56 research outputs found

    Biodiversidad marina y desarrollo: conflictos y soluciones en el Caribe

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    Estos apuntes recogen, en apretada síntesis, los aspectos esenciales relacionados con las características de la biodiversidad marina en la región del Caribe y las acciones necesarias para su conservación y uso sostenible. Con carácter introductorio, se hace una presentación de los aspectos oceanográficos, geológicos y climáticos de la región. Por otra parte, se analizan brevemente los factores económicos y sociales que marcan la cuenca. Los sistemas estuarinos, los bosques de mangle, los pastizales marinos y los arrecifes de coral son identificados y analizados como los ecosistemas marinos fundamentales de la región en la zona costera. Se hace un énfasis especial en la interacción que existe entre estos ecosistemas y la trascendencia que tiene para una concepción apropiada del manejo de los mismos. Un análisis de los servicios ecológicos que presta la biodiversidad marina cierra el aspecto relacionado con los procesos naturales. La naturaleza del impacto humano es analizada a partir de varias categorías que se consideran las fundamentales en la cuenca. Las pesquerías y la acuicultura, el vertido al mar de las aguas negras y los residuales industriales sin tratamiento, la erosión, la destrucción de los hábitats y la disminución del escurrimiento son algunos de los aspectos que se tratan. Finalmente, se presenta un conjunto de soluciones sectoriales posibles a los problemas actuales y potenciales, pero se hace énfasis en el manejo integrado de la zona costera como vía fundamental para mitigar el conflicto del desarrollo costero con el uso sostenible y la conservación de los recursos marinos vivos

    Predicting changes to macrobenthic communities due to fishing disturbance in a shrimp fishing ground of the Mexican central Pacific

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    [Abstract] We test predicted short-term structural changes in the macroinvertebrate assemblages of a shrimp fishing ground in the tropical Mexican Pacific subject to low effort with seasonal closures. During two years, five cruises were carried out sampling seven sites and four depths (20, 40, 60 and 80 m) along 100 km of coastline. A series of community structure descriptors were used to determine the ecological effects of fishing disturbances: ABC curves, W-statistic, normalized species size distribution as biomass spectra, spatial segregation index, Shannon- Wiener diversity index, species richness and biomass. Theoretical predictions of the effects of fishing on these indices were tested by comparisons of samples collected from successive open and close fishing seasons. ABC curves show fishing has produced a state of chronic disturbance in the macroinvertebrate community. Shortterm effects could be masked by natural seasonal and interannual environmental changes. Results of the analyses of short-term effects are not in agreement with the fishing disturbance theories; only in 31% of the cases the results obtained of comparisons between successive cruises to test the different hypotheses about the effects of fishing were in agreement with theory. The temporal trend of increase of the biomass and the decline of species richness, could evidence interannual effects. The complexity of the sources of variability in a exploited community forces to focus on temporal and spatial gradients to understand the community structural processe

    Hierarchical organization of spatial and temporal patterns of macrobenthic assemblages in the tropical Pacific continental shelf

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    [Abstract] 1. Nowadays, studies focused to test a well-defined set of a priori hypotheses about spatial and temporal organization of assemblages in marine communities are scarce. 2. This study presents the first fully-developed application of a parsimonious approach for model selection based on the Kullback-Leibler information theory using multivariate data to determine the best spatial and temporal models among a set of a priori alternative models of a soft bottom macroinvertebrate community in the tropical Pacific continental shelf (from 10 to 90 m deep). 3. Besides of the determination of the most parsimonious model, the Akaike´s information criterion allows the exploration of the scale-dependent patterns of community organization and to determine hierarchical relations among the gradients considered. 4. Depth the most conspicuous spatial gradient affecting macrofaunal assemblages, and the main discontinuity is located between 40 and 60 m. The degree of exposure is defined as a secondary gradient and it is only relevant in shallow waters. 5. Seasonal changes in the abundance along the bathymetric gradient of some portunid crabs and shrimps defined a process of seasonal recomposition, caused by a vertical shift of the community

    Decomposing diversity patterns of a soft-bottom macroinvertebrate community in the tropical eastern Pacific

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    [Abstract] Diversity is one of the most frequently used attributes of ecological communities, and there is a long-standing discussion about their adequate use, calculus and interpretation. One of the most conspicuous and simple diversity estimators is species richness, but it has been criticized by recurrent pitfalls, which has biased comparisons and the testing of hypotheses. Otherwise, synthetic ecological indices of diversity are difficult to interpret due the underlying complex or cryptic concepts. Most of the studies in soft-bottom macroinvertebrate communities trying to estimate richness species, have actually quantified species diversity as species density, the number of species per unit area. In the present study, the diversity of a tropical Pacific soft bottom community is analytically decomposed using two null models to assess species richness and evenness, and the slope of species-area curves to estimate species density. A declining trend of species richness was observed along a 2-year period and could be related to the cumulative effects of interannual environmental variability and fishing disturbance. The species-area relationship could be considered a good indicator of spatial heterogeneity, specifically to illustrate the depth gradient. Local abundance was negatively correlated with evenness, showing that high-density communities are the result of increases in abundance of a few dominant species. Here we demonstrate that seasonality, depth and abundance could explain diversity in soft-bottom macroinvertebrate communities of coastal waters and propose a robust procedure to survey diversity as a part of monitoring programs of coastal management.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología; REN2000-044

    Composición por especies y tallas de los peces en la laguna Barra de Navidad, Jalisco.

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    Coastal lagoons are considered important nursery areas for many coastal fishes. Barra de Navidad coastal lagoon (3.76km2) is important for local economy as it supports tourism development and artisanal fisheries. However, the role of this lagoon in the dynamics of coastal fish populations is scarcely known. Thus, the objectives of this research were: to characterize the water of the lagoon and related weather conditions, to develop a systematic list of the ichthyofauna, and to estimate the proportion of juveniles in the total number of individuals captured of most abundant species. Water and fish samples were collected between March 2011 and February 2012. Physical and chemical variables were measured in rainy and dry seasons. Several fishing gears were used including a cast net, beach purse seine and gillnets of four different mesh sizes. Our results showed that the lagoon is most of the time euhaline (salinity 30-40ups), although it can be mixopolyhaline (salinity 18-30ups) during short periods. Chlorophyll and nutrients concentrations suggested eutrophication in the lagoon. Mean water temperature changed seasonally from 24.9°C (April, high tide) to 31.4°C (October, low tide). Considering ichthyofauna species, a total of 36 448 individuals of 92 species were collected, 31 of them adding up to 95% of the total of individuals caught. Dominant species were Anchoa spp. (44.6%), Diapterus peruvianus (10.5%), Eucinostomus currani (8.1%), Cetengraulis mysticetus (7.8%), Mugil curema (5.2%) and Opisthonema libertate (4.5%). The lagoon is an important juvenile habitat for 22 of the 31 most abundant species. These included several species of commercial importance such as snappers (Lutjanus argentiventris, L. colorado and L. novemfasciatus), snook (Centropomus nigrescens) and white mullet (Mugil curema). Other four species seem to use the lagoon mainly as adults. This paper is the first contribution on the composition of estuarine ichthyofauna in Jalisco State, and it also constitutes the more complete reference on the detailed size composition of a set of dominant species in a coastal lagoon in the central Mexican Pacific.Las lagunas costeras son consideradas áreas de crianza importantes para muchas especies de peces costeros. La laguna costera Barra de Navidad (3.76km2) es importante para la economía local y soporta un desarrollo turístico y pesquerías artesanales. Sin embargo, el rol de esta laguna en la dinámica de las poblaciones de peces costeros es poco conocido. Los objetivos de la investigación fueron: caracterizar el agua de la laguna y las condiciones climáticas relacionadas, elaborar el elenco sistemático de la ictiofauna y estimar la proporción de juveniles en el total de individuos capturados de las especies más abundantes. Las operaciones de recolecta de peces se realizaron entre marzo 2011 y febrero 2012. Se utilizaron varios artes de pesca diferentes que incluyeron atarraya, chinchorro playero y redes de agalla con cuatro tamaños de malla diferentes. Se midieron las variables físicas y químicas en épocas de lluvias y de secas. La laguna es euhalina (salinidad 30-40 ups) la mayor parte del tiempo, aunque en determinados periodos cortos puede tener características mixopolihalinas (salinidad 18-30 ups). Las concentraciones de clorofila y nutrientes indican que la laguna está eutrofizada. La temperatura media del agua varió estacionalmente de 24.9°C (abril, pleamar) a 31.4°C (octubre, bajamar). Se recolectaron en total 36 448 individuos, pertenecientes a 92 especies, de las cuales 31 tienen una relevancia ecológica con base en el número de individuos capturados. Las especies dominantes fueron: Anchoa spp. (44.6%), Diapterus peruvianus (10.5%), Eucinostomus currani (8.1%), Cetengraulis mysticetus (7.8%), Mugil curema (5.2%) y Opisthonema libertate (4.5%). La laguna es un hábitat de juveniles importante para 22 de las 31 especies más abundantes. Estas incluyeron algunas especies de importancia comercial como los pargos (Lutjanus argentiventris, L. colorado y L. novemfasciatus), el robalo (Centropomus nigrescens) y la lisa (Mugil curema). Otras cuatro especies parecen utilizar la laguna principalmente como adultos. El presente trabajo es la primera contribución sobre la composición de la ictiofauna estuarina en el Estado de Jalisco y es también la referencia más completa hasta el momento sobre la composición por tallas del conjunto de especies dominantes en una laguna costera del Pacífico central mexicano

    Composición y superposición de dietas en cuatro especies de Diplectrum (Perciformes: Serranidae) en el Pacífico central mexicano

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    Para comprender las interacciones tróficas en un ecosistema, es imprescindible conocer bien la composición y superposición de las dietas de las especies que coexisten en un mismo hábitat y presentan una morfología general muy similar. Se analizaron los contenidos estomacales de 397 ejemplares de cuatro especies de Diplectrum, capturados con redes camaroneras frente a las costas de Jalisco y Colima, México. D. eumelum consumió principalmente peces del orden Pleuronectiformes, seguido por camarones del género Metapenaeopsis y estomatópodos. D. euryplectrum registró en su contenido estomacal, estomatópodos (Squilla mantoidea), seguido por camarones y braquiuros. D. labarum consumió crustáceos, moluscos y peces. El estomatópodo Eurysquilla veleronis registró un alto porcentaje, seguido por camarones (principalmente Solenocera florea) y braquiuros, así como el calamar dardo Lolliguncula diomedae. Los peces (género Ophidion principalmente) constituyeron un componente importante de la dieta de esta especie. En la dieta de D. rostrum se identificaron crustáceos, moluscos, poliquetos y peces. El calamar dardo Lolliguncula diomedae y los peces del género Ophidion tuvieron una alta representación. Se observaron diferencias significativas entre los índices de amplitud de dietas de las especies analizadas. El número de entidades consumidas disminuyó desde 16 en D. euryplectrum hasta seis en D. eumelum. El valor medio de superposición (0.247) no resultó significativamente diferente (p=0.118) del esperado para un modelo nulo (0.174). La varianza observada de los índices de superposición (0.071) fue significativamente mayor (V=0.025, p=0.0004) que el valor medio obtenido en la simulación basada en un modelo nulo.<br>Analysis of diet composition and overlap in four species of the genus Diplectrum (Perciformes: Serranidae) in the Mexican Central Pacific. The information of trophic interactions among species is essential to understand ecosystem function. To assess this in four Diplectrum species, we analyzed the stomach contents of 397 individuals caught using shrimp trawling nets off the coasts of Jalisco and Colima, Mexico. Main food component of D. eumelum were fish of the Order Pleuronectiformes, followed by shrimps (Metapenaeopsis spp). D. euryplectrum feeds mainly on crustaceans, with stomatopods (Squilla mantoidea) as main food items followed by shrimps and brachyurans. Fish and polychaetes had a low representation in the diet of this species. D. labarum feeds mainly on crustaceans, mollusks and fish. The stomatopod Eurysquilla veleronis contributed to with a high diet percentage by weight, followed by shrimps (mostly Solenocera florae) and brachyurans, as well as the squid Lolliguncula diomedae. Fishes (Ophidion spp.) were also an important component of the diet of this species. The most common preys of D. rostrum were crustaceans, mollusks, polychaetes and fish. The squid Lolliguncula diomedae and fishes of genus Ophidion were also well represented in the diet. Diet breadth index yielded significant differences between species. The number of diet items varied from 16 in D. euryplectrum to 6 in D. eumelum. The average value of overlap (0.247) was not significantly different (p=0.118) from the expected one for a null model (0.174). The observed variance of the overlap index (0.071) was significantly higher (V=0.025, p=0.0004) than the value expected for a null model. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1189-1198. Epub 2010 December 01

    Composición y superposición de dietas en cuatro especies de Diplectrum (Perciformes: Serranidae) en el Pacífico central mexicano

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    The information of trophic interactions among species is essential to understand ecosystem function. To assess this in four Diplectrum species, we analyzed the stomach contents of 397 individuals caught using shrimp trawling nets off the coasts of Jalisco and Colima, Mexico. Main food component of D. eumelum were fish of the Order Pleuronectiformes, followed by shrimps (Metapenaeopsis spp). D. euryplectrum feeds mainly on crustaceans, with stomatopods (Squilla mantoidea) as main food items followed by shrimps and brachyurans. Fish and polychaetes had a low representation in the diet of this species. D. labarum feeds mainly on crustaceans, mollusks and fish. The stomatopod Eurysquilla veleronis contributed to with a high diet percentage by weight, followed by shrimps (mostly Solenocera florae) and brachyurans, as well as the squid Lolliguncula diomedae. Fishes (Ophidion spp.) were also an important component of the diet of this species. The most common preys of D. rostrum were crustaceans, mollusks, polychaetes and fish. The squid Lolliguncula diomedae and fishes of genus Ophidion were also well represented in the diet. Diet breadth index yielded significant differences between species. The number of diet items varied from 16 in D. euryplectrum to 6 in D. eumelum. The average value of overlap (0.247) was not significantly different (p=0.118) from the expected one for a null model (0.174). The observed variance of the overlap index (0.071) was significantly higher (V=0.025, p=0.0004) than the value expected for a null model

    Tramas tróficas de peces de arrecifes en la región noroccidental de Cuba: I. Contenido estomacal

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    Se analizó el contenido estomacal de los peces arrecifales más abundantes de una zona del sublitoral rocoso de Ciudad de La Habana, desde octubre del 2004 hasta febrero del 2006. Para describir las dietas de las especies de peces carnívoras y omnívoras se empleó el índice de importancia relativa. Para los herbívoros y consumidores de esponjas se usó una modificación del método de abundancia relativa. La mayoría de las especies estudiadas son eurífagas y consumen principalmente otros peces y crustáceos bénticos.<br>Trophic webs of reef fishes in northwestern Cuba. I. Stomach contents. Studies on the reef fishes of Cuba are not rare, but most have two basic limitations: small sample sizes and exclusion of small species. Our study sampled more species and larger samples in the sublitoral region of Havana city (23º7.587´ N, 82º25.793´ W), 2-18 m deep. We collected fish weekly from October 2004 through February 2006 with traps and harpoon. Overfishing has modified the fish communities. We used the relative importance index to describe the diets of carnivore and omnivore species, and a modification of the relative abundance method for the herbivores and sponge-eating species. The main food items are benthonic crustaceans (crabs, shrimp, copepods) and bony fish (mainly demersal species). Most species are eurifagous and thus, less affected by anthropic disturbance than specialist feeders. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 541-555. Epub 2008 June 30

    Tramas tróficas de peces de arrecifes en la región noroccidental de Cuba. II. Grupos funcionales

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    Se elaboró un modelo conceptual de la trama alimentaria en una zona del sublitoral rocoso de Ciudad de la Habana, con énfasis en los peces desde octubre del 2004 hasta febrero del 2006. Para ello se emplearon los contenidos estomacales de las especies más abundantes y la información disponible en la literatura. Para describir las dietas de las especies de peces carnívoras y omnívoras se empleó el índice de importancia relativa. Para los herbívoros y consumidores de esponjas se usó una modificación del método de abundancia relativa. Se emplearon técnicas de análisis de clasificación numérica jerárquica aglomerativa para determinar el grado de similitud en las dietas de los peces. La matriz fue construida empleando el índice de disimilitud de Bray-Curtis. El análisis de la similitud de las dietas permitió la formación de 10 grupos tróficos funcionales. La escasez de depredadores tope de gran tamaño y la dominancia de muy pocas especies de bajo nivel trófico, evidencian el efecto cascada en la zona estudiada. La trama trófica del área se encuentra muy alterada, debido a que el papel regulador de la ictiofagia está muy disminuido