200 research outputs found

    Veggie - Vegetable Production System

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    From Earth to the ISS to the Moon and Mars: Development Considerations for Space Habitation and Current Efforts at NASA

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    An overview of recent NASA efforts for space habitation ranging from efforts with the ISS to potential scenarios with the Moon and Mars

    Expanding Human Presence into the Solar System Starting with the Lunar Gateway

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    High level explanation of current lunar exploration plans and some of the tools and lessons of working in the space industry. Contains NASA provided images and hyperlinks to publicly available media information on NextSTEP Habitat and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

    The Habitat Demonstration Unit System Integration

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    The Lunar Surface System Habitat Demonstration Unit (HDU) will require a project team to integrate a variety of contributions from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) centers and potential outside collaborators and poses a challenge in integrating these disparate efforts into a cohesive architecture. To accomplish the development of the first version of the HDU, the Pressurized Excursion Module (PEM), from conception in June 2009 to rollout for operations in July 2010, the HDU project team is using several strategies to mitigate risks and bring the separate efforts together. First, a set of design standards is being developed to define the interfaces between the various systems of PEM and to the payloads, such as the Geology Laboratory, that those systems will support. Scheduled activities such as early fit-checks and the utilization of a habitat avionics test bed prior to equipment installation into HDU PEM are planned to facilitate the integration process. A coordinated effort to establish simplified Computer Aided Design (CAD) standards and the utilization of a modeling and simulation systems will aid in design and integration concept development. Finally, decision processes on the shell development including the assembly sequence and the transportation have been fleshed out early on HDU design to maximize the efficiency of both integration and field operations

    Challenges of Human Exploration of Mars

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    To inform about current NASA Vision, International Space Exploration Coordination Group, Capabilities and Enablers and challenges associated with Human Exploration of Mars

    A Novel Approach for Engaging Academia in Collaborative Projects with NASA through the X-Hab Academic Innovation Challenge

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    The X-Hab Academic Innovation Challenge, currently in its sixth year of execution, provides university students with the opportunity to be on the forefront of innovation. The X-Hab Challenge, for short, is designed to engage and retain students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). NASA identifies necessary technologies and studies for deep space missions and invites universities from around the country to develop concepts, prototypes, and lessons learned that will help shape future space missions and awards seed funds to design and produce functional products of interest as proposed by university teams according to their interests and expertise. Universities propose on a variety of projects suggested by NASA and are then judged on technical merit, academic integration, leveraged funding, and outreach. The universities assemble a multi-discipline team of students and advisors that invest months working together, developing concepts, and frequently producing working prototypes. Not only are students able to gain quality experience, working real world problems that have the possibility to be implemented, but they work closely with subject matter experts from NASA who guide them through an official engineering development process

    Computer Controlled Solid State Lighting Assembly to Emulate Diurnal Cycle and Improve Circadian Rhythm Control

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    A light system can simultaneously emulate more than one different diurnal cycle to individually improve circadian rhythm control for more than one observer by having each light fixture autonomously self-controlled. Each light fixture is mountable in respective locations to individually treat respective observers. Each light fixture includes one or more light elements mounted to a housing and are controllable to emit a selected light intensity at a selected light temperature. A micro controller is contained in the housing and includes memory containing instructions for one or more automatic diurnal cycle protocols. The micro controller is in communication with the memory and the one or more light elements to execute the instructions to configure the light fixture to vary the light intensity and the light temperature of the emitted light

    RESOLVE - Regolith and Environment Science and Oxygen and Lunar Volatile Extraction

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    The Regolith & Environment Science and Oxygen & Lunar Volatile Extraction (RESOLVE) payload is an exploration system designed to be placed on a rover and driven over the surface of the moon for 9 days to map the distribution of the water ice and other useful compounds seen on previous missions. RESOLVE will drill into the lunar surface and heat the material collected in order to measure the amount of water vapor and other compounds that are present, thus showing how future missions could gather and then use these valuable resources. Future missions will benefit from this analysis tool and others because it will be more cost-effective to mine water components, fuel, and other compounds at the point of destination rather than transport them from Earth. NASA is packaging the RESOLVE payload in the Resource Prospector mission targeted for launch in 2020. NASA continues to explore mission solutions by leveraging partnerships across NASA, industry, other nations and academia

    NASA Habitat Demonstration Unit (HDU) Deep Space Habitat Analog

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    General overview presentation of the four year campaign of the NASA Habitat Demonstration Unit used for analog testing of deep space missions

    Establishment of a Spaceport Network Architecture

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    Since the beginning of the space age, the main actors in space exploration have been governmental agencies, enabling a privileged access to space, but with very restricted and rare missions. The last decade has seen the rise of space tourism, and the founding of ambitious private space mining companies, showing the beginnings of a new exploration era, that is based on a more generalized and regular access to space and which is not limited to the Earth's vicinity. However, the cost of launching sufficient mass into orbit to sustain these inspiring challenges is prohibitive, and the necessary infrastructures to support these missions is still lacking. To provide easy and affordable access into orbital and deep space destinations, there is the need to create a network of spaceports via specific waypoint locations coupled with the use of natural resources, or In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU), to provide a more economical solution. As part of the International Space University Space Studies Program 2012, the international and intercultural team of Operations and Service Infrastructure for Space (OASIS) proposes an interdisciplinary answer to the problem of economical space access and transportation. This paper presents a summary of a detailed report [1] of the different phases of a project for developing a network of spaceports throughout the Solar System in a timeframe of 50 years. The requirements, functions, critical technologies and mission architecture of this network of spaceports are outlined in a roadmap of the important steps and phases. The economic and financial aspects are emphasized in order to allow a sustainable development of the network in a public-private partnership via the formation of an International Spaceport Authority (ISPA). The approach includes engineering, scientific, financial, legal, policy, and societal aspects. Team OASIS intends to provide guidelines to make the development of space transportation via a spaceports logistics network feasible, and believes that this pioneering effort will revolutionize space exploration, science and commerce, ultimately contributing to permanently expand humanity into space