1,609 research outputs found


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    CEE Marketing Managers use the economic recession to reconsider its approach. A recent survey done among CEE marketing directors (Central and Eastern Europe) showed that recent economic pressure has not only cut short-term budget, but it shows that economic pressure has led to reassessment of their approach to marketing. The biggest challenge the marketers have to face in a recession is the budgetary constraints. In this context more and more managers are considering the integration and the development of direct marketing activities in their organizations.direct marketing, mobile marketing, sms promotion, campaign


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    More recently, direct sales business is stimulated by the difficult market conditions. While retailers hardly bear fixed costs such as rent, administrative costs and tend to raise prices, customers fall back to products offered by direct sale. In addition, labour market conditions made more and more Romanians (who were left without incomes) to move towards this system. On the other hand, the direct sales field doesn't concern only those who remained without a job, but rather those who want to round their incomes.direct sales, strategy, crisis, costs


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    The concept related to currency stability includes internal currency stability as intern price stability, the money demand and supply stability and the stability of the interest rate. Also it includes external currency stability through exchange rate mechanism. The equilibrium of national economy is determined by the evolution of inflation and by the evolution of nominal exchange rate mechanism as an expression of external stability.monetary policies; financial crisis; currency stability


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    Economia de piaþã presupune existenþa unui sistem bancar care sã asigure mobilizarea tuturor disponibilitãþilor monetare ale economiei ºi orientarea lor temporarã în desfãºurarea de activitãþi economice eficiente. O laturã semnificativã a performanþei bancare este dimensionarea riscurilor, în scopul reducerii lor. În condiþiile în care managementul bancar este defectuos iar riscurile nu sunt luate în considerare se poate ajunge la reducerea rentabilitãþii ºi, în final, chiar la faliment. Aceasta pentru cã acordând credite bãncile îºi asumã riscuri care sunt determinate fie de calitatea îndoielnicã a debitorului (apare insolvabilitatea acestuia), fie sunt datorate evoluþiei economice generale (care se manifestã în cazul bãncilor sub forma riscurilor dobânzilor ºi cursurilor de schimb), fie de structura financiarã a bãnci (manifestatã printr-o expunere mare, îndeosebi prin finanþarea creditelor pe termene lungi din depozite pe termene scurte sau la vedere). Riscul bancar poate fi provocat de cauze interne bãncii sau externe acesteia, generate fiind de mediul concurenþial. În literatura de specialitate, metodologia utilizatã în managementul riscului presupune dezvoltarea pe mai multe etape: identificarea ºi analiza riscului; eliminarea ºi controlul riscului; evaluarea ºi asumarea riscului; finanþarea riscului prin acoperire (debitarea rezervelor generale sau specifice) sau prin transfer, ceea ce presupune asigurarea societãþii bancare. Pentru bãncile care acþioneazã în România, riscurile operaþionale sunt mai pregnante, datoritã mediului economic ostil în care lucreazã, dar ºi specificului sistemului bancar românesc, aflat încã în faza de creºtere ºi adaptare la rigorile concurenþiale ale economiei de piaþã. Lucrarea va încerca sã surprindã implicaþiile riscului de credit asupra activitãþii bãncilor, având în vedere importanþa ºi rolul acestuia în asigurarea creºterii rentabilitãþii unei bãnci.crizã, risc bancar, împrumuturi neperformante, supraveghere bancarã, gestionarea riscului de credit


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    The understanding that investments are one of the key factors in the process of reproduction and are also one of the most unstable components of the aggregate demand stipulates the need for effective management of the investment process on the macro as well as micro levels. Investment process management is carried out through the investment mechanism, which is a local part of the economic mechanism of the state. Thus the effective investment process management relies on the coherent work of the investment mechanism as a whole. Mainly this article focuses on examination of the methodological provision of investment mechanism management, the process of formation of the objectives of the investment mechanism and interaction of the objects of the investment mechanism with the objects of other local economic mechanisms. Basing on the analysis of FDI in the Republic of Moldova by type of economic activity and accumulated FDI in the Republic of Moldova by country and taking into consideration the strategic economic priorities of the Republic of Moldova the author has defined the hierarchy of priority types of FDI for the Republic of Moldova

    Unit Plan for a Course on Banned Books for 11th and 12th Grade

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    This lesson plan will teach high school students (11th-12th grade) what censorship is, why it is powerful, and what to do with it. Aligned with Pennsylvania State Standards, students will identify common themes between the two most popular genres of banned books (race & gender/sexuality). Through a series of activities, discussions, and a final project, students will practice close reading, critical thinking, and basic research skills

    Gender Discrimination on the Labor Market: A CDA approach

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    Setzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació (Any 2011)In the past three decades, news production and its ideological implications have become the focus of many research studies about both the structure of the news reports and the ideological manipulation of news discourse. This paper is a case study that deals with the relation between discourse, discriminatory acts and biased ideology as reflected in Spanish and English written news. The approach used is critical discourse analysis (CDA) and the aimed outcome is the examination of a news item about female treatment on the labor market in Spain. It is the topic structure and the discursive strategies that are to be examined in order to detect if they succumbed to sexist prejudice: in other words, if they enact, perpetuate and even legitimize gender discrimination in the printed press. At the academic level, this study aims at contributing to further research, through the establishment of an evaluative framework from the critical vision about the role of discourse in (re)producing social inequality. Moreover, its goal is to promote a critical perspective for other social groups to control discourse properties, by taking a position and fighting against social shared biased models. Finally, it aims at revealing discourse principles in the contemporary media, as well as in the Spanish working contexts


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    This article treats on the fiscal harmonization process within the European Union being indispensable for assuring loyalty in the competition on its single market, given the fact that different system of taxation had direct and powerful impact on the prices level and on chosing the location for production and distribution activities. Both direct and indirect taxation distort the four fundamental freedoms of the single market. Most of the European Union´s regulations regarding fiscal harmonization resemble to the Directive regarding especially the indirect taxes: VAT, Excises. The fiscal reforms from the member states have to be conceived in such a manner that they take into account the necessity of fiscal harmonization on EU level, creating a reasonable compromise between each country˙s sovereignty and the desideratum of removing fiscal barriers from the normal functioning of the single market.fiscal harmonization, fiscal reform, VAT, income tax, fiscal europeanization

    Analysis of GARCH modeling in financial markets: an approach based on technical analysis strategies

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    In this paper we performed an analysis in order the make an evidence of GARCH modeling on the performances of trading rules applied for a stock market index. Our study relays on the overlap between econometrical modeling, technical analysis and a simulation computing technique. The non-linear structures presented in the daily returns of the analyzed index and also in other financial series, together with the phenomenon of volatility clustering are premises for applying a GARCH model. In our approach the standardized GARCH innovations are resampled using the bootstrap method. On the simulated data are then applied technical analysis trading strategies. For all the simulated paths the “p-values” are computed in order to verify that the hypothesis concerning the goodness of fit for GARCH model on the BET index is accepted. The processed data with trading rules are showing evidence that GARCH model is a good choice for econometrical modeling of financial time series including the romanian exchange trade index

    Spoken and embodied interaction in facilitated computer-supported workplace meetings

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    Almost 25 years ago, Clawson, Bostrom, and Anson (1993) drew attention to the fact that the ability to facilitate diverse human and technological interactions will be one of the most essential skills for leading and contributing to all levels of the organization in the future (p. 547). Today, there is an increased interest in studying facilitated meetings, wherein facilitation is most commonly understood as the process of helping groups work effectively to accomplish shared outcomes. Nevertheless, little of the existing research has provided empirically-grounded insights into the practice of facilitation. This thesis aims to close this gap by means of providing a detailed analysis of how facilitators go about doing facilitation work in facilitated computer-supported workplace meetings. The data comprise 53 hours of audio- and video-recorded multi-party interactions among facilitator(s) and participants, occurring during facilitated meetings in a business setting. The data were analysed using conversation analysis to examine the talk and embodied conduct of facilitators and meeting participants, as these unfold sequentially. The first analytic chapter reveals the macro-organization of the facilitated meetings, and it contrasts the practice view with the theoretical approach towards the organization of the facilitated meetings. The second analytic chapter investigates the interactional practices used by the facilitators to unpack participation that has already been elicited, captured, and displayed graphically on the public screen via the use of technology. In the third analytic chapter, I explore how the facilitators use computer software to build visual representations of the participants contributions. In the final analytic chapter, I investigate the practices of decision-making in meeting settings with multiple participants. Overall, this thesis makes innovative contributions to our understanding of the practice of facilitated computer-supported workplace meetings. It challenges existing literature on facilitation by finding that facilitators can orchestrate participant input, questioning the facilitator s role as content-neutral , as proposed by leading practitioners in the field of facilitation (e.g., Kaner et al., 2014). At the same time, it shows how the manipulation of computer software is an accountable action and how the decision-making process occasions or constrains the production of alignment between participant(s) and facilitator(s). The thesis also contributes to conversation analytic research on questioning, as well as the action of unpacking participation. I show that the notion that open-ended questions better elicit participation than interrogatives is generally not supported empirically, at least in this context. The thesis contributes to existing literature on multi-party meeting interaction, showing how the departure from the canonical next-speaker selection technique which involves the use of address terms and address positions in an utterance takes place. Further, it enhances our understanding of how computer software constrains and/or affords progressivity in interaction. In this sense, I enhance our understanding of the concept of agency of artefacts. Finally, I contribute to knowledge on group decision-making, an under-researched yet core activity in facilitated and other types of meetings. Here, I contribute to the body of work on the interplay between deontics and epistemics in interaction. This thesis shows the applicability of conversation analysis to the study of facilitation. By analysing talk and embodied conduct, communicative practices for accomplishing successful facilitated meetings are revealed and these should be of core interest to both professional and novice facilitators