19 research outputs found

    The Three Sisters

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    This project was a collaborative opportunity between our design team and a team from the culinary program, Growing For The Menu. Our teams worked together to establish a vision and aesthetic surrounding the dishes served at their pop-up event. The culinary team supplied three delicious dishes all within the theme of The Three Sisters. This theme was derived from the longstanding farming method of planting different veggies that can seamlessly grow together in harmony. The three vegetables featured in this instance were beans, corn, and squash. Aesthetically, we decided to opt for a more autumnal, rustic feel as it was in line with the season. When establishing a logo and branding, we stuck to warmer browns, reds, and oranges, taking inspiration from the changing leaves. The logo featured a hand-drawn illustration of the featured vegetables surrounded by leaves. The typography was integral for ensuring an authentically rustic feel for the brand. Opting for a serif font added to the warm, fall feel of the overall aesthetic. Along with the logo and branding, the design team also supplied a digital flyer, informational cards, table cards, and a large-scale menu with a custom engraved stand. All of the deliverables kept a consistent color palette, font treatment, and graphic usage to ensure all elements worked together seamlessly. The main feature, the custom menu sign, was hand-cut, stained, and laser engraved using a pattern derived from the logo. In the end, all elements provided by both teams worked seamlessly together to create a memorable and tasty dining experience

    Interaction between 5-HT1B receptors and nitric oxide in zebrafish responses to novelty

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    AbstractNitric oxide (NO) and serotonin (5-HT) interact at the molecular and systems levels to control behavioral variables, including agression, fear, and reactions to novelty. In zebrafish, the 5-HT1B receptor has been implicated in anxiety and reactions to novelty, while the 5-HT1A receptor is associated with anxiety-like behavior; this role of the 5-HT1A receptor is mediated by NO. This work investigated whether NO also participates in the mediation of novelty responses by the 5-HT1B receptor. The 5-HT1B receptor inverse agonist SB 224,289 decreased bottom-dwelling and erratic swimming in zebrafish; the effects on bottom-dwelling, but not on erratic swimming, were blocked by pre-treatment with the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME. These effects underline a novel mechanism by which 5-HT controls zebrafish reactivity to novel environments, with implications for the study of neotic reactions, exploratory behavior, and anxiety-like states


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    O nitrogênio aplicado às culturas pode alterar o comportamento das plantas daninhas. Assim, algumas espécies são favorecidas pela presença de adubos nitrogenados em doses elevadas, e outras se mostram indiferentes. A finalidade deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos de diferentes doses de nitrogênio na dinâmica de plantas daninhas da lavoura durante o ciclo da cultura do milho. Foi testada a influência de doses de nitrogênio sobre o crescimento do híbrido de milho AG8088 YGRR e na dinâmica das plantas daninhas. A comunidade de espécies infestantes da lavoura sofreu alterações na sua dinâmica em função do tempo de amostragem e inserção de técnicas de plantio, assim como o aumento da disponibilidade de nitrogênio na área. A similaridade foi menor quando se aplicou menores doses de nitrogênio (kg ha-1) e a testemunha antes do plantio

    Levels of chlorophyll cucumber plants grown in pasture soils treated with herbicide mimics auxinas

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Parte da disserta??o do primeiro autor, financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq), Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Coordenac?o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES).O projeto tem como coordenador e orientador, o segundo autor.Este trabalho foi proposto com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito residual dos herbicidas triclopyr, 2,4-D e a mistura 2,4-D + picloram no teor de clorofila total de plantas de pepino. O experimento foi dividido em duas etapas. A primeira parte foi conduzida em uma ?rea de pastagem infestada por plantas daninhas pertencente ? UFVJM, em Couto de Magalh?es de Minas MG. A segunda etapa foi realizada em casa de vegeta??o no Campus JK da UFVJM, em Diamantina MG. O delineamento experimental adotado foi inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro repeti??es. Os tratamentos foram tr?s herbicidas: triclopyr (960 g ha-1 do equivalente ?cido triclopyr); 2,4-D (1340 g ha-1 do equivalente ?cido 2,4-D) e a mistura 2,4-D + picloram (720 + 192 g ha-1 do equivalente ?cido 2,4-D + picloram) aplicados na dose recomendada pelos fabricantes, mais testemunha sem aplica??o. Foi utilizado o pepino (Cucumis sativus) como esp?cie indicadora. Aos 40 dias ap?s a aplica??o (DAA) foram coletados aleatoriamente, em cada parcela, amostras de solo na profundidade de 0 a 20 cm, para condu??o da segunda etapa do experimento em casa de vegeta??o. Aos 20, 27, 34 e 40 dias ap?s a semeadura (DAS), foram determinados os teores de clorofila total. N?o foi observada diferen?a entre os tratamentos nas avalia??es realizadas aos 20 DAS. Entretanto, houve a morte das plantas de pepino nos solos tratados com 2,4-D + picloram a partir dos 27 DAS. Aos 40 DAS os solos tratados com os herbicidas triclopyr e 2,4-D n?o apresentaram redu??o da clorofila total em rela??o as testemunhas, sem herbicida. A mistura de herbicidas 2,4-D + picloram apresentou grande efeito residual sobre os solos cultivados com pepino, levando as plantas a morte. Os demais herbicidas, 2,4-D e triclopyr apresentaram baixo efeito nos teores de clorofila das plantas indicadoras, demonstrando apresentar menor res?duo no solo.This study was proposed aiming to evaluate the residual effect of the herbicides triclopyr, 2,4-D and the mix of 2,4-D + picloram on the total chlorophyll content of cucumbers plants. The experiment was divided in two parts. The first part was conducted on a pasture area infested by weeds that belongs to the UFVJM, in Couto de Magalh?es de Minas MG. The second part was concluded on the greenhouse in the Campus JK of the UFVJM, in Diamantina MG. The experimental design used was the completely randomized, with four repetitions. The treatments were three herbicides: : triclopyr (960 g ha-1 of the acid equivalent triclopyr); 2,4-D (1340 g ha-1 of the acid equivalent 2,4-D) and the mix 2,4-D + picloram (720 + 192 g ha-1 of the acid equivalent 2,4-D + picloram) applied on the recommended dose by the manufacturer, one more without herbicide application. The specie indicator was the cucumber (Cucumbis sativus). 40 days after the application (DAA) were randomly collected, in each portion, soil samples on the width of 0 to 20 cm, to conduce the second part of the experiment on the greenhouse. 20, 27, 34 and 40 days after sowing (DAS), were determined the total chlorophyll content. It was not observed differences between the treatments on the evaluation made at 20 DAS. Nonetheless, the cucumbers planted on soil treated with 2,4-D + picloram died after 27 DAS. At 40 DAS the soils treated with the herbicides triclopyr and 2,4-D did not show reduction of the total chlorophyll content in relation to the plants not treated with herbicides. The mix of herbicides 2,4-D + picloram presented a huge residual effect on the soil cultivated with cucumber, inducing them to death. The others herbicides, 2,4-D and triclopyl has presented low effect on the chlorophyll content of the indicators plants, showing present lower residue on the soil

    Number and dry weight of total tillers grass brachiaria and grass ruziziensis after herbicide application

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    Parte da disserta??o do segundo autor, financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq), Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES).Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito dos herbicidas lactofen, fomesafen, clomazone, mesotrione, fluazifop-p-butil, fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, nicosulfuron e glyphosate aplicados em p?s-emerg?ncia no n?mero e massa seca de perfilhos totais do capim-braqui?ria e do capim-ruziziensis. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos de 1,5 L cultivados em casa de vegeta??o no Campus JK da UFVJM ? Diamantina. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com cinco repeti??es. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial (8x2) + 2 sendo oito herbicidas: glyphosate, nicosulfuron, clomazone, fluazifop?p?butil + fomesafen, lactofen, fomesafen, fluazifop?p?butil e mesotrione, aplicados na dose recomendada pelo fabricante, em duas esp?cies forrageiras Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk e Brachiaria ruziziensis, mais duas testemunhas, sem aplica??o dos herbicidas. Em cada vaso foram cultivadas duas plantas de capim-braqui?ria ou duas de capim-ruziziensis. Aos 30 dias ap?s a aplica??o (DAA), as plantas de ambas as esp?cies foram colhidas ao n?vel do solo, para determina??o do n?mero e da massa seca de perfilhos totais ap?s secagem em estufa de ventila??o for?ada de ar a 60?C. Os herbicidas glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butil e nicosulfuron refletiram na menor quantidade de n?mero de perfilhos totais em ambas as esp?cies estudadas. O herbicida nicosulfuron proporcionou no capim-braqui?ria menor n?mero de perfilhos totais quando comparado com o capim-ruziziensis, indicando maior efeito negativo no capim-braqui?ria para a vari?vel n?mero de perfilhos. A massa seca de perfilhos totais n?o foi alterada pela a??o do herbicida clomazone, em rela??o ? testemunha, tanto para o capim-ruziziensis, quanto o capim-braqui?ria. Os herbicidas glyphosate, fluazifop-pbutil + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butil e nicosulfuron influenciaram de forma mais significativa na redu??o do n?mero e da massa seca de perfilhos totais em ambas as esp?cies estudadas.The study had the objective of evaluate the effect of the herbicides lactofen, fomesafen, clomazone, mesotrione, fluazifop-p-butyl, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen, nicosulfuron, and glyphosate applied on post-emergence in the number and dry mass of total tillers of the signal grass and congo grass. The experiment was conducted in 1.5 L containers cultivated in greenhouse, at Campus JK of the UFVJM ? Diamantina. The experimental design was in randomized block, with five repetitions.The treatments were organized in factorial scheme (8x2) + 2 being 8 herbicides: glyphosate, nicosulfuron, clomazone, fluazifop?p?butyl + fomesafen, lactofen, fomesafen, fluazifop? p?butyl, and mesotrione, applied on the dose recommended by the manufacturer, on two forage species Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk and Brachiaria ruziziensis, and two more without the application of herbicides. In each container were cultivated two plants of signal grass or two of congo grass. At 30 days after application (DAA), the plants of both species were harvested at the ground level, to determine the number and the dry mass of total tillers after drying in forced air oven at 60?C. The herbicides glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, and nicosulfuron reflected on the lower number of total tillers of both species studied. The herbicide nicosulfuron provided on the signal grass lower number of total tillers when compared with the congo grass, indicating bigger negative effect on the signal grass to the variable number of total tillers. The dry mass of total tillers was not modified by the action of the herbicide clomazone, in relation to the ones without herbicides, to both species. The herbicides glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, and nicosulfuron influenced significantly on the reduction of the number and the dry mass of total tillers in both species studied

    Grass tillering brachiaria and ruziziensis grass after herbicide application

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Parte da disserta??o do segundo autor, financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq), Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Coordenac?o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES).Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito dos herbicidas lactofen, fomesafen, clomazone, mesotrione, fluazifop-p-butil, fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, nicosulfuron e glyphosate aplicados em p?s-emerg?ncia no n?mero de perfilhos basais e a?reos do capim-braqui?ria e do capim-ruziziensis. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos de 1,5 L cultivados em casa de vegeta??o no Campus JK da UFVJM ? Diamantina. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com cinco repeti??es. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial (8x2) + 2 sendo oito herbicidas: glyphosate, nicosulfuron, clomazone, fluazifop?p?butil + fomesafen, lactofen, fomesafen, fluazifop?p?butil e mesotrione, aplicados na dose recomendada pelo fabricante, em duas esp?cies forrageiras Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk e Brachiaria ruziziensis, mais duas testemunhas, sem aplica??o dos herbicidas. Em cada vaso foram cultivadas duas plantas de capim-braqui?ria ou duas de capim-ruziziensis. Aos 30 dias ap?s a aplica??o (DAA), as plantas de ambas as esp?cies foram colhidas ao n?vel do solo, para determina??o do n?mero de perfilhos a?reos e basais. Os herbicidas glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butil e nicosulfuron apresentaram redu??o no capim-ruziziensis para o n?mero de perfilhos basais em rela??o ? testemunha. Todos os herbicidas diferiram da testemunha para n?mero de perfilhos basais no capim-braqui?ria, sendo, glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butil e nicosulfuron, os herbicidas que mais influenciaram na redu??o do n?mero de perfilhos basais. As plantas de capim-braqui?ria apresentaram maior sensibilidade aos herbicidas clomazone, lactofen e fomesafen quando comparado ao seu efeito no n?mero de perfilhos a?reos no capim-ruziziensis.Aimed on this study to evaluate the effect of the herbicides lactofen, fomesafen, clomazone, mesotrione, fluazifop-p-butyl, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen, nicosulfuron, and glyphosate applied in port-emergence on the number of basal and aerial tillers of the signal grass and congo grass. The experiment was conducted in 1.5 L containers in the greenhouse of the Campus JK, at the UFVJM ? Diamantina. The experimental design was in randomized block, with five repetitions.The treatments were organized in factorial scheme (8x2) + 2 being 8 herbicides: glyphosate, nicosulfuron, clomazone, fluazifop?p?butyl + fomesafen, lactofen, fomesafen, fluazifop? p?butyl, and mesotrione, applied on the dose recommended by the manufacturer, on two forage species Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk and Brachiaria ruziziensis, and two more without the application of herbicides. In each container were cultivated two plants of signal grass or two of congo grass. At 30 days after application (DAA), the plants of both species were harvested at the ground level, to determine the number of basal and aerial tillers. The herbicides glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, and nicosulfuron presented reduced number of basal tillers on the congo grass comparing to the ones without herbicides. All herbicides differed of the witness, without herbicides, on the number of basal tillers on the signal grass, the glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, and nicosulfuron are the herbicides that had more influence on the reduction of the number of basal tillers. The plants of signal grass presented bigger sensibility to the herbicides clomazone, lactofen, and fomesafen when comparing to its effect on the number of aerial tillers of the congo grass

    Dry matter yield of signal grass tillers and grass ruziziensis submitted to the application of herbicides

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Parte da disserta??o do primeiro autor, financiado pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq), Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES).Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a produ??o de massa seca de perfilhos a?reos e basais do capimbraqui?ria e do capim-ruziziensis aos herbicidas lactofen, fomesafen, clomazone, mesotrione, fluazifop-p-butil, fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, nicosulfuron e glyphosate. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos de 1,5 L cultivados em casa de vegeta??o no Campus JK da UFVJM Diamantina. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com cinco repeti??es. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial (8x2) + 2 sendo oito herbicidas: glyphosate, nicosulfuron, clomazone, fluazifop p butil + fomesafen, lactofen, fomesafen, fluazifop p butil e mesotrione, aplicados na dose recomendada pelo fabricante, em duas esp?cies forrageiras Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk e Brachiaria ruziziensis, mais duas testemunhas, sem aplica??o dos herbicidas. Em cada vaso foram cultivadas duas plantas de capim-braqui?ria ou duas de capim-ruziziensis. Aos 30 dias ap?s a aplica??o (DAA), as plantas de ambas as esp?cies foram colhidas ao n?vel do solo, para determina??o da massa seca de perfilhos basais e a?reos ap?s secagem em estufa de ventila??o for?ada de ar a 60 ?C. N?o foram observadas diferen?as do herbicida clomazone em rela??o ? testemunha para massa seca de perfilhos basais do capim-ruziziensis, entretanto, os demais herbicidas afetaram negativamente a massa seca de perfilhos basais da esp?cie. Os herbicidas clomazone e fomesafen n?o apresentaram redu??o dos teores de massa seca de perfilhos basais no capim-braqui?ria em rela??o ? testemunha. O capim-braqui?ria e capim-ruziziensis foram mais influenciados pelos herbicidas glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butil + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butil e nicosulfuron, os quais, n?o permitiram o aparecimento de perfilhos a?reos em ambas as esp?cies.The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of the dry mass of aerial and basal tillers of the signal grass and congo grass to the herbicides lactofen, fomesafen, clomazone, mesotrine, fluazifop-p-butyl, fluazifopp- butyl + fomesafen, nicosulfuron, and glyphosate. The first experiment was conducted in 1.5 L containers installed in the greenhouse in the Campus JK of the UFVJM Diamantina. The experimental design was in randomized block, with five repetitions. The treatments were organized in factorial scheme (8x2) + 2 being 8 herbicides: glyphosate, nicosulfuron, clomazone, fluazifop p butyl + fomesafen, lactofen, fomesafen, fluazifop p butyl, and mesotrione, applied on the dose recommended by the manufacturer, on two forage species Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk and Brachiaria ruziziensis, and two more without the application of herbicides. In each container were cultivated two plants of signal grass or two of congo grass. At 30 days after application (DAA), the plants of both species were harvested on the ground level, to determine the dry mass of the aerial and basal tillers after drying on forced air oven at 60?C. It was not observed differences on the herbicide clomazone in relation to the plants without herbicides, to dry mass of basal tillers of the congo grass, however, the others herbicides negatively affected the dry mass of the basal tillers of the specie. The herbicides clomazone and fomesafen did not show reduction on the dry mass content of the signal grass comparing with the one without herbicides. The signal grass and congo grass were more influenced by the herbicides glyphosate, fluazifop-p-butyl + fomesafen, fluazifop-p-butyl, and nicosulfuron, which did not allow the growth of aerial tillers on both species

    The Three Sisters

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    This project was a collaborative opportunity between our design team and a team from the culinary program, Growing For The Menu. Our teams worked together to establish a vision and aesthetic surrounding the dishes served at their pop-up event. The culinary team supplied three delicious dishes all within the theme of The Three Sisters. This theme was derived from the longstanding farming method of planting different veggies that can seamlessly grow together in harmony. The three vegetables featured in this instance were beans, corn, and squash. Aesthetically, we decided to opt for a more autumnal, rustic feel as it was in line with the season. When establishing a logo and branding, we stuck to warmer browns, reds, and oranges, taking inspiration from the changing leaves. The logo featured a hand-drawn illustration of the featured vegetables surrounded by leaves. The typography was integral for ensuring an authentically rustic feel for the brand. Opting for a serif font added to the warm, fall feel of the overall aesthetic. Along with the logo and branding, the design team also supplied a digital flyer, informational cards, table cards, and a large-scale menu with a custom engraved stand. All of the deliverables kept a consistent color palette, font treatment, and graphic usage to ensure all elements worked together seamlessly. The main feature, the custom menu sign, was hand-cut, stained, and laser engraved using a pattern derived from the logo. In the end, all elements provided by both teams worked seamlessly together to create a memorable and tasty dining experience


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    O nitrogênio aplicado às culturas pode alterar o comportamento das plantas daninhas. Assim, algumas espécies são favorecidas pela presença de adubos nitrogenados em doses elevadas, e outras se mostram indiferentes. A finalidade deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos de diferentes doses de nitrogênio na dinâmica de plantas daninhas da lavoura durante o ciclo da cultura do milho. Foi testada a influência de doses de nitrogênio sobre o crescimento do híbrido de milho AG8088 YGRR e na dinâmica das plantas daninhas. A comunidade de espécies infestantes da lavoura sofreu alterações na sua dinâmica em função do tempo de amostragem e inserção de técnicas de plantio, assim como o aumento da disponibilidade de nitrogênio na área. A similaridade foi menor quando se aplicou menores doses de nitrogênio (kg ha-1) e a testemunha antes do plantio