938 research outputs found

    Reconstructing the cosmic-ray energy from the radio signal measured in one single station

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    Short radio pulses can be measured from showers of both high-energy cosmic rays and neutrinos. While commonly several antenna stations are needed to reconstruct the energy of an air shower, we describe a novel method that relies on the radio signal measured in one antenna station only. Exploiting a broad frequency bandwidth of 8030080-300 MHz, we obtain a statistical energy resolution of better than 15\% on a realistic Monte Carlo set. This method is both a step towards energy reconstruction from the radio signal of neutrino induced showers, as well as a promising tool for cosmic-ray radio arrays. Especially for hybrid arrays where the air shower geometry is provided by an independent detector, this method provides a precise handle on the energy of the shower even with a sparse array

    Evaluating Cluster Policies: A Unique Model? Lessons To Be Drawn From a Comparison Between French and European Experiences.

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    Although there is a consensus concerning the need for public policy evaluation, there is no stable doctrine regarding the way such assessments should be carried out. Different models coexist or succeed one another; it is, for example, possible to schematically oppose a ballistic model of evaluation “of the action” to an emergent model of evaluation “in the action”. The aim of this article is to analyse the evolution in public policy evaluations and the difficulties inherent in them by studying the French cluster evaluation undertaken in 2008. This evaluation was planned from the beginning as a component of the cluster policy, with the aim of modifying the policy in the light of its initial results. We first put into perspective the doctrines and methodologies underpinning public policy evaluation in general and cluster evaluation in particular. We then study the procedures used in the French cluster evaluation, comparing them to four international cases (Germany, Belgium, Finland and Austria). The analysis is based on a detailed examination of documents relevant to the evaluation, on our empirical knowledge of the French clusters, and on discussions with territorial and national actors involved in the cluster policy. The article reveals the inherent difficulties in cluster evaluation processes. These difficulties are mostly related to the systemic, multi-actor and heterogeneous characteristics of the object “cluster”. Analysing the usage and the effects of the evaluation on the various actors allows us to conclude that cluster evaluation in France is a learning source for the progressive construction of a cluster doctrine and a doctrine of its management. The evaluation, grounded in an interactive approach, becomes part of a larger process, a knowledge process benefiting both the government and the local actors concerned. Integrated from the outset into the cluster management system, the evaluation becomes a tool amongst others; it is therefore less consistent with a model of objective, incontestable and independent knowledge production than with an instrument to help decision-makers forge their choices.Public policy; evaluation methodology; evaluation; cluster;

    Bereavement and marriage are associated with antibody response to influenza vaccination in the elderly

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    Stressful life events exposure including bereavement, an event commonly experienced by elderly people, social support, marital status and satisfaction were examined in relation to antibody response to the annual trivalent influenza vaccination in an elderly community sample (N = 184). Antibody response was assessed at baseline, and at one and 12 months following vaccination. Taking into account baseline antibody titer, overall life events exposure and social support were not associated with response to any of the influenza strains. However, bereavement in the year prior to vaccination was negatively associated with the one-month response to the A/Panama and B/Shangdong strains. Being married and having higher marital satisfaction was also associated with higher peak responses to the A/Panama influenza strain at one month. The positive association between marital satisfaction and A/Panama response was particularly evident in the younger half of the married sample. These associations largely withstood adjustment for potential confounders. Thus, in the elderly, peak antibody response was associated with bereavement and marriage, and not the more general factors, life events and social support, related to antibody response in student samples. This suggests the importance of taking a life course approach to examining relationships between psychosocial factors and immunity, and that interventions to modify the impact of these factors should address those most salient for each age group

    Comment les politiques de cluster sont-elles évaluées ? Une analyse comparative européenne

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    Dans ce volet de nos recherches sur l'évaluation des clusters, nous comparons quatre cas européens d'évaluation de clusters : Wallonie, Allemagne, Basse-Autriche et France. Nous développons d'abord une grille de lecture avec laquelle nous analysons ensuite ces différentes évaluations. Cette grille de lecture nous aide surtout à souligner les différences entre ces évaluations dans trois domaines: les objets de l'évaluation et l'imputabilité des résultats, la démarche et la méthodologie des évaluations, et les effets et usages des évaluations. En conclusion, à partir de ces cas empiriques, nous proposons de distinguer deux modèles idéaux typiques d'évaluation, qui combinent ces différentes caractéristiques de manière cohérente et renvoient à des usages très contrastés des évaluations : un modèle " économiste " et un modèle " gestionnaire "

    Forschungsbasiertes Lernen in der Fachdidaktik Kunst und Bild

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    Die Untersuchung ästhetischer Lehr-Lern-Prozesse wie auch der damit verbundenen Rollenmodelle bildet den Ausgangspunkt für eine forschungsbasierte Lehre in den Künsten. Als empirisch fundierte Arbeiten ermöglichen die im Beitrag vorgestellten Projekte Aussagen zum konkreten Geschehen im Unterricht und zum in der kunstpädagogischen Vermittlungstätigkeit praktizierten Austausch zwischen Lehrenden und Lernenden. Am Beispiel ihrer Projekte zeigen die Autorinnen auf, wie Ergebnisse dieser Forschungspraxis in die Fachdidaktik einfliessen können und welcher Lernzuwachs entsteht, wenn Studierende nicht allein Forschungsergebnisse rezipieren, sondern partiell in Forschungsvorhaben miteinbezogen werdenThe analysis of aesthetic teaching and learning processes and of associated role models marks the starting point for research-based teaching in the arts. The presented empirical research projects examine real-time art education classes, thereby providing insights into subject-specific dialogues between students and teachers. Furthermore, the authors suggest ways in which to transfer the results of their research into teacher training. They demonstrate the increase in students’ learning if students are not simply «receivers» of research results, but actively engaged in the research process

    The signatures of secondary leptons in radio-neutrino detectors in ice

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    The detection of the radio emission following a neutrino interaction in ice is a promising technique to obtain significant sensitivities to neutrinos with energies above PeV. The detectable radio emission stems from particle showers in the ice. So far, detector simulations have considered only the radio emission from the primary interaction of the neutrino. For this study, existing simulation tools have been extended to cover secondary interactions from muons and taus. We find that secondary interactions of both leptons add up to 25\% to the effective volume of neutrino detectors. Also, muon and tau neutrinos can create several detectable showers, with the result that double signatures do not constitute an exclusive signature for tau neutrinos. We also find that the background of atmospheric muons from cosmic rays is non-negligible for in-ice arrays and that an air shower veto should be considered helpful for radio detectors

    Association between clinic-level quality of care and patient-level outcomes in multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) quality of care guidelines are consensus-based. The effectiveness of the recommendations is unknown.// Objective: To determine whether clinic-level quality of care affects clinical and patient-reported outcomes.// Methods: This nationwide observational cohort study included patients with adult-onset MS in the Swedish MS registry with disease onset 2005–2015. Clinic-level quality of care was measured by four indicators: visit density, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) density, mean time to commencement of disease-modifying therapy, and data completeness. Outcomes were Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and patient-reported symptoms measured by the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29). Analyses were adjusted for individual patient characteristics and disease-modifying therapy exposure.// Results: In relapsing MS, all quality indicators benefitted EDSS and physical symptoms. Faster treatment, frequent visits, and higher data completeness benefitted psychological symptoms. After controlling for all indicators and individual treatment exposures, faster treatment remained independently associated with lower EDSS (−0.06, 95% confidence interval (CI): −0.01, −0.10) and more frequent visits were associated with milder physical symptoms (MSIS-29 physical score: −16.2%, 95% CI: −1.8%, −29.5%). Clinic-level quality of care did not affect any outcomes in progressive-onset disease.// Conclusion: Certain quality of care indicators correlated to disability and patient-reported outcomes in relapse-onset but not progressive-onset disease. Future guidelines should consider recommendations specific to disease course..

    Why are good comparative studies of networks so rare? Practical lessons from a study on French clusters

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    CERNA WORKING PAPER SERIES 2010-08French “competitiveness clusters” were set up in 2005 to strengthen cooperation between small and large enterprises, and training and research institutions working on similar topics and located in the same geographical area, with the aim of making this area more competitive and attractive through enhanced innovation. Our analysis of this set of about 70 apparently similar networks, on which much data were collected, has given us an opportunity to investigate the factors explaining the differences in their performance

    Development and evaluation of an intervention to improve further education students' understanding of higher education assessment criteria: three studies

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    Three studies about helping Further Education students prepare for study at universityThis paper reports three studies about preparing Further Education (FE) students for the transition to Higher Education (HE) by improving their understanding of HE assessment criteria. In study 1, students and tutors in both FE and HE were interviewed for a qualitative analysis of their understandings and expectations about assessment criteria. In study 2, students in FE and HE completed questionnaires measuring self-rated understanding and ability about assessment criteria, and beliefs about essay writing. Studies 1 and 2 both showed that FE students were more confident than HE students about their understanding and ability in relation to assessment criteria, but FE students’ understandings suggested more surface approaches to learning and more naïve epistemological beliefs. In study 3, a workshop intervention to improve FE students’ understandings of HE assessment criteria was evaluated in a comparative longitudinal trial. The intervention reduced FE students’ self-rated understanding and ability, and promoted more sophisticated beliefs about essay writing, by comparison with students who received standard tuition. We concluded that interventions to develop more realistic understandings of what is required in academic writing could be used to prepare FE students more effectively for the transition to HE

    Sex Differences in Medication and Primary Healthcare Use before and after Spousal Bereavement at Older Ages in Denmark: Nationwide Register Study of over 6000 Bereavements

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    Background. The study aimed to examine sex differences in healthcare use before and after widowhood to investigate whether reduced healthcare use among widowers compared with widows may partially explain excess mortality and more adverse health outcomes among men than women after spousal loss. Methods. All individuals alive and aged at least 60 years in 1996 and who became widowed in the period from 1996 to 2003 were selected from the 5% sample of the total Danish population and all Danish twins. The healthcare use was assessed as the average daily all-cause and major system-specific medication use and the average annual number of visits to general physicians (GPs). Results. The average daily use of all-cause and major system-specific medications, as well as the number of GP visits increased over the period from 1 year before and up to 5 years after a spouse's death, but there were no sex-specific patterns in the trajectories of medication use and number of GP visits after conjugal loss. Conclusion. We found little support for the hypothesis that reduced healthcare use contributes to the explanation of more adverse health outcomes after conjugal loss in men compared with women in Denmark