241 research outputs found

    Diffuse and Localized Functional Dysconnectivity in Schizophrenia: a Bootstrapped Top-Down Approach

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    Schizophrenia (SZ) is a brain disorder leading to detached mind's normally integrated processes. Hence, the exploration of the symptoms in relation to functional connectivity (FC) had great relevance in the field. FC can be investigated on different levels, going from global features to single edges between regions, revealing diffuse and localized dysconnection patterns. In this context, SZ is characterized by a diverse global integration with reduced connectivity in specific areas of the Default Mode Network (DMN). However, the assessment of FC presents various sources of uncertainty. This study proposes a multi-level approach for more robust group-comparison. FC between 74 AAL brain areas of 15 healthy controls (HC) and 12 SZ subjects were used. Multi-level analyses and graph topological indexes evaluation were carried out by the previously published SPIDER-NET tool. Robustness was augmented by bootstrapped (BOOT) data and the stability was evaluated by removing one (RST1) or two subjects (RST2). The DMN subgraph was evaluated, toegether with overall local indexes and connection weights to enhance common activations/deactivations. At a global level, expected trends were found. The robustness assessment tests highlighted more stable results for BOOT compared to the direct data testing. Conversely, significant results were found in the analysis at lower levels. The DMN highlighted reduced connectivity and strength as well as increased deactivation in the SZ group. At local level, 13 areas were found to be significantly different (p<0.05p<0.05), highlighting a greater divergence in the frontal lobe. These results were confirmed analyzing the negative edges, suggesting inverted connectivity between prefronto-temporal areas. In conclusion, multi-level analysis supported by BOOT is highly recommended, especially when diffuse and localized dysconnections must be investigated in limited samples.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Impact of Anatomical Variability on Sensitivity Profile in fNIRS-MRI Integration

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    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an important non-invasive technique used to monitor cortical activity. However, a varying sensitivity of surface channels vs. cortical structures may suggest integrating the fNIRS with the subject-specific anatomy (SSA) obtained from routine MRI. Actual processing tools permit the computation of the SSA forward problem (i.e., cortex to channel sensitivity) and next, a regularized solution of the inverse problem to map the fNIRS signals onto the cortex. The focus of this study is on the analysis of the forward problem to quantify the effect of inter-subject variability. Thirteen young adults (six males, seven females, age 29.3 +/- 4.3) underwent both an MRI scan and a motor grasping task with a continuous wave fNIRS system of 102 measurement channels with optodes placed according to a 10/5 system. The fNIRS sensitivity profile was estimated using Monte Carlo simulations on each SSA and on three major atlases (i.e., Colin27, ICBM152 and FSAverage) for comparison. In each SSA, the average sensitivity curves were obtained by aligning the 102 channels and segmenting them by depth quartiles. The first quartile (depth &lt; 11.8 (0.7) mm, median (IQR)) covered 0.391 (0.087)% of the total sensitivity profile, while the second one (depth &lt; 13.6 (0.7) mm) covered 0.292 (0.009)%, hence indicating that about 70% of the signal was from the gyri. The sensitivity bell-shape was broad in the source-detector direction (20.953 (5.379) mm FWHM, first depth quartile) and steeper in the transversal one (6.082 (2.086) mm). The sensitivity of channels vs. different cortical areas based on SSA were analyzed finding high dispersions among subjects and large differences with atlas-based evaluations. Moreover, the inverse cortical mapping for the grasping task showed differences between SSA and atlas based solutions. In conclusion, integration with MRI SSA can significantly improve fNIRS interpretation

    Extraction and Characterization of Essential Discharge Patterns from Multisite Recordings of Spiking Ongoing Activity

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    Conditional sampling, in comparison with the classical constant time-bin sampling, enables to reject, at least in most cases, the common mode modulation of the spiking frequency across different spiking sources. Here we consider a simple but significant example while a more general analysis is currently in preparation: Consider two spiking neurons and let n1, n2 the number of spikes emitted in a time period T. They both follow a Poisson process with parameters λcλ1T and λcλ2T respectively, being λc a common modulation term, λ1 and λ2 the independent component of their activity. Let n1 + n2 = k and Pn1,n2 = Pn1,k−n1 the probability of observing n1 and k − n1 spikes (respectively from the first and the second neuron) in a period T. Then Pn1,k−n1 = e−λcT (λ1+λ2) (T λc) k λn 1 1 λk−n 1 2 n1!(k−n1)! Now consider the conditional probability of observing n1 and k − n1 spikes i

    Vocal Folds Disorders Detection and Classification in Endoscopic Narrow-Band Images

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    The diagnosis of vocal folds (VF) diseases is error- prone due to the large variety of diseases that can affect them. VF lesions can be divided in nodular, e.g. nodules, polyps and cysts, and diffuse, e.g. hyperplastic laryngitis and carcinoma. By endoscopic examination, the clinician traditionally evaluates the presence of macroscopic formations and mucosal vessels alteration. Endoscopic narrow-band imaging (NBI) has recently started to be employed since it provides enhanced vessels contrast as compared to classical white-light endoscopy. This work presents a preliminary study on the development of an automatic diagnostic tool based on the assessment of vocal cords symmetry in NBI images. The objective is to identify possible protruding mass lesions on which subsequent vessels analysis may be performed. The method proposed here is based on the segmentation of the glottal area (GA) from the endoscopic images, based on which the right and the left portions of the vocal folds are detected and analyzed for the detection of protruding areas. The obtained information is then used to classify the VF edges as healthy or pathological. Results from the analysis of 22 endoscopic NBI images demonstrated that the proposed algorithm is robust and effective, providing a 100% success rate in the classification of VF edges as healthy or pathological. Such results support the investment in further research to expand and improve the algorithm presented here, potentially with the addition of vessels analysis to determine the pathological classification of detected protruding areas

    Cephalometric measurements performed on CBCT and reconstructed lateral cephalograms: a cross-sectional study providing a quantitative approach of differences and bias

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    Background: Cephalometric analysis is traditionally performed on skull lateral teleradiographs for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. However, the skull flattened over a 2D film presents projection distortions and superimpositions to various extents depending on landmarks relative position. When a CBCT scan is indicated for mixed reasons, cephalometric assessments can be performed directly on CBCT scans with a distortion free procedure. The aim of the present study is to compare these two methods for orthodontic cephalometry. Methods: 114 CBCTs were selected, reconstructed lateral cephalometries were obtained by lateral radiographic projection of the entire volume from the right and left sides. 2D and 3D cephalometric tracings were performed. Since paired t-tests between left and right-side measurements found no statistically significant differences, mean values between sides were considered for both 2D and 3D values. The following measurements were evaluated: PNS-A; S-N; N-Me; N-ANS; ANS-Me; Go-Me; Go-S; Go-Co; SNA, SNB, ANB; BaŜN; S-N^PNS-ANS; PNS-ANS^Go-Me; S-N^Go-Me. Intraclass correlation coefficients, paired t-test, correlation coefficient and Bland-Altman analysis were performed to compare these techniques. Results: The values of intra- and inter-rater ICC showed excellent repeatability and reliability: the average (± SD) intraobserver ICCs were 0.98 (± 0.01) and 0.97(± 0.01) for CBCT and RLCs, respectively; Inter-rater reliability resulted in an average ICC (± SD) of 0.98 (± 0.01) for CBCT and 0.94 (± 0.03) for RLC. The paired t-tests between CBCT and reconstructed lateral cephalograms revealed that Go-Me, Go-S, PNS-ANS^Go-Me and S-N^Go-Me measurements were statistically different between the two modalities. All the evaluated sets of measurements showed strong positive correlation; the bias and ranges for the 95% Limits of Agreement showed higher levels of agreement between the two modalities for unpaired measurements with respect to bilateral ones. Conclusion: The cephalometric measurements laying on the mid-sagittal plane can be evaluated on CBCT and used for orthodontic diagnosis as they do not show statistically significant differences with those measured on 2D lateral cephalograms. For measurements that are not in the mid-sagittal plane, the future development of specific algorithms for distortion correction could help clinicians deduct all the information needed for orthodontic diagnosis from the CBCT scan

    High-Dimensional ICA Analysis Detects Within-Network Functional Connectivity Damage of Default-Mode and Sensory-Motor Networks in Alzheimer’s Disease

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    High-dimensional independent component analysis (ICA), compared to low-dimensional ICA, allows to conduct a detailed parcellation of the resting-state networks. The purpose of this study was to give further insight into functional connectivity (FC) in Alzheimer's disease (AD) using high-dimensional ICA. For this reason, we performed both low- and high-dimensional ICA analyses of resting-state fMRI data of 20 healthy controls and 21 patients with AD, focusing on the primarily altered default-mode network (DMN) and exploring the sensory-motor network. As expected, results obtained at low dimensionality were in line with previous literature. Moreover, high-dimensional results allowed us to observe either the presence of within-network disconnections and FC damage confined to some of the resting-state subnetworks. Due to the higher sensitivity of the high-dimensional ICA analysis, our results suggest that high-dimensional decomposition in subnetworks is very promising to better localize FC alterations in AD and that FC damage is not confined to the DMN

    Real-Time Phase-Contrast MRI to Monitor Cervical Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Beat-by-Beat Variability

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    Beat-by-beat variability (BBV) rhythms are observed in both cardiovascular (CV) and intracranial (IC) compartments, yet interactions between the two are not fully understood. Real-Time Phase-Contrast (RT-PC) MRI sequence was acquired for 30 healthy volunteers at 1st cervical level on a 3T scanner. The arterial (AF), venous (VF), and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow (CSFF) were computed as velocity integrals over the internal carotid artery, internal jugular vein, and CSF. AF, VF, and CSFF signals were segmented in inspiration and expiration beats, to assess the respiration influence. Systolic and diastolic BBV, and heart period series underwent autoregressive power spectral density analysis, to evaluate the low-frequency (LF, Mayer waves) and high frequency (HF, respiratory waves) components. The diastolic VF had the largest BBV. LF power was high in the diastolic AF series, poor in all CSFF series. The pulse wave analyses revealed higher mean amplitude during inspiration. Findings suggests a possible role of LF modulation of IC resistances and propagation of HF waves from VF to AF and CCSF. PC-RT-MRI could provide new insight into the interaction between CV and IC regulation and pave the way for a detailed analysis of the cerebrovascular effects of varied respiration patterns due to exercise and rehabilitation

    The introduction of capillary structures in 4D simulated vascular tree for ART 3.5D algorithm further validation

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    open6openBarra, Beatrice; El Hadji, Sara; De Momi, Elena; Ferrigno, Giancarlo; Cardinale, Francesco; Baselli, GiuseppeBarra, Beatrice; EL HADJI, Sara; DE MOMI, Elena; Ferrigno, Giancarlo; Cardinale, Francesco; Baselli, Giusepp

    Exploring resting-state functional connectivity invariants across the lifespan in healthy people by means of a recently proposed graph theoretical model

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    In this paper we investigate the changes in the functional connectivity intensity, and some related properties, in healthy people, across the life span and at resting state. For the explicit computation of the functional connectivity we exploit a recently proposed model, that bases not only on the correlations data provided by the acquisition equipment, but also on different parameters, such as the anatomical distances between nodes and their degrees. The leading purpose of the paper is to show that the proposed approach is able to recover the main aspects of resting state condition known from the available literature, as well as to suggest new insights, perspectives and speculations from a neurobiological point of view. Our study involves 133 subjects, both males and females of different ages, with no evidence of neurological diseases or systemic disorders. First, we show how the model applies to the sample, where the subjects are grouped into 28 different groups (14 of males and 14 of females), according to their age. This leads to the construction of two graphs (one for males and one for females), that can be realistically interpreted as representative of the neural network during the resting state. Second, following the idea that the brain network is better understood by focusing on specific nodes having a kind of centrality, we refine the two output graphs by introducing a new metric that favours the selection of nodes having higher degrees. As a third step, we extensively comment and discuss the obtained results. In particular, it is remarkable that, despite a great overlapping exists between the outcomes concerning males and females, some intriguing differences appear. This motivates a deeper local investigation, which represents the fourth part of the paper, carried out through a thorough statistical analysis. As a result, we are enabled to support that, for two special age groups, a few links contribute in differentiating the behaviour of males and females. In addition, we performed an average-based comparison between the proposed model and the traditional statistical correlation-based approach, then discussing and commenting the main outlined discrepancies