188 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of lipid metabolism regulatory network in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Lipid metabolism plays a prominent role in the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in both the macrophage and mammalian hosts. A central question in the reconstruction of lipid metabolism in MTB is the key regulatory programs responsible for changes in this metabolism under different conditions. One of the most studied conditions is hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) as adaptations to hypoxia are thought to play an important role in MTB pathogenesis and latency. To identify temporal trends during a hypoxic time course and associate them with possible regulators, expression data was clustered into paths using DREM algorithm and available ChIP-Seq data for over 80 transcription factors (TFs). The degree to which expression patterns might reflect the direct action of transcription factors was assessed by evaluating the consistency between the path, the expression of each TF binding genes in the path, and the predicted regulatory role of the TF from the regulatory network. DosR was correctly identified as an activator of the path corresponding almost entirely to its regulon. Rv0081 was found to be a candidate high level regulator broadly predictive of the overall expression of sets of genes during hypoxia and re-aeration. An essential part of the continued survival of MTB in the host is due to its adaptation to the phagosomal compartment of the macrophage where the bacterium faces hypoxic as well as other stresses. Using the same approach and several time course expression data sets available for MTB in macrophage cultures, macrophage temporal expression models were built and compared to the hypoxia model. Similar trends were found in the expression of genes involved in respiration, cholesterol catabolism and methylcitrate cycle. In contrast, a group of genes responsible for the synthesis of complex cell wall lipids (PAT/DAT and SL-1) were up-regulated in the macrophage models and downregulated in the hypoxic model. PhoP was predicted as a potential main regulator of these genes as a result of pH change which takes place in the macrophage environment but not during hypoxia

    Holiday as the form of parental work

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    В статье исследуется семейный праздник как особая форма родительского труда, направленного на сплочение малой группы, выработку у подрастающего поколения навыков активной деятельности по подготовке и проведению торжеств, усиливающих чувственно-эмоциональные контакты в семье.In the article is analyzed the family celebration as special form of parental work. This work should connect small group, develop skills of active preparation and organization of holidays, which strengthen feelings and emotions in family

    Teachers' notions about their communicative competencies

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    This article describes the results of four empirical research studies of teachers' notions about effective conduct in various pedagogical situations and about communicative competencies, which can help in resolving difficult pedagogical problems. The findings indicate that teachers' ideas concerning their professional conduct and communicative competencies are rather positive. The majority of teachers identify their conduct in difficult pedagogical situations with that of an "ideal" teacher. At the same time, the results received when the semantic differential was used revealed the ambiguous character of teachers' assessments of their own communicative competencies. Psychological training focused on deepening teachers' notions about communicative culture was carried out. As a result of the training, teachers' notions about their own communicative competencies changed. © Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2014

    Мультикультуралізм як ціннісна орієнтація сучасної освіти

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    In the article the multiculturalism as a major factor in determining the current socio-philosophical and philosophical and pedagogical research. The objectives of multicultural education can be considered the most complete development potential of all participants in the educational process, regardless of their racial, ethnic and cultural identity. In addition, each trained and educated in the spirit of recognition and respect of their own race, nationality and culture, overcoming stereotypes and thinking uniqueness, respect other points of view, customs and values. Determined axiological components multicultural educational paradigm, multicultural identity, defined as a person who sees himself as a subject polylogue cultures that have active life position, has a developed sense of empathy and tolerance, emotional stability, capable of productive professional activity in terms of cultural diversity society. multicultural interaction, which has a strong axiological potential is, in our opinion, the second part of multicultural educational paradigm. The third component is a multicultural educational paradigm motvatsiyno-activity component which provides for formation of intercultural skills; possession of methods, forms, methods and techniques of teaching in a multicultural team; providing cultural content skills training; humanistic oriented pedagogical style interaction. Intercultural communication as the fourth component of multicultural educational paradigm aimed at achieving interaction of societies, representatives of different cultures based on mutual understanding. Key words: multiculturalism, multicultural education, multicultural personality.У статті досліджено мультикультуралізм як основний фактор, що визначає сучасні соціально-філософські та філософсько-педагогічні дослідження. Визначено аксіологічні складові мультикультурної освітньої парадигми: мультикультурну особистість, під якою розуміється особистість, яка сприймає себе як суб’єкта полілогу культур, що має активну життєву позицію, володіє розвиненим почуттям емпатії і толерантності, емоційною стійкістю, здатна до продуктивної професійної діяльності в умовах культурного різноманіття суспільства. полікультурне взаємодія, яка володіє потужним аксіологічними потенціалом і є, на нашу думку, другою складовою мультикультурної освітньої парадигми. Третьою складовою мультикультурної освітньої парадигми є мотваційно-діяльнісний компонент, який передбачає сформованість навичок міжкультурної взаємодії; володіння методами, формами, прийомами і техніками педагогічної роботи у мультикультурному колективі; навичками забезпечення культурного змісту навчання; гуманістично орієнтований стиль педагогічної взаємодії. Міжкультурна комунікація як четверта складова мультикультурної освітньої парадигми спрямована на досягнення взаємодії соціумів, представників різних культур на основі взаєморозуміння. Ключові слова: мультикультуралізм, мультикультурна освіта, мультикультурна особистість

    Третья тетрадь для списывания и разбора по новой орфографии с правилами постановки знаков препинания

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    Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (2014-2020.12.03.21-0848) raames.https://www.ester.ee/record=b1661617*es

    Use of methodology of learning business game in training of students of educational specialities

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    Разработана методика применения учебной деловой игры в подготовке педагогов. Установлено, что применение методики учебной деловой игры в процессе обучения студентов педагогической специальности способствует повышению эффективности подготовки.The methodology of learning business game on training of teachers is developed. It is established, that application of methodology of learning business game in the course of training of students of educational specialist promotes increase of efficiency of training

    Ystem of remote training Moodle. Additional possibilities of the teacher

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    Разработан дистанционный курс повышения квалификации преподавательского состава МПГУ «Система дистанционного обучения Moodle. Дополнительные возможности преподавателя». Установлено, что применение системы Moodle в процессе обучения студентов педагогической специальности способствует повышению эффективности подготовки.The remote courses of improvement of qualification of teaching structure MPGU «System of remote training Moodle are developed. Additional possibilities of the teacher». It is established that application of system Moodle in the course of training of students of a pedagogical speciality promotes increase of efficiency of preparation

    Assessment of the genotypes of jersey cows by the molecular markers of the kappa-casein gene

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    The article is devoted to an urgent issue in the era of import substitution – the search for markers that can increase milk productivity. As the obtained research results have shown, genotyping using allelic variants of the kappa-casein gene will make it possible to make and generalize the selection and picking of the desired animal genotypes for practical breeding in order to increase protein content

    Preconception Screening for Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Thrombophilia and Hyperhomocysteinemia Risk in Healthy Young Women

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    The frequency characteristics of the gene polymorphisms (FVL G1691A, FII G20210A, MTHFR C677T, MTHFR A1298C, MTRR A66G) associated with thrombophilia, hyperhomocysteinemia risk and different perinatal or pregnancy complications were studied. This examination was conducted among 130 planned-pregnancy healthy young women aged between 19 and 29 years. A gene mutation analysis was performed using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR). Factor V Leiden (FVL G1691A) and prothrombin gene (FII G20210A) mutations were not identified in the women surveyed. The frequency of the occurrence of the heterozygous FVL 1691G/A genotype associated with the risk of thrombosis during pregnancy was very low in these women (0.8%). The frequency of the MTHFR (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase) 1298C/С mutant genotype was 11.5%, MTHFR 677T/Т – 5.4%, and MTRR (methionine synthase reductase) 66G/G – 31.5%. A combination of the MTHFR 677TT/1298CC and MTHFR 677TТ/MTRR 66GG mutant genotypes, which significantly increased the risk of pregnancy loss and neural tube defects, were found to occur in 0.8% of the cases.We concluded that selective thrombophilia screening (FVL G1691A and FII G20210A) based on prior personal and/or family history of venous thromboembolism was more cost-effective than a universal preconception screening in all planning pregnancy women. However, in order to decrease the risk of congenital anomalies and pregnancy complications associated with folate dependent homocysteine metabolism, preconception care should include folate supplementatio