123 research outputs found

    Photovoltaics in Net Zero Energy Buildings and Clusters: Enabling the Smart City Operation☆

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    Abstract From 2012 to comply with the ED 2010/31/EU and its recasts, all new buildings will perform as Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NearlyZEBs). Buildings are going to be transformed through a careful design into energy generation systems, and the conventional, centralized system of energy generation is going to be replaced by a "web" of energy generation systems. Photovoltaics (PV) seems to be one of the most suitable energy generation technologies for enabling this change, thanks to its "fair" cost, technical features, and multifunctional use in the building's envelope, as well as in the urban environment. PV will be an indispensable technology for Net Zero Energy Buildings (NetZEBs), with the consequence of being a kind of "ubiquitous" technology, also suitable for added uses than the traditional ones. For example: in addition to the multifunctional use in the building's envelope, it might offer advanced services for improving the efficiency and participation in the city processes. A multidisciplinary investigation on possible ways for PV and NetZEBs to change the future urban scenario is proposed, focusing on design, energy management and technological issues to support a Smart City (SC) vision

    Stochastic Operation Optimization of the Smart Savona Campus as an Integrated Local Energy Community Considering Energy Costs and Carbon Emissions

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    Aiming at integrating different energy sectors and exploiting the synergies coming from the interaction of different energy carriers, sector coupling allows for a greater flexibility of the energy system, by increasing renewables’ penetration and reducing carbon emissions. At the local level, sector coupling fits well in the concept of an integrated local energy community (ILEC), where active consumers make common choices for satisfying their energy needs through the optimal management of a set of multi-carrier energy technologies, by achieving better economic and environmental benefits compared to the business-as-usual scenario. This paper discusses the stochastic operation optimization of the smart Savona Campus of the University of Genoa, according to economic and environmental criteria. The campus is treated as an ILEC with two electrically interconnected multienergy hubs involving technologies such as PV, solar thermal, combined heat and power systems, electric and geothermal heat pumps, absorption chillers, electric and thermal storage. Under this prism, the ILEC can participate in the day-ahead market (DAM) with proper bidding strategies. To assess the renewables’ uncertainties, the roulette wheel method is used to generate an initial set of scenarios for solar irradiance, and the fast forward selection algorithm is then applied to preserve the most representative scenarios, while reducing the computational load of the next optimization phase. A stochastic optimization model is thus formulated through mixed-integer linear programming (MILP), with the aim to optimize the operation strategies of the various technologies in the ILEC, as well as the bidding strategies of the ILECs in the DAM, considering both energy costs and carbon emissions through a multi-objective approach. Case study results show how the optimal bidding strategies of the ILEC on the DAM allow minimizing of the users’ net daily cost, and, as in the case of environmental optimization, the ILEC operates in self-consumption mode. Moreover, in comparison to the current operation strategies, the optimized case allows reduction of the daily net energy cost in a range from 5 to 14%, and the net daily carbon emissions in a range from 6 to 18%

    Analisi e definizione di strategie di gestione e controllo di sistemi di accumulo elettrico per applicazioni in reti di distribuzione attive automatizzate Report 1 – Analisi dello stato dell’arte

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    Il presente Report riferisce sui contenuti e sui risultati della prima fase delle attivitĂ  svolte nell’ambito della ricerca dal titolo: “Analisi e definizione di strategie di gestione e controllo di sistemi di accumulo elettrico per applicazioni in reti di distribuzione attive automatizzate”, oggetto dell’Accordo di Collaborazione tra ENEA e DIEET sottoscritto nel corso del 2011. Nel corso della prima fase delle attivitĂ , a partire da un inquadramento generale dei diversi tipi di accumulo di energia elettrica (elettrochimico, meccanico ed elettrico), Ăš stata condotta un’analisi preliminare su metodologie, sistemi d’interfaccia e tecniche di controllo dei sistemi di accumulo, in una visione il piĂč possibile integrata con le esigenze “di sistema”, ovvero in relazione ai principali aspetti che nei prossimi anni caratterizzeranno il funzionamento delle reti di distribuzione e dei loro diversi componenti/sottosistemi, nell’ottica di transizione verso infrastrutture elettriche efficienti, flessibili, dinamiche ed interattive. Tra tali aspetti, in relazione al contesto generale della ricerca, Ăš stato analizzato in particolare il possibile ruolo dei sistemi di accumulo per: - favorire l’integrazione di generazione di energia da fonti rinnovabili contribuendo a risolvere alcune criticitĂ  nei servizi di regolazione della tensione e della frequenza della rete; - contribuire ad elevare i livelli di qualitĂ  del servizio elettrico; - partecipare ad una gestione ottimale, in termini tecnico-economici, di tutte le risorse di rete: fonti energetiche, unitĂ  di accumulo e carichi (implementando idonei programmi di demand-response). Le attivitĂ  sono state condotte in sinergia con il personale tecnico di ENEA e sono state svolte prevalentemente all’interno dei locali e dei laboratori del DIEET di Palermo

    Realizzazione e prova di un sistema di controllo ed interfaccia per sistemi combinati accumulo-FER Report 2 - Progettazione esecutiva, realizzazione del prototipo e prova

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    Il presente Documento riferisce sui contenuti e sui risultati della seconda fase delle attivit\ue0 svolte nell\u2019ambito della ricerca dal titolo: \u201cProgettazione, realizzazione e test di un sistema di controllo ed interfaccia per sistemi combinati accumulo-FER\u201d, oggetto di un Accordo di Collaborazione tra ENEA e DIEETCAM (Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Palermo) nel quadro delle attivit\ue0 relative al Piano Annuale di Realizzazione 2011 dell\u2019Accordo di Programma MSE-ENEA sulla Ricerca di Sistema Elettrico. Nel corso della seconda fase delle attivit\ue0, a partire dal lavoro di definizione delle specifiche tecniche di tutti i componenti, e dell\u2019insieme delle funzionalit\ue0 del dispositivo in progetto, si \ue8 proceduto alla progettazione esecutiva del dispositivo, nonch\ue9 alla realizzazione di un prototipo. E\u2019 stata infine condotta una campagna di test e prove al fine di: applicare e validare in ambiente simulato l\u2019algoritmo di gestione del sistema combinato per profili di variabilit\ue0 della domanda tipici di alcune utenze di media taglia del settore terziario; verificare sperimentalmente (attraverso specifici test condotti in laboratorio) il regolare funzionamento dei singoli componenti di potenza del sistema, sotto diverse condizioni operative di funzionamento (in modalit\ue0 stand-alone e grid-connected); verificare sperimentalmente (attraverso specifici test condotti in laboratorio) l\u2019operativit\ue0 delle funzioni di protezione e comunicazione (verso la rete) implementate. Le attivit\ue0 sono state condotte in sinergia con il personale tecnico di ENEA e con la collaborazione dell\u2019azienda Layer Electronics s.r.l. di Erice (TP)

    numerical simulation of a solar domestic hot water system

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    An innovative transient numerical model is presented for the simulation of a solar Domestic Hot Water (DHW) system. The solar collectors have been simulated by using a zerodimensional analytical model. The temperature distributions in the heat transfer fluid and in the water inside the tank have been evaluated by one-dimensional models. The reversion elimination algorithm has been used to include the effects of natural convection among the water layers at different heights in the tank on the thermal stratification. A finite difference implicit scheme has been implemented to solve the energy conservation equation in the coil heat exchanger, and the energy conservation equation in the tank has been solved by using the finite difference Euler implicit scheme. Energy conservation equations for the solar DHW components models have been coupled by means of a home-made implicit algorithm. Results of the simulation performed using as input data the experimental values of the ambient temperature and the solar irradiance in a summer day are presented and discussed

    Results of the Sophia module intercomparison part-1: stc, low irradiance conditions and temperature coefficients measurements of C-Si technologies

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    The results of a measurement intercomparison between eleven European laboratories measuring PV energy relevant parameters are reported. The purpose of the round-robin was to assess the uncertainty analyses of the participating laboratories on c-Si modules and to establish a baseline for the following thin-film round-robin. Alongside the STC measurements, low irradiance conditions (200W/m2) and temperature coefficients measurements were performed. The largest measurement deviation from the median at STC was for HIT modules from -3.6% to +2.7% in PMAX, but in agreement with the stated uncertainties of the participants. This was not the case for low irradiance conditions and temperature coefficients measurements with some partners underestimating their uncertainties. Larger deviations from the median from -5% to +3% in PMAX at low irradiance conditions and -6.6% to +18.3% for the PMAX temperature coefficient were observed. The main sources of uncertainties contributing to the spread in measurements were the RC calibration, mismatch factor and capacitive effects at STC and low irradiance conditions as well as the additional light inhomogeneity for the latter. The uncertainty in the junction temperature and the temperature deviation across the module were the major contributors for temperature coefficients measurements

    Uncertainty in energy yield estimation based on C-Si module roundrobin results.

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    Results of the European FP7 Sophia project roundrobin of c-Si module power measurements at STC and low irradiance and temperature coefficients were used to calculate annual energy yield at four sites. The deviation in the estimates solely due to the different measurement results is reported, neglecting the uncertainty in the meteorological data and losses unrelated to the performed measurements. While minimising the deviation in Pmax measurements remains the key challenge, the low irradiance and temperature coefficient contributions are shown to be significant. Propagating the measurement deviation in c-Si module measurements would suggest that expanded uncertainty in energy yield due to module characterization alone can be as high as ±3-4%

    Changes of solar cell parameters during damp-heat exposure

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    The degradation of PV modules during damp-heat exposure is investigated. Power degradation is analysed in dependence of temperature and humidity during exposure. The module’s equivalent circuit parameters are calculated from I-V characteristics measured during ageing. A dose function is developed and degradations of power as well as equivalent circuit parameters can be analysed against the dose, which provides a better understanding of the module ageing behaviour. EL images of modules before and after ageing support the changes of solar cell parameters

    Il sistema della generazione distribuita. Problematiche di connessione al sistema elettrico.

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    Negli ultimi anni, grazie anche ai processi di liberalizzazione del mercato dell’energia elettrica, si ù assistito ad uno sviluppo della cosiddetta generazione distribuita, soprattutto da fonte rinnovabile, il che pone non poche problematiche tra loro interconnesse di carattere sia tecnico che normativo, economico ed ambientale. In questo lavoro dopo avere brevemente illustrato i benefici potenziali dovuti all’introduzione di sistemi di generazione distribuita, si considera il suo impatto sulle reti elettriche di alta, media e bassa tensione analizzando le principali problematiche inerenti alla pianificazione, progettazione e gestione delle stesse
