373 research outputs found

    Il movimento ritradotto. Uno studio sull’uso e la produzione delle immagini nell’ambito della cinematica nella psicologia sperimentale

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    Scopo di questo articolo ù di proporre un quadro di analisi concernente il ruolo e lo statuto che hanno le immagini all’interno degli esperimenti di cinematica del movimento in psicologia sperimentale. L’intento del nostro saggio ù quello innanzi tutto di presentare una sintesi del dibattito all’interno degli science studies relativo allo studio delle immagini scientifiche; in secondo luogo di sottolineare il ruolo della semiotica all’interno di questo dibattito; ed infine di fornire, riguardo all’oggetto specifico del nostro saggio, vale a dire lo studio delle procedure sperimentali in psicologia, uno schema generale di analisi ed i primi risultati relativi ai modi di costruzione delle immagini, all’interno delle procedure di allestimento di questo tipo di pratiche sperimentali. Questo anche in vista di ulteriori e possibili approfondimenti, relativi, in particolare, alla retorica e agli usi argomentativi che vengono fatti di queste immagini all’interno delle diverse forme di comunicazione scientifica, e, in secondo luogo, relativi ad un’osservazione etnografica, anche basata su strumenti semiotici, di questo tipo di pratiche scientifiche.The intent of this essay is first to offer a synthesis of the debate in science studies about the study of scientific images; second, to underline the critical role of semiotics in this debate; and finally to provide a general pattern of analysis and first results about the modes of construction of images within researches of experimental psychology, which are the very subject of our essay. This general pattern of analysis can eventually lead to further insights regarding the rhetoric and the argumentative procedures in which these images are used within different forms of scientific communication and regarding the ethnographic observation, based also on semiotic tools, of this kind of scientific experiences. English keywords Kinematics; experimental psychology; images; semiotics

    The Agent is Right: When Motor Embodied Cognition is Space-Dependent

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    The role of embodied mechanisms in processing sentences endowed with a first person perspective is now widely accepted. However, whether embodied sentence processing within a third person perspective would also have motor behavioral significance remains unknown. Here, we developed a novel version of the Action-sentence Compatibility Effect (ACE) in which participants were asked to perform a movement compatible or not with the direction embedded in a sentence having a first person (Experiment 1: You gave a pizza to Louis) or third person perspective (Experiment 2: Lea gave a pizza to Louis). Results indicate that shifting perspective from first to third person was sufficient to prevent motor embodied mechanisms, abolishing the ACE. Critically, ACE was restored in Experiment 3 by adding a virtual “body” that allowed participants to know “where” to put themselves in space when taking the third person perspective, thus demonstrating that motor embodied processes are space-dependent. A fourth, control experiment, by dissociating motor response from the transfer verb's direction, supported the conclusion that perspective-taking may induce significant ACE only when coupled with the adequate sentence-response mapping

    Between barriers and inclusion. Multidisciplinary reflections on gender and disability

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    The European project RISEWISE offered a possible model for a multidisciplinary collaboration. During the four years, innovative goals were pursued for breaking down barriers ranging from creating spaces for dialogue and communication, to exchanging knowledge and experience between disciplines by bringing together academics and associations

    AnĂĄlise da disponibilidade hĂ­drica para a cultura da soja nas safras 2004/05 e 2009/10 em Londrina, PR.

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    Loss of function and reduced levels of sphingolipid desaturase DEGS1 variants are both relevant in disease mechanism

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    The last step of ex novo ceramide biosynthesis consists of the conversion of dihydroceramide into ceramide catalyzed by sphingolipid Δ4-desaturase DEGS1. DEGS1 variants were found to be responsible for heterogeneous clinical pictures belonging to the family of hypomyelinating leukodystrophies. To investigate the mechanisms making such variants pathogenic, we designed a procedure for the efficient detection of desaturase activity in vitro using LC-MS/MS and prepared a suitable cell model knocking out DEGS1 in HEK-293T cells through CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing (KO-DES-HEK). Transfecting KO-DES-HEK cells with DEGS1 variants, we found that their transcripts were all overexpressed as much as the WT transcripts, while the levels of cognate protein were 40%-80% lower. In vitro desaturase activity was lost by many variants except L175Q and N255S, which maintain a catalytic efficiency close to 12% of the WT enzyme. Metabolic labeling of KO-DES-HEK with deuterated palmitate followed by LC-MS/MS analysis of the formed sphingolipids revealed that the ceramide/dihydroceramide and sphingomyelin/dihydrosphingomyelin ratios were low and could be reverted by the overexpression of WT DEGS1 as well as of L175Q and N255S variants, but not by the overexpression of all other variants. Similar analyses performed on fibroblasts from a patient heterozygous for the N255S variant showed very low variant DEGS1 levels and a low ratio between the same unsaturated and saturated sphingolipids formed upon metabolic labeling, notwithstanding the residual activity measured at high substrate and homogenate protein concentrations. We conclude that loss of function and reduced protein levels are both relevant in disease pathogenesis

    Correlates of risk of adipose tissue alterations and their modifications over time in HIV-1-infected women treated with antiretroviral therapy.

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    Teor relativo de ĂĄgua em cultivares de soja sob trĂȘs nĂ­veis de disponibilidade hĂ­drica no solo.

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    EEGManyPipelines: A Large-scale, Grassroots Multi-analyst Study of Electroencephalography Analysis Practices in the Wild

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    The ongoing reproducibility crisis in psychology and cognitive neuroscience has sparked increasing calls to re-evaluate and reshape scientific culture and practices. Heeding those calls, we have recently launched the EEGManyPipelines project as a means to assess the robustness of EEG research in naturalistic conditions and experiment with an alternative model of conducting scientific research. One hundred sixty-eight analyst teams, encompassing 396 individual researchers from 37 countries, independently analyzed the same unpublished, representative EEG data set to test the same set of predefined hypotheses and then provided their analysis pipelines and reported outcomes. Here, we lay out how large-scale scientific projects can be set up in a grassroots, community-driven manner without a central organizing laboratory. We explain our recruitment strategy, our guidance for analysts, the eventual outputs of this project, and how it might have a lasting impact on the field

    Avaliação do fluxo de seiva em cultivares de soja em trĂȘs nĂ­veis de disponibilidade hĂ­driva no solo.

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    Prognostic relevance of serum beta2 microglobulin in patients with follicular lymphoma treated with anthracycline-containing regimens. A GISL study.

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    Background and ObjectivesAlthough serum b2 microglobulin (b2M) is an easy parameter to measure, and overexpressedin a large number of lymphoproliferative diseases, its prognostic value hasbeen largely underestimated. The present study examined the influence of b2M levelson overall survival (OS) of patients with follicular lymphoma (FL).Design and MethodsThe prognostic role of b2M was evaluated in 236 patients with FL identified from thedatabases of the Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio dei Linfomi (GISL) and treated withanthracycline-based regimens from 1993 to 2003.ResultsElevated serum b2M levels were found in 82 patients (35%). According to multivariatelogistic regression analysis, elevated b2M levels were associated with elevatedlactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (p=0.021), age (p=0.029), and number of involvednodal areas (p<0.001). The percentage of elevated b2M levels increased progressivelywith increasing FLIPI scores (17%, 38%, and 63% in the low-, intermediate-, andhigh-risk groups, respectively). Five-year OS was 61% (95% CI, 47-73%) and 89% (95%CI, 82-93%) for patients with elevated vs normal b2M levels respectively (p<0.001).Cox regression analysis showed that b2M level had an independent and stable prognosticvalue (HR=3.0; 95%CI, 1.6-5.7). In a multivariate analysis the impact of b2Mlevel on survival was independent of FLIPI score, with a HR of 2.94 (95% CI, 1.54-5.62).Interpretation and ConclusionsOur results demonstrate that in patients treated in the pre-rituximab era, b2M levelwas an independent prognostic marker in addition to FLIPI score. We thus suggestthat b2M be routinely assessed and tested in future prognostic studies of FL patientstreated with combination chemotherapy and anti-CD20 agents
