556 research outputs found

    La formació professional ara mateix

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    La historiografia contemporània de Mallorca i la normalització de la pràctica historiogràfica. La primera fase: 1968-1978

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    Minorca, an exotic Balearic island (western Mediterranean)

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    Despite forming part of the Balearic group of islands, Minorca differs stratigraphically and structurally from Majorca and Ibiza: i) Paleozoic rocks are abundant in Minorca but are very scarce in Majorca and are absent in Ibiza. Eocene-Oligocene sediments are virtually absent in Minorca but crop out extensively in Majorca, ii) Contractional structures in Minorca differ in direction (aligned SW-NE in Majorca and Ibiza and N-S in Minorca) and in age from those in Majorca and Ibiza. In addition, Paleozoic deposits of Minorca do not correlate with those of Sardinia, where in addition the Triassic sediments are not very abundant. Contractional deformation in Sardinia is in part older (late Eocene-early Miocene) than in Minorca (early Miocene?). Given its Neogene clockwise rotation, Minorca cannot be considered a small block dragged by the early Miocene counter clockwise rotation of the Corsica-Sardinia block. Furthermore, the Paleozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphy of Minorca (siliciclasticlate Paleozoic rocks, Triassic Germanic facies and Jurassic carbonates) has affinities with that of the southern part of the Catalan Coastal Ranges. Thus, of all the Balearic islands, Minorca seems to have traveled the farthest during the Valencia Trough rifting with the result that it resembles an exotic island forming part of the Balearic foreland

    Maquinària amb nom de dona. Estudi i documentació en perspectiva de gènere del fons industrial del Museu del Calçat i de la Pell

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    [cat]El Museu del Calçat i de la Pell compta amb un fons singular, entenent-se com l’única institució museística dedicada, en la seva totalitat, al patrimoni i la memòria industrial de les Illes Balears. No obstant això, en la discursiva general, manca una anàlisi detallada del paper que va tenir la dona obrera dins la indústria. A Mallorca, la història industrial des d’una perspectiva de gènere compta amb alguns estudis molt valuosos que permeten aproximar-se a la globalitat del fenomen. És gràcies a aquests que s’evidencia una manca d’investigació en la temàtica industrial des d’una perspectiva de gènere, i encara més quan es plasma al camp de l’estudi dels béns patrimonials conservats. En aquest sentit, l’article proposa visibilitzar i posar en valor el rol de la dona dins la indústria del calçat a Mallorca a través de l’estudi i la documentació dels béns mobles conservats al Museu del Calçat i de la Pell.[eng]The Footwear and Leather Museum has a unique collection. It is understood as the only institution which is entirely dedicated to the industrial heritage of the Balearic Islands. However, there isn’t a detailed analysis of the women workers role’s in the industry. Mallorca has some very valuable studies about industrial history from a gender perspective that allows to approach the whole phenomenon. However, there is a lack of research in the industrial subject from a gender perspective, and even more, when it is reflected in the heritage studies. In this way, the article proposes to make visible and emphasize the women role in the footwear mallorcan industry, through the study and documentation of the moveable cultural heritage preserved at the Footwear and Leather Museum

    Cases-Museu a Mallorca. Estat de la qüestió i estudi de casos

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    Màster Oficial en Gestió del Patrimoni Cultural i Museologia, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Teresa-M. Sala; Francesca TugoresA través de l’anàlisi crític de quatre institucions -Son Marroig, Casa Llorenç Villalonga Museu Literari, la Casa de Robert Graves i Can Prunera Museu Modernista- es pretén aportar una clarificació en la tipologia de les cases-museu, tant a nivell teòric i conceptual, com a nivell pràctic, servint de punt de partida per a una millora de la seva situació i gestió. En aquest sentit, la recerca es presenta com una aportació teòrica al camp de la museologia mallorquina, concretant en l’àmbit de les cases-museu, però també com a base per a una posterior actuació pràctica en la seva gestió

    Maximum tree height in European Mountains decreases above a climate-related elevation threshold

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    Mountain forests face important threats from global change and spatio-temporal variation in tree height can help to monitor these effects. In this study, we used the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation space-borne laser sensor to examine the relationship between maximum tree height and elevation, and the role of climate, in the main European mountain ranges. We found a piecewise relationship between elevation and maximum tree height in all mountain ranges, supporting the existence of a common breakpoint that marks the beginning of tree development limitations. Temperature and precipitation were identified as the most important drivers of tree height variation. Additionally, we predicted significant upward displacement of the breakpoint for the period 2080-2100 under climate change scenarios, potentially increasing the area without growth limitations for trees. These findings contribute to understanding the impacts of global warming on mountain forest ecosystems and provide insights for their monitoring and management

    Encouraging Emotional Conversations in Children With Complex Communication Needs : An Observational Case Study

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    Ajuts: A research grant by the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT, reference: 692379-440601) to GR-R supported this study.Children with complex communication needs (CCN) regularly have barriers to express and discuss emotions, and have fewer opportunities to participate in emotional conversations. The study explores and analyzes the changes after a training program focused on offering an interactive home learning environment that encouraged and modeled emotion-related conversations between a parent and a child with CCN within storybook-reading contexts. An observational design (nomothetic/follow-up/multidimensional) was used to explore and analyze the changes in the communicative interaction around emotions between mother-child. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technologies were used to provide the child access to emotion-related vocabulary. The training program resulted in the mother providing more opportunities to engage her child in emotional conversations, suggesting that when opportunities and resources to talk about emotions were promoted, the child showed more engagement in emotion-related conversations using his AAC system. The mother-child communicative patterns and behavioral relationships observed during the phases are also presented. This case study illustrates the importance of a primary communication partners' role in facilitating emotional conversations, and the promising efficacy of a training program implemented in a storybook interactive learning environment to promote conversations about emotion-related events while encouraging children with CCN to learn, explore, express, and discuss emotions

    Identification of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emitted from three European orchid species with different pollination strategies : two deceptive orchids (Himantoglossum robertianum and Ophrys apifera) and a rewarding (Gymnadenia conopsea)

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission was evaluated in the inflorescences of three species of the family Orchidaceae: Himantoglossum robertianum, Ophrys apifera and Gymnadenia conopsea, that comprise three different pollination strategies: non-rewarding food deceptive, non-rewarding sexually deceptive and nectar rewarding, respectively. VOC were dynamically sampled in custom packed glass multi-sorbent cartridge tubes (Carbotrap, Carbopack X and Carboxen 569). A modified Tedlar® gas sampling bag was placed in vivo covering the inflorescence of the studied orchid, a design that prevents the dilution of the VOC mixture emitted by the flower. Multi-sorbent bed tubes were analysed through automatic thermal desorption coupled with a capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry detector. A total of 106 different VOC were found in the scents emitted by the three different studied orchids. A 54% of these compounds had already been identified in floral scents. Generally, only 3 compounds were highly abundant in each species: α-pinene, β-pinene and limonene in Himantoglossum robertianum; 1-butanol, butyl ether and caryophyllene in Ophrys apifera; and phenethyl acetate, eugenol and benzaldehyde in Gymnadenia conopsea. The employment of the presented methodologyPostprint (published version

    Dinámica eólica y sedimentaria en el sistema dunar de Cala Tirant (costa N de Menorca)

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    [spa]El sistema dunar de Cala Tirant presenta hoy un estado de conservación en recuperación. Su alto dinamismo hace que del análisis fotométrico sea difícil la precisa identificación de morfologías blowout. No obstante, a lo largo de 350 m de frente se pueden apreciar un total de 7 morfologías erosivas. En este artículo, correspondiente a la salida de campo, se comentarán las tipologías de las distintas morfologías erosivas, así como el funcionamiento de un blowout: su dinámica eólica y el transporte sedimentario en condiciones de fuerte viento de Tramuntana.[eng]The dune system of Cala Tirant today presents a state of conservation in recovery. Its high dynamism makes accurate photometric identification of blowout morphologies difficult. However, along 350 m of dune front, a total of 7 erosive morphologies can be detected. In this article, corresponding to the field output, the typologies of the different erosive morphologies will be discussed, as well as the operation of a blowout: its aeolian dynamics and sedimentary transport in conditions of strong Tramuntana wind

    LandTrendr smoothed spectral profiles enhance woody encroachment monitoring

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    Secondary succession (SS) is one of the main consequences of the abandonment of agricultural and forestry practices in rural areas, causing -among other processes- woody encroachment on former pastures and croplands. In this study we model and monitor the spatial evolution of SS over semi-natural grassland communities in the mountain range of the Pyrenees in Spain, during the last 36 years (1984-2019). Independent variables for ‘annual-based’ and ‘period-based’ modeling were drawn from a suite of Surface Reflectance Landsat images, LandTrendr (LT)-algorithm-adjusted images and LT outputs. Support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were trained and tested using all possible variable combinations of all the aforementioned datasets. The best modeling strategy involved yearly time series of LT-adjusted Tasseled Cap Brightness (TCB) and Wetness (TCW) axes as predictors, attaining a F1-score of 0.85, a Matthew Correlation Coefficient (MCC) of 0.67 and an AUC 0.83. Woodlands encroached above 480, 000 ha of grasslands and crops during the study period. A model using LT outputs for the whole period also denoted good performance (F1-score = 0.85, MCC = 0.75) and estimated a similar area of woodland expansion (~509, 000 ha), but this ‘period’ approach was unable to provide temporal information on the year or the encroachment dynamics. Our results suggest an overall proportion of 66% for the Pyrenees being affected by SS, with higher intensity in the west-central part, decreasing towards the eastern end. © 2021 The Author