309 research outputs found

    Development of Worksheet Based on High-order Thinking Skills to Improve High-order Thinking Skills of the Students

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    This research aimed to develop high order thinking skills workheet in momentum, impulse, and collision topic for senior high school This type of research is Research and Development follow 4D models, includes : define, design, develop and disseminate. Data collection instruments used validation sheets for given to 5 validator, Aspects assessed include graphic, presentation, language, and the contents of workheet. Based on the result of data analysis showed that all aspects got average score in the range of 3.4 to 4 with categories of very high. Thus, high order thinking skills was valid. For the purposes of testing the worksheet is given on 68 students. to measure the effectiveness of worksheet used Higher Level Thinking Ability Test that amounts to 12 items. Based on the result of data analysis indicate, There is difference of higher order thinking skill of students who use HOTS worksheet than who are not use HOTS worksheet, where the average Higher Order Thinking Skill on students who use HOTS worksheet highe

    Estrutura E Composição Das Assembleias De Peixes De Poças De Marés Do Canal De São Sebastião, Atlântico Sudoeste

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    Organisms living in tide pools in the intertidal zone are exposed to daily and abrupt changes in temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and salinity, during tidal cycles. Fish assemblages in tide pools are usually very different from those in surrounding areas; resident species exhibit morphological and ecological adaptations to deal with such a variable environment. In this study, we described the environmental conditions and the fish diversity and composition from four tide pools at the continental margin of the São Sebastião Channel, São Sebastião (23º41’-23º54’S; 45º19’-45º30’W), in southeastern Brazil. Monthly, from January to December 2011, we sampled four tide pools (12 samples per pool), applying a standard protocol to record environmental variables, and visual censuses to record abundance, richness and composition of fish assemblages. Environmental and fish data were compared among tide pools and periods throughout the year (warm and cold) using both univariate and multivariate analyses of variance. Tide pools showed significant environmental differences, mainly in area, volume and complexity of substrata. We observed 13 species of fishes (10 families), which belong to five trophic guilds (roving herbivores, territorial herbivores, mobile invertebrate feeders, omnivores and carnivores). Density and richness of fish were almost constant during the studied period, except for a reduction in fish density in São Francisco’s Beach during a cold period. However, assemblages from the sampled tide pools differed from each other in composition and relative abundance of species, resulting in four distinct assemblage structures. Bathygobius soporator was the dominant species in most of the tide pools, corresponding to 66% of all recorded fish. The tide pool from Baleeiro’s Point was intermediate in size, but was covered by a complex algae community and supported the most diverse fish assemblage, suggesting that habitat complexity may contribute to the diversity of fish. © 2016, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.16

    Profil Faktor Risiko Atherosklerosis Pada Kejadian Infark Miokard Akut Dengan St-segment Elevasi Di Rsup Dr Kariadi Semarang

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    Background Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) occurs when blood flow to the the heart is stopped and causing damage to the heart muscles. AMI is the leading cause of death in severalcountries, and its prevalence continues to increase. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is one type of AMI which prevalence increases. In most cases of AMI do not display clinical symptoms and often cause sudden death. Therefore, the risk factors associated with the incidence of AMI requires further attention.Objective To analyze the characteristics of risk factors for atherosclerosis were found in the patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction at dr. Kariadi Semarang Central Hospital.Methods This study uses descriptive observational method. Data were taken from the medical record of STEMI patients who are hospitalized in the dr. Kariadi Semarang Central Hospital in 2014 with a total sampling method.Results 188 patients diagnosed with STEMI, with the proportion of 126 male (67.02%), and 62 female (32.98%). 1 case (0.5%) at the age of 16-25, 1 male. 18 cases (9.6%) at the age of 26-45, 12 male and 6 female. 113 cases (60.1%) at the age of 46-65, 85 male and 28 female. 56 cases (29%) at the age of >65, 28 male and 28 female. 136 patients with dyslipidemia (72,3%). 132 patients with hypertension (70,2%). 83 patients with diabetes mellitus (44,1%). 61 patients with overweight and obesity (32,5%). 44 patients with familial history (23,4%). 92 patients with history of smoking (48%). 6 patients (3.2%) with no risk factors. 30 patients (16%) with 1 risk factor. 67 patients (35.6%) with two risk factors. 51 patients (27.1%) with three risk factors. 29 patients (15.4) with four risk factors. 5 patients (2.7%) with five risk factors.Conclusions (1) The incidence of STEMI more in males (67.02%) than women (32.98%).(2) The average age of women (60 years) who diagnosed with STEMI tended to be older than men (45 years).(3) The order of the most common to the most rare risk factors that were found in patients with STEMI is dyslipidemia (72.3%), hypertension (70.2%), smoking (48.9%), diabetes mellitus (44.1%), overweight and obesity (32.5%), family history (23.4%)

    Connecting global emissions to fundamental human needs and their satisfaction

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    While quality of life (QOL) is the result of satisfying human needs, our current provision strategies result in global environmental degradation. To ensure sustainable QOL, we need to understand the environmental impact of human needs satisfaction. In this paper we deconstruct QOL, and apply the fundamental human needs framework developed by Max-Neef et al to calculate the carbon and energy footprints of subsistence, protection, creation, freedom, leisure, identity, understanding and participation. We find that half of global carbon emissions are driven by subsistence and protection. A similar amount are due to freedom, identity, creation and leisure together, whereas understanding and participation jointly account for less than 4% of global emissions. We use 35 objective and subjective indicators to evaluate human needs satisfaction and their associated carbon footprints across nations. We find that the relationship between QOL and environmental impact is more complex than previously identified through aggregated or single indicators. Satisfying needs such as protection, identity and leisure is generally not correlated with their corresponding footprints. In contrast, the likelihood of satisfying needs for understanding, creation, participation and freedom, increases steeply when moving from low to moderate emissions, and then stagnates. Most objective indicators show a threshold trend with respect to footprints, but most subjective indicators show no relationship, except for freedom and creation. Our study signals the importance of considering both subjective and objective satisfaction to assess QOL-impact relationships at the needs level. In this way, resources could be strategically invested where they strongly relate to social outcomes, and spared where non-consumption satisfiers could be more effective. Through this approach, decoupling human needs satisfaction from environmental damage becomes more attainable


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    Energi pada saat sekarang ini semakin berkurang akibat penggunaan energy fosil secara berlebihan di semua bidang, Ilmuwan di seluruh dunia menyadari hal ini dan mencoba berbagai energi alternatif. Salah satu sumber energi saat ini yang banyak dilakukan penelitian adalah arus air. Indonesia adalah Negara agraris yang menghasilkan air secara terus menerus, sehingga turbin air lebih diutamakan dari turbin angin karena angin di Indonesia relatif stabil. Microhydro ataupun picohydro yang dibuat biasanya memanfaatkan air terjun dengan head jatuh yang besar, sedangkan untuk aliran sungai dengan head jatuh yang kecil dimanfaatkan dengan optimal. Hal ini menjadi referensi untuk memanfaatan aliran sungai dengan mengubahnya menjadi aliran vortex. Tujuan dari rancang bangun ini adalah untuk mendapatkan rancangan casing turbin vortex, rancangan poros, rancangan sudu dan bantalan serta bahan- yang sesuai. Turbin Vortex ini dirancang dengan debit air 0.0052 dan kecepatan air 1.44 m/s. Menggunakan casing berpenampang lingkaran berbahan Akrilik, dengan sudu berbahan seng. Dari hasil rancang bangun Turbin Vortex ini didapat efisiensi yang cukup baik, yaitu 76.01503% pada putaran 6.96033 rad/s

    Gedung Asrama Kampus II Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Berkonsep Hemat Energi

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    Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim (UIN Maliki) Malang dalam rencana strategisnya tahun 2030 akan melakukan pengembangan bidang studi dan infrastruktur dengan membuka kampus II yang berlokasi di kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu. Salah satunya adalah pembangunan fasilitas fisik kampus yaitu asrama mahasiswa. Kampus II UIN Maliki mengusung konsep “ Green, Health, and Smart Campus”. Konsep green building di Indonesia, telah dikembangkan oleh lembaga Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) dalam program sertifikasi green builing. Oleh karena itu perancangan gedung asrama mahasiswa II UIN Maliki didasarkan pada kriteria green building dari GBCI sebagai upaya hemat energi dan perwujudan konsep kampus. Perancangan perancangan gedung asrama mahasiswa II UIN Maliki disesuaikan dengan rancangan masterplan yang sudah tersusun sebelumnya. Rancangan masterplan terutama untuk area asrama dikembangkan dengan pengolahan tapak dan ruang dalam bangunan dengan pertimbangan utama pada aspek hemat energi. Penerapan kriteria green building dari GBCI meliputi aspek tata guna lahan, efisiensi dan konservasi energi, konservasi air, sumber siklus material, kesehatan dan Kenyamanan ruang dalam, dan manajemen lingkungan bangunan. Hasil rancangan gedung asrama mahasiswa II UIN Maliki dengan konsep hemat energi telah memenuhi kriteria GBCI setidaknya 24 poin untuk capaian peringkat terendah