16,707 research outputs found

    Superfield Realizations of Lorentz and CPT Violation

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    Superfield realizations of Lorentz-violating extensions of the Wess-Zumino model are presented. These models retain supersymmetry but include terms that explicitly break the Lorentz symmetry. The models can be understood as arising from superspace transformations that are modifications of the familiar one in the Lorentz-symmetric case.Comment: 10 page

    On p-adic lattices and Grassmannians

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    It is well-known that the coset spaces G(k((z)))/G(k[[z]]), for a reductive group G over a field k, carry the geometric structure of an inductive limit of projective k-schemes. This k-ind-scheme is known as the affine Grassmannian for G. From the point of view of number theory it would be interesting to obtain an analogous geometric interpretation of quotients of the form G(W(k)[1/p])/G(W(k)), where p is a rational prime, W denotes the ring scheme of p-typical Witt vectors, k is a perfect field of characteristic p and G is a reductive group scheme over W(k). The present paper is an attempt to describe which constructions carry over from the function field case to the p-adic case, more precisely to the situation of the p-adic affine Grassmannian for the special linear group G=SL_n. We start with a description of the R-valued points of the p-adic affine Grassmannian for SL_n in terms of lattices over W(R), where R is a perfect k-algebra. In order to obtain a link with geometry we further construct projective k-subvarieties of the multigraded Hilbert scheme which map equivariantly to the p-adic affine Grassmannian. The images of these morphisms play the role of Schubert varieties in the p-adic setting. Further, for any reduced k-algebra R these morphisms induce bijective maps between the sets of R-valued points of the respective open orbits in the multigraded Hilbert scheme and the corresponding Schubert cells of the p-adic affine Grassmannian for SL_n.Comment: 36 pages. This is a thorough revision, in the form accepted by Math. Zeitschrift, of the previously published preprint "On p-adic loop groups and Grassmannians

    Cryptographic Randomized Response Techniques

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    We develop cryptographically secure techniques to guarantee unconditional privacy for respondents to polls. Our constructions are efficient and practical, and are shown not to allow cheating respondents to affect the ``tally'' by more than their own vote -- which will be given the exact same weight as that of other respondents. We demonstrate solutions to this problem based on both traditional cryptographic techniques and quantum cryptography.Comment: 21 page

    All-Optical Switching with Transverse Optical Patterns

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    We demonstrate an all-optical switch that operates at ultra-low-light levels and exhibits several features necessary for use in optical switching networks. An input switching beam, wavelength λ\lambda, with an energy density of 10210^{-2} photons per optical cross section [σ=λ2/(2π)\sigma=\lambda^2/(2\pi)] changes the orientation of a two-spot pattern generated via parametric instability in warm rubidium vapor. The instability is induced with less than 1 mW of total pump power and generates several μ\muWs of output light. The switch is cascadable: the device output is capable of driving multiple inputs, and exhibits transistor-like signal-level restoration with both saturated and intermediate response regimes. Additionally, the system requires an input power proportional to the inverse of the response time, which suggests thermal dissipation does not necessarily limit the practicality of optical logic devices

    The chameleon groups of Richard J. Thompson: automorphisms and dynamics

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    The automorphism groups of several of Thompson's countable groups of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of the line and circle are computed and it is shown that the outer automorphism groups of these groups are relatively small. These results can be interpreted as stability results for certain structures of PL functions on the circle. Machinery is developed to relate the structures on the circle to corresponding structures on the line

    The Free Quon Gas Suffers Gibbs' Paradox

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    We consider the Statistical Mechanics of systems of particles satisfying the qq-commutation relations recently proposed by Greenberg and others. We show that although the commutation relations approach Bose (resp.\ Fermi) relations for q1q\to1 (resp.\ q1q\to-1), the partition functions of free gases are independent of qq in the range 1<q<1-1<q<1. The partition functions exhibit Gibbs' Paradox in the same way as a classical gas without a correction factor 1/N!1/N! for the statistical weight of the NN-particle phase space, i.e.\ the Statistical Mechanics does not describe a material for which entropy, free energy, and particle number are extensive thermodynamical quantities.Comment: number-of-pages, LaTeX with REVTE

    Spin-Charge Decoupling and Orthofermi Quantum Statistics

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    Currently Gutzwiller projection technique and nested Bethe ansatz are two main methods used to handle electronic systems in the UU infinity limit. We demonstrate that these two approaches describe two distinct physical systems. In the nested Bethe ansatz solutions, there is a decoupling between the spin and charge degrees of freedom. Such a decoupling is absent in the Gutzwiller projection technique. Whereas in the Gutzwiller approach, the usual antisymmetry of space and spin coordinates is maintained, we show that the Bethe ansatz wave function is compatible with a new form of quantum statistics, viz., orthofermi statistics. In this statistics, the wave function is antisymmetric in spatial coordinates alone. This feature ultimately leads to spin-charge decoupling.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex Journal_ref: A slightly abridged version of this paper has appeared as a brief report in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 63, 132405 (2001

    The Saito-Kurokawa lifting and Darmon points

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    Let E_{/_\Q} be an elliptic curve of conductor NpNp with pNp\nmid N and let ff be its associated newform of weight 2. Denote by ff_\infty the pp-adic Hida family passing though ff, and by FF_\infty its Λ\Lambda-adic Saito-Kurokawa lift. The pp-adic family FF_\infty of Siegel modular forms admits a formal Fourier expansion, from which we can define a family of normalized Fourier coefficients {A~T(k)}T\{\widetilde A_T(k)\}_T indexed by positive definite symmetric half-integral matrices TT of size 2×22\times 2. We relate explicitly certain global points on EE (coming from the theory of Stark-Heegner points) with the values of these Fourier coefficients and of their pp-adic derivatives, evaluated at weight k=2k=2.Comment: 14 pages. Title change

    Crustal heterogeneity of the moon viewed from the Galileo SSI camera: Lunar sample calibrations and compositional implications

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    Summaries are given of the spectral calibration, compositional parameters, nearside color, and limb and farside color of the Moon. The farside of the Moon, a large area of lunar crust, is dominated by heavily cratered terrain and basin deposits that represent the products of the first half billion years of crustal evolution. Continuing analysis of the returned lunar samples suggest a magma ocean and/or serial magmatism model for evolution of the primordial lunar crust. However, testing either hypothesis requires compositional information about the crustal stratigraphy and lateral heterogeneity. Resolution of this important planetary science issue is dependent on additional data. New Galileo multispectral images indicate previously unknown local and regional compositional diversity of the farside crust. Future analysis will focus on individual features and a more detailed assessment of crustal stratigraphy and heterogeneity