151 research outputs found

    Evaluation of yield and groundwater quality for selected wells in Malaysia

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    In Malaysia, the use of groundwater can help to meet the increasing water demand. The utilization of the aquifers is currently contributing in water supplies, particularly for the northern states. In this study, quantitative and qualitative assessments were carried out for the groundwater exploitation in the states of Kelantan, Melaka, Terengganu and Perak. The relevant data was acquired from the Department of Mineral and Geoscience, Malaysia. The quantitative assessment mainly included the determination of the use to yield ratio (UTY). The formula was proposed to determine the UTY ratio for aquifers in Malaysia. The proposed formula was applied to determine the maximum UTY ratios for the aquifers located in the states of Kelantan, Melaka, and Terengganu, and were found to be 4.2, 5.2 and 0.6, respectively. This indicated that exploitation of groundwater was beyond the safe limit in the states of Kelantan and Melaka. The qualitative assessment showed that the groundwater is slightly acidic. In addition, the concentrations of iron and manganese were found to be higher than the allowable limits, but the chloride concentration was found within the allowable limit

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Program UKS Di SD Negeri 014750 Suka Maju Kecamatan Tanjung Tiram Kabupaten Batu Bara

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    Penelitian ini bertujun untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan program UKS di SDN 014750 Suka Maju Kecamatan Tanjung Tiram Kabupaten Batu Bara. Banyaknya kelas yang ada di sekolah tersebut berjumlah 8 ruangan dan 335 siswa serta 1 ruangan UKS. Berkaitan dengan hal itu, peneliti ingin mengetahui program-program UKS, proses pelaksanaan UKS serta sarana dan prasarana UKS.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, Pembina UKS di sekolah serta Pembina UKS di Puskesmas Kecamatan Tanjung Tiram.Adapun instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan notes, recorder, kamera dan daftar pertanyaan sebagai pedoman wawancara secara mendalam terhadap informan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Prosedur pengumpulan data dengan cara pengumpulan data primerkepada informan dan pengambilan data sekunder. Uji keabsahan data dalam penelitian kualitatif dengan antara lain dilakukan dengan uji kredibilitas atau kepercayaan terhadap data hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan pengamatan, peningkatan ketekunan dalam penelitian, diskusi dengan teman sejawat, analisis kasus negatif dan member check.Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program UKS di SDN 014750 Suka Maju dapat dikatakan berhasil dan berjalan sesuai dengan SKB Menteri Pendidikan Nasional, Menteri Kesehatan, Menteri Agama dan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor: MA/230 A/2003, Nomor: 26 Tahun 2003 tanggal 23 Juli 2003 tentang Pembina dan Pengembangan UKS.Akan tetapi masih ada beberapa kekurang di sarana dan prasarana serta kegiatan yang masih belum tercapai

    Experimental Evaluation of Hydraulic Performance of Outlet Structures with Baffle Blocks under Super critical Flows

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    The design of outlet transition in field irrigation system requires the flow attaining a uniform velocity at the end of such structures. In addition, super critical flow condition requires maximizing the dissipation of hydraulic energy possessed by the flowing water to hold its erosion capacity to a minimum. Floor baffle blocks incorporated in the outlet transition are useful for the above objectives. This laboratory investigation attempts to evaluate the effects of the relative sizes and arrangements of different types of baffle blocks on hydraulic performances of outlet transition of different configurations operating at super critical flow conditions. Dimensional analysis techniques were used to develop dimensionless ratios describing the geometry and the flow within an outlet transition containing certain types of appurtenance structures. The solution was evaluated in the laboratory with respect to measurable elements of the flow to achieve standardization and general evaluation of the effectiveness of the different types of baffle blocks. The results are presented in the form of dimensionless plots, which show the variation of the ratios developed earlier, with the controlled variation of Froude numbers. Expanding channel outlet transitions of straight-wall type of angle 10 0 , 20 0 and 30 o with two expansion ratios of 4 and 6 were tested with and without floor baffles. The outlets with baffles are generally found to be effective in creating optimum flow conditions than the plain outlets. The use of baffles also resulted in higher dissipation of energy within the outlets, with baffles having curved upstream edge (in plan) dissipated up to 42.7% more energy than the plain outlets

    Comprehensive planning and the role of SDSS in flood disaster management in Malaysia

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    Purpose – To present a comprehensive flood management plan for Malaysia, the various planning stages and the proponents of the plan. It is also to expound and highlight the importance of spatial information technology in the strategy and to outline the critical decision-making at various levels of the plan. Design/methodology/approach – A review of flood disaster management aimed at providing an insight into the strategies for a comprehensive flood disaster management for Malaysia. Discussion of the framework of a spatial decision support system (SDSS) and its role in decision-making in a comprehensive disaster management plan. Findings – Provides information about a proposed comprehensive disaster management program for Malaysia and highlight the role of SDSS in improving decision-making. It recognizes the strength of SDSS in the collection and processing of information to speed up communication between the proponents of the disaster management program. A well-design SDSS for flood disaster management should present a balance among capabilities of dialog, data and modeling. Research limitations/implications – The study has outlined the links and components of SDSS and not its development processes; this may limit the used of this paper in in-depth study of the development if SDSS. Some source for detail study of the development of SDSS have, however, been cited. Practical implications – This paper is a very useful source of information about the preparation of a comprehensive disaster management program. It also sheds light on the role of SDSS in improving and speeding up communication between the various proponents of the program. Researcher and students will fine, it provides general guidelines and framework for disaster planning and management. Originality/value – This paper fulfills flood disaster study need for developing a comprehensive disaster management program. It presents the framework of SDSS, the interrelationship between their various components and how they play a role in decision-making

    Head Loss Characteristics in a Burnt Oil Palm Shell Granules Filter Compared to a Sand Filter and its Application in Rapid Filtration

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    Studies were carried out on the initial head loss and the operational head loss occurring in single medium filters of sand and burnt oil palm shell (BOPS) as well as in a dual-media filter consisting of these two materials. The experimental initial head loss values in filters were shown to agree with the values predicted by the well-known Fair and Hatch formula. The characteristics of the experimental operational head loss were quite similar to the Ives's prediction. The dual-media filter proved to be a cost effective technique for water filtration due to its long running time and high quality filtered water

    Dissipation of Hydraulic Energy by Curved Baffle Blocks

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    Experimental evaluation of the effects of relative size, curvature and location of curved floor baffle blocks in the dissipation of energy and control of hydraulic jump is presented. The flow over floor blocks with curved upstream edges (in plan) was described by a set of dimensionless ratios using dimensional analysis techniques. The solution was evaluated in the laboratory with respect to measurable elements of the flow. The results have indicated that, for all flow conditions, the curved blocks are generally more effective in lowering the downstream kinetic energy than regular straight edges blocks; thereby, creating optimum flow conditions having lower capacity for erosion of the downstream channel bed together with economy in structural requirements

    Effects of Effective Size in Rapid Sand Filtration

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    A study on the effects of effective size of sand media in a rapid filtration process with respect to turbidity, filter run and flow rate was carried out at Sungai Langat Water Treatment Works. The findings of the study show no significant difference in the final tUrbidity achieved with effective sizes (cj range between 0.4 and 0.9 mm. However, filter run increases with higher effective sizes. Filter run is also affected by a change in flow rate a 50% increase in flow rate results in the 'reduction of filter run by two hOUrS for the effective sizes studied

    Modelling rainfall intensity from NOAA AVHRR data for operational flood forecasting in Malaysia

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    Many empirical studies in numerical weather prediction have been carried out that establish the relationship between top-of-the-cloud brightness temperature and rainfall particularly in tropical and equatorial regions of the world. Malaysia is a tropical country that lies along the path of the north-east and south-west monsoon rainfall, which sometimes causes extensive flood disasters. Observations have generally shown that heavy cumulonimbus cloud formation and thunderstorms precede the usual heavy monsoon rains that cause flood disasters in the region. In this study, a model has been developed to process National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite data for rainfall intensity in an attempt to improve quantitative precipitation forecasting (QPF) as input to operational hydro-meteorological flood early warning. The thermal bands in the multispectral AVHRR data were processed for brightness temperature. Data were further processed to determine cloud height and classification performed to delineate clouds in three broad classes of low, middle, and high. A rainfall intensity of 3-12 mm h-1 was assigned to the 1-D cloud model to determine the maximum rain rate as a function of maximum cloud height and minimum cloud model temperature at a threshold level of 235 K. The result of establishing the rainfall intensity based on top of the cloud brightness temperature was very promising. It also showed a good areal coverage that delineated areas likely to receive intense rainfall on a regional scale. With a spatial resolution of 1.1 km, data are course but provide a good coverage for an average river catchment/basin. This raises the opportunity of simulating rainfall runoff for the river catchment through the coupling of a suitable hydro-dynamic model and GIS to provide early warning prior to the actual rainfall event