2,702 research outputs found

    Evolution of Cosmological Perturbations in the Universe dominated by Multiple Scalar Fields

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    By efforts of several authors, it is recently established that the dynamical behavior of the cosmological perturbation on superhorizon scales is well approximated in terms of that in the long wavelength limit, and the latter can be constructed from the evolution of corresponding exactly homogeneous universe. Using these facts, we investigate the evolution of the cosmological perturbation on superhorizon scales in the universe dominated by oscillating multiple scalar fields which are generally interacting with each other, and the ratio of whose masses is incommensurable. Since the scalar fields oscillate rapidly around the local minimum of the potential, we use the action angle variables. We found that this problem can be formulated as the canonical perturbation theory in which the perturbed part appearing as the result of the expansion of the universe and the interaction of the scalar fields is bounded by the negative power ot time. We show that by constructing the canonical transformations properly, the transformed hamiltonian becomes simple enough to be solved. As the result of the invetigation using the long wavelength limit and the canonical perturbation theory, under the sufficiently general conditions, we prove that for the adiabatic growing mode the Bardeen parameter stays constant and that for all the other modes the Bardeen parameter decays. From the viewpoint of the ergodic theory, it is discussed that as for the Bardeen parameter, the sigularities appear probabilistically. This analysis serves the understanding of the evolution of the cosmological perturbations on superhorizon scales during reheating.Comment: 31 Pages; Latex, No figure

    An Observational Test of Two-field Inflation

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    We study adiabatic and isocurvature perturbation spectra produced by a period of cosmological inflation driven by two scalar fields. We show that there exists a model-independent consistency condition for all two-field models of slow-roll inflation, despite allowing for model-dependent linear processing of curvature and isocurvature perturbations during and after inflation on super-horizon scales. The scale-dependence of all spectra are determined solely in terms of slow-roll parameters during inflation and the dimensionless cross-correlation between curvature and isocurvature perturbations. We present additional model-dependent consistency relations that may be derived in specific two-field models, such as the curvaton scenario.Comment: 6 pages, latex with revtex, no figures; v2, minor changes, to appear in Physical Review

    Kondo effect and anti-ferromagnetic correlation in transport through tunneling-coupled double quantum dots

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    We propose to study the transport through tunneling-coupled double quantum dots (DQDs) connected in series to leads, using the finite-UU slave-boson mean field approach developed initially by Kotliar and Ruckenstein [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 57}, 1362 (1986)]. This approach treats the dot-lead coupling and the inter-dot tunnelling tt nonperturbatively at arbitrary Coulomb correlation UU, thus allows the anti-ferromagnetic exchange coupling parameter J=4t2/UJ=4t^2/U to appear naturally. We find that, with increasing the inter-dot hopping, the DQDs manifest three distinct physical scenarios: the Kondo singlet state of each dot with its adjacent lead, the spin singlet state consisting of local spins on each dot and the doubly occupied bonding orbital of the coupled dots. The three states exhibit remarkably distinct behavior in transmission spectrum, linear and differential conductance and their magnetic-field dependence. Theoretical predictions agree with numerical renormalization group and Lanczos calculations, and some of them have been observed in recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Physics Review B (Rapid Communication) (in press

    Conduction through a quantum dot near a singlet-triplet transition

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    Kondo effect in the vicinity of a singlet-triplet transition in a vertical quantum dot is considered. This system is shown to map onto a special version of the two-impurity Kondo model. At any value of the control parameter, the system has a Fermi-liquid ground state. Explicit expressions for the linear conductance as a function of the control parameter and temperature TT are obtained. At T=0, the conductance reaches the unitary limit 4e2/h\sim 4e^2/h at the triplet side of the transition, and decreases with the increasing distance to the transition at the singlet side. At finite temperature, the conductance exhibits a peak near the transition point

    Orbital Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes

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    Progress in the fabrication of nanometer-scale electronic devices is opening new opportunities to uncover the deepest aspects of the Kondo effect, one of the paradigmatic phenomena in the physics of strongly correlated electrons. Artificial single-impurity Kondo systems have been realized in various nanostructures, including semiconductor quantum dots, carbon nanotubes and individual molecules. The Kondo effect is usually regarded as a spin-related phenomenon, namely the coherent exchange of the spin between a localized state and a Fermi sea of electrons. In principle, however, the role of the spin could be replaced by other degrees of freedom, such as an orbital quantum number. Here we demonstrate that the unique electronic structure of carbon nanotubes enables the observation of a purely orbital Kondo effect. We use a magnetic field to tune spin-polarized states into orbital degeneracy and conclude that the orbital quantum number is conserved during tunneling. When orbital and spin degeneracies are simultaneously present, we observe a strongly enhanced Kondo effect, with a multiple splitting of the Kondo resonance at finite field and predicted to obey a so-called SU(4) symmetry.Comment: 26 pages, including 4+2 figure

    Universal conductance enhancement and reduction of the two-orbital Kondo effect

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    We investigate theoretically the linear and nonlinear conductance through a nanostructure with two-fold degenerate single levels, corresponding to the transport through nanostructures such as a carbon nanotube, or double dot systems with capacitive interaction. It is shown that the presence of the interaction asymmetry between orbits/dots affects significantly the profile of the linear conductance at finite temperature, and, of the nonlinear conductance, particularly around half-filling, where the two-particle Kondo effect occurs. Within the range of experimentally feasible parameters, the SU(4) universal behavior is suggested, and comparison with relevant experiments is made.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Spin Effects and Transport in Quantum Dots with overlapping Resonances

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    The role of spin is investigated in the transport through a quantum dot with two overlapping resonances (one having a width larger than the level separation and the other very narrow, cf. Silvestrov and Imry, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 2565 (2000)). For a series of consecutive charging resonances, one electron from the leads populates one and the same broad level in the dot. Moreover, there is the tendency to occupy the same level also by the second electron within the same resonance. This second electron is taken from the narrow levels in the dot. The narrow levels are populated (and broad level is depopulated) via sharp rearrangements of the electronic configuration in the Coulomb blockade valleys. Possible experimental manifestations of this scenario are considered. Among these there are sharp features in the valleys and in the Mixed Valence regime and an unusual Kondo effect.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, just a published versio

    Cosmological perturbations from varying masses and couplings

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    We study the evolution of perturbations during the domination and decay of a massive particle species whose mass and decay rate are allowed to depend on the expectation value of a light scalar field. We specialize in the case where the light field is slow-rolling, showing that during a phase of inhomogeneous mass-domination and decay the isocurvature perturbation of the light field is converted into a curvature perturbation with an efficiency which is nine times larger than when the mass is fixed. We derive a condition on the annihilation cross section and on the decay rate for the domination of the massive particles and we show that standard model particles cannot dominate the universe before nucleosynthesis. We also compare this mechanism with the curvaton model. Finally, observational signatures are discussed. A cold dark matter isocurvature mode can be generated if the dark matter is produced out of equilibrium by both the inflaton and the massive particle species decay. Non-Gaussianities are present: they are chi-square deviations. However, they might be too small to be observable.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Large-scale cosmological perturbations on the brane

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    In brane-world cosmologies of Randall-Sundrum type, we show that evolution of large-scale curvature perturbations may be determined on the brane, without solving the bulk perturbation equations. The influence of the bulk gravitational field on the brane is felt through a projected Weyl tensor which behaves effectively like an imperfect radiation fluid with anisotropic stress. We define curvature perturbations on uniform density surfaces for both the matter and Weyl fluids, and show that their evolution on large scales follows directly from the energy conservation equations for each fluid. The total curvature perturbation is not necessarily constant for adiabatic matter perturbations, but can change due to the Weyl entropy perturbation. To relate this curvature perturbation to the longitudinal gauge metric potentials requires knowledge of the Weyl anisotropic stress which is not determined by the equations on the brane. We discuss the implications for large-angle anisotropies on the cosmic microwave background sky.Comment: 13 pages, latex with revtex, no figure