4,044 research outputs found

    Growth Stimulation of Biological Cells and Tissue by Electromagnetic Fields and Uses Thereof

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    The present invention provides systems for growing two or three dimensional mammalian cells within a culture medium facilitated by an electromagnetic field, and preferably, a time varying electromagnetic field. The cells, and culture medium are contained within a fixed or rotating culture vessel, and the electromagnetic field is emitted from at least one electrode. In one embodiment, the electrode is spaced from the vessel. The invention further provides methods to promote neural tissue regeneration by means of culturing the neural cells in the claimed system. In one embodiment, neuronal cells are grown within longitudinally extending tissue strands extending axially along and within electrodes comprising electrically conductive channels or guides through which a time varying electrical current is conducted, the conductive channels being positioned within a culture medium

    Athletics vs Performing Arts

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    Athletics and performing arts are commonly seen as polar opposite components of a school’s curriculum. Funding must be split between the two in a way that provides the necessary tools and facilities for both programs. How much is given depends not only on the revenue and publicity that it brings but also on the participation levels of the student body. In most institutional settings, athletics are favored over performing arts. In this paper, the effects that each have on students both in school and later in life will be examined. From the evidence found, it is decided that a combination of both athletics and performing arts should be provided in a student’s life. In order to do so, institutions must implement new educational program ideas such as STEAM. This addition to the program will provide different programs that foster creativity within students

    Engineered human broncho-epithelial tissue-like assemblies

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    Three-dimensional human broncho-epithelial tissue-like assemblies (TLAs) are produced in a rotating wall vessel (RWV) with microcarriers by coculturing mesenchymal bronchial-tracheal cells (BTC) and bronchial epithelium cells (BEC). These TLAs display structural characteristics and express markers of in vivo respiratory epithelia. TLAs are useful for screening compounds active in lung tissues such as antiviral compounds, cystic fibrosis treatments, allergens, and cytotoxic compounds

    Micro-Raman spectroscopy of chromosomes

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    Raman spectra of intact chromosomes (Chinese hamster), recorded with a microspectrometer, are reported. The spectra could be assigned to protein and DNA contributions. Protein and DNA conformations and the ratio of base pairs in DNA were determined

    The Effect of Oak Leaves on the Leaching of Trace Metals from Sand

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    Sand is fairly rich in some common trace metals, notably manganese and iron. However, these metals for the most part are in a state which renders them insoluble in water. It is thought that the presence of organic matter (principally leaves) in the water enhances the dissolution of some of these trace metals into the aqueous solution. This enhancement of dissolution is generally thought to come about in three main ways: (1) The organic matter present lowers the oxygen content of the water, and the metals are reduced into a soluble form, (2) The organic material, some of which is slightly acid, lowers the pH of the water, thereby enhancing solubility conditions for some metals, and (3) Some of the organic compounds may actually chelate the metals, rendering them into a water soluble form

    A Neuropsychological Approach For Differentiating the Residual Effects of Neonatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage

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    It is well documented in the literature that low-birth-weight (LBW) and prematurity are associated with a variety of developmental disabilities. Within this population of LBW children it is estimated that at birth, up to 45% of them experience intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH). Only recently has pediatric research begun to look at the potentially unique effects of IVH, and attempt to separate these out form the effects of LBW in general. The purpose of this study was to investigate the neuropsychological differences that may occur in children with a history of mild or sever IVH, who are now approaching school age. The main objective was to determine whether children, ages 4 and 5, who were diagnosed with a mild IVH at birth would perform differently on a neuropsychological screening from children who were diagnosed with a severe IVH. Twenty-nine 4- and 5-year-olds born at the University of Utah Medical Center and Primary Children\u27s Medical Center constituted the sample for this study. Potential children were identified through the medical records, where documentation of incident and severity of IVH was obtained. Descriptive medical data and documentation of other common sequelae of LBW was also obtained from the medical records. Parents of potential subjects were contacted from the respective medical centers, and interested parents were then contacted by the research team and included in the study. The children were tested on a variety of neuropsychological functions by trained examiners from the Early Intervention Research Institute at Utah State University and from the Neuropsychological Consultation Services in Salt Lake City, Utah. Analysis of this data was used in determining whether or not there were residual differences in the performance of preschool-age children who have a history of IVH at birth. The results did not indicate significant difference between mild and severe IVH groups in performance on the neuropsychological assessment. Discriminant analysis showed no significant results which did not indicate that group membership could be predicted based upon test performance. Individual subtest analyses also did not indicate a significant difference in performance. Further analysis indicated significant relationships between the presence of other common sequelae of LBW/IVH such as seizure disorder and birth asphyxia, and the neuropsychological test results. Further research is needed to determine the reliability of these findings

    Supernumerary Teeth in Pleistocene, Recent, and Hybrid Individuals of the Spermophilus richardsonii Complex (Sciuridae)

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    A supernumerary distal upper molar, always expressed bilaterally, occurred in Pleistocene (one of 204) and Recent (five of 1,667) specimens of the Spermophilus richardsonii complex. Among Recent specimens with the abnormality, three of four with known provenance came from adjacent colonies with hybrids of S. richardsonii (Richardson\u27s ground squirrel) and S. elegans (Wyoming ground squirrel). Elsewhere, the trait was rare in S. richardsonii (one of 947) and absent in S. elegans (out of 668). Affected individuals exhibited normal P3-M2, but two aberrant teeth distal to M2. Aberrant teeth exhibited a mosaic of features typical of M2, M3, and atypical of any normal tooth. The trait was inferred to be hereditary
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