49 research outputs found

    Confronting the paradox of the conservation and use of heritage: HERITY, global system for the evaluation of cultural properties open to the public

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    El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es comentar los principios y funcionamiento de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad en la gestión de monumentos abiertos al público llamado HERITY. Para desarrollar este argumento partiremos del contexto socio-patrimonial en el que se gesta este sistema (apdo. 1), repasaremos varias propuestas que pretenden la calidad en el sector de la gestión de los bienes culturales y los principales modelos usados en la evaluación (apdo. 2) para, posteriormente (apdo. 3) mostrar el sistema HERITY de Evaluación global de la Gestión de Bienes Culturales abiertos al público.The fundamental aim of this paper is to discuss the principles and functioning of a system of quality assessment in the management of monuments open to the public called HERITY. For the development of this argument, the paper will examine the context of emergence of the system (sec 1) and review several proposals that seek quality in the area of cultural heritage management and the main evaluation models used in the evaluation (sec 2). Finally, in sec 3 it will be exposed the HERITY Global Evaluation System (HGES) for cultural sites open to the public.Departamento de Historia del Arte. Universidad de Granad

    Afrontar la paradoja de conservar y usar el patrimonio: HERITY, sistema global de evaluación de bienes culturales dispuestos al público.

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    The fundamental aim of this paper is to discuss the principles and functioning of a system of quality assessment in the management of monuments open to the public called HERITY. For the development of this argument, the paper will examine the context of emergence of the system (sec 1) and review several proposals that seek quality in the area of cultural heritage management and the main evaluation models used in the evaluation (sec 2). Finally, in sec 3 it will be exposed the HERITY Global Evaluation System (HGES) for cultural sites open to the public.El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es comentar los principios y funcionamiento de un sistema de evaluación de la calidad en la gestión de monumentos abiertos al público llamado HERITY. Para desarrollar este argumento partiremos del contexto socio-patrimonial en el que se gesta este sistema (apdo. 1), repasaremos varias propuestas que pretenden la calidad en el sector de la gestión de los bienes culturales y los principales modelos usados en la evaluación (apdo. 2) para, posteriormente (apdo. 3) mostrar el sistema HERITY de Evaluación global de la Gestión de Bienes Culturales abiertos al público.

    La concepción de un proyecto de valorización social del Patrimonio Arqueológico. El plan de Toques como referente.

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    Using the setting up of a project for the social exploitation of the archaeological heritage of the borough of Toques (La Coruña) as a pretext. several comments arise concerning the available possibilities for the design and implementation of various strategies that, from within the current legislative and social framework, provide for the explotation and circulation of cultural heritage. Al so criteria and shortcomings that exist at the time of identifying goods and elements that will be object of this type of activity are discussed. Furthermore, a specific strategy is described that, with altitudes firmly based along a specific line of Archaeological research (Landscape Archaeology), we have followed with the creation of the aforementioned project for the explotation of the heritage of the borough of Toques.Utilizando como pretexto la realización de un proyecto para la rentabilización del patrimonio arqueológico del ayuntamiento de Toques (La Coruña), se comentan las posibilidades que desde el actual marco legislativo y social se ofrecen para el diseño y puesta en práctica de estrategias de rentabilización y divulgación del patrimonio cultural y se discuten los criterios y carencias existentes a la hora de distinguir los bienes y elementos que serán objeto de actuaciones de este tipo. De otra parte, se describe la estrategia concreta que, con planteamientos basados en una línea de investigación arqueológica especifica (la Arqueología del Paisaje), hemos seguido en la elaboración del mencionado proyecto de rentabilización patrimonial del ayuntamiento de Toques

    Memoria, Historia y Patrimonio: hacia una concepción social del patrimonio

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    This work explores the notion of Archaeological Heritage and its relationship with the wider concept of the Past. For this we look at three social formations and see how the past and its remains work within them. They are: primitive societies, peasant societies and modern society. Although both concepts are revised in a brief way, we will attempt to see how both are integrated within the day-today work of archaeology, in order to combine archaeological theory and practice.Se explora la noción de Patrimonio Arqueológico y su relación con la más amplia de Pasado. Para ello se analiza cómo funciona el pasado y sus vestigios en tres formaciones socioculturales con patrones de racionalidad diferentes: el de las sociedades primitivas, el de las sociedades campesinas tradicionales y el de la sociedad moderna. Aunque esta revisión es sucinta, intentamos ver cómo ambos conceptos se integran en la práctica cotidiana de la arqueología de cara a aunar y compatibilizar teoría y práctica arqueológica

    Interpretación do patrimonio cultural: guía para profesionais do turismo

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    Este manual foi elaborado como material de apoio para o curso de Técnicas de Interpretación do Patrimonio aplicadas á Historia da Arte, celebrado no mes de xuño do 2014, no Centro de Formación e Recursos de Pontevedra[Resumo] Trátase dunha guía didáctica destinada fundamentalmente aos profesionais do turismo que realizan visitas guiadas de contido cultural. Este libro recolle os elementos teóricos máis relevantes da disciplina "Interpretación do Patrimonio" acompañados de exemplos e experiencias que ilustran as bases teóricas

    Acercamiento al carácter ecosófico del pensamiento de José Martí / Approach to the ecosophical character of the José Martí’s thought

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    El trabajo se inscribe en los fundamentos teóricos de la tesis doctoral del autor principal. Se analizan algunos textos de José Martí que aluden a la naturaleza y su influencia recíproca con las sociedades humanas; para luego contextualizar sus ideas en el marco de las bases de la Ecosofía. Como resultado se regularizan una serie de elementos que caracterizan la perspectiva martiana de tales relaciones y algunos juicios del Apóstol que se corresponden con las ideas medulares del pensamiento ecosófico, lo que permite establecer a esta dimensión del pensamiento martiano entre los antecedentes epistémicos del saber contemporáneo en cuestión. This work it include in the theoretical bases of the main author's doctoral thesis. An analytical reading of José Martí´s texts addressing the issue of nature and it reciprocal influences with the human societies was completed, to then it contextualized these ideas in the context of the foundations of Ecosophy. As a result are regularized a series of elements that characterize the Marti´s perspective of such relationships and the correspondence of some of the Apostle's trials with the medullary ideas of the ecosophic thought. All this makes it possible to identify Martí’s thinking into the epistemological antecedents of ecosophic knowledge

    Martí y Emerson como antecedentes del pensamiento ecosófico / Martí and Emerson like antecedents of the ecosophic thinking

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    El artículo presenta uno de los resultados parciales del proyecto “Profundización de los fundamentos epistemológicos de la educación ambiental”. Se realiza una lectura analítica y comparativa entre algunos textos de José Martí en los que aborda el tema de la naturaleza y fragmentos de la obra de Ralph Waldo Emerson, en la búsqueda de criterios comunes entre ambos pensadores para luego contextualizar estas ideas en el marco de las bases de la ecosofía. Se regularizan una serie de elementos que permiten identificar al pensamiento naturalista de Emerson, a la cosmovisión de la naturaleza de José Martí y a la visión de ambos sobre las relaciones sociedadnaturaleza entre los antecedentes epistemológicos de este nuevo saber emergente. ABSTRACTThe article describes one of the findings of the research project "Epistemological foundations of environmental education". An analytical and comparative reading of José Martí texts addressing the issue of nature together with excerpts of the work of Ralph Waldo Emerson was completed to find out common criteria between the two thinkers and then contextualize these ideas in the context of the foundations of Ecosophy. It was possible to identify Emerson’s thinking about natures, the worldwide view of José Martí, and the vision of both thinkers on the relation natural-society as epistemological referents of ecosophic knowledge

    El papel de una Biblioteca de Área en la formación de los profesionales.

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    OBJECTIVE: The needs of permanent education for the health professionals have not been regulated. Taking into account the fact that libraries must assume a relevant role in this area, two of the libraries in the Extremadura’s Health Area decided to start some initiatives which meant the joint of all the formative activities by supplying ideas, work and resources. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The “decreto 189/2004”, on 14th december, which regulates the organic structure of the health areas in the region of Extremadura, establishes a unique management for each of those areas which will assume all the duties and will organise all the resources for each one. The development of those duties involves that services such as the library will be then called Area Library. Its economic management is centralised and its users are all the professionals belonging to that particular area. Taking advantage of the possibilities given by this structure, two libraries put forward the necessity of spreading all the information and materials produced by the professionals of both areas, as a result of the scientific and teaching activity. Therefore, they suggested their location in a specific space of the library web page, being both libraries responsible for their organization. RESULT: Since this project was started, there has been an increase in participacion of all the professionals. Their work is useful for other professionals and they feel that it is valued. The material, that would be lost otherwise, is compiled. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of being just the beginning of a project which has a long way to go, the experience is being quite positive. The libraries have become necessary points of reference for all the professionals and librarians who assume the new role of managing and organizing the information produced in our centres

    Protective Factors in Resilient Volunteers Facing Compassion Fatigue

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    Volunteers may be exposed to the negative consequences of dealing with human suffering, such as compassion fatigue. However, very little is known about the protective factors that contribute to their resilience. The aim of this study was to analyze the extent to which different strengths (psychological endurance, purpose, and social support), orientations to happiness, and compassion satisfaction predict volunteers’ resilient outcomes (subjective well-being and post-traumatic growth) and compassion fatigue. Participants were 116 Spanish Red Cross volunteers (77.8% women). They were separately classified into three groups (low, medium, and high) according to the 33rd and 66th percentile scores on each resilient outcome. Univariate analyses of variance and post-hoc comparisons computed separately showed significant differences in most factors analyzed, except compassion fatigue. Logistic regressions revealed that endurance, organization support, and eudaimonia allowed for the correct classification of 83.3% of those high in post-traumatic growth (82.2% of the true-positives and 84.4% of the true-negatives). In addition to endurance and organization support, purpose was the strongest predictor of well-being (85.7% were correctly classified, 82.8% of the true-negatives and 88.2% of the true-positives). Finally, lower endurance predicted compassion fatigue (65.7% and 61.3% of the true-negatives and 69.4% of the true-positives). Findings indicate ways to promote resilience among volunteer