208 research outputs found

    Management of collecting social insurance contributions in Phu Xuyen district, Ha Noi city

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    This research examines social insurance activities in Phu Xuyen district, Hanoi city. Specifically, it explores the actual situation of collection of social insurance contributions in the district through the activities of the district’s insurance agency: managing the participants, managing contribution rates, plans for collection of social insurance, management of social insurance contribution collection, management of social insurance contribution methods, checking and evaluating the collection organization. A qualitative research method was applied to this research by using a documentary analysis based on the local social insurance reports. The findings from the research indicate that the causes of the arrears and evasion of social insurance contributions are due to the perception of social insurance participants, socioeconomic conditions, lack of social security law and the new sanctioning mechanism, which only stops administrative sanctions and is unable to quarantee the efficiency. In order to improve the effectiveness of social insurance contribution collection in the district, the social insurance of Phu Xuyen district must closely follow employers, grasp the fluctuation of the labor force, salary and wages of the laborers, guide and mobilize to supervise and inspect the implementation of social insurance participation by employers and laborers. At the same time, they should advise on proposals for the most feasible measures for the Party Committee, the local authorities and the City's social insurance leaders, in order to promptly direct the establishments to well implement the social insurance policy. One important aspect is the strengthening of the coordination between the social insurance agency and functional agencies and social organizations. The Social Insurance Agency has the best measures to promote the propaganda and advocacy for units and workers participating in social insurance. They should promote the application of information technology in the management of collection and payment of regimes and management of people participating in social insurance through social insurance cards to quickly solve the regimes and policies for laborers. This research has contributed to the improvement of the management of collecting social insurance contributions in the locality and the continued reform of the social insurance policy framework in Vietnam to suit the social development

    Long-time behavior of the one-phase Stefan problem in periodic media and random media

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    13301甲第4720号博士(理学)金沢大学博士論文本文Full 以下に掲載予定:Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 2018. AIMS Press. 共著者:Norbert Pozar, Giang Thi Thu V

    Long-time behavior of the one-phase Stefan problem in periodic media and random media

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    13301甲第4720号博士(理学)金沢大学博士論文要旨Abstract 以下に掲載予定:Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 2018. AIMS Press. 共著者:Norbert Pozar, Giang Thi Thu V

    Lipschitz continuity of solutions and corresponding multipliers to distributed and boundary semilinear elliptic optimal control problems with mixed pointwise control-state constraints

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    This paper is concerned with the existence and regularity of mininizers as well as of corresponding multipliers to an optimal control problem governed by semilinear elliptic equations, in which mixed pointwise control-state constraints are considered in a quite general form and the controls act simultaneously in the domain and on the boundary. Under standing assumptions, the minimizers and the corresponding multipliers do exist. Furthermore, by applying the bootstrapping technique and establishing some calculation tools for functions in Sobolev spaces of fractional order, the optimal solutions and the associated Lagrange multipliers are shown to be Lipschitz continuous

    The Influence of the Level of Guarantee of Operating Expenses on the Application of Accounting Software in Public Non- Business Unit

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    Public non-business units are established by the state to perform public services and distribute those services to society. Through the document research method, the article has generalized the role, function, and accounting form of public non-business units and the importance of accounting. With this method, we can also evaluate the limitations in accounting and the reasons why many public non-business units do not see the need to apply accounting software in accounting. Three reasons were pointed out: unit leaders did not pay attention to accounting work, lack of funding for implementation and incorrectly identified the reasons for errors in accounting planning. The investigation method also helped us identify how accounting software applications are affected by the level of Guarantee of operating expenses. Analysis results have shown that financially autonomous units have a higher tendency to apply accounting software than units without financial revenue. The research team also proposed a number of solutions such as increasing the understanding and awareness of business unit leaders about the importance of accounting work and accounting software. Implement budget estimates for information technology construction at the unit, properly assessing the key points of existence

    Estimation of errors in determination of main parameters of earthquake hypocenter, recorded by the national seismic network of Vietnam

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    In this paper the authors present the error estimation in determining main parameters of earthquake hypocenter based on solving the system of linear equations, expressing the relationship between earthquake coordinates and the coordinates of the seismic stations. The results of the error estimation in determining the epicenter coordinates and the focus depth of the earthquakes recorded by the system of 30 seismic stations in Vietnam are presented, interpreted and compared with the results of the previous studies.The results show that the operation of the seismic network of Vietnam is not really optimal, particularly when determining the epicenter coordinates and the focus depth of the earthquakes in the East Vietnam Sea region.The national seismic network of Vietnam allows determination of the epicenter coordinates and the focal depth of earthquakes for most of the Vietnam territory with the errors ∆h ≤ 20 km, ∆φ ≤ 4 km, ∆ ≤ 5 km. The errors of the determination of the epicenter coordinates and the focal depth of the earthquakes are increasing to the south and southwest areas of the territory of Vietnam and reach the maximum in these areas. Particularly, errors of the determination of the epicenter coordinates (∆φ, ∆λ) and the focal depth (∆h) of earthquakes increase very rapidly toward the East Sea of Vietnam and reach the maximum in the region between the longitudes of 116-118°E.The Vietnam seismic network allows determining the epicenter coordinates and the focal depth of earthquakes in the Northern Vietnam with the smaller errors than in Central and Southern Vietnam, and this fact proves that the distribution of seismic network in Northern Vietnam is more optimal than the station networks in the Central and Southern Vietnam. 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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative condition of the brain of uncertain cause that mainly affects older people. Shaking is a distinctive feature of the disease, but slowness, poverty of movement and stiffness interfere with everyday life. A large number of known pathogenic mutations of genes related to PD have been identified. The DJ-1 gene, one of PARK genes, is considered as the primary cause of PD in different populations. The analysis of mutation frequency of the DJ-1 gene in Vietnamese PD patients is necessary to clarify the pathogenic associations of PD with the DJ-1 gene and to understand the pathogenesis and genetic mechanisms of PD. In this study, genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood of 30 PD patients (mean age 64.11 ± 7.31 years) and 20 controls and directed Sanger sequencing of one fragment of DJ-1 gene, containing the introns 4 and 5 as well as exon 5. The obtained results showed that there were 13 heterozygous or homozygous point mutations in introns 4 and 5. The late-onset sporadic PD (LOPD) patient carried a single homozygous mutation in intron 5 (IVS5+31GA), and others had a heterozygous mutation, all of unknown significance.  Moreover, both the Ala86Glu and Gly95Leu mutations in exon 5 were present in one LOPD patient suggesting possible change of functional protein. Analysis of these mutations were shown the nonsynonymous and uncertain significant mutation, therefore they may not be related to pathogenic mutations of PD. Further research is needed to study the contribution of the novel found mutation in other PARK genes to the pathogenesis of Vietnamese PD patients