorken sum rule is satisfied we model the effect of enhancement. We find the effect of enhancement at x0.125(0.15)x \approx 0.125 (0.15) to be of an order of 20(55)20 (55)% for g1A=7n.s.3/2(x,Q2)/g1Nn.s.(x,Q2)g_{1A=7}^{n.s. 3/2}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}^{n.s.}(x,Q^2) and 14(40)14 (40)% for g1A=3n.s(x,Q2)/g1Nn.s.(x,Q2)g_{1A=3}^{n.s}(x,Q^2)/g_{1N}^{n.s.}(x,Q^2), if enhancement occupies the region 0.05x0.20.05 \leq x \leq 0.2 (0.1x0.20.1 \leq x \leq 0.2). We predict a 2% effect in the difference of the scattering cross sections of deep inelastic scattering of an unpolarized projectile off 7^7Li with MJM_{J}=3/2 and MJM_{J}=1/2. We also show explicitly that the many-nucleon description of deep inelastic scattering off 7^7Li becomes invalid in the enhancement region 0.05<x0.20.05 < x \leq 0.2.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, RevTe

    EPS09 - a New Generation of NLO and LO Nuclear Parton Distribution Functions

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    We present a next-to-leading order (NLO) global DGLAP analysis of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDFs) and their uncertainties. Carrying out an NLO nPDF analysis for the first time with three different types of experimental input -- deep inelastic \ell+A scattering, Drell-Yan dilepton production in p+AA collisions, and inclusive pion production in d+Au and p+p collisions at RHIC -- we find that these data can well be described in a conventional collinear factorization framework. Although the pion production has not been traditionally included in the global analyses, we find that the shape of the nuclear modification factor RdAuR_{\rm dAu} of the pion pTp_T-spectrum at midrapidity retains sensitivity to the gluon distributions, providing evidence for shadowing and EMC-effect in the nuclear gluons. We use the Hessian method to quantify the nPDF uncertainties which originate from the uncertainties in the data. In this method the sensitivity of χ2\chi^2 to the variations of the fitting parameters is mapped out to orthogonal error sets which provide a user-friendly way to calculate how the nPDF uncertainties propagate to any factorizable nuclear cross-section. The obtained NLO and LO nPDFs and the corresponding error sets are collected in our new release called {\ttfamily EPS09}. These results should find applications in precision analyses of the signatures and properties of QCD matter at the LHC and RHIC.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures. The version accepted for publicatio

    Diffractive Processes at the LHC

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    We consider diffractive processes which can be measured at the LHC. Analysis of diffractive events will give unique information about the high energy asymptotics of hadron scattering. In semihard diffraction one may study the partonic structure of the Pomeron. Central Exclusive Diffractive production provides a possibility to investigate the new particles (Higgs bosons, SUSY particles,...) in an exceptionally clean environment.Comment: 12 pages, To be published in the Proc. of the Gribov-75 Memorial Workshop, Budapest, May 200

    Electroweak 2 -> 2 amplitudes for electron-positron annihilation at TeV energies

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    The non-radiative scattering amplitudes for electron-positron annihilation into quark and lepton pairs in the TeV energy range are calculated in the double-logarithmic approximation. The expressions for the amplitudes are obtained using infrared evolution equations with different cut-offs for virtual photons and for W and Z bosons, and compared with previous results obtained with an universal cut-off.Comment: Revtex4, 17 pages, 7 figures. Some minor changes made, more refs adde

    Nuclear shadowing in deep inelastic scattering on nuclei: leading twist versus eikonal approaches

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    We use several diverse parameterizations of diffractive parton distributions, extracted in leading twist QCD analyses of the HERA diffractive deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data, to make predictions for leading twist nuclear shadowing of nuclear quark and gluon distributions in DIS on nuclei. We find that the HERA diffractive data are sufficiently precise to allow us to predict large nuclear shadowing for gluons and quarks, unambiguously. We performed detailed studies of nuclear shadowing for up and charm sea quarks and gluons within several scenarios of shadowing and diffractive slopes, as well as at central impact parameters. We compare these leading twist results with those obtained from the eikonal approach to nuclear shadowing (which is based on a very different space-time picture) and observe sharply contrasting predictions for the size and Q^2-dependence of nuclear shadowing. The most striking differences arise for the interaction of small dipoles with nuclei, in particular for the longitudinal structure function F_{L}^{A}.Comment: 43 pages, 16 figures, requires JHEP style fil

    Neutralino spectrum in top-down models of UHECR

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    We calculate the cosmic ray spectrum of ultra high energy neutralinos that one should expect provided that the observed ultra high energy cosmic rays are produced by the decay of superheavy particles X, M_X>10^{12} GeV, in supersymmetric models. Our calculation uses an extended DGLAP formalism. Forthcoming cosmic ray observatories should be able to detect these neutralinos.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 3 eps figures. Difference between the present work and Montecarlo simulations clarifie

    Quarkonium from the Fifth Dimension

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    Adding fundamental matter of mass m_Q to N=4 Yang Mills theory, we study quarkonium, and "generalized quarkonium" containing light adjoint particles. At large 't Hooft coupling the states of spin<=1 are anomalously light (Kruczenski et al., hep-th/0304032). We examine their form factors, and show these hadrons are unlike any known in QCD. By a traditional yardstick they appear infinite in size (as with strings in flat space) but we show that this is a failure of the yardstick. All of the hadrons are actually of finite size ~ \sqrt{g^2N}/m_Q, regardless of their radial excitation level and of how many valence adjoint particles they contain. Certain form factors for spin-1 quarkonia vanish in the large-g^2N limit; thus these hadrons resemble neither the observed J/Psi quarkonium states nor rho mesons.Comment: 57 pages, LaTeX, 5 figure