356 research outputs found

    Enrollment Trends at the College at Brockport

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    We have analyzed enrollment patterns at the College at Brockport, State University of New York, between 2008 and 2013. The percentages of students attending mapped by SAT score and high-school GPA over time shows a shift in the composition of our freshman cohort. The college has concentrated its efforts to improve enrollment rates through financial leveraging. Because the purpose of our analysis is to guide the College in its enrollment and marketing efforts to accepted students, we evaluate pre-enrollment variables as predictors of one-year retention of first-time students. Information about family background (parental education and socioeconomics), individual attributes (academic ability, race and gender), characteristics of the student’s high school, and high school academic records are incorporated in our model

    Educational efficiency in a dea-bootstrap approach

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    We use the PISA 2006 results to analyse the students' proficiencies in 24 European Countries with regard to two indexes that represent the educational resources available at home and the family background of students. Many factors affect the proficiencies and therefore, using a DEA-bootstrap method, we intend to measure the efficiency of the European educational systems as capability to ensure high students' competencies despite adverse conditions about the educational resources available in students' home and the family background.PISA, educational achievement, efficiency analysis.

    Unveiling the Price of Obscenity: Evidence from Closing Prostitution Windows in the Netherlands

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    This paper quantifies the aversion of residents to on-site prostitution. To establish causality, we first exploit the fact that Amsterdam's Red Light Districts (RLDs) are delimited by canals, together with a policy that closed several prostitution windows since 2007. Using a two-dimensional difference-in-discontinuity estimator, we find that households require at least 6,000 euros/year to be right next to a brothel. To estimate the economic impact outside the RLD, we also look at the closings of all brothels in Utrecht in 2013. Using a spatial difference-in-slope estimator, the effect on house prices is found to be heterogeneous and some households pay up to 1,600 euros/year to be distant from prostitution. Both cities also experienced crime reduction in the RLDs, but the explained changes in house prices are mostly driven by drug-related crimes and minor nuisances. In Amsterdam, more than 70% of the discount applied to houses beside brothels remains unexplained

    Does education protect families' well-being in times of crisis? Measurement issues and empirical findings from IT-SILC data

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    This study analyses the relationship between education and material well-being from a longitudinal perspective using the European Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) data collected in Italy in four waves (2009-2012). It has two main aims: (i) to measure household material well-being on the basis of householders' responses to multiple survey items (addressed to gather information on the household availability of material resources) by advancing indexes, which can account for global and relative divergences in households' material well-being across survey waves; (ii) to assess how education and other sociodemographic characteristics affect absolute well-being and its variation (i.e. relative well-being) in the time span considered. Both aims are pursued, combining measuring and explanatory modelling approaches. That is, the use of the Multilevel Item Response Theory model allows to measure the global household material well-being and its yearly variation (i.e. relative material well-being) in the four waves. Meanwhile, the use of a multivariate (and multivariate multilevel) regression model allows to assess the effects of education and other sociodemographic characteristics on both components (absolute and relative well-being), controlling for the relevant sources of heterogeneity in the data. The value added to using the proposed methodologies with the main findings and economic implications are discussed

    Composition of families and subjective economic well-being: an application to Italian context

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    Using Italian data on Income and Living Conditions for the year 2005, the paper explores empirically whether the determinants of subjective economic well-being (SEW) differ (or not) in four representative typologies of households. By means of a Partial Proportional Ordered Logit Model the subjective economic well-being \u2013 proxied by the capacity of households to make ends meet \u2013 has been explored. Results highlight the variables acting on SEW, common to each typology, are related both to economic status (specifically, the capacity to pay taxes and to afford housing, clothes and holiday expenditures) and to socio-demographic status (specifically, the work-status and the highest level of education). A more in depth analysis, by level of education, shows the economic precariousness of some specific typologies, namely families with one person, with two or more children, and those whose respondent has a very low level of education

    Re-Imagining Tradition: Identity and Depictions of Ireland in Anne Enright’s The Green Road

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    Despite attempts to label her a postnationalist writer, Anne Enright’s fiction is rooted in the Irish landscape geographically, psychologically and emotionally. Enright reimagines traditional places and charges them with new symbolic value. In The Green Road Enright uses a number of narrative techniques to question given notions of identity, both individual and collective. A postcolonial identity comes through in the novel and is mirrored by its narrative structure. This article will explore how non-linear narrative, interspersed with gaps in narrative continuity and memory, is a way of reimagining, rather than transcending, questions of nation and identity. It also sets out to analyse narrative strategies and depictions of Ireland and Irishness in the novel. This article will also look at how economy and monetary elements are embedded in the narrative and at how they might be seen as part of an attempt to describe Ireland and Irish identity.En dépit des tentatives visant à la qualifier d’écrivain « postnationaliste », la fiction d’Anne Enright s’enracine dans le paysage irlandais de manière géographique, psychologique et émotionnelle. Enright réinvente les lieux traditionnels et leur confère une nouvelle valeur symbolique. Dans The Green Road, Enright utilise un certain nombre de techniques narratives pour remettre en question des notions identitaires, individuelles et collectives. Une identité postcoloniale transparaît dans le roman et se reflète dans sa structure narrative. Cet article explorera comment la narration non linéaire, entrecoupée de lacunes dans la continuité narrative et la mémoire, est un moyen de réinventer les questions de nation et d’identité plutôt que de les transcender. Il se propose également d’analyser les stratégies narratives et les représentations de l’Irlande et de l’irlandicité dans le roman. Cet article examinera également la manière dont les éléments économiques et monétaires sont incorporés dans le récit et comment ils pourraient être considérés comme faisant partie d’une tentative de description de l’Irlande et de l’identité irlandaise

    Access to liquidity and corporate investment in Europe during the financial crisis

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    We use a unique data set to show how firms in Europe used credit lines during the financial crisis. We find that firms with restricted access to credit (small, private, non-investment-grade, and unprofitable) draw more funds from their credit lines during the crisis than their large, public, investment-grade, profitable counterparts. Interest spreads increased (especially in "market-based economies"), but commitment fees remained unchanged. Our findings suggest that credit lines did not dry up during the crisis and provided the liquidity that firms used to cope with this exceptional contraction. In particular, credit lines provided the liquidity companies needed to invest during the crisis
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