748 research outputs found

    La hotelería informal y la competitividad turística de la ciudad de Cartagena

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    The objective of this article is to determine the incidence of the informal hotel business in the tourist sector of the city of Cartagena, by means of the quantitative analysis and qualitative of data, with the purpose of to establish the relation of this activity with the competitiveness of the tourist service offered by the city. The informal hotel business constitutes those natural or legal people, who under the modality of a lodging contract rent or sublease per periods inferiors to thirty days. At the moment the hotelkeepers are themselves  threatened  by  the  appearance  of  the  informal  hotel  business.  But  the informality  is  not  exclusive  of  the  link  lodging,  the  informal  sector  is  present  in different links from the tourist chain. Making an analysis of the main problems of the tourism in Cartagena the informal hotel business has little incidence in the low competitiveness of the tourism in the city. The low competitiveness is ligature a: problems of quality and service, the little promotion and trade and the infrastructure problems, and finally, the faults in the public management.El objetivo de este artículo es determinar la incidencia de la hotelería informal en  el sector turístico de la ciudad de Cartagena, por medio del análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de datos, con el fin de establecer la relación de esta actividad con la competitividad del servicio turístico ofrecido por la ciudad. La hotelería informal la constituyen  aquellas  personas  naturales  o  jurídicas,  que  bajo  la  modalidad  de  un contrato de hospedaje arriendan o subarriendan por períodos inferiores a treinta días. Actualmente los hoteleros se ven amenazados por la aparición de la hotelería informal. Pero la informalidad no es exclusiva del eslabón alojamiento, el sector informal está presente  en  distintos eslabones de  la  cadena  turística.  Haciendo  un  análisis  de  los principales problemas del turismo en Cartagena la hotelería informal tiene poca incidencia en la baja competitividad del turismo en la ciudad. La baja competitividad está ligada a: problemas de calidad y servicio, la escasa promoción y mercadeo y los problemas de infraestructura, y por último, las fallas en la gestión pública

    Aproximaciones conceptuales al desarrollo empresarial

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish the conceptual delimitation of business development in economic development, through bibliographic inquiry in order to identify differences in this dimension over other conceptual categories. The importance of this work is given by the fact the few and very confusing descriptions about business development, so there is the need to make a series of scores on the definition of this concept, their levels of implementation and on ways to make business development. This text will present a definition of business development, its levels of performance, prospects and business development strategies.El propósito de este artículo es establecer la delimitación conceptual del desarrollo empresarial dentro del desarrollo económico por medio de la indagación bibliográfica, con el fin de identificar las diferencias de esta dimensión frente a otras categorías conceptuales. La importancia de este trabajo está dada por el hecho de las pocas y muy confusas descripciones que se tienen del desarrollo empresarial, por lo cual existe la necesidad de hacer una serie de puntuaciones sobre la definición misma de este concepto, sobre sus niveles de aplicación y sobre las formas de hacer desarrollo empresarial. Este texto presenta una definición de desarrollo empresarial, sus niveles de actuación, sus perspectivas y las estrategias de desarrollo empresarial

    Facilities for safety and civil protection in the tunnels of Pajares and Pontones (railway high speed line Variante de Pajares)

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    El proyecto define una actuación en los túneles de Pajares y Pontones pertenecientes a la Variante de Pajares, de la línea de alta velocidad que conectará Asturias con la meseta. La longitud de ambos, especialmente del primero, de 25km en configuración bitubo, los convierte en una obra singular en el trazado ferroviario español. Las instalaciones de protección civil y seguridad se encuentran a caballo entre la obra pública y la ingeniería industrial. Son una de las cinco actuaciones que requieren un documento acreditativo para la puesta en servicio de una línea de alta velocidad (junto con plataforma, catenaria, vía y comunicaciones). Es una obra que se encuentra en ejecución en la actualidad, pero el enfoque del presente proyecto consiste en una adecuación del mismo a la posibilidad de que se ponga en funcionamiento solo un tubo, dejando el otro habilitado como vía de evacuación y servicios. Además se aportarían mejoras al proyecto existente en el supuesto de un entorno alejado de las actuales estrecheces presupuestarias. A grandes rasgos el proyecto se divide en la ejecución de las instalaciones de protección contra incendios, ventilación, señalización y obra civil interior en el segundo túnel ferroviario más largo de España. Como se ha comentado, la configuración de ambos túneles es de tipología bitubo, con una longitud de 25 y 6 km, con galerías de interconexión cada 400m, con pendientes constantes del 1,7% y el 2% respectivamente en bajada hacia Asturias.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Enxeñaría de Obras Públicas. Curso 2015/201

    La naturaleza de la administración

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    This article tries to make a reflection on the concept administration, its origin implications, battle areas and its relation with the organizations. The administration as activity is as old as the traditional organizations, does not exist organizations without an administrative activity, and exists administration without organizations either. But it is very important also to accept that the man as to be individual and social it has used the planning, the organization, the leadership, the verification, among others; for its survival and the profit of its objectives. Which evidence that the administration is a practice with a high humanistic element. To administer is the process by means of which the group or individual objectives with efficiency and effectiveness are obtained. This phenomenon includes to administer, to manage, to manage, to fix, to arrange, to take care of, to lead, to govern, to handle.Este articulo pretende hacer una reflexión sobre el concepto administración, su origen implicaciones, campos de acción y sobre su relación con las organizaciones. La administración como actividad es tan antigua como las organizaciones tradicionales, no existen organizaciones sin una actividad administrativa, tampoco existe administración sin organizaciones. Pero es muy importante también aceptar que el hombre como ser individual y social ha utilizado la planeación, la organización, el liderazgo, la verificación, entre otros; para su supervivencia y el logro de sus objetivos. Lo cual evidencia que la administración es una práctica con un elevado elemento humanístico. Administrar es el proceso por medio del cual se logran los objetivos grupales o individuales con eficiencia y eficacia. Este fenómeno incluye administrar, gerenciar, gestionar, arreglar, disponer, cuidar de, conducir, gobernar, manejar.&nbsp

    Poder, conocimiento y comunicación en organizaciones que aprenden

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    John Kotter, profesor de la Escuela de Administración de Harvard, estudió durante varios años el comportamiento de quince gerentes generales de empresas de diversos sectores y tamaños en EEUU, analizando sus agendas y observando su comportamiento en jornadas normales de trabajo. El autor tomó como referencia a Mintzberg, quien ya había señalado que el trabajo del gerente no podía encajar en el famoso proceso administrativo Fayoliano de planear, organizar, dirigir y controlar

    A New Tool to Perform Global Energy Balances in DI Diesel Engines 2014-01-0665

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    [EN] The generalization of exhaust aftertreatment systems along with the growing awareness about climate change is leading to an increasing importance of the efficiency over other criteria during the design of reciprocating engines. Using experimental and theoretical tools to perform detailed global energy balance (GEB) of the engine is a key issue for assessing the potential of different strategies to reduce consumption. With the objective of improving the analysis of GEB, this paper describes a tool that allows calculating the detailed internal repartition of the fuel energy in DI Diesel engines. Starting from the instantaneous in-cylinder pressure, the tool is able to describe the different energy paths thanks to different submodels for all the relevant subsystems. Hence, the heat transfer from gases to engine walls is obtained with specific convective and radiative models in the chamber and ports; the repartition of the heat flux throughout the engine metal elements towards the oil and coolant is estimated with a lumped capacitance model; finally, the ancillary systems and friction losses are obtained through specific semiempirical submodels. The validation of the tool is performed in a 4- cylinder DI Diesel engine instrumented to perform detailed experimental GEB. Finally, a simple analysis of combined internal and external analysis in the complete engine map shows the effect of operating conditions on each energy term. Thus it is demonstrated the utility of the proposed tool, that complements the experimental heat flow measurements in Diesel engine researches oriented to the reduction of energy consumption.The support of the Universitat Politècnica de València (PAID06-09) and Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2010/045) is greatly acknowledged.Payri González, F.; Olmeda González, PC.; Martín Díaz, J.; Carreño, R. (2014). A New Tool to Perform Global Energy Balances in DI Diesel Engines 2014-01-0665. SAE International Journal of Engines. 7(1):1-17. doi:10.4271/2014-01-0665S1177

    A complete 0D thermodynamic predictive model for direct injection diesel engines

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    [EN] Ideal models provide the simplest way to reproduce internal combustion engine (ICE) cycles, but they usually do not represent with sufficient accuracy the actual behaviour of an ICE. A suitable alternative for research and development applications is provided by zero-dimensional (0D) thermodynamic models. Such models are very useful for predicting the instantaneous pressure and temperature in the combustion chamber, which in turn allows the prediction of engine operation characteristics. However, they use simplifying hypotheses which lead, in some cases, to a lack of accuracy or a limited predictive capability.This paper describes a 0D single-zone thermodynamic model that takes into account the heat transfer to the chamber walls, the blow-by leakage, the fuel injection and engine deformations, along with the instantaneous change in gas properties. Special attention has been paid to the description of the specific sub-models that have been used for the calculation of the energy and mass equations terms. The procedures followed for the estimation of some mechanical and heat transfer parameters and the combustion model fitting are also detailed. After the fitting, the model was validated in different operation points in a 4-cylinder 2-l DI diesel engine, showing a good capability for accurate predictions of engine performance and the gas state in the closed cycle. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.The authors thank the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-06-09) and Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2010/045) for their valuable support to this work and the referees for their worthy comments.Payri González, F.; Olmeda, P.; Martín Díaz, J.; García Martínez, A. (2011). A complete 0D thermodynamic predictive model for direct injection diesel engines. Applied Energy. 88:4632-4641. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.06.005S463246418

    Recycling Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste: Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends

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    The authors appreciate the support of the research group TEP-968 (Technologies for Circular Economy) of the University of Granada.The organic fraction is usually the predominant fraction in municipal solid waste, so its recycling is a potential alternative to disposal in landfill sites, as well as helping to reach targets included in the European Circular Economy Package. The existing body of knowledge in this research field is very large, so a comprehensive review of the existing scientific literature has been considered of interest to provide researchers and professionals with a detailed understanding of the status quo and predict the dynamic directions of this field. A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis have been performed to provide objective criteria for evaluating the work carried out by researchers and a macroscopic overview of the existing body of knowledge in this field. The analysis of 452 scientific articles published from 1980 to 2019 has shown that the application of composting technologies is relevant, especially since 2014, when policies aimed at reducing emissions to the atmosphere were increased and focused on the use of this waste fraction to produce biogas. Nevertheless, the scientific field is still evolving to impose a model of a circular economy; in fact, emerging studies are being conducted on the production of biomethane, contributing to the decarbonised energy system.Research group TEP-968 (Technologies for Circular Economy) of the University of Granad

    A new methodology for uncertainties characterization in combustion diagnosis and thermodynamic modelling

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    Combustion diagnosis based on in-cylinder pressure signals as well as 0D thermodynamic modelling, are widely used to study and optimize the combustion in reciprocating engines. Both approaches share some uncertainties regarding the sub-models and the experimental installation that, for the sake of accuracy, must be reduced as much as possible in order to obtain reliable results. A methodology, based on the sensitivity effect of such uncertainties on heat release and simulated pressure, is proposed to adjust their values. The methodology is capable of identifying the separate influence of each parameter and to provide a set of values thanks to the Multi-Variable linear regression (MLR) in motoring conditions. The method is flexible enough to deal with different number of uncertainties and can be applied to different engines and thermodynamic models. The final results of the adjustment are validated in combustion conditions, showing an improvement of the apparent combustion efficiency of about 7% with respect to the reference values.The support of the Generalitat Valenciana (BEST/2010/145) is greatly acknowledged.Benajes Calvo, JV.; Olmeda González, PC.; Martín Díaz, J.; Carreño Arango, R. (2014). A new methodology for uncertainties characterization in combustion diagnosis and thermodynamic modelling. Applied Thermal Engineering. 71(1):389-399. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.07.010S38939971
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