6,564 research outputs found

    Linear and nonlinear resonant interaction of sound waves in dissipative layers

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    The theory of resonant nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in dissipative steady plasmas developed by Ballai and Erdélyi is used to study the effect of steady flows on nonlinear resonant heating of MHD waves in (a) linear, (b) weakly and (c) strongly nonlinear approximations. Nonlinear connection formulae for slow MHD waves are derived. This nonlinear theory of driven MHD waves is then used to study the interaction of sound waves with one-dimensional isotropic steady plasmas. We find that a steady equilibrium flow can significantly influence the efficiency of resonant absorption in the considered limits. In the case of strong nonlinearity, the efficiency of the resonant coupling is found to be proportional to the counterpart obtained in linear theory. The factor of proportion is approximately of the order of unity, justifying the commonly applied linear approximations

    Nonlinear theory of non-axisymmetric resonant slow waves in straight magnetic flux tubes

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    Nonlinear resonant slow magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are studied in weakly dissipative isotropic plasmas for a cylindrical equilibrium model. The equilibrium magnetic field lines are unidirectional and parallel with the z axis. The nonlinear governing equations for resonant slow magnetoacoustic (SMA) waves are derived. Using the method of matched asymptotic expansions inside and outside the narrow dissipative layer, we generalize the connection formulae for the Eulerian perturbation of the total pressure and for the normal component of the velocity. These nonlinear connection formulae in dissipative cylindrical MHD are an important extention of the connection formulae obtained in linear ideal MHD [Sakurai et al., Solar Phys. 133, 227 (1991)], linear dissipative MHD [Goossens et al., Solar Phys. 175, 75 (1995); Erdélyi, Solar Phys. 171, 49 (1997)] and in nonlinear dissipative MHD derived in slab geometry [Ruderman et al., Phys. Plasmas4, 75 (1997)]. These generalized connection formulae enable us to connect the solutions at both sides of the dissipative layer without solving the MHD equations in the dissipative layer. We also show that the nonlinear interaction of harmonics in the dissipative layer is responsible for generating a parallel mean flow outside the dissipative layer

    Prominence seismology using the period ratio of transverse thread oscillations

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    The ratio of the period of the fundamental mode to that of the first overtone of kink oscillations, from here on the "period ratio", is a seismology tool that can be used to infer information about the spatial variation of density along solar magnetic flux tubes. The period ratio is 2 in longitudinally homogeneous thin tubes, but it differs from 2 due to longitudinal inhomogeneity. In this paper we investigate the period ratio in longitudinally inhomogeneous prominence threads and explore its implications for prominence seismology. We numerically solve the two-dimensional eigenvalue problem of kink oscillations in a model of a prominence thread. We take into account three nonuniform density profiles along the thread. In agreement with previous works that used simple piecewise constant density profiles, we find that the period ratio is larger than 2 in prominence threads. When the ratio of the central density to that at the footpoints is fixed, the period ratio depends strongly on the form of the density profile along the thread. The more concentrated the dense prominence plasma near the center of the tube, the larger the period ratio. However, the period ratio is found to be independent of the specific density profile when the spatially averaged density in the thread is the same for all the profiles. An empirical fit of the dependence of the period ratio on the average density is given and its use for prominence seismology is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Matrix bids in combinatorial auctions: expressiveness and micro-economic properties

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    A combinatorial auction is an auction where multiple items are for sale simultaneously to a set of buyers. Furthermore, buyers are allowed to place bids on subsets of the available items. This paper focuses on a combinatorial auction where a bidder can express his preferences by means of a so-called ordered matrix bid. Ordered matrix bids are a bidding language that allows a compact representation of a bidder''s preferences, and was developed by Day (2004). We give an overview of how a combinatorial auction with matrix bids works. We elaborate on the relevance of the matrix bid auction and we develop methods to verify whether a given matrix bid satisfies properties related to micro-economic theory as free disposal, subadditivity, submodularity and the gross substitutes property. Finally, we investigate how a collection of arbitrary bids can be represented as a matrix bid.microeconomics ;

    Slow surface wave damping in plasmas with anisotropic viscosity and thermal conductivity

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    This paper studies the damping of slow surface MHD waves propagating along the equilibrium magnetic field on a finite-thickness magnetic interface. The plasma is assumed to be strongly magnetised, and the full Braginskii's expressions for viscosity and the heat flux are used. The primary focus of the paper is on the competition between resonant absorption in the thin dissipative layer embracing the ideal resonant position and the bulk wave damping due to viscosity and thermal conductivity as damping mechanisms for surface MHD waves. The dependence of the wave damping decrement on the wave length and the dissipative coefficients is studied. Application of the obtained results to the surface MHD wave damping in the solar chromosphere is discussed

    Effect of partial ionization on wave propagation in solar magnetic flux tubes

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    Observations show that waves are ubiquitous in the solar atmosphere and may play an important role for plasma heating. The study of waves in the solar corona is usually based on linear ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) for a fully ionized plasma. However, the plasma in the photosphere and the chromosphere is only partially ionized. Here we investigate theoretically the impact of partial ionization on MHD wave propagation in cylindrical flux tubes in the two-fluid model. We derive the general dispersion relation that takes into account the effects of neutral-ion collisions and the neutral gas pressure. We take the neutral-ion collision frequency as an arbitrary parameter. Particular results for transverse kink modes and slow magnetoacoustic modes are shown. We find that the wave frequencies only depend on the properties of the ionized fluid when the neutral-ion collision frequency is much lower that the wave frequency. For high collision frequencies realistic of the solar atmosphere ions and neutrals behave as a single fluid with an effective density corresponding to the sum of densities of both fluids and an effective sound velocity computed as the average of the sound velocities of ions and neutrals. The MHD wave frequencies are modified accordingly. The neutral gas pressure can be neglected when studying transverse kink waves but it has to be taken into account for a consistent description of slow magnetoacoustic waves. The MHD waves are damped due to neutral-ion collisions. The damping is most efficient when the wave frequency and the collision frequency are of the same order of magnitude. For high collision frequencies slow magnetoacoustic waves are more efficiently damped than transverse kink waves. In addition, we find the presence of cut-offs for certain combinations of parameters that cause the waves to become non-propagating.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Spatial magneto-seismology : effect of density stratification on the first harmonic amplitude profile of transversal coronal loop oscillations

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    Context. The new generation of extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) imagers onboard missions such as the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)and Solar Orbiter (SO) will provide the most accurate spatial measurements of post-flare coronal loop oscillations yet. The amplitude profiles of these loop oscillations contain important information about plasma fine structure in the corona. Aims. We show that the position of the anti-nodes of the amplitude profile of the first harmonic of the standing fast kink wave of a coronal loop relate to the plasma density stratification of that loop. Methods. The MHD kink transversal waves of coronal loops are modelled both numerically and analytically. The numerical model implements the implicit finite element code pollux. Dispersion relations are derived and solved analytically. The results of the two methods are compared and verified. Results. Density stratification causes the anti-nodes of the first harmonic to shift towards the loop footpoints. The greater the density stratification, the larger the shift. The anti-node shift of the first harmonic of a semi-circular coronal loop with a density scale height H = 50 Mm and loop half length L = 100 Mm is approximately 5.6Mm. Shifts in the Mm range are measureable quantities providing valuable information about the subresolution structure of coronal loops. Conclusions. The measurement of the anti-node shift of the first harmonic of the standing fast kink wave of coronal loops is potentially a new tool in the field of solar magneto-seismology, providing a novel complementary method of probing plasma fine structure in the corona

    An Update on Airborne Contact Dermatitis: 2001-2006

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    Reports on airborne dermatoses are mainly published in the context of occupational settings. Hence, in recent years, dermatologists and also occupational physicians have become increasingly aware of the airborne source of contact dermatitis, resulting mainly from exposure to irritants or allergens. However, their occurrence is still underestimated, because reports often omit the term 'airborne' in relation to dust or volatile allergens. For the present update, we screened the journals 'Contact Dermatitis' (July 2000 to December 2006); 'Dermatitis', formerly named 'American Journal of Contact Dermatitis'; 'La Lettre du Gerda' (January 2000 to December 2006); and also included relevant articles from other journals published during the same period. This resulted in an updated list of airborne dermatitis causes

    Bounds on the Magnetic Fields in the Radiative Zone of the Sun

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    We discuss bounds on the strength of the magnetic fields that could be buried in the radiative zone of the Sun. The field profiles and decay times are computed for all axisymmetric toroidal Ohmic decay eigenmodes with lifetimes exceeding the age of the Sun. The measurements of the solar oblateness yield a bound <~ 7 MG on the strength of the field. A comparable bound is expected to come from the analysis of the splitting of the solar oscillation frequencies. The theoretical analysis of the double diffusive instability also yields a similar bound. The oblateness measurements at their present level of sensitivity are therefore not expected to measure a toroidal field contribution.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure