581 research outputs found

    Estimation for finite population variance in double sampling.

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    Using two-phase sampling scheme, we propose general classes of estimators for finite population variance. These classes differ for the involved sample means and variances of two auxiliary variables. For each class we provide the minimum MSE and show that there exists a chain regression type estimator which reaches this minimum. This estimator, in the widest class, is better than estimators proposed by Singh (1991) and Gupta et al. (1992) , which are optimal in some sub-classes

    Nonparametric Estimation for accelerated life testing under imperfect repair.

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    This paper considers nonparametric estimation of lifetime distribution of a system subject to imperfect repair, based on data from constant stress accelerated life tests. By assuming as time transformation function relating stress to lifetime, a version of the inverse power law, a method of estimating the lifetime distribution at use condition stress has been recently proposed by Diana and Giordan. This method, based on the Brown-Proschan imperfect repair model, is nonparametric in that it does not make any assumptions about the underlying distribution of life length. Some simulations to understand if accelerated life tests can be used instead of normal tests evaluate the behaviour of the test procedure

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta procesadora de snacks horneados de papa nativa (Solanum tuberosum)

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    The company SNACKS ANDINOS S.R.L. constituted in 2020 presents the project located in south of Lima at kilometer 37.5 of the Panamericana Sur in the district of Lurín. Its main economic activity is represented by ISIC 15499 - ELABORATION OF OTHER FOOD PRODUCTS and has 18 employees among operators and administrative staff. The present project is an alternative in response to the growing demand of healthy products within the category of snacks being its target market all people who have as goal a healthy lifestyle and have a medium - high purchasing power. In addition, the selected business model is the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and the selected strategy is product differentiation because of the added value focused on replacing the traditional frying process with one of baking. The distribution of the product will be through two channels: the first, with 10% of the volume to be sold will be through the most popular fairs in Lima. And the second, with 90% of the volume to be sold will be through the modern channel; mainly in Tottus, Plaza Vea, Metro, Wong, Vivanda, Tambo and Listo. In addition, the promotion of the product will be under the modality Below The Line (BTL) which is a non-traditional type of advertising and can reach the target market using advertising resources such as promotions through social networks as Facebook and Instagram. Financially, the project is viable, generating a VANE of 509 007 soles and a TIRE of 38.74%, as well as a VANF of 519 118 soles and a TIRF of 54.59%. The critical variables of the project, according to sensitivity analysis, are the volume of sales and the price of native potatoes. Socially, the project generates S /. 8,46 for S/ 1,00 invested and benefits 2 920 328 people, representing 27,6% of Metropolitan Lima in Socioeconomic Levels A and B older than 18 years old.La empresa SNACKS ANDINOS S.R.L. constituida en el 2020 presenta el proyecto ubicado al sur de Lima a la altura del kilómetro 37.5 de la Panamericana sur en el distrito de Lurín. Su actividad económica principal se representa en el CIIU 15499 – ELABORACION DE OTROS PRODUCTOS ALIMENTICIOS y contará con 18 empleados entre operarios y personal administrativo. El presente proyecto es una alternativa en respuesta a la creciente demanda de productos saludables dentro de la categoría de snacks siendo su mercado objetivo todos los hombres y mujeres que tengan como meta un modo saludable de vivir y dispongan de un poder adquisitivo medio - alto. Además, el estilo de negocio seleccionado es el Business-to-Consumer (B2C) y la estrategia seleccionada es la de diferenciación de producto, puesto que el valor agregado se centra en reemplazar el proceso tradicional de fritura por uno de horneado. La distribución del producto será a través de dos canales: el primero, con un 10% del volumen a vender será a través de las bio ferias más concurridas de Lima Metropolitana. Y el segundo, con un 90% del volumen a vender será a través del canal moderno; principalmente en Tottus, Plaza Vea, Metro, Wong, Vivanda, Tambo y Listo. Además, la promoción del producto será principalmente utilizando recursos publicitarios como lo son el mercadeo directo y las promociones a través de la red social Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, entre otras. Financieramente, el proyecto es viable generando una VANE de 509 007 soles y un TIRE 38.74%, así como un VANF 519 118 soles y un TIRF 54.59%. Las variables críticas del proyecto, según análisis de sensibilidad, son el volumen de ventas y precio de papa nativa. Socialmente, el proyecto genera S/. 8,46 por cada sol invertido y beneficia a 2 920 328 personas que representa el 27,6% de Lima Metropolitana en los Niveles Socio económicos A y B mayores de edad

    Role of Metalloproteases in the Release of the IL-1 type II Decoy Receptor

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    The IL-1 type II receptor (decoy RII) is a nonsignaling molecule the only established function of which is to capture IL-1 and prevent it from interacting with signaling receptor. The decoy RII is released in a regulated way from the cell surface. Here, we reported that hydroxamic acid inhibitors of matrix metalloproteases inhibit different pathways of decoy RII release, including the following: (a) the slow (18 h) gene expression-dependent release from monocytes and polymorphonuclear cells exposed to dexamethasone; (b) rapid release (minutes) from myelomonocytic cells exposed to tumor necrosis factor, chemoattractants, or phorbol myristate acetate; (c) phorbol myristate acetate-induced release from decoy RII-transfected fibroblasts and B cells. Inhibition of release was associated with increased surface expression of decoy RII. Inhibitors of other protease classes did not substantially affect release. However, serine protease inhibitors increased the molecular mass of the decoy RII released from polymorphonuclear cells from 45 to 60 kDa. Thus, irrespective of the pathway responsible for release and of the cellular context, matrix metalloproteases, rather than differential splicing, play a key role in production of soluble decoy RII

    A simplified genomic profiling approach predicts outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer

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    The response of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) to the first-line conventional combination therapy is highly variable, reflecting the elevated heterogeneity of the disease. The genetic alterations underlying this heterogeneity have been thoroughly characterized through omic approaches requiring elevated efforts and costs. In order to translate the knowledge of CRC molecular heterogeneity into a practical clinical approach, we utilized a simplified Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) based platform to screen a cohort of 77 patients treated with first-line conventional therapy. Samples were sequenced using a panel of hotspots and targeted regions of 22 genes commonly involved in CRC. This revealed 51 patients carrying actionable gene mutations, 22 of which carried druggable alterations. These mutations were frequently associated with additional genetic alterations. To take into account this molecular complexity and assisted by an unbiased bioinformatic analysis, we defined three subgroups of patients carrying distinct molecular patterns. We demonstrated these three molecular subgroups are associated with a different response to first-line conventional combination therapies. The best outcome was achieved in patients exclusively carrying mutations on TP53 and/or RAS genes. By contrast, in patients carrying mutations in any of the other genes, alone or associated with mutations of TP53/RAS, the expected response is much worse compared to patients with exclusive TP53/RAS mutations. Additionally, our data indicate that the standard approach has limited efficacy in patients without any mutations in the genes included in the panel. In conclusion, we identified a reliable and easy-to-use approach for a simplified molecular-based stratification of mCRC patients that predicts the efficacy of the first-line conventional combination therapy

    Plan estratégico del hotel Le Bonheur para el periodo 2023 - 2027

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    La presente investigación desarrolla un plan estratégico para el Hotel Le Bonheur, ubicado en el distrito de Miraflores, en Lima. El objetivo principal es proporcionar una guía para el crecimiento, la rentabilidad y la sostenibilidad de este hotel del tipo boutique entre los años 2023 y 2027. En términos de crecimiento, se propone expandir el mercado captando nuevos segmentos de clientes a través de una mayor inversión en marketing y promoción, así como establecer una alianza estratégica con un hotel de una de las regiones de mayor preferencia. Para aumentar la rentabilidad, se busca mejorar la gestión de las relaciones con los clientes y modernizar los procesos internos mediante la tecnología. En cuanto a la sostenibilidad, se implementarán medidas para minimizar el impacto ambiental del hotel y promover una cultura sostenible. Los planes funcionales de marketing, operaciones, recursos humanos y responsabilidad social se centran en acciones estratégicas para alcanzar los objetivos establecidos. En el plan de finanzas, se observa que la implementación del plan estratégico puede generar valor a la empresa con una tasa interna de retorno del 16.62% y un valor actual neto de S/ 294,219. También se destaca que la deuda agrega valor, ya que la TIR y el VAN financiero son mayores que la TIR y el VAN económico

    Salud GO

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    La idea de negocio propuesto en el presente trabajo responde como solución a una necesidad insatisfecha de personas que lograron superar la enfermedad del COVID-19 y manifiestan secuelas ocasionadas por la enfermedad, por lo cual se requiere de terapias de rehabilitación desde casa que ayude en una recuperación gradual asistida. Por ello, hemos realizado el proyecto Salud GO, el cual consiste en brindar un servicio de terapias físicas virtuales por medio de una aplicación con información elemental sobre rehabilitación post COVID. En la App Salud GO, se podrán encontrar sesiones grabadas de ejercicios de rehabilitación y atención virtual con un médico según la especialidad médica requerida, las cuales podrán ser: Cardiovascular, respiratoria, física y psicológica. El principal canal digital de Salud GO es el aplicativo móvil, el cual estará disponible en Android y IOS, con una interfaz intuitiva y de fácil uso, asegurando así una buena experiencia para el usuario quien podrá realizar la terapia desde la comodidad de su hogar, de esta manera de busca evitar las aglomeraciones y disminuir el riesgo de un nuevo contagio. Salud GO, contará con un plan gratuito de acceso limitado a video clases grabadas y de pago con acceso ilimitado a todas las funciones incluyendo la atención médica en línea. Estará dirigido a los hombres y mujeres digitales de nivel socioeconómico A y B entre 25 a 55 años que habitan en Lima Metropolitana y desean recuperarse de alguna secuela post-COVID a través de una atención online por profesionales de la salud.The business idea proposed in this work responds as a solution to an unmet need of people who managed to overcome the COVID-19 disease and manifest sequelae caused by the disease, for which rehabilitation therapies are required from home to help in a assisted gradual recovery. For this reason, we have carried out the Salud GO project, which consists of providing a virtual physical therapy service through an application with basic information on post-COVID rehabilitation. In the GO Health App, you can find recorded sessions of rehabilitation exercises and virtual care with a doctor according to the required medical specialty, which may be: Cardiovascular, respiratory, physical and psychological. The main digital channel of Salud GO is the mobile application, which will be available on Android and IOS, with an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, thus ensuring a good experience for the user who can perform therapy from the comfort of their home. in this way, it seeks to avoid crowds and reduce the risk of a new contagion. Salud GO, will have a free plan with limited access to recorded and paid video classes with unlimited access to all functions including online medical care. It will be aimed at digital men and women of socioeconomic level A and B between 25 and 55 years old who live in Metropolitan Lima and want to recover from any post-COVID sequelae through online care by health professionals.Trabajo de investigació