1,872 research outputs found


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    This paper identifies the actors in the Global Value Chain (GVC) for coastal and marine tourism (CMT) in the Thousand Islands and analyses SWOT for the lodging and transportation sectors. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with the actors who are managers of lodgings and travel agents, transportation business owners, tour guides, and government organizations. This study first reveals the stakeholders involved in the GVC are the community, government, and private companies. It also confirms the tourist type that is dominated by organized mass tourists.  Secondly, SWOT analysis was used to describe the situation of the lodging and transportation sectors. Infrastructure is the main concern of transportation, while for accommodations, there are wide ranges of resorts and homestays with the majority managed by the local community. In addition, technology improvement also contributes to the ease of information access, facilities, and tourism product purchase. Keywords: Global Value Chain Model, Coastal Marine Tourism, Thousand Islands, SWOT Analysi

    Plasmon dispersion in quasi-one and one-dimensional systems with non-magnetic impurities

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    We calculate the plasmon dispersion in quasi-one-dimensional quantum wires, in the presence of non-magnetic impurities, taking into consideration the memory function formalism and the role of the forward scattering. The plasma frequency is reduced by the presence of impurities. We also calculate, analytically, the plasmon dispersion in the Born approximation, for the scattering of the electrons by the non-magnetic impurities. We compare our result with the numerical results of Sarma and Hwang.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, Physica E, 40, 474, (2008

    Motif Berperilaku Kepala Desa Pada Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa di Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    The behavior of the village chief is expected to build the image quality public services, but in reality the implementation of public services have not been able to walk properly due to the unavailability of the service personnel are professional, dedicated, accountable and responsive and loyal to his duties as civil servants and public servants. By using a qualitative approach was found that social status (achievement, prestige / status position and power / power, and needs (income and appreciation) are two underlying motives in the village head behaves In Governance in South Minahasa Regency Village. Loyalty and professional as media which can bridge the social status and the need to make quality services. Keywords: Motive behavior, social status, Supplies, Service


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    This study aims to determine and analyze why the role of the state civil apparatus as the Head of Neighbourhood in Ranomuut Village in providing services to the community has not been as expected. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data collected by researchers to support the first data. Interviews were conducted on 14 informants. The data analysis technique used includes transcripts of interview results, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation and triangulation and the method used is descriptive research method. The results showed that the performance in services to the community carried out by the State Civil Apparatus, in this case the head of the neighbourhood was not optimal and only one indicator that was carried out by the head of the environment was good, namely the relationship with the organization, where it was found that the head of the environment had a good relationship with the existing organization. this is proven by the cooperation between the head of neighbourhood and the employees with the service of the community properly and the employees can help the head of the neighbourhood in terms of explaining the management of population administration

    Impacts of Gold Mining on the Social, Cultural, and Economic Structures of Kotabunan Village, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency

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    One of the natural riches that our country has is gold. In managing wealth in a small way, many problems are faced. The problems that are most in the spotlight are related to the social life of communities around mining areas. This research was conducted to analyze the existence of gold mining companies in the social life of the community in Kotabunan Village, Kotabunan District, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The research design used is qualitative. Data was collected through interviews, observation and searching for documents related to the problem object. The research findings show that the existence of a gold mining company in Kotabunan Village, Kotabunan District, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency has brought about changes in people's lives, both positive and negative impacts which can be seen in the aspects of Social Structure, Cultural Structure and Economic Structure. Changes in Cultural Structure can be seen in changes in cultural structure. Changes in economic structure have greatly influenced people's lives, especially with the existence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) from gold mining companies, enabling people through training, basic food assistance, and changing professions as miners or managing businesses

    Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Pada Balai Penunjang Pelayanan Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The work shown by the Center for Health Care Support will determine where the level of health and prevention on health problems faced and the other circumstances relating to the results - the results of laboratory tests. This study aimed to analyze the quality of service at the Center for Health Care Support North Sulawesi province in the development of management science of public administration.The conclusion of this study is the quality of service at the Center for Health Care Support North Sulawesi either do not fully seen from the dimensions of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Advised him to make improvements and additional work space and room service, adding laboratory test equipment adapted to existing testing activities, which include employee training specifically on the feasibility examination of laboratory equipment, placing employees who serve as customer service as well as receive complaints on service and foster the spirit of professional ethics to all employees through training component service excellen.Keywords: Quality, Health Services, Testing Laboratory

    Kompetensi Kerja Pemerintah di Pemerintah Kelurahan Rurukan I Kecamatan Tomohon Timur

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    Competence is the ability and characteristics possessed by a civil servant so that civil servants are able to perform their duties in a professional, effective and efficient which includes the provision of services at the village level.This study was carried out to reveal and analyze the competence of employees working in the Village Government Rurukan I Sub East Tomohon This study used qualitative methods. From research conducted found that employees in the Government District of Tomohon Village East Rurukan I have not shown good job competence due to the placement of employees who are not in accordance with the rank and class, educational background that does not comply with existing positions, as well as the employee fails to demonstrate analysis and human relations skills in the work.Keywords: Competence, Employees, Government


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    Keluhan masyarakat dalam pengurusan administrasi kendaraan bermotor secara umum terjadi karenabeberapa hal yang antara lain organisasi pelayanan gagal mewujudkan kinerja yang dijanjikan. Memperhatikanberbagai keluhan, maka sebagai organisasi pemberi layanan sangat penting meresponi berbagai keluhan gunadijadikan sebagai komitmen dalam perbaikan kinerja dan memperbaiki pelayanan menujuh ke arah yang lebihbaik. Untuk hal tersebut maka penelitian ini berupaya menjelaskan komitmen penanganan keluhan pelayanan pajakkendaraan bermotor oleh Kantor Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah KotaManado bagi pengembangan ilmu sosial humaniora. Dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif penelitianini menekankan bahwa komitmen penanganan keluhan belum sepenuhnya nyata dijalankan pada pelayanan pajakkendaraan bermotor di Kantor Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah KotaManado karena pengembangan kinerja pegawai lebih menekankan pada terwujudnya Pendapatan Asli Daerahsebagai sumber utama Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah bukan pada peningkatan kualitas pelayanan. Olehnyaperlu dilakukan dengan cara perbaikan pada pengembangan kinerja pegawai yang mencakup perbaikan padamenyusun visi, misi dan rencana organisasi, tindakan pelaksanaan, pengawasan jalannya dan hasil pekerjaan,evaluasi atas kemajuan serta kegagalan organisasi, sistem karier, kompetensi, kompensasi dan motivasi kerj

    The Impact of Social Distancing and Physical Distancing Policies in the Management of Artificial Tourism Objects

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    Social distancing and physical distancing policies are actions taken by the government to stop the spread of Covid 19. In its implementation, it has had an impact on the management of artificial tourism objects. The research data was collected directly through the interview process to the managers of artificial tourism objects and tourists directly at the research site. Data collection was also carried out for the government and the Covid 19 task force using the google form. Data was also collected secondaryly by accessing Google Scholar. The presentation of the data in this study was carried out in a descriptive-analytic manner and deductively drawing conclusions. Research findings that the application of social distancing and physical distancing on artificial tourism objects have had a direct or indirect impact on the economic and social aspects
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