28 research outputs found

    On Laminar to Turbulent Transition of Arc-Jet Flow in the NASA Ames Panel Test Facility

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    This paper provides experimental evidence and supporting computational analysis to characterize the laminar to turbulent flow transition in a high enthalpy arc-jet facility at NASA Ames Research Center. The arc-jet test data obtained in the 20 MW Panel Test Facility include measurements of surface pressure and heat flux on a water-cooled calibration plate, and measurements of surface temperature on a reaction-cured glass coated tile plate. Computational fluid dynamics simulations are performed to characterize the arc-jet test environment and estimate its parameters consistent with the facility and calibration measurements. The present analysis comprises simulations of the nonequilibrium flowfield in the facility nozzle, test box, and flowfield over test articles. Both laminar and turbulent simulations are performed, and the computed results are compared with the experimental measurements, including Stanton number dependence on Reynolds number. Comparisons of computed and measured surface heat fluxes (and temperatures), along with the accompanying analysis, confirm that that the boundary layer in the Panel Test Facility flow is transitional at certain archeater conditions

    Effect of Surface Nonequilibrium Thermochemistry in Simulation of Carbon Based Ablators

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    This study demonstrates that coupling of a material thermal response code and a flow solver using finite-rate gas/surface interaction model provides time-accurate solutions for multidimensional ablation of carbon based charring ablators. The material thermal response code used in this study is the Two-dimensional Implicit Thermal Response and Ablation Program (TITAN), which predicts charring material thermal response and shape change on hypersonic space vehicles. Its governing equations include total energy balance, pyrolysis gas momentum conservation, and a three-component decomposition model. The flow code solves the reacting Navier-Stokes equations using Data Parallel Line Relaxation (DPLR) method. Loose coupling between material response and flow codes is performed by solving the surface mass balance in DPLR and the surface energy balance in TITAN. Thus, the material surface recession is predicted by finite-rate gas/surface interaction boundary conditions implemented in DPLR, and the surface temperature and pyrolysis gas injection rate are computed in TITAN. Two sets of gas/surface interaction chemistry between air and carbon surface developed by Park and Zhluktov, respectively, are studied. Coupled fluid-material response analyses of stagnation tests conducted in NASA Ames Research Center arc-jet facilities are considered. The ablating material used in these arc-jet tests was a Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA). Computational predictions of in-depth material thermal response and surface recession are compared with the experimental measurements for stagnation cold wall heat flux ranging from 107 to 1100 Watts per square centimeter

    Implicit Coupling Approach for Simulation of Charring Carbon Ablators

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    This study demonstrates that coupling of a material thermal response code and a flow solver with nonequilibrium gas/surface interaction for simulation of charring carbon ablators can be performed using an implicit approach. The material thermal response code used in this study is the three-dimensional version of Fully Implicit Ablation and Thermal response program, which predicts charring material thermal response and shape change on hypersonic space vehicles. The flow code solves the reacting Navier-Stokes equations using Data Parallel Line Relaxation method. Coupling between the material response and flow codes is performed by solving the surface mass balance in flow solver and the surface energy balance in material response code. Thus, the material surface recession is predicted in flow code, and the surface temperature and pyrolysis gas injection rate are computed in material response code. It is demonstrated that the time-lagged explicit approach is sufficient for simulations at low surface heating conditions, in which the surface ablation rate is not a strong function of the surface temperature. At elevated surface heating conditions, the implicit approach has to be taken, because the carbon ablation rate becomes a stiff function of the surface temperature, and thus the explicit approach appears to be inappropriate resulting in severe numerical oscillations of predicted surface temperature. Implicit coupling for simulation of arc-jet models is performed, and the predictions are compared with measured data. Implicit coupling for trajectory based simulation of Stardust fore-body heat shield is also conducted. The predicted stagnation point total recession is compared with that predicted using the chemical equilibrium surface assumptio

    Assessment of Fencing on the Orion Heatshield

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    This paper presents recent experimental results from arc-jet tests of the Orion heatshield that were conducted at NASA Ames Research Center. Test conditions that simulated a set of heating profiles in time representative of the Orion flight environments were used to observe their effect on Orion's block architecture in terms of differential recession or fencing. Surface recession of arc-jet models was characterized during and after testing to derive fencing profiles used for the baseline sizing of the heatshield. Arc-jet test data show that the block architecture produces varying degrees of fencing

    CFD Simulations of the IHF Arc-Jet Flow: 9-Inch Nozzle, Flow Surveys, LEAF Wedge Calibration Data

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    This paper reports computational analyses and flow characterization studies in a high enthalpy arc-jet facility at NASA Ames Research Center. These tests were conducted using a wedge model placed in a free jet downstream of new 9-inch diameter conical nozzle in the Ames 60-MW Interaction Heating Facility. Both the nozzle and wedge model were specifically designed for testing in the new Laser-Enhanced Arc-jet Facility. Data were obtained using stagnation calorimeters and wedge models placed downstream of the nozzle exit. Two instrumented wedge calibration plates were used: one water-cooled and the other RCG-coated tile plate. Experimental surveys of arc-jet test flow with pitot and heat flux probes were also performed at three arc-heater conditions, providing assessment of the flow uniformity and valuable data for the flow characterization. The present analysis comprises computational fluid dynamics simulations of the nonequilibrium flowfield in the facility nozzle and test box, including the models tested, and comparisons with the experimental measurements. By taking into account nonuniform total enthalpy and mass flux profiles at the nozzle inlet as well as the expansion waves emanating from the nozzle exit and their effects on the model flowfields, these simulations approximately reproduce the probe survey data and predict the wedge model surface pressure and heat flux measurements

    Validation of a Three-Dimensional Ablation and Thermal Response Simulation Code

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    The 3dFIAT code simulates pyrolysis, ablation, and shape change of thermal protection materials and systems in three dimensions. The governing equations, which include energy conservation, a three-component decomposition model, and a surface energy balance, are solved with a moving grid system to simulate the shape change due to surface recession. This work is the first part of a code validation study for new capabilities that were added to 3dFIAT. These expanded capabilities include a multi-block moving grid system and an orthotropic thermal conductivity model. This paper focuses on conditions with minimal shape change in which the fluid/solid coupling is not necessary. Two groups of test cases of 3dFIAT analyses of Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator in an arc-jet are presented. In the first group, axisymmetric iso-q shaped models are studied to check the accuracy of three-dimensional multi-block grid system. In the second group, similar models with various through-the-thickness conductivity directions are examined. In this group, the material thermal response is three-dimensional, because of the carbon fiber orientation. Predictions from 3dFIAT are presented and compared with arcjet test data. The 3dFIAT predictions agree very well with thermocouple data for both groups of test cases

    Laser-Enhanced Arc-Jet Facility Wedge Tests: Avcoat Material Performance Under Convective and Radiative Heating Environments

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    This paper presents the first set of experimental results from Laser Enhanced Arc-Jet Facility (LEAF-Lite) tests that were conducted shortly after the radiative LEAF-Lite system was added to the 60-MW Interaction Heating Facility at NASA Ames Research Center. Results were gathered to characterize the new radiative and combined heating capabilities as well as the convective heating resulting from the new IHF nozzle that was required for combined heating operations. Tests were ultimately conducted at several combinations of radiative and convective heating prompted by the need to understand the effect of combined heating on the Orion heatshield material prior to pursuing combined heating tests of the more complex block architecture

    Computational Simulations of the 10-MW TP3 Arc-Jet Facility Flow

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    This paper reports computational simulations and analysis in support of calibration tests in a high enthalpy arc-jet facility at NASA Ames Research Center. These tests were conducted using stagnation calorimeters and two different blunted wedge models with calibration plates at a wide range of conditions in the NASA Ames 10-megawatt TP3 (Test Position 3) facility. Data were obtained using four different conical nozzles with the same test configuration in which the models were placed in a free jet downstream of the nozzle. Experimental surveys of arc-jet test flow with pitot and null-point heat flux probes were also performed at several arc-heater conditions, providing assessment of the flow uniformity and valuable data for the flow characterization. The present analysis comprises computational fluid dynamics simulations of the nonequilibrium flowfield in the facility nozzle and test box, including the models tested, and comparisons with the experimental measurements. These computational simulations provide estimates of the arc-jet test environment parameters that are not measured but are needed to evaluate the performance of thermal protection system materials, along with further valuable insights into the arc-jet testing environment. Simulation results are used to estimate centerline total enthalpy, surface shear, boundary layer thickness, and boundary layer edge Mach number and to verify that specific test requirements from the Orion program are met

    Nonequilibrium Ablation of Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator

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    In previous work, an equilibrium ablation and thermal response model for Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator was developed. In general, over a wide range of test conditions, model predictions compared well with arcjet data for surface recession, surface temperature, in-depth temperature at multiple thermocouples, and char depth. In this work, additional arcjet tests were conducted at stagnation conditions down to 40 W/sq cm and 1.6 kPa. The new data suggest that nonequilibrium effects become important for ablation predictions at heat flux or pressure below about 80 W/sq cm or 10 kPa, respectively. Modifications to the ablation model to account for nonequilibrium effects are investigated. Predictions of the equilibrium and nonequilibrium models are compared with the arcjet data

    Flow Characterization Studies of the 10-MW TP3 Arc-Jet Facility: Probe Sweeps

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    This paper reports computational simulations and analysis in support of calibration and flow characterization tests in a high enthalpy arc-jet facility at NASA Ames Research Center. These tests were conducted in the NASA Ames 10-MW TP3 facility using flat-faced stagnation calorimeters at six conditions corresponding to the steps of a simulated flight heating profile. Data were obtained using a conical nozzle test configuration in which the models were placed in a free jet downstream of the nozzle. Experimental surveys of arc-jet test flow with pitot pressure and heat flux probes were also performed at these arc-heater conditions, providing assessment of the flow uniformity and valuable data for the flow characterization. Two different sets of pitot pressure and heat probes were used: 9.1-mm sphere-cone probes (nose radius of 4.57 mm or 0.18 in) with null-point heat flux gages, and 15.9-mm (0.625 in) diameter hemisphere probes with Gardon gages. The probe survey data clearly show that the test flow in the TP3 facility is not uniform at most conditions (not even axisymmetric at some conditions), and the extent of non-uniformity is highly dependent on various arc-jet parameters such as arc current, mass flow rate, and the amount of cold-gas injection at the arc-heater plenum. The present analysis comprises computational fluid dynamics simulations of the nonequilibrium flowfield in the facility nozzle and test box, including the models tested. Comparisons of computations with the experimental measurements show reasonably good agreement except at the extreme low pressure conditions of the facility envelope