47 research outputs found

    Physical activity in individual-psychological psychotherapy - Options for the relationship

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht körperliche Aktivität in ihrer Anwendbarkeit für die individualpsychologische Psychotherapie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer relationalen Arbeitsweise. Körperliche Aktivität bringt positive Wirkungen auf somatischer, neurobiologischer, psychischer und sozialer Ebene mit sich und stellt in diesem Sinne eine ganzheitlich gesundheitsfördernde Ressource dar. Ihre Kombination mit Psychotherapie findet bereits erfolgversprechende Anwendung im klinischen Bereich psychischer Erkrankung, z. B. im Rahmen der Bewegungs- und Sporttherapie. Trotz klinischer Erkenntnisse und einer körper- und bewegungstherapeutischen Tradition wird Bewegung als Ressource in der gegenwärtigen psychotherapeutischen Praxis kaum genutzt. Das theoretische Konzept Adlers steht in einem starken Bezug zu Körperlichkeit und Bewegung, was sich vor allem in seiner Terminologie widerspiegelt, und bietet profitable Kombinationsmöglichkeiten von Bewegung und Therapie. Faktoren, die sich auf die Öffnung des psychotherapeutischen Settings für körperliche Bewegung beziehen, werden erörtert und am Beispiel des Gehens auf die Individualpsychologie übertragen.Schlüsselworte: Alfred Adler, Individualpsychologie, Psychotherapie, Bewegung, körperliche Aktivität, Sport, Gehen, Gesundheit, Walk and TalkThe present article explores physical activity in its applicability for Individual Psychology with special considerations of relational aspects. Physical exercise has positive effects on a somatic, neurobiological, mental and social level and therefore represents a holistic resource in individual health. Its combination with psychotherapy already has useful applications in the clinical area of mental disorder which includes sports and exercise therapy. Despite these clinical findings and a tradition related to body and movement, psychotherapy rarely uses physical activity in practice. Adler's strong background in body and movement, which is reflected in his writing, has been relevant to this thesis. Physical movement offers profitable possibilities of combination for Individual Psychology. Factors of an open psychotherapeutic setting regarding physical activity are discussed as well as illustrated in examples such as walking and finally applied to Individual Psychology.KeywordsAlfred Adler, Individual Psychology, psychotherapy, exercise, physical activity, sports, walk and talk, healt

    Der Nachbrenneffekt als geeignetes Mittel zur Gewichtsregulation?

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    Dem potentiellen „Nachbrenneffekt“ im Anschluss körperlicher Aktivitäten, auch bekannt als EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), kommt aufgrund der zunehmenden Gewichtsproblematik moderner Gesellschaften heute hohe Aufmerksamkeit zu, wobei diesbezügliche Empfehlungen zumeist jeglicher wissenschaftlicher Grundlage entbehren. Die literarische Datenlage zum Nachbrenneffekt ist aufgrund heterogener Studiendesigns äußerst widersprüchlich und eine Vergleichbarkeit der meisten Untersuchungen daher sehr problematisch. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob es einen Unterschied zwischen Kraft- und Ausdauertraining in Bezug auf EPOC gibt, welche Einflussgrößen am deutlichsten in Zusammenhang mit einem nachhaltigen Nachbrenneffekt stehen, welche Rolle dabei die Belastungsintensität und -dauer spielen, welchen Beitrag EPOC im Gewichtsmanagement leisten kann und welche trainingsmethodischen Ableitungen für die Praxis zu treffen sind. Den vorliegenden Fragestellungen wurde hermeneutisch nachgegangen, indem zunächst Auswahlkriterien zur Selektion literarischer Quellen herausgearbeitet wurden um eine Auswahl relevanter Studien treffen zu können. Anschließend wurden die Ergebnisse der entsprechenden Studien zusammengetragen und kritisch interpretiert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Krafttraining bei gleicher Trainingsdauer und -intensität tendenziell höhere Ausmaße von EPOC bewirkt als Ausdauertraining. Zur Auslösung nachhaltiger Nachbrenneffekte kommt dabei vor allem der Belastungsintensität eine Schlüsselfunktion zu, in gewissen Anteilen aber auch der Belastungsdauer. Unter den übrigen Einflussfaktoren hat vor allem ein intermittierendes Trainingsdesign Potential zur Begünstigung von EPOC. Während nach moderatem Training (Ausdauertraining <70% der VO2max <50 Minuten oder Krafttraining bei mittlerem Trainingsvolumen und moderater Intensität) zumeist Nachbrenneffekte deutlich unter 70 kCal erzielt werden, sind nach hochintensivem Training (supramaximales Ausdauerintervalltraining ≥105% der VO2max ≥6 Minuten, kontinuierliches Ausdauertraining ≥70% der VO2max ≥50 Minuten oder Krafttraining bei hohem Trainingsvolumen und sehr hoher Intensität) wesentlich beträchtlichere Nachbrenneffekt möglich die 70 kCal deutlich übersteigen können. Dennoch erscheint es im Rahmen eines umfassendes Bewegungs- und Ernährungskonzepts zur Gewichtsreduktion nicht sinnvoll, den Nachbrenneffekt in den Vordergrund der Überlegungen zu stellen.Attention for the potential „afterburn“ following physical activity, also referred to as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), is growing due to increasing rates of obesity in modern societies, whereas concerning advices are rarely given on a scientific basis. Literary data regarding EPOC is very inconsistent as a result of heterogeneous experimental designs, thus a comparison of studies cannot be made easily. The aim of this paper was to examine, if there is a difference in EPOC between strength and endurance training, by which factors EPOC is influenced predominantly and which role exercise intensity and duration play in this context. Furthermore it should be explored if EPOC can make a significant contribution to weight loss and which practical applications should be made. These questions where approached hermeneutically by developing criteria for selection of available scientific data. Subsequently the findings of appropriate studies where summarized and interpreted critically. It could be shown that there is a trend for strength training to produce higher EPOCs compared to endurance training, as long as intensity and duration of interventions are equated. Furthermore exercise intensity seems to play the key role to trigger long-lasting EPOCs, as well as exercise duration to some part, while among less influencing factors especially intermittent exercise has potential to increase the magnitude of EPOC. After moderate exercise (endurance: <70% of VO2max <50 minutes; strength: moderate intensity and work volume) EPOC is mostly considerably below 70 kCal, whereas much higher EPOCs easily exceeding 70 kCal can be achieved after highly intensive exercise (supramaximal intervals: ≥105% of VO2max ≥6 minutes; continuous endurance: ≥70% of VO2max ≥50 minutes; strength: high intensity and work volume). Nevertheless it does not seem reasonable to focus on EPOC in line with a broad concept for weight reduction considering physical activity and dietary aids

    Capafoldable: self-tracking foldable smart textiles with capacitive sensing

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    Folding is an unique structural technique to enable planer materials with motion or 3D mechanical properties. Textile-based capacitive sensing has shown to be sensitive to the geometry deformation and relative motion of conductive textiles. In this work, we propose a novel self-tracking foldable smart textile by combining folded fabric structures and capacitive sensing to detect the structural motions using state-of-the-art sensing circuits and deep learning technologies. We created two folding patterns, Accordion and Chevron, each with two layouts of capacitive sensors in the form of thermobonded conductive textile patches. In an experiment of manually moving patches of the folding patterns, we developed deep neural network to learn and reconstruct the vision-tracked shape of the patches. Through our approach, the geometry primitives defining the patch shape can be reconstructed from the capacitive signals with R-squared value of up to 95\% and tracking error of 1cm for 22.5cm long patches. With mechanical, electrical and sensing properties, Capafoldable could enable a new range of smart textile applications

    Influence of nanoparticle encapsulation and encoding on the surface chemistry of polymer carrier beads

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    Surface-functionalized polymer beads encoded with molecular luminophores and nanocrystalline emitters such as semiconductor nanocrystals, often referred to as quantum dots (QDs), or magnetic nanoparticles are broadly used in the life sciences as reporters and carrier beads. Many of these applications require a profound knowledge of the chemical nature and total number of their surface functional groups (FGs), that control bead charge, colloidal stability, hydrophobicity, and the interaction with the environment and biological systems. For bioanalytical applications, also the number of groups accessible for the subsequent functionalization with, e.g., biomolecules or targeting ligands is relevant. In this study, we explore the influence of QD encoding on the amount of carboxylic acid (COOH) surface FGs of 2 µm polystyrene microparticles (PSMPs). This is done for frequently employed oleic acid and oleylamine stabilized, luminescent core/shell CdSe QDs and two commonly used encoding procedures. This included QD addition during bead formation by a thermally induced polymerization reaction and a post synthetic swelling procedure. The accessible number of COOH groups on the surface of QD-encoded and pristine beads was quantified by two colorimetric assays, utilizing differently sized reporters and electrostatic and covalent interactions. The results were compared to the total number of FGs obtained by a conductometric titration and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In addition, a comparison of the impact of QD and dye encoding on the bead surface chemistry was performed. Our results demonstrate the influence of QD encoding and the QD-encoding strategy on the number of surface FG that is ascribed to an interaction of the QDs with the carboxylic acid groups on the bead surface. These findings are of considerable relevance for applications of nanoparticle-encoded beads and safe-by-design concepts for nanomaterials

    Influence of nanoparticle encapsulation and encoding on the surface chemistry of polymer carrier beads

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    Surface-functionalized polymer beads encoded with molecular luminophores and nanocrystalline emitters such as semiconductor nanocrystals, often referred to as quantum dots (QDs), or magnetic nanoparticles are broadly used in the life sciences as reporters and carrier beads. Many of these applications require a profound knowledge of the chemical nature and total number of their surface functional groups (FGs), that control bead charge, colloidal stability, hydrophobicity, and the interaction with the environment and biological systems. For bioanalytical applications, also the number of groups accessible for the subsequent functionalization with, e.g., biomolecules or targeting ligands is relevant. In this study, we explore the influence of QD encoding on the amount of carboxylic acid (COOH) surface FGs of 2 µm polystyrene microparticles (PSMPs). This is done for frequently employed oleic acid and oleylamine stabilized, luminescent core/shell CdSe QDs and two commonly used encoding procedures. This included QD addition during bead formation by a thermally induced polymerization reaction and a post synthetic swelling procedure. The accessible number of COOH groups on the surface of QD-encoded and pristine beads was quantified by two colorimetric assays, utilizing differently sized reporters and electrostatic and covalent interactions. The results were compared to the total number of FGs obtained by a conductometric titration and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In addition, a comparison of the impact of QD and dye encoding on the bead surface chemistry was performed. Our results demonstrate the influence of QD encoding and the QD-encoding strategy on the number of surface FG that is ascribed to an interaction of the QDs with the carboxylic acid groups on the bead surface. These findings are of considerable relevance for applications of nanoparticle-encoded beads and safe-by-design concepts for nanomaterials

    Attitudes towards ethnic minoritites. Analyses with the European Social Survey

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    Gegenstand der beiden Beiträge dieses Bandes, die im Rahmen eines Forschungspraktikums im Fach Migrationssoziologie im Wintersemester 2008/2009 und im Sommersemester 2009 an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg entstanden, sind Einflussfaktoren fremden- bzw. ausländerfeindlicher Einstellungen der einheimischen Bevölkerung, die anhand der Daten des European Social Surveys (ESS) analysiert werden. Im ersten Beitrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, wodurch sich die im Vergleich zu Westdeutschland höhere Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Ostdeutschland erklären lässt. Hierzu werden die Kontakt- und die Konflikthypothese simultan getestet. Bei der Operationalisierung der Konflikthypothese werden erstmals sowohl Gruppen berücksichtigt, die sich im Sinne der Konflikttheorie durch Zuwanderer bedroht fühlen sollten, als auch das tatsächliche Ausmaß geäußerter Bedrohungsgefühle. Es zeigt sich, dass sich das höhere Ausmaß an Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Ostdeutschland durch den geringeren Kontakt und den stärker empfundenen Konflikt erklären lässt. Im zweiten Beitrag wird im Rahmen eines Vergleichs von 18 EU-Ländern der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit das Ausmaß fremdenfeindlicher Einstellungen durch das Kollektivgutdilemma der Sozialstaatlichkeit erklärt werden kann. Hierzu wird zunächst das Ausmaß der Fremdenfeindlichkeit auf Mikroebene geschätzt und anschließend für jedes der betrachteten 18 EU-Staaten ein vergleichbarer Indexwert berechnet – der so genannter Human Average Nationalism Statistical Index (HANSI). Dieser Wert geht im zweiten Schritt jeweils als abhängige Variable in das Modell zur Analyse der Makrofaktoren ein. Dabei zeigt sich, dass je umfassender die sozialstaatlichen Leistungen im Sinne eines Kollektivguts interpretiert werden können, desto höher ist das Ausmaß fremdenfeindlicher Einstellungen.The articles in this volume resulted from a teaching research project in migration studies that was conducted during winter term 2008/2009 and summer term 2009 at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg. Using data of the European Social Survey (ESS), causes and influencing factors of xenophobic attitudes of the native population are analysed. The first article asks for an explanation regarding the higher degree of Xenophobia in Eastern Germany compared to Western Germany. For this purpose the contact and the conflict hypothesis are tested simultaneously. When operationalising the conflict hypothesis, for the first time not only groups that should feel threatened by immigrants are considered (e.g. the unemployed or the poor), but also the degree of expressed feelings of menace. The authors can show that a higher degree of Xenophobia in Eastern Germany can be explained by a lesser extent of contacts and a higher extent of felt conflict. The second article deals with the question to what extent xenophobic respectively hostile attitudes of the native population towards immigrants can be explained by structural factors on the macro level, especially the public good dilemma of the welfare state. For this purpose 18 countries of the EU are compared. In a first step, the degree of Xenophobia is estimated on the micro level and afterwards a comparable value for every single country is calculated using the estimated coefficients - the so called Human Average Nationalism Statistical Index (HANSI). In a second step, this HANSI-value enters as dependent variable in a model to analyse the impacts of the macro factors. The authors can show that the more the benefits of the welfare state can be seen as a public good, the higher is the degree of Xenophobia

    Terbium to Quantum Dot FRET Bioconjugates for Clinical Diagnostics: Influence of Human Plasma on Optical and Assembly Properties

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    Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) from luminescent terbium complexes (LTC) as donors to semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) as acceptors allows extraordinary large FRET efficiencies due to the long Förster distances afforded. Moreover, time-gated detection permits an efficient suppression of autofluorescent background leading to sub-picomolar detection limits even within multiplexed detection formats. These characteristics make FRET-systems with LTC and QDs excellent candidates for clinical diagnostics. So far, such proofs of principle for highly sensitive multiplexed biosensing have only been performed under optimized buffer conditions and interactions between real-life clinical media such as human serum or plasma and LTC-QD-FRET-systems have not yet been taken into account. Here we present an extensive spectroscopic analysis of absorption, excitation and emission spectra along with the luminescence decay times of both the single components as well as the assembled FRET-systems in TRIS-buffer, TRIS-buffer with 2% bovine serum albumin, and fresh human plasma. Moreover, we evaluated homogeneous LTC-QD FRET assays in QD conjugates assembled with either the well-known, specific biotin-streptavidin biological interaction or, alternatively, the metal-affinity coordination of histidine to zinc. In the case of conjugates assembled with biotin-streptavidin no significant interference with the optical and binding properties occurs whereas the histidine-zinc system appears to be affected by human plasma

    The political geography of religious radicalism. A compendium of selected case studies from around the globe

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    Religion has neither gone away nor remained irrelevant in our world today. There is no day that we do not hear news about religion in the media. The news we hear about religion and violence, however, appears to dominate the headlines. Although the history of religions and violence is not a new one, since September 11, 2001 there has been a growing concern about religious extremism and terrorism. At the same time, there is a corresponding interest in the subject of religion and violence among many disciplines. In the course GEO-83 “Political Geography of Religious Radicalism”, we offered students an excursion into the ambivalent world of religion and conflict through an exploration of different theoretical perspectives and approaches, case studies, seminal and class discussions and extensive literature review. The unique angle of interrogation that political geography offers in terms of the spatial dimensions and the power relations between different actors as well as the discursive aspects of interreligious conflicts and extremism has proved very valuable in generating insights on this subject matter. This volume is an attempt by students of the M.A. “Human Geography – Global Studies” programme of the University of Tübingen to demonstrate acquaintance with the approach of political geography to the study of religious violence and extremism. The students took on some of the most challenging conflicts and religious insurgencies confronting the world and offered insights using diverse theoretical and analytical frameworks. The analysis contained in each chapter was based on secondary data. Thus, limitations are set based on the availability of and access to data. Given the contested nature of religious conflicts and extremism, the reader is invited to consider all the articles in this volume as primarily an academic exercise with no intention to promote a certain narrative or to take sides. Knowledge is always incremental. Therefore, what is presented here is intended to increase our understanding of the phenomenon and to stimulate further research and efforts at finding solutions to the various conflicts. No doubt, this exercise has exposed the students to the rigour of scientific writing. This experience will remain invaluable to them in their continuing academic pursuit as well as in their future endeavours. The lecturers also found this experience to be highly rewarding. The process was quite daunting, but the commitment and the dedication of the students paid off