221 research outputs found

    The boulder berm of Punta Saguerra (Taranto, Italy): a morphological imprint of the Rossano Calabro tsunami of April 24, 1836?

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    An extended berm of calcarenitic boulders is recognisable at Punta Saguerra, few kilometres south of Taranto (Apulia, Italy) while isolated boulders are sparse in other near localities. The berm is at 2–5 m above present sea level (a.p.s.l), on a rocky headland gently sloping toward the sea; it is separated from the coastline by a large terrace. A detailed study of its stratigraphy and its morphology has been performed in order to define its depositional mechanism; in particular, integrated DGPS and Laser Scanner surveys have provided precise details of each boulder: position, size and distance from the shoreline. The accumulation is constitute of boulders up to 30 tons, which locally are arranged in rows of embricated patterns. The surfaces of the biggest boulders are characterised by biogenic encrustations and by solution potholes that indicate their intertidal/adlittoral/spray zone provenience. Based on direct observations of each boulder (size, shape, weight and long axis azimuth), together with hydrodynamic equations it is possible to hypothesize the extreme event—geodynamic or meteorological— which was responsible for this singular accumulation. AMS age determinations on Vermetid sp. sampled on boulder surfaces and chronicle suggest that the accumulation may be attributed to the tsunami generated by the strong earthquake that occurred on April 24, 1836, the epicentre of which has been localised near Rossano Calabro, along the Ionian coast of northern Calabria

    Congenital rhabdomyosarcoma: a different clinical presentation in two cases

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    Background: Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), one of the most common soft tissue sarcomas of childhood, is very rare in the neonatal period (0.4-2% of cases). In order to gain a deeper understanding of this disease at such age, patient and tumor features, as well as treatment modality and outcome need to be reported. Case presentation: We describe two cases with congenital RMS treated at Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital between 2000 and 2016. They represent only 2.24% of all RMS patients diagnosed during that period in our Institution; this data is in agreement with the incidence reported in the literature. They reflect the two different clinical forms in which the disease may manifest itself. One patient, with the alveolar subtype (positive for specific PAX3-FOXO1 fusion transcript) and disseminated disease, had a fatal outcome with central nervous system (CNS) progression despite conventional and high dose chemotherapy. The other child, with the localized embryonal subtype, was treated successfully with conservative surgery and conventional chemotherapy, including prolonged maintenance therapy. He is disease free at 7 years of follow-up. Conclusions: RMS can also be diagnosed during the neonatal period. Given the young age, disease management is often challenging, and especially for the alveolar subtype, the outcome is dismal despite intensified multimodality therapy. In fact, it characteristically manifests with multiple subcutaneous nodules and progression most commonly occurs in the CNS (Rodriguez-Galindo et al., Cancer 92(6):1613-20, 2001). In this context, CNS prophylaxis could play a role in preventing leptomeningeal dissemination, and molecular studies can allow a deeper tumor characterization, treatment stratification and identification of new potential therapeutic targets

    Terrestrial Laser Scanner techniques in the assessment of tsunami impact on the Maddalena peninsula (south-eastern Sicily, Italy)

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    The coastline of the Maddalena peninsula (south-eastern Sicily, Italy) is characterised by the occurrence of a boulder field associated to an extended soil stripping area and by a gravel/sandy berm. The accumulation of the boulders has been mostly correlated to the impact of the December 28, 1908 tsunami wave. The use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner survey techniques, associated to Differential Global Position System determinations, permits to obtain new data for the assessment of tsunami impact on this coastal area. The computing of the surveyed data using the most recent equations is a useful tool in order to estimate the theoretic inundation limit and to reconstruct its variability in function of the boulders size and of the coastal topography. Moreover, the entire new data set allows to confirm that the hypothesis of the tsunami impact is the most reasonable to explain the occurrence of boulders weighing up to 50 tons on the Maddalena peninsula

    cryptokarst a case study of the quaternary landforms of southern apulia southern italy

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    Skriti kras (cryptokarst) je kras, razvit pod prepustnim, vendar netopnim pokrovom. Nastane zaradi vode, ki prenika skozi krovne plasti. V krovnih plasteh se zbira voda, se poeasi preceja skoznje in razjeda maticno kamnino. Zaradi tega nastanejo depresije, zapolnjene s pokrovnim sedimentom, in kraski stebri. Zaradi posedanja prepustnega pokrova, nastanejo na povrsju ulegnine. Ce erozija odtsrani krovnino, se razgali relief, za katerega so znacilni kraski stebri, razvalinasti relief in vrtace. Cryptokarst is a karst developed beneath a permeable and not karstifiable formation by percolating waters. The permeable rock acts as a storage of water which feeds slow seepage and infiltration enhancing the alteration of bedrock. The resulting forms consist of depressions, filled by the covering sediments, and pinnacles. The sinking of the permeable cover can produce depressions on the topographic surface. Erosion of the cover exposes a landscape characterised by pinnacles, ruinforms and dolines. In the Apulia region, cryptocorrosion surfaces are characterized by solution pipes 4-5 meters deep and with variable width (from a few centimeters to about one meter). Pipes walls are covered by a brownish carbonate crust, from a centimeter to more than 10 centimeters thick. The continental sands are only found in these depressions. The cryptocorrosion process took place late in the Middle Pleistocene on Quaternary marine abrasion terraces covered by no-carbonate sandy-silty continental deposits. The process stopped before the Last Interglacial age in response of an abrupt climatic change that induces a calcium carbonate precipitation and the formation of a carbonate crust

    Sand Ridges on Rocky Coastal Platforms as Markers of Tsunami Impact: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis along the Ionian Coast of Southern Apulia (Italy)

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    Along the Ionian coast of Southern Apulia, a sand ridge has been detected at the inner border of a wide, low-elevated rocky platform. A multi-disciplinary analysis was carried out to define the main geomorphological and sedimentological features of this dune-like coastal deposit, to clarify its nature as well as to obtain chronological constraints for its development. The geomorphological survey reveals that the sand ridge is about 40\u201360 m wide, reaching a maximum elevation of 3.9 m above m.s.l., whereas its thickness can be estimated between 1.0 and 2.8 m. The sand ridge is in some places associated with large-size boulders. Grain size analysis shows that it is made up of poorly sorted coarse-medium sands with a gravelly fraction, without significant sedimentary structures, as confirmed by Ground Penetrating Radar survey. The micro and macro-faunal assemblage sampled in the sand ridge can be related to shallow-water environments with Posidonia oceanica meadows occurring offshore. The development of the studied sand ridge can be ascribed to a tsunami event able to mix up very coarse bioclastic sands placed at submerged platforms, storm beach deposits covering the low-elevated coastal platform in patches, and possibly older tsunami deposits. Accelerator Mass Spectrometry radiocarbon age determinations on mollusc shells sampled from the sand ridge span from 929\u20131168 AD to 1707\u20131950 AD and cluster around the 18th\u201319th centuries, suggesting a possible association with a recent tsunami event. Data reported in the Euro-Mediterranean Tsunami Catalogue would indicate as the most likely event that one of the 25th April 1836, produced by a strong earthquake with its epicenter near Rossano village, on the Ionian coast of the Calabria region

    Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor in adults: a systematic review of the literature with meta‑analysis and additional reports of 4 cases

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    Introduction Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (AT/RT) is a highly aggressive embryonal CNS neoplasm, characterized by inactivation of SMARCB1 (INI1) or rarely of SMARCA4 (BRG1). While it is predominantly a childhood tumor, AT/RT is rare in adults. Methods We provide a comprehensive systematic review of literature with meta-analysis; 92 adult cases were found from 74 articles. We additionally present 4 cases of adult AT/RTs (age ranging from 19 to 29 years), located to cerebellum in 2 cases, to ponto-cerebellar angle in 1 case and to spinal cord in the remaining case. Results Microscopic features of our 4 cases showed a highly cellular tumor with rhabdoid morphology and high mitotic activity. All tumor cells lacked nuclear SMARCB1/INI1 protein expression. In case no. 3 we also performed methylation profiling which clustered the tumor with pediatric AT/RT-MYC subgroup. Prognosis remains poor in both pediatric and adult population with a median overall survival of 11 months. Our review demonstrated median overall survival of 15 months among the adult populations. However, consistent with a recent review, adult AT/RT seems to have highly variable prognosis and some patients reach long term survival with 22.9% of 5-year survival without evidence of disease and mean follow up time of 35.9 months (SD = 36.5). 27.1% of dissemination was also reported among the adult population. Conclusions Adult AT/RTs predominantly arise in female patients and in supratentorial location. Midline structures, including the sellar region, are the most affected sites, especially among females aged > 40 years. Male gender is more prevalent between the age of 18 and 40 years and more frequently associated with non-midline tumors. Factors significantly associated with better prognosis are patient’s age (< 40 years), combined radio-chemotherapy adjuvant approach and Ki-67 score < 40%
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