542 research outputs found

    Peri-operative anaphylaxis in Coimbra: the experience of our drug allergy clinic

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    Background: The incidence of peri-operative anaphylactic reactions ranges from 1:10,000 to 1:20,000. It is crucial to identify the risk factors, the trigger agent and to fi nd adequate alternatives. Aims: To characterise patients with peri-operative anaphylactic reactions. Methods: We performed a retrospective study of patients with suspected adverse peri-operative reactions to anaesthetic drugs, observed in a Drug Allergy Outpatients Clinic from 1994 to 2005. Anaphylaxis was diagnosed based on the clinical history and skin tests to latex, neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA), hypnotics, opioids and antibiotics. Specifi c IgE to latex was performed in patients with positive skin-prick-tests. Results: We evaluated the clinical charts of 45 patients with adverse peri-operative reactions, 39 of whom were female. Anaphylaxis was diagnosed in 16 patients (35.6%), 15 females, mean age 36.3 years. The remaining patients had non-anaphylactic (28.8%) or not well-characterised reactions (35.6%). In terms of severity, 50% presented grade III and 50% grade IV anaphylaxis. Skin-prick-tests were positive to latex in three patients and negative to all anaesthetic drugs. Intradermal skin tests were positive in 10 out of 16 patients with anaphylactic reactions: 10 to NMBA [atracurium (n = 8), vecuronium (n = 4), suxamethonium (n = 4) and pancuronium (n = 2)], one to fentanyl, one to thiopental and one to cefuroxime. In three cases, the culprit agent was not identifi ed. In four patients, at least one alternative NMBA, with no skin test reactivity, was found. Of these four patients, two underwent further surgical procedures without adverse reactions. Five patients had previously had two or more anaesthetic procedures and four had presented adverse reactions in prior surgeries. Conclusions: In our study the most common causes of anaphylaxis were NMBAs (62.5%) and latex (18.7%), in line with that described in the literature. In 81% of patients with anaphylactic reactions, skin tests were positive to at least one anaesthetic drug or to latex. A high incidence of severe anaphylaxis was found, probably because cases with less severe clinical signs were not referred to our clinic. The results emphasise the need for systematic evaluation of anaphylactic reactions during anaesthesia. This can be achieved by the creation of a specialised Allergo-Anaesthesia Clinic, as has been the case in our Department

    An annotated checklist of freshwater copepoda (crustacea, hexanauplia) from continental Ecuador and the Galapagos archipelago

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    An annotated checklist of the free-living freshwater Copepoda recorded in different regions in Ecuador (including the Amazon, the Andes, the coastal region, and the Galapagos Islands) is here provided. We revised all published records, critically evaluated the validity of each taxon and provided short taxonomic and biogeographical remarks for each one. A total of 27 taxa have been reported, including species and records at the generic level only. The species and taxa identified only up to the generic level belong to five families and 14 genera. The Cyclopoida is the most diverse group with 16 records belonging to species (or identified to the generic level only) and eight genera, followed by the Harpacticoida with six species, one identification to the generic level only, and four genera, and Calanoida with four species belonging to two genera. A total of 18 taxa are recorded for the Andes. Six have been recorded in the Amazon, two are recorded for the coastal region, and six for the Galapagos. One species is shared between the Amazon and the Andes. One species is shared between the coastal region and the Amazon. Seventeen are only reported from the Andes and four are only reported from the Amazon. At the current status of the knowledge, any attempt to analyze and generalize distributional patterns of copepods in Ecuador is premature due to the scarcity of available information, and evidently there is an urgent need for more extensive field collections. A few working hypothesis for future studies are identified

    Diagnostic value of oral challenge tests with food additives or nickel sulphate

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    Objectivo: O uso crescente de aditivos na indústria alimentar e farmacêutica tem dificultado o diagnóstico das reacções adversas a estes produtos. O grande desafio é, actualmente, determinar em cada doente a substância a testar. Constituiu objectivo deste trabalho a avaliação do valor diagnóstico das provas de provocação, utilizando cápsulas de aditivos alimentares ou de níquel, em doentes com suspeita, respectivamente, de intolerância alimentar ou de hipersensibilidade ao níquel. Métodos: Incluíram-se num estudo prospectivo doentes observados consecutivamente, numa consulta de alergia alimentar, num período de dois anos, com suspeita de intolerância alimentar ou de dermatite sistémica ao níquel. Após exclusão de um mecanismo de hipersensibilidade mediado por IgE e revisão dos diários de dieta, os doentes foram submetidos, durante seis semanas, a dieta restritiva em aditivos alimentares ou alimentos com alto teor em níquel. Durante o período de estudo procedeu-se ao registo das reacções adversas e medicamentos consumidos. Nos doentes com lesões de eczema efectuaram-se testes epicutâneos. Os doentes que beneficiaram da dieta restritiva foram submetidos, em regime de internamento, a provas de provocação oral (PPO), controladas por placebo, utilizando cápsulas de aditivos alimentares ou de níquel. Os aditivos foram seleccionados de acordo com a história clínica. Resultados: Dos 27 doentes submetidos a dieta restritiva, 19 (17 do sexo feminino) apresentaram melhoria clínica, pelo que foram submetidos a PPO. A ocorrência de urticária e/ou angioedema após ingestão de aditivos alimentares foi referida por 15 doentes (seis referiam sintomas também com medicamentos). Em três doentes observaram-se lesões de eczema generalizadas que foram, gradualmente, desaparecendo com a dieta restritiva em níquel. Em cinco doentes registaram-se testes epicutâneos positivos (em quatro ao sulfato de níquel e dicromato de potássio e numa doente a mistura de fragrâncias, timerosal e resina de butilfenol formaldeído). Das 25 PPO efectuadas, 14 foram positivas (metabissulfito de sódio-5, benzoato de sódio-3, sulfato de níquel-3, lactose-1, soja-1, amido de trigo-1). Numa mesma doente obtivemos 2 PPO positivas: ao benzoato de sódio e à lactose. Com a evicção específica dos aditivos ou de alimentos com alto teor em níquel, observou-se uma evolução favorável. Conclusões: As PPO permitiram o diagnóstico de dermatite de contacto sistémica, induzida pela ingestão de níquel em três doentes e de intolerância alimentar em dez, possibilitando o seguimento de dietas menos restritivas

    Anaplastic thyroid tumor: retrospective analysis of 12 cases

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    Anaplastic thyroid tumor is a rare tumor and constitutes 5 to 10% of thyroid carcinomas. Is one of the most aggressive solid tumors and the prognosis is always fatal with a mean survival of 3 to 7 months. The current therapeutics are scarce and inefficacious. A retrospective analysis was performed in 12 clinical cases of anaplastic thyroid tumor observed at the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism of the University Hospital of Coimbra. We analysed data relative to sex, previous thyroid pathology, clinical signs and symptoms, date of diagnosis, treatment and outcome. In this series, the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma showed to be a highly malignant tumor with a mortality rate of 100% with a survival after the diagnosis between 15 days and 9 months

    Patologia benigna dos tecidos moles em medicina dentária

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Universitário Egas MonizO médico dentista mantém um papel muito importante na observação e deteção de doenças orais e encontra-se numa posição privilegiada para detetar alterações na boca, já que observa de perto e com regularidade a cavidade oral dos seus pacientes e apresenta conhecimento médico elevado. Na temática da promoção da saúde oral, tal como do bem estar geral, profissionais de medicina dentária têm como dever, obter e alargar os seus conhecimentos acerca das problemáticas que envolvem a população, tais como as doenças orais, e em particular aquelas que atingem a mucosa oral. Como tal, deverão conseguir reconhecer condições alarmantes e aconselhar o doente a procurar um médico assistente ou um especialista para uma avaliação mais profunda e possível tratamento. As lesões benignas podem aparecer em qualquer local da cavidade oral e a maioria, possui características clínicas distintas, com distribuições específicas de idade e sexo e locais preferenciais em que ocorrem na cavidade oral. As características clínicas das lesões orais benignas precisam de ser bem documentadas, pois o diagnóstico diferencial entre lesões benignas e malignas é essencial, e para tal, é importante realizar um diagnóstico adequado. Nesta revisão serão abordadas as doenças benignas que surgem mais frequentemente nos tecidos moles da boca e que podem ter impacto negativo na vida das pessoas. As doenças serão classificadas em lesões benignas de origem infeciosa, lesões benignas de origem inflamatória e tumores benignos. Com este conhecimento o médico dentista é capaz alcançar um papel crucial na prevenção de um grande quadro de patologias com graves consequências que se originam do diagnóstico inadequado ou tardio das doenças orais.The dentist maintains a very important role in the observation and detection of oral diseases and is in a privileged position to detect abnormalities in the mouth, as he closely and regularly observes the oral cavity of his patients and presents high medical knowledge. With aim of promoting oral health, as well as general well-being, dental professionals have a duty to obtain and extend their knowledge about problems involving the population, such as oral diseases, and in particular those affecting the oral mucosa. Consequently, they should be able to recognize alarming conditions and advise the patient to seek an assistant doctor or specialist for further evaluation and possible treatment. Benign lesions can appear anywhere in the oral cavity and most of them have distinct clinical features, with specific age and gender distributions and preferred sites where they occur in the oral cavity. The clinical characteristics of benign oral lesions need to be well documented, as the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant lesions is essential. This review will address the benign diseases that occur most frequently in the soft tissues of the mouth and that can have negative impacts on people's lives. The diseases will be classified into benign lesions of infectious origin, benign lesions of inflammatory origin and benign tumors. With this knowledge the dentist is able to achieve a crucial role in the prevention of a large picture of pathologies with serious consequences arising from inadequate or late diagnosis of oral diseases

    Sensitisation patterns in legume hypersensitivity. A study from the central region of Portugal

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    Background: Foods from the legume family are used in the Mediterranean diet as a source of protein. In some cases, their ingestion triggers potentially life -threatening reactions. A high degree of immunological cross-reactivity has been described, but its clinical relevance is controversial. Aim: To carry out a clinical and laboratory characterisation of patients sensitised to leguminosae who had symptoms after the ingestion of at least one food from the leguminosae botanical family. Methods: We selected 13 consecutive patients from a food allergy outpatient clinic with allergy symptoms after the ingestion of leguminosae during the year of 2006. Case history data, skin prick tests (SPT) with commercial extracts of white bean, green bean, pea, chickpea, soya bean and peanut, and prick-to-prick (PP) tests to these legumes, both raw and boiled, and also to lupini bean and black -eyed bean were performed. Serum specific IgE and immunoblotting assays were also carried out. Results: Most patients had had symptoms with more than one legume (mean 3 legumes) with bean the most reported. The first culprit leguminosae reported was chickpea in 4 patients, bean in 4 patients and lupini bean in 3. Sensitisation to other legumes without clinical symptoms also occurred (mean 2 legumes). Anaphylaxis was described in 3 patients, to bean, soya and lupini bean, respectively. Asthma was connected to chickpea (2 patients) and to bean (1). One or more of the following symptoms: urticaria, angiooedema and oral allergy syndrome were reported by other patients. Symptomatic patients always had positive PP tests to leguminosae and most SPT were also positive. Conclusions: Lifethreatening reactions to leguminosae were found. PP tests used alone to raw and boiled legumes seem to be the most reliable diagnostic tests as in the case of other vegetable foods. However, immunoblotting assays are still important in the identification of new allergens

    Clinical and immunological patterns in patients with shrimp hypersensitivity and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus cross-reactivity

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    Objectivos: Investigar padrões clínicos em doentes com hipersensibilidade a camarão e a ocorrência de reactividade cruzada a Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp). Caracterizar as principais proteínas envolvidas na reactividade a camarão, em estudos de immunoblotting. Métodos: Avaliaram-se 20 doentes com clínica de hipersensibilidade imediata, após ingestão de camarão. Aplicou-se um questionário estandardizado, foram efectuados testes cutâneos por prick a alimentos e aeroalergénios e procedeu-se à determinação de IgE específica a camarão e Dp por UniCap e immunoblotting. A existência de eventual reactividade cruzada imunológica entre camarão e Dp foi investigada por estudos de inibição de immunoblotting. Resultados: A média de idades dos doentes era de 33±16 anos, sendo 13 do sexo masculino. As manifestações clínicas após ingestão de camarão foram urticária e/ou angioedema generalizados em 8 doentes, síndrome de alergia oral em 9 e anafilaxia em 3. Para além do camarão, foi detectada em todos os doentes sensibilização a outros crustáceos com sintomas semelhantes. Outros alimentos reportados em que se confirmou sensibilização foram moluscos -12 doentes e ovo -1. Em todos os doentes foi detectada sensibilização a Dp e sensibilização associada a barata em 12, a pólenes em 13, a cão em 5 e a gato em 5. Doseamentos de IgE específica a Dp e camarão superiores ou iguais a 3,5 KU/l foram encontrados, respectivamente, em 15 e 12 doentes. Considerando os estudos de immunoblotting a camarão, observou-se uma maior intensidade de ligação a bandas com peso molecular (PM) de 35 -40 KDa em 14 doentes, 17 KDa em 2, 22 KDa em um e 43-50 KDa nos restantes 3. Os estudos de inibição de immunoblotting evidenciaram reactividade cruzada em 15 doentes, recíproca camarão - Dp em 10 e não recíproca em 5, não sendo possível demonstrar a sua existência em 5. Conclusões: O PM encontrado para as bandas de maior intensidade nos estudos de immunoblotting a camarão sugere o envolvimento de tropomiosinas na maioria dos doentes, reforçando o papel destes panalergénios como alergénios major na hipersensibilidade a camarão em doentes sensibilizados a ácaros. Sensibilização simultânea a camarão e Dp pode ocorrer na ausência de reactividade cruzada e diferentes padrões de sensibilização deverão ser considerados