71 research outputs found

    Label-free imaging by stimulated parametric emission microscopy reveals a difference in hemoglobin distribution between live and fixed erythrocytes

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    Hieu M. Dang, Gen Omura, Toshiyuki Omano, Masatomo Yamagiwa, Shin'ichiro Kajiyama, Yasuyuki Ozeki, Kazuyoshi Itoh, and Kiichi Fukui "Label-free imaging by stimulated parametric emission microscopy reveals a difference in hemoglobin distribution between live and fixed erythrocytes," Journal of Biomedical Optics 14(4), 040506 (1 July 2009). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.320715

    Two Ck1δ transcripts regulated by m6A methylation code for two antagonistic kinases in the control of the circadian clock.

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    Fustin, J.-M., Kojima, R., Itoh, K., Chang, H.-Y., Shiqi, Y., Zhuang, B., . . . Okamura, H. (2018). Two Ck1δ transcripts regulated by m6A methylation code for two antagonistic kinases in the control of the circadian clock. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(23), 5980-5985. doi:10.1073/pnas.172137111

    Liver Parenchyma Perforation following Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography

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    Although endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is an effective modality for the diagnosis and treatment of biliary and pancreatic diseases, it is still related with several severe complications. We report on the case of a female patient who developed liver parenchyma perforation following ERCP. She underwent ERCP with sphincterotomy and extraction of a common bile duct stone. Shortly after ERCP, abdominal distension was identified. Abdominal computed tomography revealed intraabdominal air leakage and leakage of contrast dye penetrating the liver parenchyma into the space around the spleen. Since periampullary perforation related to sphincterotomy could not be denied, she was referred for immediate surgery. Obvious perforation could not be found at surgery. Cholecystectomy, insertion of a T tube into the common bile duct, placement of a duodenostomy tube and drainage of the retroperitoneum were performed. She did well postoperatively and was discharged home on postoperative day 28. In conclusion, as it is well recognized that perforation is one of the most serious complication related to ERCP, liver parenchyma perforation should be suspected as a cause

    Unsupervised learning architecture for classifying the transient noise of interferometric gravitational-wave detectors

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    Abstract: In the data obtained by laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors, transient noise with non-stationary and non-Gaussian features occurs at a high rate. This often results in problems such as detector instability and the hiding and/or imitation of gravitational-wave signals. This transient noise has various characteristics in the time–frequency representation, which is considered to be associated with environmental and instrumental origins. Classification of transient noise can offer clues for exploring its origin and improving the performance of the detector. One approach for accomplishing this is supervised learning. However, in general, supervised learning requires annotation of the training data, and there are issues with ensuring objectivity in the classification and its corresponding new classes. By contrast, unsupervised learning can reduce the annotation work for the training data and ensure objectivity in the classification and its corresponding new classes. In this study, we propose an unsupervised learning architecture for the classification of transient noise that combines a variational autoencoder and invariant information clustering. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed architecture, we used the dataset (time–frequency two-dimensional spectrogram images and labels) of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) first observation run prepared by the Gravity Spy project. The classes provided by our proposed unsupervised learning architecture were consistent with the labels annotated by the Gravity Spy project, which manifests the potential for the existence of unrevealed classes

    Circadian Disruption Accelerates Tumor Growth and Angio/Stromagenesis through a Wnt Signaling Pathway

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    Epidemiologic studies show a high incidence of cancer in shift workers, suggesting a possible relationship between circadian rhythms and tumorigenesis. However, the precise molecular mechanism played by circadian rhythms in tumor progression is not known. To identify the possible mechanisms underlying tumor progression related to circadian rhythms, we set up nude mouse xenograft models. HeLa cells were injected in nude mice and nude mice were moved to two different cases, one case is exposed to a 24-hour light cycle (L/L), the other is a more “normal” 12-hour light/dark cycle (L/D). We found a significant increase in tumor volume in the L/L group compared with the L/D group. In addition, tumor microvessels and stroma were strongly increased in L/L mice. Although there was a hypervascularization in L/L tumors, there was no associated increase in the production of vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF). DNA microarray analysis showed enhanced expression of WNT10A, and our subsequent study revealed that WNT10A stimulates the growth of both microvascular endothelial cells and fibroblasts in tumors from light-stressed mice, along with marked increases in angio/stromagenesis. Only the tumor stroma stained positive for WNT10A and WNT10A is also highly expressed in keloid dermal fibroblasts but not in normal dermal fibroblasts indicated that WNT10A may be a novel angio/stromagenic growth factor. These findings suggest that circadian disruption induces the progression of malignant tumors via a Wnt signaling pathway

    Integrative Annotation of 21,037 Human Genes Validated by Full-Length cDNA Clones

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    The human genome sequence defines our inherent biological potential; the realization of the biology encoded therein requires knowledge of the function of each gene. Currently, our knowledge in this area is still limited. Several lines of investigation have been used to elucidate the structure and function of the genes in the human genome. Even so, gene prediction remains a difficult task, as the varieties of transcripts of a gene may vary to a great extent. We thus performed an exhaustive integrative characterization of 41,118 full-length cDNAs that capture the gene transcripts as complete functional cassettes, providing an unequivocal report of structural and functional diversity at the gene level. Our international collaboration has validated 21,037 human gene candidates by analysis of high-quality full-length cDNA clones through curation using unified criteria. This led to the identification of 5,155 new gene candidates. It also manifested the most reliable way to control the quality of the cDNA clones. We have developed a human gene database, called the H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB; http://www.h-invitational.jp/). It provides the following: integrative annotation of human genes, description of gene structures, details of novel alternative splicing isoforms, non-protein-coding RNAs, functional domains, subcellular localizations, metabolic pathways, predictions of protein three-dimensional structure, mapping of known single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), identification of polymorphic microsatellite repeats within human genes, and comparative results with mouse full-length cDNAs. The H-InvDB analysis has shown that up to 4% of the human genome sequence (National Center for Biotechnology Information build 34 assembly) may contain misassembled or missing regions. We found that 6.5% of the human gene candidates (1,377 loci) did not have a good protein-coding open reading frame, of which 296 loci are strong candidates for non-protein-coding RNA genes. In addition, among 72,027 uniquely mapped SNPs and insertions/deletions localized within human genes, 13,215 nonsynonymous SNPs, 315 nonsense SNPs, and 452 indels occurred in coding regions. Together with 25 polymorphic microsatellite repeats present in coding regions, they may alter protein structure, causing phenotypic effects or resulting in disease. The H-InvDB platform represents a substantial contribution to resources needed for the exploration of human biology and pathology

    Extension of the operational regime of the LHD towards a deuterium experiment

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    As the finalization of a hydrogen experiment towards the deuterium phase, the exploration of the best performance of hydrogen plasma was intensively performed in the large helical device. High ion and electron temperatures, Ti and Te, of more than 6 keV were simultaneously achieved by superimposing high-power electron cyclotron resonance heating onneutral beam injection (NBI) heated plasma. Although flattening of the ion temperature profile in the core region was observed during the discharges, one could avoid degradation by increasing the electron density. Another key parameter to present plasma performance is an averaged beta value β\left\langle \beta \right\rangle . The high β\left\langle \beta \right\rangle regime around 4% was extended to an order of magnitude lower than the earlier collisional regime. Impurity behaviour in hydrogen discharges with NBI heating was also classified with a wide range of edge plasma parameters. The existence of a no impurity accumulation regime, where the high performance plasma is maintained with high power heating  >10 MW, was identified. Wide parameter scan experiments suggest that the toroidal rotation and the turbulence are the candidates for expelling impurities from the core region

    Seismic exploration at Fuji volcano with active sources : The outline of the experiment and the arrival time data

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    Fuji volcano (altitude 3,776m) is the largest basaltic stratovolcano in Japan. In late August and early September 2003, seismic exploration was conducted around Fuji volcano by the detonation of 500 kg charges of dynamite to investigate the seismic structure of that area. Seismographs with an eigenfrequency of 2 Hz were used for observation, positioned along a WSW-ENE line passing through the summit of the mountain. A total of 469 seismic stations were installed at intervals of 250-500 m. The data were stored in memory on-site using data loggers. The sampling interval was 4 ms. Charges were detonated at 5 points, one at each end of the observation line and 3 along its length. The first arrival times and the later-phase arrival times at each station for each detonation were recorded as data. P-wave velocities in the surface layer were estimated from the travel time curves near the explosion points, with results of 2.5 km/s obtained for the vicinity of Fuji volcano and 4.0 km5/s elsewhere