1,891 research outputs found

    Unusual histologic finding in tissue obtained from voluntary pregnancy termination: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: An unusual histologic finding in tissue obtained from voluntary pregnancy termination (VPT) is reported to demonstrate the utility of pathologic examination of this specimen. METHODS: A 30-year-old woman with a history of depression was referred to the gynecology clinic for VPT in the eighth week of gestation. Material obtained from uterine cavity curettage was macroscopically and histologically examined. Based on the histological findings, a molecular study by polymerase chain reaction amplification (PCR) was performed to evaluate the presence of human papilloma virus (HPV) DNA. For DNA extraction, 4-microm-thick histological sections were stained with hematoxylin and examined under a stereomicroscope. The PCR amplification was performed with the L1 consensus primers Gp5+/Gp6+, giving an expected PCR product size of 150 bp: these primers have been developed to allow the detection of a broad spectrum of mucosotropic HPV genotypes. RESULTS: Histological examination of tissue obtained from the VPT showed immature villi with post-abortive hydropic degeneration and the presence of a small fragment of cervical mucosa with a squamous intraepithelial lesion characterized by mild to moderate nuclear atypia (SIL). PCR revealed that this lesion was related to HPV. Subsequently, the pap smear and cervical biopsy revealed a high-risk squamous intraepithelial lesion due to high-risk HPV. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates that tissue obtained from VPT cannot be considered normal "a priori" and that a histological study can be useful to provide new information regarding a woman's gynecological health

    Supported nickel nitride catalysts for the gas-phase hydrogenation of furfural

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    A series of catalysts with different nickel loading (2.5-30 wt%) has been prepared by UGR. The preparation of Ni3N phase was ascertained via Powder X-rays diffraction together with cubic nickel . The elemental chemical analysis and XPS data confirm the presence of the nitride phase. Their catalytic performance points out that catalysts with loading of 5-10 wt% Ni exhibit a higher stability, maintaining furfural conversion values higher than 75% after 5 h of time-on-stream at 170ºC, and the main products detected were furfuryl alcohol (hydrogenation) and furan (decarbonylation). This would indicate that two types of active sites are present on the catalyst surface. It is noteworthy the high catalytic activity of this family of catalyst, since they exhibit a better performance than Cu-ZnO catalysts, but using a lower reaction temperature and H2/furfural molar ratio, as well as a higher furfural concentration and WHSV values. The experimental conditions have been optimized in order to achieve the maximum yield in the target product, but preserving a high activity and stability. The fresh and spent catalysts have been characterized in order to elucidate structure-activity-stability relationships.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di ideologia: un’approssimazione al concetto d’inconscio ideologico di Juan Carlos Rodríguez

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    The purpose of this article is to reflect on the notion of “ideological unconscious” as a way to analyse literary texts and, more generally, the artistic praxis considered in its inextricable relationship with the ideological context. At the basis of Juan Carlos Rodríguez’ critical thinking – currently one of the most relevant figures in Spanish Marxist literary theory –, the notion of ‘ideological unconscious’ derives from his reading of Louis Althusser and it is present throughout all his works. With the aim of offering an analytical approach to the concept of “ideological unconscious”, the theoretical horizon of Juan Carlos Rodríguez will be compared with some related concepts (Althusser’s notion of ideology, Terry Eagleton’ ideological imaginary and Fredric Jameson’s political unconscious) that will help us in positioning it within ideological criticism. As we will try to show, Juan Carlos Rodríguez recovers and deepens the encounter between Marxism and psychoanalysis inaugurated in 1964 by Althusser and responds with originality to the new challenges of Marxist literary criticism.Scopo del presente articolo è riflettere sul concetto di “inconscio ideologico” come via di analisi del testo letterario e, più in generale, della prassi artistica considerata nel suo inestricabile rapporto con il contesto ideologico. Alla base del pensiero critico di Juan Carlos Rodríguez Gómez – attualmente una delle figure più rilevanti della teoria letteraria marxista in ambito spagnolo –, tale nozione nasce dall’attenta e riconoscente lettura dell’opera di Louis Althusser ed è trasversale a tutte le opere del filologo granadino. Con il proposito di offrire un’approssimazione analitica e una valutazione critica del concetto di “inconscio ideologico”, l’orizzonte teorico di Juan Carlos Rodríguez sarà dunque messo a confronto con una serie di concetti affini (dalla definizione althusseriana di ideologia all’ideologia “immaginaria” di Terry Eagleton e al jamesoniano “inconscio politico”) che ci aiuteranno a situarlo all’interno della critica dell’ideologia. Come si cercherà di dimostrare nel corso dell’articolo, Juan Carlos Rodríguez recupera ed approfondisce l’incontro tra marxismo e psicoanalisi inaugurato nel 1964 da Althusser e risponde con originalità alle nuove sfide della critica letteraria marxista

    Articulaciones del inconsciente ideológico del capitalismo tardío en la narrativa posmoderna: tres casos de estudio

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    «Every position on postmodernism in culture –escribe Fredric Jameson en suconocido y citadísimo estudio sobre la posmodernidad–, whether apologia orstigmatization, is also at one and the same time, and necessarily, an implicitly orexplicitly political stance on the nature of multinational capitalism today» (1991: 3).La “mutación antropológica” denunciada por Pier Paolo Pasolini a principios de losaños setenta en sus Escritos corsarios –esto es, el nacimiento del homo consumens en lassociedades donde el capitalismo posfordista y neoliberal empieza a convertirse (contiempos y modalidades distintas) en ideología dominante (cfr. Pasolini 2012: 40,41)– está ligada de manera indisoluble a la afirmación de la posmodernidad como«dominant cultural pattern» (Jameson 1991: 3). Más aún: las mismas expresiones“posmodernidad” y “capitalismo tardío” se consideran, en el ámbito de la presenteinvestigación y de acuerdo con las propuestas de David Harvey (cfr. Harvey 1990:125-140), prácticamente sinónimas, mientras que el “posmodernismo” comocategoría estético-cultural se considera una articulación más de lo que llamaremos –en línea con el filólogo y teórico de la literatura Juan Carlos Rodríguez– elinconsciente ideológico del capitalismo tardío: una concepción del mundo y del “yosoy”–la ideología en sentido gramsciano y, sobre todo, althusseriano– que sesegrega (nunca de manera mecánica, transparente y homogénea) de unasdeterminadas condiciones socio-económicas y que se articula de forma sintomática–esto es, por condensación y desplazamiento– en los textos literarios, filosóficos,científicos, etc..

    La penetrazione del libro digitale nelle biblioteche pubbliche. Ricerca di marketing su un nuovo aspetto del fenomeno eBook

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    Con il presente lavoro ci proponiamo di analizzare il fenomeno eBook dal punto di vista della sua introduzione all’interno delle biblioteche pubbliche e del quotidiano di coloro che hanno deciso di dotarsi di un dispositivo per la lettura di libri digitali, cercando di comprendere come essi vivano l’avvento di questa nuova tecnologia e se l’eBook è considerato una vera e propria alternativa ai libri tradizionali, e quindi una sorta di antagonista, oppure una sua evoluzione dovuta al progresso e all’innovazione tecnologica, dove l’uomo ha dato massima espressione delle sue potenzialità

    Electrographic changes accompanying recurrent seizures under ketogenic diet treatment.

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    The ketogenic diet (KD) is increasingly used to treat epilepsy refractory to antiepileptic drugs and other neurological disorders. In animal models, the KD was found to increase the threshold to seizures induced by different convulsive stimulations. However, in models in which suprathreshold stimuli were used, a paradoxical seizure worsening was consistently observed in KD-fed animals. To better define this phenomenon, we characterized the electrographic response to seizures induced in mice which were treated with the KD, and then corneally stimulated at 6-Hz in four different sessions. We also evaluated the electroencephalogram (EEG) in three patients in which the KD was associated with a paradoxical worsening of epileptic seizures. Although seizures were initially less severe, a remarkable prolongation of the electrographic response was observed in mice receiving the KD from the second session of 6-Hz corneal stimulation and onwards. The EEG was also markedly altered in the presence of progressive seizure aggravation observed in children treated with the KD, specifically one affected by Lennox\u2013Gastaut syndrome and two by type I lissencephaly. These results suggest that when seizures are induced or recur because of resistance to therapeutic interventions, the KD may change the EEG by potentiating the electrographic epileptic activity

    Biochemical, Physiological, and Molecular Aspects of Ornamental Plants Adaptation to Deficit Irrigation

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    There is increasing concern regarding global warming and its severe impact on the farming sector and food security. Incidences of extreme weather conditions are becoming more and more frequent, posing plants to stressful conditions, such as flooding, drought, heat, or frost etc. Especially for arid lands, there is a tug-of-war between keeping high crop yields and increasing water use efficiency of limited water resources. This difficult task can be achieved through the selection of tolerant water stress species or by increasing the tolerance of sensitive species. In this scenario, it is important to understand the response of plants to water stress. So far, the response of staple foods and vegetable crops to deficit irrigation is well studied. However, there is lack of literature regarding the responses of ornamental plants to water stress conditions. Considering the importance of this ever-growing sector for the agricultural sector, this review aims to reveal the defense mechanisms and the involved morpho-physiological, biochemical, and molecular changes in ornamental plant’s responses to deficit irrigation