6 research outputs found

    Il cibo in memoria. Un secolo dopo Das Grab als Tisch di Mathias Murko

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    The presentation reports on a work developed around a series of archival documents (Friuli, 15th-18th centuries: wills, obituaries, registers of brotherhoods, in particular) containing legacies that obliged the heirs to disitribute food to poor members or each family of the community on the occasion of their funerals, for anniversaries or on ritual occasions throughout the year related to the cult of the dead (Spring Rogations, Four Tempora, Good Friday, All Saints and Commemoration of the Dead). The historical documentation guarantees a long-term observation (duration, durability, transformations) concerning the food traditions also observed by folklorists from the second half of the nineteenth century in Friuli, with the Friulian, Venetian, Slovenian, Germanic, and Jewish communities, referring to the funeral rites. During the initial phase of the research, some twenty years ago, Milko Matičetov introduced me to the fundamental essay "Das Grab als Tisch", published in 1910 by Mathias Murko on Wörter und Sachen. Some of the author's comparative and interpretative cues will be applied to the historical, linguistic and ethnographic documentation of the multilingual community in the eastern Alps

    La construction de l'indianité dans l'art populaire d'Ayacucho, Pérou (de l'indigénisme aux sites web)

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    Cette recherche examine la construction de l'indianité à travers les expressions artistiques de la population indigène d'Ayacucho (Pérou), natamment les retablos, la céramique et les tapis. La démarche a été de montrer comment cet catégorie exogène a été "construite" au fil du temps de façon contrastée et "resémantisée" en fonction de l'idéologie soutenant les relations de pouvoir au sein de la société péruvienne. Dans ce contexte on a considéré la transformation subie par l'art indigène, produite dans le département d'Ayacucho comme dans la barriada de Lima, depuis le contexte traditionnel magico rituel jusqu'au marché urbain et touristique, en passant par son emploi pendant et à la fin de l'époque de la violence des années quatre-vingt, pour se conclure avec les processus migratoires internationaux qui impriment de nouvelles intentionnalités aux oeuvres. Le travail du terrain a mis à jour les stratégies emploies dans les projets de l'authenticité des objets et la mise en scène de l'identité des producteurs dans le marche en ligne de cet art. L'art a été analysé en tenant compte des réflexions élaborées par Alfred Gell, en la considérant non seulement comme un instrument supportant des significations culturelles, mais aussi en tant que moyen d'action (agency) agissant dans le contexte des rapports sociaux comme une "extention de l'artiste".This study examines the creation of the identity through the art and craftwork of the native people of Ayacucho (Peru), especially with regard to the retablos, ceramic ware and carpets. The objective of the study was to show haw this exogenous category has been "created" over the years in a contrasting way and how it can be assigned a new meaning depending on the ideology underlying the power relations in Peruvian society. In this context, we have examined how the native art of the Ayacucho district and the barriadas of Lima has changes in the traditional magical ritual environment as well as in the urban and tourist market, considering its use during and at the end of the period of violence that the country experienced in the Eighties and, ending with the internationalmigration processes which add a new purpose to the art works. Field research has emphasized the strategies adopted bythe peojects for the development of the artesania to make this production more market-oriented, as well as the construction of the authenticity of the objects and haw the indian identity has been given more exposure in the online market for this type of art. The art has been analyzed in the light of the thought of Alfred Gell and therefore considered not only as an instrument supporting cultural meanings, but also as an agent acting in the context of social relations as an "extension of the artist".PARIS-Médiathèque MQB (751132304) / SudocPARIS-Fondation MSH (751062301) / SudocSudocFranceF