5,233 research outputs found

    El fútbol como herramienta para entender la lucha por la hegemonía. Aproximaciones entre la pedagogía histórico-crítica y la concepción crítico-superadora en una experiencia de Educación Física

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    This paper describes a discussion about a pedagogical task regarding the content football to be carried out in Physical Education classes. Besides, this pedagogical experience questions the way the society has been organized and how such organization has been reproduced. The theoretical framework is based on the historical-critical pedagogy and on the critical-surpassing conception in Physical Education. An idea for a lesson plan is proposed for the task under investigation; reflections on practical experiences which were previously carried out are also presented. Conclusions lead to the understanding of tasks which question hegemonic ideas as being potentially liberating, individually and collectively.Este artículo describe un debate en torno a una tarea pedagógica en relación con el fútbol, en cuanto contenido de la Educación Física. A partir de dicha experiencia pedagógica, la organización y la reproducción social emergen como asuntos problemáticos. El marco teórico se basa en la pedagogía histórico-crítica y en la concepción crítico-superadora en la Educación Física. Para desarrollar la tarea objeto de investigación, se propone una idea del plan de lección; asimismo, se reflexiona sobre las experiencias prácticas que se llevaron previamente a cabo. Se concluye que el proceso seguido incrementó la comprensión de un planteamiento del trabajo que cuestiona las ideas hegemónicas y, en tal sentido, es potencialmente liberador, tanto individual como colectivamente

    Experienciando Música e Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial: Reflexões sobre a Preservação da Dimensão Imaterial da Música

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    This article presents some thoughts toward a conceptualization of musical traditions as Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Afro-Brazilian samba de roda and candomblé serve as paradigms to discuss the dichotomy of intangibility/tangibility of cultural expressions, i.e. between the ephemerality of their experience and the endurance of their material objects and documentation. The special importance of the human body in both traditions points to the centrality of human experience in practicing, transmitting and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Such a perspective puts into question safeguarding measures such as inventory-making and documentation of musical practices and may open the way for more appropriate methods for fostering them.Este artículo presenta algunas ideas para una conceptualización de las tradiciones musicales como parte del patrimonio cultural intangible. La samba de roda y el candomblé son tomados como paradigmas para discutir la dicotomía entre la tangibilidad y la intangibilidad de las expresiones culturales, es decir, entre lo efímero de su experiencia y la condición más permanente de sus objetos materiales y de su documentación. La importancia del uso del cuerpo para ambas tradiciones apunta al rol central que juega la experiencia humana en la práctica, transmisión y preservación del patrimonio cultural intangible. Esta perspectiva lleva a cuestionar medidas de preservación como la inventarización y la documentación de las prácticas musicales, incentivando el desarrollo de métodos más adecuados para su fortalecimiento.Este artigo apresenta algumas reflexões para conceitualizar tradições musicais como Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial, usando o samba de roda e o candomblé como paradigmas para se discutir a dicotomia entre a materialidade e a imaterialidade de expressões culturais, isto é, entre a efemeridade de sua experiência e a qualidade mais permanente de seus objetos materiais e documentação. A importância do uso do corpo para ambas as tradições aponta para a centralidade da experiência humana na prática, transmissão e preservação do Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial. Essa prespectiva questiona medidas de salvaguarda tais como a inventarização e a documentação de práticas musicais e pode incentivar o desenvolvimento de métodos mais adequados para o seu fortalecimento

    Seeing you from your point of view: perspective-taking and first impression accuracy

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    This study assessed whether perspective-taking (considering another’s perspective, thoughts, and feelings; Davis, 1983) causes greater distinctive accuracy (judging another’s unique traits), normative accuracy (judging another as similar to the average person and positively), and distinctive assumed similarity (judging another’s personality as similar to one’s own personality) in first impressions of personality. College students (N = 429) received either perspective-taking instructions or no specific instructions before watching videos of seven individuals (targets) answering getting-to-know-you questions. Participants then rated each target’s personality. Taking the targets’ perspectives did not improve distinctive accuracy or distinctive assumed similarity. However, participants who reported actively trying or being able to take the targets’ perspectives rated those targets more positively (with greater normative accuracy). Thus, perspective-taking does not result in more accurate impressions or greater perceived similarity, but it may lead to more positive impressions for those who try or are able to take another’s perspective

    Singing by and with heart: embodying Candomblé’s sensuous knowledge through songs and dances in Berlin

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    By means of ethnographic fieldwork in Berlin and Recôncavo da Bahia, my Ph.D. research sought to disclose transcultural and subjective processes involved in the embodiment of the Afro-Brazilian religion of Candomblé, having my own body as a point of departure. This article presents some results regarding the transmission of ritual songs and dances at “Ilê Obá Sileké”, Germany’s only house for the practice of Candomblé. Despite the distance from the original cultural context, the priest and further masters emphasize the value of learning through practice. In other words, through body engagement instead of verbal communication and instruction. This implies mimetic processes envolving the whole subjective dimension of learning and hence of the sensible knowledge acquired. In Candomblé transmission, I argue, it is neither technical precision nor intelectual and semantic understanding of the songs and gestures that have primacy, but rather the conveyance of their “emotional essence” (Merleau-Ponty 1945): the bodily experience of sharing this very essence with the community, as well as with the gods, the orixás.Através de etnografia realizada em Berlim e no Recôncavo da Bahia, minha pesquisa de doutorado buscou entender os processos subjetivos e transculturais da aprendizagem corporal (embodiment) de uma tradição oral, a religião do Candomblé, tendo como ponto de partida para a análise o meu próprio corpo. Este artigo apresenta alguns de seus resultados relacionados à transmissão de cantigas e danças na única casa de Candomblé da Alemanha. Apesar da distância do contexto cultural original, o pai de santo e outros mestres enfatizam o valor da aprendizagem prática, isto é, através do emprego intensivo do corpo, em contraponto à instrução verbal. Tal aprendizagem pressupões processos miméticos, envolvendo toda a dimensão subjetiva do aprender e, portanto, do conhecimento sensível adquirido. Busco demonstrar aqui como música e a dança atuam na incorporação da “essência emocional” (MERLEAU-PONTY, 1945) do Candomblé e dos orixás, ao passo que precisão técnica e compreensão intelectual e semântica de letras, gestos, ritmos e melodias, tornam-se secundárias. Afinal a religião em questão fundamenta-se na experiência e no compartilhar dessa essência tanto com a comunidade quanto com os orixás

    Ecological Drivers of Plant Community Composition in a Patterned Fen at Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan

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    Regional variation in geomorphology, vegetation, fen landforms, and water chemistry create a variety of unique peatlands across the Northern Hemisphere. In the Great Lakes region, patterned fens have been extensively studied in northern Minnesota, but largely ignored in Michigan. The purpose of this study was to describe vegetation, landforms, and water chemistry in a patterned fen at Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Percent cover of plant species and environmental variables were measured at 298 relevé style plots across 6 landform types: triangular swamp forests, featureless water tracks, peripheral water tracks, strings, flarks, and ponded sedge lawns. Additionally, several morphometric parameters were calculated using GIS and communities were analyzed using multivariate techniques. Ordinations reveal variation within and between landform types related to moisture and chemical gradients. Dune islands contribute to the unique nature of Seney’s hydrology and are directly associated with (1) ponded sedge lawns, (2) patterned water tracks, and (3) triangular swamp forests. Many features at the Seney fen resemble those described in Minnesota’s patterned peatlands, yet there are considerable differences in vegetation and landform development

    In memory of DVW President Prof. Dr. Ing. Karl-Friedrich Thöne

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    Public relations \u27tech\u27niques: vocational school recruitment

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    The problem is that the large majority of high school graduates pursue four-year college degrees when there are not enough professional jobs that require four-year degrees but rather require workers to have job-specific skills. These skills are taught by vocational schools at both the high school and the post-secondary levels. The purpose of this study was to determine what public relations techniques vocational schools use and how they can improve on these techniques to increase enrollment. Six in-depth interviews were conducted with PR/marketing practitioners at vocational schools to find out what techniques and channels their school uses to attract students. Practitioners were also asked about trends in enrollment, why they believe students do not attend vocational schools and what they believe are factors that affect enrollment. Additionally, this researcher conducted 120 student intercept survey to determine how satisfied students are with particular aspects of their school. Students were also asked to give two recommendations to better their school and list the two best aspects of their school. Research determined the majority of vocational students were satisfied with their school and would recommend it to others. Students listed the quality of education and teachers as the best aspects of their school. The majority of students heard about their school through word-of-mouth, from family and friends, teachers or school counselors

    Spin dependent transport in organic light-emitting diodes

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    Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance (EDMR) was used to study a series of multilayer organic devices based on aluminum (III) 8-hydroxyquinoline. These devices were designed to identify the micoscopic origin of different spin dependent process, i.e. hopping and exciton formation. EDMR is demonstrated to probe molecular orbitals of charge, and thus indirectly explore interfaces, exciton formation, charge accumalation and electric fields in operating organic based devices