21,512 research outputs found

    Enhanced Tissue Integration During Cartilage RepairIn VitroCan Be Achieved by Inhibiting Chondrocyte Death at the Wound Edge

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    Objective: Experimental wounding of articular cartilage results in cell death at the lesion edge. The objective of this study was to investigate whether inhibition of this cell death results in enhanced integrative cartilage repair. Methods: Bovine articular cartilage discs (6mm) were incubated in media containing inhibitors of necrosis (Necrostatin-1, Nec-1) or apoptosis (Z-VAD-FMK, ZVF) before cutting a 3mm inner core. This core was left in situ to create disc/ring composites, cultured for up to 6 weeks with the inhibitors, and analyzed for cell death, sulfated glycosaminoglycan release, and tissue integration. Results: Creating the disc/ring composites resulted in a significant increase in necrosis. ZVF significantly reduced necrosis and apoptosis at the wound edge. Nec-1 reduced necrosis. Both inhibitors reduced the level of wound-induced sulfated glycosaminoglycan loss. Toluidine blue staining and electron microscopy of cartilage revealed significant integration of the wound edges in disc/ring composites treated with ZVF. Nec-1 improved integration, but to a lesser extent. Push-out testing revealed that ZVF increased adhesive strength compared to control composites. Conclusions: This study shows that treatment of articular cartilage with cell death inhibitors during wound repair increases the number of viable cells at the wound edge, prevents matrix loss, and results in a significant improvement in cartilage-cartilage integration

    Testing the diffusion hypothesis as a mechanism of self-healing in Disperse orange 11 doped in PMMA

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    In this work, we show that reversible photodegradation of Disperse Orange 11 doped in PMMA is not due to dye diffusion - a common phenomenon observed in many dye-doped polymers. The change in linear absorbance due to photodegradation of the material shows an isobestic point, which is consistent with the formation of a quasi-stable damaged species. Spatially-resolved amplified spontaneous emission and fluorescence, both related to the population density, are measured by scanning the pump beam over a burn mark. A numerical model of the time evolution of the population density due to diffusion is inconsistent with the experimental data suggesting that diffusion is not responsible.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Dust in the 55 Cancri planetary system

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    The presence of debris disks around ∌\sim 1-Gyr-old main sequence stars suggests that an appreciable amount of dust may persist even in mature planetary systems. Here we report the detection of dust emission from 55 Cancri, a star with one, or possibly two, planetary companions detected through radial velocity measurements. Our observations at 850ÎŒ\mum and 450ÎŒ\mum imply a dust mass of 0.0008-0.005 Earth masses, somewhat higher than that in the the Kuiper Belt of our solar system. The estimated temperature of the dust grains and a simple model fit both indicate a central disk hole of at least 10 AU in radius. Thus, the region where the planets are detected is likely to be significantly depleted of dust. Our results suggest that far-infrared and sub-millimeter observations are powerful tools for probing the outer regions of extrasolar planetary systems.Comment: 8 pages and 2 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Non-renormalization of next-to-extremal correlators in N=4 SYM and the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We show that next-to-extremal correlators of chiral primary operators in N=4 SYM theory do not receive quantum corrections to first order in perturbation theory. Furthermore we consider next-to-extremal correlators within AdS supergravity. Here the exchange diagrams contributing to these correlators yield results of the same free-field form as obtained within field theory. This suggests that quantum corrections vanish at strong coupling as well.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex, 9 eps figures, typos corrected and references adde

    Cultures in Contact at Colony Ross

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    For thousands of years before the coming of Europeans, Kashaya Pomo and Coast Miwok peoples inhabited the coastal lands north of San Francisco Bay. Like many other California Indians, they were hunter-gatherers who harvested wild plants and animals from the sea and land for food, medicine, clothing, housing material, and ceremonial regalia. Villages nestled along protected coastal embayments and ridge tops of the Northern Coast Ranges mountains contained tule-thatched or redwood bark houses, ceremonial structures (round houses), sweat houses, dance enclosures, and extramural cooking and work areas. Large villages served as the political centers for broader communities of dispersed family groups who would come together for periodic dances, ceremonies, initiation rites, and feasts. With the founding of Colony Ross in 1812 by the Russian-American Company (RAC), a mercantile enterprise licensed by the tsar of Russia, life would change forever for the Kashaya Pomo and the Coast Miwok. The Russian merchants placed the primary administrative center of the colony, which they called the Ross settlement, in the heart of Kashaya Pomo territory, and they chose Bodega Harbor in Coast Miwok country to be the principal port facility (Port Rumiantsev) (Figure 7.15). The Russian-American Company came to California to profit from the exploitation of the region\u27s natural bounty. The mercantile enterprise harvested sea mammals, primarily sea otters and fur seals, to fuel the lucrative maritime fur trade that supplied sea mammal pelts to China, Europe, and the United States, primarily for use as robes, fur trim, and other clothing accessories. The Russian merchants attempted to grow wheat, barley, and other crops, and to raise livestock at Colony Ross to feed other RAC colonies in the North Pacific (Aleutian Islands, Kodiak Island, Prince William Sound, etc.), which experienced periodic food shortages. The Ross settlement also served as a manufacturing center for the production of goods (timber, bricks, metal utensils, and tools) that were shipped to the other North Pacific colonies and also traded to the Franciscan missionaries in Alta California for foodstuffs grown in the extensive mission complexes

    Probing Structures of Distant Extrasolar Planets with Microlensing

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    Planetary companions to the source stars of a caustic-crossing binary microlensing events can be detected via the deviation from the parent light curves created when the caustic magnifies the star light reflecting off the atmosphere or surface of the planets. The magnitude of the deviation is delta_p e_p rho_p^{-1/2}, where e_p is the fraction of starlight reflected by the planet and rho_p is the angular radius of the planet in units of angular Einstein ring radius. Due to the extraordinarily high resolution achieved during the caustic crossing, the detailed shapes of these perturbations are sensitive to fine structures on and around the planets. We consider the signatures of rings, satellites, and atmospheric features on caustic-crossing microlensing light curves. We find that, for reasonable assumptions, rings produce deviations of order 10% delta_p, whereas satellites, spots, and zonal bands produce deviations of order 1% delta_p. We consider the detectability of these features using current and future telescopes, and find that, with very large apertures (>30m), ring systems may be detectable, whereas spots, satellites, and zonal bands will generally be difficult to detect. We also present a short discussion of the stability of rings around close-in planets, noting that rings are likely to be lost to Poynting-Robertson drag on a timescale of order 10^5 years, unless they are composed of large (>>1 cm) particles, or are stabilized by satellites.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures. Revised version, minor changes, figures fixed. Accepted to ApJ, to appear in the March 20, 2003 issue (v586

    Resonant Enhancement of Charge Density Wave Diffraction in the Rare-Earth Tritellurides

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    We performed resonant soft X-ray diffraction on known charge density wave (CDW) compounds, rare earth tri-tellurides. Near the M5M_5 (3d - 4f) absorption edge of rare earth ions, an intense diffraction peak is detected at a wavevector identical to that of CDW state hosted on Te2_2 planes, indicating a CDW-induced modulation on the rare earth ions. Surprisingly, the temperature dependence of the diffraction peak intensity demonstrates an exponential increase at low temperatures, vastly different than that of the CDW order parameter. Assuming 4f multiplet splitting due to the CDW states,we present a model to calculate X-ray absorption spectrum and resonant profile of the diffraction peak, agreeing well with experimental observations. Our results demonstrate a situation where the temperature dependence of resonant X-ray diffraction peak intensity is not directly related to the intrinsic behavior of the order parameter associated with the electronic order, but is dominated by the thermal occupancy of the valence states.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Chemical abundances of 1111 FGK stars from the HARPS GTO planet search program.Galactic stellar populations and planets

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    We performed a uniform and detailed abundance analysis of 12 refractory elements (Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni, Co, Sc, Mn and V) for a sample of 1111 FGK dwarf stars from the HARPS GTO planet search program. 109 of these stars are known to harbour giant planetary companions and 26 stars are hosting exclusively Neptunians and super-Earths. The main goals of this paper are i) to investigate whether there are any differences between the elemental abundance trends for stars of different stellar populations; ii) to characterise the planet host and non-host samples in term of their [X/H]. The extensive study of this sample, focused on the abundance differences between stars with and without planets will be presented in a parallel paper. The equivalent widths of spectral lines are automatically measured from HARPS spectra with the ARES code. The abundances of the chemical elements are determined using a LTE abundance analysis relative to the Sun, with the 2010 revised version of the spectral synthesis code MOOG and a grid of Kurucz ATLAS9 atmospheres. To separate the Galactic stellar populations we applied both a purely kinematical approach and a chemical method. We found that the chemically separated (based on the Mg, Si, and Ti abundances) thin and thick discs are also chemically disjunct for Al, Sc, Co and Ca. Some bifurcation might also exist for Na, V, Ni, and Mn, but there is no clear boundary of their [X/Fe] ratios. We confirm that an overabundance in giant-planet host stars is clear for all the studied elements.We also confirm that stars hosting only Neptunian-like planets may be easier to detect around stars with similar metallicities as non-planet hosts, although for some elements (particulary alpha-elements) the lower limit of [X/H] are very abrupt.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables. accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
